Menaced Assassin

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Authors: Joe Gores

BOOK: Menaced Assassin
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“It takes some nerve to face off a nerdy paleo-anthropologist and a maniacal killer in the same story, but Mr. Gores has the nerve—and the stylistic verve—to pull it off. His inventive narrative, which combines the elements of cop drama, mob caper, and suspense thriller, takes its theme from a mesmerizing lecture on the innate brutality of men and apes.”

—Marilyn Stasio,
New York Times Book Review

“A fine, tense crime story.”

Houston Post

“A multidimensional thriller that engages the reader on two levels…a fast-paced trip through the shadowy world of stalking and murder.…Gores, the consummate plotter, pulls it off.”

Rocky Mountain News

“A taut suspense thriller, MENACED ASSASSIN transcends the label ‘murder mystery.’”

Library Journal

“Gores has mastered the hard-boiled Hammett irony…taut, colorful, stylistically convincing and satisfyingly complex.”

Detroit Sunday News

“A tough, taut writer who views his subject matter unsparingly and unsentimentally.”

Washington Post

“This is one author who can write with a vengeance.”

New York Newsday

“Gores claims psycho-thriller territory with this risk-taking, rewarding crime novel.…The real criminal mind is extremely well hidden right to the end.…A masterful narrative sleight-of-hand.”

Publishers Weekly

“Not since Hammett and Chandler has anyone written quite as well as Joe Gores.”

—Ross Thomas

“A master.”

Chicago Sun-Times

“A marvelous writer.”

Cleveland Plain Dealer

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