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Authors: Lynelle Clark

Bella's Choice (10 page)

BOOK: Bella's Choice
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He watched her as she neared him; a child wrapped in a woman’s body, and what a body. His hands had been all over it the previous night. He walked around the kitchen top, meeting her halfway, also dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt, which showed off his upper body muscles beautifully.

He is beautiful,
she thought. She walked straight into his waiting arms, their lips meeting softly, lingering just there as they inhaled each other’s scent―but ignoring the passion their bodies craved.

“You look beautiful, Bella.” A new softness that hadn’t been there before was now present in his eyes. “I love you very much,” he whispered, as if in prayer against her lips, sincerity written all over his han
dsome face.

Anabella stared at him, stunned at the words as a tear ran down her cheek. Her throat clogged up with the sudden lump.

“Don’t cry, Bella, please don’t cry, I can’t take it,” his voice broke.

She wiped her tear away. Innocent, sincere, and full of trust, her green eyes focused on him; hope embedded in their depths.

He cleared his throat and invited her to the table. “Come, sit down, breakfast is ready.” With a kiss on her lips, he turned her toward the table where a feast awaited them.

They enjoyed breakfast in silence, content in the knowledge that this was the place to be, the right place. After breakfast, they cleaned the kitchen and Aldrich directed her to the couch again, making himself comfortable next to her.

“I know people who can help you with your nightmares, Bella. Will you allow me to make an appointment with them as soon as possible?” He watched her carefully, hoping he hadn’t overstepped his boundaries. “I know you are leaving, but if you are willing, counseling is easily done over Skype. You know I have your best interests at heart, so all we’d need to do is figure out what the best time for you would be.

She knew this was important, not only to her but him as well. She owed him that much. If they were to have a future, she needed to heal, and just to feel normal again would be a good start.

Silence met him, and he wondered if he’d been too hasty with his request.

And then she answered with, “You can make the call, Aldrich. I’ll meet them. It will be good not to be plagued by these nightmares any more. They control me, and I want my life back. Sometimes, when we embrace…” Upon starting with this confession, a blush crept up her neck and then her face, but she continued, regardless. “…I have visions of naked bodies penetrating my mind, the moans and groans encouraging me into their world.” She sighed heavily. This was the best way she could describe it and she hoped he would understand.

He squeezed her hand and smiled. There was no judgment or resentment, just understanding glowing from the blue depths, encouraging her to go on.

“I will have to send you my itinerary for the next few months. Let me warn you in advance though, it is hectic, but I will make the time. This is necessary,” she said with conviction.

“Good, I’ll wait for that. I want my Bella whole and all to myself. Meanwhile, I need to take you back home.”

Franticly, she rose from her chair. “I don’t want you to come with me, Aldrich. Please. I don’t want you anywhere near my house.”

He frowned, and it appeared as if he would argue the point, but then he agreed, smiling at her.

She looked into his eyes, and cupped his face; there was so much love and genuineness in them. She bent down and kissed him first on the lips, and then in the creek of his neck. This was one spot on him she really adored, only because it was closest to his heart. In that moment, the realization of her love for this teddy bear woke her up, and she would do anything to take this relationship to the next level. She wanted him with all that was within her; her heart and body ached for him, but she knew that it would not be fair to him if she were not ‘restored’. Then, and only then, would she go to him without any hesitation at all. Nevertheless, for now, to be able to feel his heart beating under her lips was adequate enough for her. When she finally stopped pouring kisses over him, she said softly, “I need to go.”

“I will see you at the airport tonight.”

“Thank you for everything, Aldrich.”

“I love you,” he whispered.

“And I love you,” she echoed, her heart woven into every word and action.



The moment Anabella stepped into her house, she came upon her mother waiting for her at the stairs with a soft smile on her face.

“Oh, sweetie…” she started in her fake manner.

Anabella watched her blankly, that plastered farce of a smile didn’t fool her one bit; no emotion showed on the youthful face. She moved to step past her mother, placing her foot on the first stair.

Sandra, not about to be ignored by her little uptight daughter, grabbed her arm.

“Let me go, Mother,” Anabella demanded, pushing her mother away, but Sandra held on.

“Now, you listen here, missy. André just wanted to get to know you better. There was no need to treat him as you did,” Sandra said, disapprovingly.

“He tried to rip my clothes off, and groped me, Mother. That is not being friendly, or how you get to know someone. What he did was molest me, which borders on rape!” Anabella snarled in disgust, her voice rising in pitch.

“Is that so? Well, that’s not what he told me,” she replied in an angry tone.

This would have previously stopped her in her tracks, but not this time. Anabella couldn’t believe what she heard.

“He is a friend of the family, and all he wanted was to kiss you. What is so wrong with that?”

She’s defending the creep. Why is she doing this?
Anabella’s thoughts were of shock.
She stomped her foot and took another step up, but turned and looked down at her mother with defiance written all over her face. “Do you ever listen to yourself, Mother? I will not be groped by any man, if I haven’t given him my consent!” She stormed up the remaining stairs.

“Where are you going?” her mother called out, following her. “I am not finished talking to you.”

As far as Anabella was concerned, that was the problem. They never talked, so this would be the first in years.

“I am going away, or did you forget?” Anabella asked the moment she turned around to face her mother from the first floor.

“Where are you going?”

“Maybe if you cared enough, you would have read the papers I left on your desk about a month ago, Mother. I am going to
America for three months.” She raised her brow questioningly. “Did you even bother reading it before you signed?”

On the verge of saying something, her mother stopped and looked at her father as he joined them.

“What is going on here?” he asked, looking at his watch, not really interested in the conversation.

She would bet anything he was waiting for someone.

“Anabella says she is leaving for America,” her mother snarled.

“When?” he asked, only partly interested.

“Tonight,” Anabella replied, the confusion on her mother’s face said it all. She had no idea.

“You must enjoy it. Do you have enough money?”

“Yes, Father.”

“That’s nice.” On that note, the doorbell rang loudly throughout the house. Her father smiled, hurrying off as she had expected, and just like that the conversation was over, before it had even started.

Anabella hadn’t expected more. She returned her gaze to her mother, who studied her intently, and the moment a couple greeted her father with a loud “Darling!” her mother’s attention went immediately to her father. Anabella sighed. There was no point in even feeling disappointed, not anymore. Their life was just too important to them to even realize what they were doing.

“There you are, my darlings”―her father practically sang―“let me escort you to the living room, refreshments are waiting.”

“Oh, I hope that isn’t all that is waiting?” the woman said with a syrupy giggle.

Anabella looked down at the redhead, who clung like a vine to her father.

Her mother piped up cheerfully, as if Anabella cared. “It is a new couple we met last week, and we invited them over.”

Anabella looked at her with the same blankness, turned and walked into her room, slamming the door behind her.

This is going to cause a problem,
thought Sandra as she walked down the last stairs. André had all but demanded to have her daughter and soon, and now a replacement had to be found to satisfy him. She chewed on her lip for a second, a frown between the eyes. But the moment she stepped down and walked into the living room, she slapped a grin on her face. It was a problem they would need to sort out later. For now, her eyes roamed over the perfect specimen of the man standing next to her husband.

“Delicious,” she purred, and looped her arm in his with a grin on her face. He was strong and muscled, just as she liked them. She looked up into the steel-gray eyes; the promise of pleasure lingered in his appreciative stare.


apter Six


will miss you,” Aldrich said softly, holding her close to him. People bumped and passed them at the departure terminal. The rest of the group had already said their farewells.

“I will miss you, too. I love you,” she whispered against his lips, not willing to let go. He kissed her, his whole body tensing as he held her for the longest moment. Their hearts ached, but yet thumped repeatedly knowing that this was not forever.

“I love you, sweetheart. I will phone as often as I can.”

“Yes, me too.”

“Come, Anabella!” Mr. Clark called out.

They looked at each other, parting reluctantly. She placed the strap of her bag over her shoulder and with one final look, walked away leaving him standing between Monica and Roy.

He waved as she went through the gates and joined the large group on the other side.

Vibrant energy radiated from them as they laughed with one another, the underlying tension tangible. It was a completely new experience for many of them, the euphoria and adrenaline running high on their youthful faces.

He breathed deeply and brought his emotions under control before he turned to the younger people next to him. “Would you like to go and have a drink?” he asked them, more out of politeness than for any other reason.

“No, but thank you, Aldrich. We need to leave,” Monica replied. “My parents have family visiting, and I promised mum to help her before classes resume tomorrow.”

“Same here, but it was great meeting you,” Roy added in a deep voice.

He was the same height as Aldrich, with similar green eyes to Anabella’s; a strong man.

Aldrich had to admit he liked the younger, quieter man. The same look of abandonment Anabella carried reflected in him. The innocence was long gone.

“Okay then, best I get home.”

They bid their goodbyes and made their way to their respective cars.

Aldrich’s phone buzzed, and with one glance, he groaned in exasperation. Since he’d taken on the case, the woman had become a consistent pain. Her subtle come-ons were not appreciated, which now made him regret taking on the case. He let the call go to voicemail, and climbed into his sports car when his phone rang again. He couldn’t help but sigh. He knew he was going to regret answering, but he didn’t have a choice.

“Good evening, Ms. Etsibeth,” he answered as politely as he could.

“Giselle, please, Aldrich. Ms. Etsibeth sounds so formal,” she insisted in a syrupy voice.

“How can I be of help, Ms. Etsibeth?” he continued, rolling his eyes as he leaned back into his leather seat.

“I am at the hotel, alone and missing you. Would you join me?”

He looked at his watch and frowned. It read 10:15pm. “No, this would not be an appropriate time for me.”

“Please, just one nightcap,” she pressed.

Aldrich could already envision the pout on her plush, red lips. She was beautiful, of that there was no doubt, but since he’d started with her case, two of his co-workers had already asked for her contact details; he’d had no choice but to reprimand them about their folly.

“My apologies, Ms. Etsibeth, but it is late and I still have work to do.”

“How about if I come to your place?”

“I’m sorry, but that wouldn’t work either,” he forced out sharply.

She chuckled. “You don’t like me do you, Aldrich?”

“You are my client. It’s not about what I like.”

“Don’t you find me pretty?”

He rolled his eyes once again; the woman was arrogant, too full of herself and bored.

“Is there anything remotely urgent you want to discuss now over the phone, Ms. Etsibeth?”

This time, she humphed into the phone, and the call ended abruptly.

He smirked, powered up his machine, and drove to his penthouse. His thoughts back on the young woman he’d just left at the airport. There was just no competition. Anabella was the woman for him; kind, innocent, and drop-dead gorgeous. She was also strong-willed and passionate, and no one else could compare.



“Mr. Dorflinger wants to see you, Aldrich,” the pretty blond said with a bright smile. Her eyes lingered on his chest before lowering south, licking her pink lips as a grin crept over them.

He groaned in agony and pushed his chair back, frustrated with this woman’s persistence, too.

“Chaney, you could have simply called,” he quipped as he made his way past her.

“And miss the chance to see you? No way,” she retorted on a chuckle.

Aldrich had gone out with her once, and this is what he got, a young clinging doll who didn’t understand the word, no. He turned to say something, but thought better of it, and walked out not waiting for the little snit. He knocked once on the senior partner’s door, and when he heard the familiar “Enter”, he stepped in and closed the door behind him.

Mr. Dorflinger looked at him, and directed him to a chair in front of his desk as he put down the phone. His face was solemn as always.

“Aldrich, it has come to my attention that you have been avoiding Ms. Etsibeth.”

The frown between his eyes alluded to the fact that he was not in the best of moods, and Aldrich decided he’d better keep his thoughts to himself, stopping a groan before it escaped from his lips.

“We take great care in providing our clients the best service at all times, do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, I understand, sir.”

“She can direct
several clients our way, so it goes without saying that we cannot afford to aggravate either her, or her father.”

“Yes, sir.” Aldrich kept his expression blank as the older man studied him.

Mr. Dorflinger let down his guard for a second, and asked, “How is the swimmer?”

“She is doing well. Left for
America last night,” he added the little tidbit. It had the desired affect.

Mr. Dorflinger cleared his throat, and pushed his papers around before looking back at Aldrich. “Yes, right. See that this case is handled with your usual efficiency.”

“Yes, sir. Will that be all?”

“Yes. You may leave, Aldrich.”

Aldrich walked out, closing the door behind him, just to bump into the little snit standing there with a bright smile.

“Is everything okay?” she asked, batting her long, black eyelashes.

“Don’t you have work to do, Chaney?”

She just looked at him, almost as if he were the last morsel left in a packet of something scrumptious she’d been devouring.

Annoyed, he uttered, “Please excuse me.”

However, she stood unwavering.

To bypass her, he would have to brush up against her, which she was obviously aiming for, and that would not happen, ever.

“When will we go out again?” she asked in a low, seductive voice, her finger trailing down his jacket’s lapel sensually, her eyes fixed on his lips.

“Not going to happen, Chaney,” he said abruptly, “besides, I am seeing someone.”
he thought,
get it out there and make it official.

She raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow, her curved lips forming a pout. She stepped closer, and what with his back against the door, there was no way of escape unless he was rude to her. But his parents had taught him to always respect those of the female persuasion, so he kept himself in control.

“Since when, Aldrich? I thought I was your girl.” Her hands danced over him, and it almost seemed that she was aiming to kiss him, but he turned his head to the side slightly.

His tall body towered over her. “Dream on, girl,” he sneered under his breath, and with a firm grip on her shoulder he pushed her aside, saying firmly, “No, Chaney.” As he walked to his office, she humphed loudly, like a naughty child about to have a tantrum.

Aldrich sighed; he couldn’t believe that he had thought her attractive once. The one night he’d gone out with her had been the longest two hours he had ever spent with a woman. She was self-obsessed, couldn’t hold a decent conversation, and ate like a bird. She may be beautiful to look at, but a man could only be satisfied with so much beauty before he would look for something substantially meaningful.

Anabella was exactly the opposite. She cared more for others than herself, and her general knowledge allowed them to speak about different topics. She enjoyed a good meal, always putting it away with exuberance. She was sharp, witty, and beautiful. He grinned as he sat down behind his desk. Just the thought of her made his heart beat faster. Thoughts of the previous night, and what they had shared on his couch were still vivid in his mind. Three months he’d have to wait. It would be excruciating.

Just then, his phone rang, which brought him out of his reverie. Letting out a sigh, he continued with his day.



“I didn’t know about the trip, André,” Sandra said in a low voice.

Upon his arrival and not finding Anabella, he’d been in a foul mood. Sandra’s day at the office had been a long one, and all she wanted to do was relax and have some fun with the new couple, who would be joining them shortly.

Derek shifted his weight from one foot to the other, not quite looking forward to what was expected of him. His mother had told him that he would be entertaining the man tonight, and although he didn’t like him, he had no choice in the matter. He’d warned his mother that this man would not get his claws into Anabella; he’d told her this, not once, but a few times. As a result, she then demanded Derek take Anabella’s place. Begrudgingly, he’d agreed.

Once again, he found himself in a place he didn’t want to be. The older man was rough, and hard to settle down. He had an endurance that could go on all night. Derek noticed how strung up he was with pent-up frustrations, and he would be the one to pay. He groaned inwardly, knowing that tomorrow his body would scream with the onslaught he was about to go through.

Just then, the doorbell rang, and happy to get away from André’s thunderous stares, he walked to the door. He opened it to Lucy, a small brunette who was new on the scene. He liked her, a lot. A client of their parents’ had brought her along one night. She hadn’t been at all ashamed, got right into it, and enjoyed every minute. Her eagerness was a turn on, though. She always dressed in black leather and long, black boots that showed off her well-toned legs to the maximum.

Tonight she wore a leather corset, which she had paired with a leather skirt, one that covered just enough to entice every man and woman in the area. Her ensemble included her familiar boots. They never allowed her to remove them whilst at their house, and she was happy to oblige. Her hair was pulled high up on her head in a ponytail; when she moved, it gently swayed with every step as it enticed them closer―like a fly to a spider web.

“Derek, how are you, darling?” she purred, stepping into his arms and kissing him.

“Just fine, thanks,” he replied, and hugged her tightly. Tonight they would be a team, hopefully able to appease the angry man.

“Is it Lucy, Derek?” his mother asked in her typical, stern voice.

“Yes, Mother.”

Sandra shot him a dirty look, but he just chuckled. She didn’t like to be called
in front of the guests, but sometimes he couldn’t help himself. Derek continued to grin, holding Lucy tightly to his side as they strolled lazily toward the older couple.

BOOK: Bella's Choice
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