Beautifully Irresistible (27 page)

BOOK: Beautifully Irresistible
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“I love you too, Scarlett. I’m glad you were my first!” he replied, clearly well chuffed with his performance.

Restraining myself from giving him a loud round of applause, I decided to knock on the door.

Just at that moment Jasper came around the corner and stopped when he saw me in the hallway.

“What's going on, Jennifer?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

“Nothing is going on, Jasper. Scarlett, is everything okay in there? I thought I heard shouting.”

“Shit, it’s Jennifer!” I heard her whisper to Connor. “Quickly get in the en-suite.”

“I’m fine, Jennifer. I was just, um, singing.”

“As long as you are okay, I’m going downstairs as your Dad is due back any minute,” I told her trying to avert world war three and save the day.

“Right, I will be down soon, Jennifer.”

“Okay, Scarlett.”

I could hear a lot of rustling around as clothes were put back on and I tried not to laugh as I reminisced about similar experiences growing up.

“Oh I see what’s been going on!” Jasper grinned at me.

He took a step forward and held my cheeks in his hands pushing me up against the wall. Before I knew what was happening, his soft lips touched mine. I briefly froze as he kissed me.

“Jasper, what the hell do you think you are you doing!” I shouted at him, pushing him roughly off me.

Anger rushed through me in huge waves.

“I’m sorry, Jennifer. I thought you liked me.”

“I do Jasper but I am in love with your Dad. I am very fond of you but in a motherly way,” I gently explained to him, giving him a quick hug.

“Sorry,” he mumbled as he ran down the hallway and slammed the door of his bedroom.

Very loud music blared out and I heard him throwing things around.

I would have to tell Zack about what just happened.

Teenage boys were very complicated.


Chapter Thirty Two


During dinner I couldn’t stop watching Scarlett. She had a happy glow about her. My first time was a complete let down. It consisted of a lot of fumbling and sex that lasted about one minute. The boy I was with was the school heart-throb but he was a lousy lover.

Jasper wasn’t hungry but I guessed that my rejection of him was hurting.

“Where’s Jasper?” Zack enquired.

“In his room. I need to talk to you later about him.”

After dinner, I managed to corner Scarlett by herself.

“Are you okay, Scarlett?” I quietly asked her, out of earshot of Zack.

“I’m fine, thanks. Why do you ask?” she looked at me with a puzzled expression.

“Look, I don’t want to embarrass you but I heard you and Connor earlier in your bedroom.”

“I don’t know what you mean!” she hissed at me, flushing bright red.

“Look Scarlett, it’s okay, I’m not going to tell your Dad. I just wanted to check that you were okay. You can talk to me about anything, you know.”

“I’m sorry, Jennifer, and thank you for that. I am in love with Connor and we were careful.”

“Well, if you need to ask me anything, don’t be shy. Your Dad would have a kitten if he knew so be very careful,” I warned her.

I finished clearing up downstairs and after brushing my teeth, I got into Zack’s warm and welcoming bed.

“What has Jasper done this time?”

“Jasper kissed me earlier in the hallway. He pushed me up against the wall but I quickly shoved him off. It’s not the first time either. He once kissed my fingers in the back of your car. It’s up to you what you do, Zack. I just thought it best that you know.”

“Maybe I should start calling you Mrs Robinson, eh?”

“Not funny, Mr Cole,” I told him, throwing a pillow at his head.

“It’s not your fault you are the most beautiful woman in the world, Jennifer. Poor kid has fallen under your spell, baby!”

“Stop trying to sweet talk me, blue eyes. You need to have a chat with him.”

“I will. I promise. Now what are your immediate plans, JB?”

“Climbing up you and riding you like a rodeo bull!”

“Climb away, baby!” he laughed, pulling me closer to him.


“Would you mind if I invited my friend Stuart and his wife for dinner one night this week?” Zack asked on his way to the office the following morning.

“Yes, that sounds great. Any night suits me.”

“I will see if Thursday suits them,” he said, kissing me longingly as my body folded into his.

“I have to go. Have a good day,” he told me, pulling reluctantly away from me and heading out of the door.

I enjoyed the nice weather with a leisurely walk around the woods with Gatsby. He was such a sweet dog but Zack was his favourite person. I didn’t blame him really. The dog had good taste!

Zack smiled at me as he strode into the kitchen that evening.

“Hi, baby. Stuart and Faith are free for Thursday so if you could cook something delicious up that would be great!”

“What does your friend do for a living?”

“He is a Police Superintendent at Maidstone. His wife has an interior design business.”

“I see.”

Oh shit!

My body stiffened. He must be Stuart Marshall and I had met him once on a joint operation with Maidstone Police. I wondered if I should speak to DI Ross.

No. I thought I would just wing it. He probably wouldn’t recognise me as I was in a debriefing with about fifty other officers last year.

“Are you okay? You look a bit pale.”

“Yes, I’m fine, thanks, Zack.”

“I am off for a quick shower if you are available.”

His blue eyes burned with desire as he bit his lip playfully.

Jesus, he was killing me!

The only time that we left each other alone was the two or three days that I had my period and that practically drove us up the wall.

Zachary Cole had the most incredible sexual appetite that I was only too happy to satisfy.

“What do you think?” I giggled as he took my hand.


Chapter Thirty Three


The following afternoon I had just been for a quick work out in the gym before dinner and I felt in need of a quick shower.

I was just washing my hair when I heard the en-suite door open and close. The shower door opened and closed and I realised Zack had slipped in for a quick shower and a quick something else, I hoped!

“You are early, my beautiful lover,” I whispered.

I was finishing washing my hair and I turned around but I didn’t open my eyes.

Turning back around towards the wall, I rinsed my hair off.

Something, I’m not sure what, made me turn back around and open my eyes.

My breath caught in my throat.

Fucking hell! It was Jasper in the shower with me!

My mouth dropped as I stared at him.

He smiled at me as if this was an everyday occurrence. His blue eyes twinkled as he stared boldly into my eyes.

Anger and rage bubbled up inside me.

I felt like I was going to throw up.

Pulling my fist back, I punched Jasper square in the jaw, not bothering to cover myself up as he had clearly seen everything already. I didn’t dare look down at him as I was repulsed that he would even dream about pulling a stunt like this.

I drew my fist back and hit him again, even harder.

“Get the fuck out of here, Jasper. Now!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

My heart was pounding as bile formed in my mouth.

Jasper held a hand to his bleeding mouth and retreated quickly out of the shower after having one last look at my naked form.

The door banged loudly as he ran back to his room.

I was drying myself off when a few minutes later Zack came in to my room. My face was flushed bright red and I was still absolutely furious about what had just happened.

I couldn't believe the cheek of the little bastard.

“Hi, baby. What's the matter with you?” he asked as he watched me quickly shrug into my clothes.

“I will tell you what’s wrong with me. Your horny son has just joined me in the shower. He got in and I thought it was you. For fuck’s sake! He might have a bust lip as I hit him twice really hard. I’m not sorry I did, either! Did you have that little chat with him? If you did, he is clearly ignoring you, Zack!”

My stomach bubbled up and suddenly I knew I was going to be sick. I hurtled to my en-suite and threw up over and over in the toilet.

Zack followed me and held my wet hair off my face.

“He has really upset you, hasn’t he? Right, that’s it!” Zack shouted, stalking towards his room.

I washed my face and followed him into the hallway. Zack knocked loudly at Jasper’s door. His knuckles were in danger of putting the door through.

“Jasper, get your ass out here, you little shit! We need to talk!”

He paced up and down, still wearing his jacket. Suddenly he shrugged angrily out of it and threw it on the carpet. I had never seen him look so mad. He looked really sexy.

Scarlett stuck her head out of her bedroom, took in the scene and then promptly went back in shutting the door.

Zack tried the handle of Jasper’s door and found it locked.

“Let me in! Now! Jasper, I am not fucking around!”

His face was bright red and he was as mad as me. The door opened with a soft click and Jasper stood in the doorway looking at Zack. He still had blood around his mouth but at least he had some clothes on. I picked up Zack’s jacket and hung it in his huge wardrobe. I went downstairs to leave them to it.

I heard the door close and Zack’s raised voice as he gave him the full wrath of his anger.

A horrible sick feeling whirled around my stomach as I thought about what could have happened.


I left them to it and went to make a start on preparing the evening meal. Popping my iPod headphones in my ears, I got lost in a fast dance track, blocking out the loud shouting.

After about half an hour, Zack came downstairs. He still looked really mad. He put his arms around me from behind and cuddled into me. I felt my anger melting away from me.

“I am so sorry about what my son did, Jennifer. I am so fucking embarrassed about it but if it’s any consolation, you have bust his lip! That is some right hook you have there!” he laughed softly.

Jasper skulked into the kitchen with an extremely sore looking lip. I went over to the freezer and got him a bag of peas, quickly shoving them into his hands. I turned away from him. I just couldn’t bring myself to look at him.

“Do you have something to say to Jennifer?” Zack growled at him.

His voice vibrated around the room and sent a chill down my spine. He puffed his chest out and exhaled heavily. I looked down at his fists and they were clenched at his sides. The skin was white and stretched across them.

I turned around with my arms folded across my chest. Rage still coursed quickly through my veins. I eyed Jasper up warily as my anger simmered just below boiling point.

“Yes, Dad. I am really, really sorry Jennifer. I don’t know what I was thinking of doing that,” he told me, not looking me in the eye.

“Jasper, look at me! I said, look at me!” I screamed.

He reluctantly met my fiery gaze.

“Thank you, apology accepted but if you ever do anything like that again, it won't be just your lip that gets injured! Am I making myself clear?”

“Yes, Jennifer. Sorry but I can’t help having a huge crush on you. Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?”

“Well, you will fall in love soon enough, Jasper, and with someone your own age who isn’t crazy in love with your amazing Dad.”

“Right, we will shout you when dinner is ready, Jasper. Go and get your homework done, now!” Zack told him, scowling.

Jasper sloped out of the room with his hands in his pockets.

Zack turned to me. “Fuck me! You are so sexy when you are really mad. I had to hold myself back there! Hopefully we can forget about that, err, incident, Jennifer.”

“Yes. I don't want to ever think about it again, Zack.”

“So JB, you are crazy in love with me, eh?” he whispered as he kissed me deeply.

“Oh yes, Mr Zachary Cole, head over fucking heels!”


Thursday came around and I was feeling a bit tense about the evening. Zack kept looking at me like he knew that something was bothering me.

I prepared smoked salmon for a starter, followed by peppered chicken and vegetables for the main, finished off with cheesecake for dessert. Zack had selected a nice white wine to complement the meal from his vast stock in the cellar.

Racing upstairs, I pulled out my clothes for the evening and I was just about to jump into the shower when I heard Zack’s shower running.

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