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Authors: Lynelle Clark

Bella's Choice (3 page)

BOOK: Bella's Choice
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Sandra Anthony
sat in the hotel room after the conference she and her husband, Jason, had attended over the weekend. She switched on the big screen TV to watch some news while she waited for Jason, who was in the bathroom. They would be attending a charity ball that night for street children. Normally, they didn’t attend these kinds of events, but it would help to promote their business. As she flicked through the stations, she stopped at eNews sport. Her daughter had just appeared on the big TV screen, on the starting block for her swimming event; backstroke over two hundred meters.

Her emerald eyes roamed over her eighteen-year-old daughter’s young body, a spitting image of herself, except her daughter’s body was in very good shape, filled with energy and vibrancy. Her innocence was as clear as daylight. Sandra couldn’t help but smirk. She thought it was ridiculous that her only daughter wasn’t willing to share their lifestyle; to explore her body’s urges. With that body, she could introduce her to many willing customers, bringing in more business. Their lifestyle had opened up a very profitable business, one with various benefits which made life exciting.

It had all started when she was only sixteen years old and met her father’s friend, Robert. Robert had been in his early thirties and a beautifully built man with broad shoulders and a heavy chest, narrow waist and firm butt. He was extremely handsome. At sixteen, she’d been very innocent but very curious about sexual intercourse. She and her friends had read all they could on this topic, and secretly experimented with each other. It had thrilled her.

From the moment she met Robert, she knew that he would be her first. One Friday night, her parents had gone out to some function or other, and they stayed at home and watched TV. He was lying on the couch, his well-defined abs clearly visible through his white shirt. She could not help herself; she stared at his broad shoulders and chest unabashedly, and then lower where she could see the bulge in his pants, wondering how it would look.

He caught her staring and grinned, saying, “Do you want to touch?”

Her face has shown her eagerness, so he’d pulled his t-shirt over his head showing off his well-toned, tanned muscular chest.

She licked her lips as her eyes explored him, stopping at the zipper.

Again he spoke, his eyes not missing her actions at all. “How old are you?” he asked in a rough, low voice.


“A bit young, but you will not mind if we play, will you?” He leaned closer to her with a devilish smile, her insides twirling with excitement.

She shook her head, not sure what to say, or even what he meant. Her body quivered. Her eyes were still fixed on him, watching as he stood, unbuttoned, and unzipped his jeans slowly, his eyes watching her every move. When her tongue ran over her dry lips, he started stripping in front of her.

“Sweet Jesus…” was the only thing that came out of her mouth. She had never seen anything like it. A thick, long erect member with a glossy tip jutted out and greeted her.

He chuckled. “Come here. Touch me,” he demanded, and she crawled to him without a second thought, lifted a trembling finger and touched the length of his shaft; it felt like velvet. She grinned wickedly. With greater eagerness, she wrapped her hand around him and told him how beautiful he was. He thanked her. That night, he coaxed her into touching him as he liked it, and she loved it. Going down on him, he moaned, and when she saw the reaction on his face, she’d felt powerful, grinning at him.

He held her head and told her what to do with her hand and her mouth. She was a typical teenager; curious, eager and full of energy. His taste had been exquisite on her lips, better than any fine wine.

He had just dressed when her parents walked into the house; they drank coffee and went to bed. Sandra kept thinking of the feel of him in her mouth and it was exhilarating. She wished she could have had more as sleep evaded her.

When the house was quiet and her parents in bed for the night, she heard her door open and Robert walked in, whispering, “Are you awake?” She replied with keenness, “Yes.” Her heart skipped a few beats.

“Good, now it is my turn.”

He only had his boxers on, his body highlighted in the moonlight as she watched him amble closer to her.

He pulled the covers off, removed her panties, and opened her legs. Her eyes never left him. He grinned as he pulled her closer to the edge of the bed and knelt down. She felt exposed, but in a good way, and the next instant, he went down on her.

“I have never had a virgin before,” he said softly, just before he drove his mouth deep into her innermost private parts.

She thought she’d died and gone to heaven at that moment. From that night on for the next week, he would come into her room, teaching her, and coaxing her into oral sex. She learned his body and he learned hers; she simply couldn’t get enough. After that, he visited often, always introducing her to more pleasure. He always stuck to oral sex until she turned eighteen.

That night, after a party that Robert attended, he brought a friend along to meet her. They had a threesome, a threesome so intoxicating that to this day, she could not forget or ever get enough of. That friend became her husband, Jason Anthony. Robert introduced them to more people, people who opened doors for them, and because of this, they were now extremely wealthy.

Sandra and Robert’s relationship continued for many years, until he passed away five years ago. To this day, she missed him because she’d learned to care for him over the years. He had been more than a friend, one who had changed her life profoundly.

She and her husband had continued with this lifestyle―it was the only thing she knew. She had no idea what ordinary couples were doing, or how they managed to stay together. But she knew that it woul
d never appeal to her.

Even their sons had joined in their business, and she would get such a thrill watching them as their young bodies experimented. They were learning to become experts in the field of sex. Only her daughter refused to have anything to do with it. Sandra smirked again.
The little twit doesn’t know what she is missing
, she thought.

She watched her daughter gliding through the water as she touched the edge of the pool first, a smile adorning her youthful face.

“Honey?” her husband called out

“Yes?” she queried as she switched the TV off.

“What were you watching?”

“Nothing interesting, are you ready?”

“Yes, let’s go,” he said, kissing her in the nape of her neck while cupping her firm breast in his hand and teasing her earlobe with his teeth.

She gently pushed him away. “Not now dear, I have special plans for you… later.” She smiled seductively.

He moved the piece of material covering her breast with his mouth and said, “I can hardly wait.” Biting her, sending shivers running down her body.

Sandra cupped his face, lifted him to her height and kissed him. A kiss filled with such promise, he sighed. “You are the best.” She smiled, rearranged the silk shirt and kissed him again before they walked out the door.



Anabella was standing in her dorm room, a familiar business card in her hand, her thoughts very far from the present time.

Aldrich had phoned her the night after the championship to congratulate her on her three gold medal wins. He’d wanted to go over, but she hadn’t wanted him at her house. Which was a good thing, since her younger brother had come over with a few friends and seized the living room for themselves. Wild music had filled the air as they played their ‘games’, as he put it. Games he had learned from their parents, just that this time it was with his own friends. Thankfully, they left her alone as she’d made her way to her bedroom.

The house reeked of sweat, beer and dirty socks by the time she walked in. She was incredibly ashamed of her parents’ house, and never allowed any of her friends to visit. Although they weren’t home, the evidence of their lifestyle was everywhere to be seen.

with explicit titles were strewn over the coffee tables and TV cabinet, and the art against the walls depicted their lifestyle. Often, the house would smell of smoke, sweat and sex. Not that they lived in a scruffy place, in fact, it was the biggest house in the neighborhood. They were, after all, quite well off.

So, she’d suggested they meet at a restaurant, to which he reluctantly agreed. She was glad he hadn’t pressed for an explanation, though she sensed he wanted to say something. They met outside the establishment, kissed each other on the cheek and walked in together, his hand on the small of her back. Opening the door for her, he smiled when she said thank you, looking at him.

He directed her to a quiet spot toward the back, and they took a seat opposite each other. Some of the guests recognized her and congratulated her on her championship wins. Some wanted to take a photo with her and through it all, Aldrich waited patiently for it to settle down while he smiled delightedly. She appreciated that, not realizing how many people had watched her, in turn apologizing to him. But he placed a finger on her lips, saying softly, “I am proud of you.”

Small talk ensued while they placed their order, and then silence fell between them
―a comfortable relaxed silence. He reached over to her, taking her hand into his, and continued to hold it for the rest of the night. His hand was firm, warm and reassuring; clean hands with long, manicured fingers. Definitely an office jock. However, it suited him. He looked handsome, and was casually dressed in a pair of jeans that did his butt justice, the shirt snuggled around his bulky chest, broad shoulders and thick arms.

“You were on my mind the whole day,” he said, his voice proud. “I watched you on TV. You had some stiff competition, but I could see at the last turn of the backstroke event that the other girl was getting tired, and from there on you glided away from her,” he praised. He didn’t mention the fact that he’d looked at her before she dove into the water, admiring her beautiful body, the one he knew was under the dress she’d been wearing the previous night.

“Thanks. We have swum against each other previously, and I knew she would be my only competition. It all worked in my favor in the end,” she said, smiling. She felt good about the championship and the medals; a fitting end to all her hard work.

She managed to steer the conversation away from herself and asked him about his work, which he obviously loved. The evening was pleasant and though they hadn’t
many things in common, it struck her how he made an effort to get to know her, avoiding the topic of her parents’ altogether.

At one point, he bent over her hand and kissed her softly on the knuckles, brushing it with a thumb, and she could not help but blush at this tender display. He was different from the men in her family.

Her father was the silent brooding type, she hardly ever saw him with a smile. The only time he was happy, was when their friends were at home. Only then was he the heart of the party, his dirty jokes a turn-on to many of them. Normally, that would be her queue to leave.

Her brother, Roy, was very quiet, barely saying a thing, and when he was not entertaining the guests, he was mostly in his room reading. The few times she’d gone there, financial magazines were strewn over his desk. But he never talked, and she never asked.

One thing their family could do well was not to speak to one another―they were absolute strangers to each other.

Derek was more like their mother, outgoing, flirty, not a care in the world over what anyone thought of him, a smile always present. He loved their parents’ lifestyle and joined eagerly.
Roy had to be called before he joined, but Derek was always the one first in line. People loved him.

Their food and drinks arrived, and they enjoyed a pleasant meal together mingled with light bantering.

With dinner finished, they sat back and relaxed, quiet, each busy with their own thoughts. When the waiter returned, he asked if Anabella would like dessert to which she agreed, thanking him. Aldrich then ordered strawberries and cream for both of them.

The conversation continued, and they talked about minute things. Likes and dislikes, books they had read, movies they thought were a mistake to have been made, which ended with them laughing about each other’s comments.

When dessert arrived, Aldrich watched as she ate with a toothy grin. She blushed at his continued stare, not knowing she had a dot of cream on her lips. He bent over, and with his finger removed it from her lips, placing it in his mouth. “Delicious,” he said, and she blushed crimson. He chuckled as he sat back and finished his own.

BOOK: Bella's Choice
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