Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series) (2 page)

BOOK: Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series)
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“How’s me boy!” Bradon exclaimed. Fiona noticed whenever her brothers were around Murphy their Irish accent seemed to pick up all of a sudden, just adding to her annoyance.

“Great, thanks. How ya been laddie? I haven’t seen ya busted face in a while.”

“I know, I’ve been busy at The Sleeping Potato helping my parents, plus I met a girl that has been fantastic up until last night.”

“Kelly, right?” Finn asked.

“Yea, man she was so fine, huge tits and had the tightest arse I ever laid me eyes on.”

“Uh hello, can you not see me over here?” Finoa asked, disgusted with her brothers and  their love for her ex.

“I see you, but when has you being in a room ever stopped us from talking about our fine little lassies.”

Never, she thought. Instead of saying anything she just waved her hand in dismissal at her brothers. Pigs.

Bradon continued, “So I’ve been fooling around with Kelly for quite some time but we have always skipped over third base.”

“Third base? That’s the best base.” Liam said.

“It’s right up there with a homerun.” Finn agreed.

“I know” replied Bradon. “I have been dying for her to get down there so last night we had half a bottle of whiskey which we all know makes the lassie’s feel frisky and she started un-doing my pants. Of course I instantly got hard as a board.” The guys start laughing as Bradon continued. “I threw my head back in pleasure when she released me from my pants and started stroking me.”

“Jesus.” Fiona muttered under her breath. Not wanting to hear any of this but also slightly intrigued by what disgusted her brother so much. 

“Would ya rather me talk about what we did last night, lass?” Murph asked. All her brothers looked at her in question.

Fiona shot him a warning look and he threw his hands up in defense and told Bradon to continue.

“Well, she closes in around me and I swear to you the way she was sucking me had me so damn hard, I thought I was going to lose it. I had no clue what she was doing differently than any other girl but I thought I was falling instantly in love with her.” Bradon was poking her brothers while he said, “ I had never had a blow job like that. Of course in a matter of minutes I exploded in her mouth, I couldn’t even warn her it happened so fast. When I finally gained the will to open my eyes, I looked down at her and that was when I realized our relationship was over.”

“Why?” asked Liam. “I thought it was the best you ever had, what could possibly be so bad that you can’t see her anymore. So bad that it eclipses the best blow job you ever had?”

“Did you cum on her face?” Murph asked.

“Did she spit it back up on you?” Finn inquired.

“Did she throw up?” Fiona threw in.

The boys all looked at her with their eyebrows raised. She just shrugged off her comment. Bradon grabbed their attention and silenced them all. Silence descended and Fiona thought about how she hated she was intrigued to hear why the masterful blow job magician was let go.

Bradon cleared his throat, put on a big show for them and said, “She looked up at me and said, ‘Kiss me, I’m Irish too’ and then proceeded to smile a very toothless grin. I looked to the side and her fucking teeth were on the table next to me, staring straight at me.”

The whole room erupted with laughter as the guys proceeded to slap him on the back.

“Oh you really know how to pick them Bradon boy” said Liam. “That made my crappy morning. I didn’t know you were into grannies.”

“She is not a granny.” Bradon protested. “If you saw her you would have fell for her the same way. Back me up on this Finn. You met her.”

“She’s hot. But didn’t you feel her teeth moving about when you were sucking face?”

“Bradon, I didn’t think you would be the first one to get a granny blow out of all of us.” Liam added.

Annoyed with the whole conversation now, Fiona got up and started ushering her brothers out of her apartment. She told them she would join them down at the bar in a little bit for some breakfast. She watched them all shake hands with Murphy and head out the door. When the door finally clicked shut she turned and saw Murphy eyeing her up and down.

“You need to leave too.” Fiona said.

He sauntered over to her in two steps and had her pinned against the door with his incredibly large and muscular body. Heat started to creep up her body with his closeness. She could smell the coffee on his breath and his very masculine cologne he wore every day that filled her senses with pleasure. Parts of her started to throb just with his closeness. Damn her treacherous body. She kept repeating in her head why they were not a good couple. It was all physical, there was absolutely no emotional connection and she wanted more. She needed that emotional connection.

He had one hand against the door and his other hand was against her stomach thumbing the knot of her robe. He very lightly untied the knot and let the two sides fall open. She couldn’t even move, her brain and her heart were screaming no but her body stood completely still. She lost her voice, unable to vocalize her concerns about what was taking place.

“Do you really want me to leave lass?”

She nodded, still unable to talk. He didn’t accept that as his answer because he removed her robe from her shoulders letting it drop to the floor. Damn it. She kept telling herself to stop what was happening but once again her body rendered completely still. He moved his mouth across her collarbone, tracing kisses up her neck till he moved his lips across hers. She gulped trying to hold back the pleasure he was delivering. She didn’t want to give into him, but technically she was already was since she hadn’t stopped what was happening.

“I’ve missed you lass. I want to see you again. Will ya give me another chance?” he asked while trailing kisses up and down her body.

She felt herself go weak in the knees and as she was about to fall he scooped her up in his arms and brought her to her bed. He pulled his pants down, revealing the most impressive erection she had ever seen as he stretched his body across hers. He cupped her breast with his huge hand and kneaded it relentlessly.

“Give me a chance lass, please let me prove to you the kind of man ya need.”

Damn it all to hell.













































Chapter 2


Booker watched as the third random girl he had over this week, gather her clothes, take one of his figurines off his shelves and leave. Whenever he had a girl over, they always seemed to grab something from his house, he figured it was some kind of constellation prize or memorabilia for sleeping with the great Booker James. He heard one of his buddies once call it a fuck-enier. Until then, he just assumed every girl he brought home was a kleptomaniac.

He loved his job but his life was one big cluster fuck of people using and abusing his fame. After he won his first Oscar for directing his life changed from simple and easy to fast and chaotic. Everyone wanted a piece of him. Even when he just wanted to release some tension and try to get in a good fuck, girls stole from him.              

Shaking his head at what his life had come to, he got out of bed and went to his kitchen for a drink. It was early in the morning but it was never too early for a martini. As he walked to his kitchen he stopped at the hall mirror and looked at his reflection. Before his Oscar win, it was pretty much impossible for him to score a date, not that he was a bad looking man. He just didn’t show off his features. He liked to be incognito, not much help there now. He stroked his long golden beard and ran a hand threw his long tousled locks. He never wore any styled clothes or bothered to do his hair, he usually wore a fisherman cap in place of hair gel. He worked out every day but never showed off his muscles like the other guys in Los Angeles.

He continued toward the kitchen and made himself a drink pondering about what his life had become. He couldn’t go anywhere without someone recognizing him or the paparazzi hounding him. He didn’t understand the fascination. Was it because he lived like a hermit that he was like a science project to the masses? He had a great deal of success and was currently Hollywood’s sought after director but he thought people like the Beckhams or the Pitt-Jolie’s were more fascinating than him. Why couldn’t everyone just leave him the hell alone?

It’s not like he was some sort of anti-social nerd. He actually got along with people and was out-going when he wanted to be but by living in Hollywood he couldn’t tell who was sincere and who was being fake just to get ahead. The whole city drove him crazy with the bleach blondes, fake tits and gold-digging hussies. Weren’t there any genuine people in the world anymore?

He thought about how he just needed a break, a break from the fame-whoring world he lived in. He needed to go somewhere simple, where people were kind just to be kind and didn’t want anything from him but friendship. He grabbed his phone and dialed his sister’s number, the only true person he could count on. After a couple of rings, she answered.

“Hello?” Blaire said in a groggy voice.

“Blaire, sweetheart. I’m sorry, did I wake you?”

“Uh, yeah. It’s six in the morning. What are you doing up?”

He heard her rustling around most likely positioning her pillow so she could sit up in bed.

“I couldn’t sleep. Another girl stole from me this morning.”

“Ugh, Booker how many times have I told you not to bring girl’s back to your place, always go back to their place. What was it this time?”

“Paper weight from my shelf. I think she thought it cost a lot but little does she know it was from Target.”

“At least it wasn’t anything sentimental. So what’s going on? Why are you waking me up when you know I work twelve hour shifts at the hospital.”

Booker felt bad for his sister. She was a nurse at the hospital in LA and was run ragged every day she went to work. He told her he had plenty of money to support the both of them but she said she could never leave her patients. Whenever he brought up the topic she just got mad at him and threatened to leave him, which he didn’t want because she was the one decent person in his life.

“Sorry sweetie, I just wanted to run something by you and see what you thought.”

“And this couldn’t wait?”

“No, is there any chance you can come over later today so we can talk?”

Booker could hear worry in her voice. “Is everything ok, Book?”

“Everything is fine, I just need a change. You have today off, right?”

“Yes, today and tomorrow.”

“Great. Can you do me a favor before you come over?”

“Sure what do you need?”

“Can you do a little shopping for me?” He added quickly, “Before you say no, I don’t mean grocery shopping, I learned my lesson last time.”

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