Beautifully Irresistible (12 page)

BOOK: Beautifully Irresistible
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“Well, that’s different. You have to be, I’m sure.”

“I have made my fair share of enemies over the years. I often wonder if anybody took Phoebe out of spite to get back at me.”

“Do you have a list of suspects?”

“Well, there were a few people that I considered but nothing came of it.”

“Have the police got anywhere?”

“The police are worse than useless. Do you know they suspected me for quite some time? They have nothing on me.”

“I hope you find out what happened to Phoebe. I really do.”

“Thanks, Jennifer.”

Zack was either a first rate liar or he really didn’t know what had happened to his wife.

“I must hit the shower. I wish you could join me, Zack.”

He checked his watch and thought about my proposition for a few moments.

“Well, as long as we are quick. Come on then,” he said, hauling me to my feet.

We sprinted to the shower, laughing like a couple of horny teenagers.

Although we didn't make love again, it really was the best shower in the history of showers.


Chapter Ten


After Zack had gone to pick up the twins, I locked my bedroom door and switched on my laptop. I plugged in the memory stick with the files obtained from Zack’s laptop.

Looking over the financial records, I quickly realised that Cole Enterprises were in serious financial trouble. When I compared the records from the previous year, I could see a sharp drop in the profits.

Next I opened the merger file. It was a long document but from what I could understand, it was some sort of make or break bail out. Cole Enterprises looked sure to collapse without it.

I emailed DI Ross the information I had gathered and I told him about the conversations I had had with Zack regarding his wife’s disappearance.

Making some quick notes, I hid my laptop in the bottom of the wardrobe and went downstairs to prepare dinner.

I made a spaghetti carbonara with salad and garlic bread and I was thinking that some nice white wine would go very well with the meal. Zack had told me to help myself to any wine in his cellar that joins onto the laundry so I went downstairs to select a bottle.

I was looking through the extensive shelves of wine and I decided upon a bottle of Chablis.

He really did have an extremely impressive collection.

Zack was an extremely impressive man in many, many ways.

Just as I started to climb back up the stairs, I heard two people talking outside the laundry door that led outside.

“Look Alan, I really think you should come forward and tell the police what you know about that day,” I heard someone say.

I thought that it was Billy from the stables.

“I don’t know, Billy. They will wonder why I left it so long and the police and I don’t exactly have the best relationship.”

“You must tell them. Don’t you wonder what happened to Mrs Cole?”

“She probably had a run in with someone and got what was coming to her. You and I both know what a bitch she was. Remember that time I caught her screwing Carl in the cabana? She threatened me not to say anything and that if I did, I would lose my job.”

“Yes, I remember but I still think you have to tell them.”

“I will think about it, Billy. We better get back to work.”

I headed back up the stairs, intrigued about the conversation. I quickly took out my notebook and jotted down what I heard. I was thinking about trying to get Alan to open up and tell me what he knew but I would need to gain his trust first.

Possibly some flirting could work.

“Jennifer, we are home,” I heard Scarlett shouting as I quickly stashed my notebook in my pocket.

“Hello, Scarlett. Did you have a good day?”

“Hi, Jennifer,” Jasper grinned saucily at me.

“I did and Dad coming for us was a pleasant surprise. We don’t spend nearly enough time with him,” she told me.

“Well, tonight I thought we could have our meal and watch a movie together, my work can just wait,” Zack announced smiling at the twins.

“That sounds great and by the way, Dad, I got 97% on my maths test. That help you gave me paid off!” she told him excitedly.

“Well done, sweetheart,” he replied, hugging her tightly.

“Jasper got 96%!” Scarlett informed us.

“Well done, Jasper!”

Jasper smiled quickly, looking a bit miffed that his sister had beaten him by 1%.

“Can Jennifer join us this evening Dad?” Jasper asked.

“You will have to ask her.”

“I would love to thanks.”

We enjoyed our meal together and I found that I couldn’t stop gazing at him. The way he was with his children was so natural and endearing. You could see it written all over their faces how much they loved him. I couldn’t help but admire what an amazing father he was. They all laughed about stupid things and I watched his eyes sparkle as he engaged with them.

“I think we should go back to New Orleans this summer, Dad,” Scarlett said.

“I am sure we will fit a trip in and see your Grandma and Granddad. It’s a wonderful place, Jennifer. It’s so alive,” Zack told me smiling.

I cleared up the kitchen, loaded the dishwasher and headed into the TV room.

“Here, sit next to me, Jennifer,” Scarlett instructed me patting the sofa.

I took a seat and Zack was sitting at the other side of Scarlett. We looked longingly at each other and he smiled warmly, waggling his eyebrows. I found it very hard to concentrate on the film as I kept sneaking looks at him.

Jasper sat on a chair by himself, playing with his phone. Text message alerts beeped constantly. I occasionally felt his eyes burning into me. It made me feel uncomfortable.

The film was action packed and we munched on popcorn and chocolate. I suddenly felt worn out by recent exertions.

“Goodnight, Jennifer,” Scarlett said, giving me a wave as she headed upstairs.

“Goodnight,” Jasper mumbled then yawned.

“I will help you clear up, Jennifer,” Zack told me gathering up bowls and glasses.

“You don’t have to, that’s what I am here for, Zack.”

“Can I come and see you later, baby?” he whispered in my ear.

Sparks flew between us as he gently touched my arm. He radiated heat. My mouth went dry.

“Yes, I would like that.”

I went upstairs and got ready for bed. I didn’t usually wear anything in bed and just as I was dropping off, hopefully into dreams of my secret lover, there was a soft knock at the door.

“Come in.”

Zack walked in wearing only pyjama bottoms. I couldn’t take my eyes off his ripped torso.

“Would you like some company?”

“Of course I would, Mr Cole.”

He stripped off and got into the bed, pulling me into his warm embrace. My body ached for him again.

“I can’t stay away from you and I can’t stop thinking about you, Jennifer.”

“The feeling is mutual,” I replied, snuggling into his arms.

“We don’t have to do anything, you know. I just wanted to be close to you. You have completely worn me out, baby!”

“I am a quite sore, to be honest, Zack. You are very well endowed, you know,” I teased him giggling.

“It feels so very good being buried deep inside you. It’s the best feeling ever, baby.”

He kissed my neck as I started to grow wet. His large warm hands roamed greedily over my defenceless body.

“Zack, don’t make me horny again. I will break!”

“I can wait, Jennifer, but now that I have tasted you, your taste is forever burned into me,” he whispered as he gently cupped my breasts.

My nipples hardened as he gently rolled them between his thumb and forefinger. A breathless moan escaped my lips. I could feel his bulging erection pushing into my back.

God, he was so virile.

Where the hell did he get the energy from?

“I really need to sleep, Zack. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. Goodnight, baby.”

“Goodnight, gorgeous.”


Chapter Eleven


When I woke up the following morning, Zack wasn’t there. He had left early and the bed felt cold without him.

I missed him already. I smiled as I thought about the past few days and the things he had said to me.

“My Dad really likes you, in fact, I think he fancies you, Jennifer. He is always looking at you and he gets a dreamy look on his face!” Scarlett told me on the drive to school.

“Of course he doesn’t,” I replied as I blushed to a fetching shade of crimson.

I quickly checked in the back and Jasper was grinning at me. Our eyes met as he winked.

“I am sure he does too, Jennifer,” he said, teasing me.

“My Mum didn’t really love him, you know. She had plenty of boyfriends behind his back. I hated her for it. On the day she went missing I heard her on the phone arranging to meet her latest conquest. It turned my stomach so I confronted her about it. She wasn’t happy with me and we argued. That’s the last time I saw her.”

“Scarlett! Shut up talking about Mum like that!” Jasper shouted.

I had never seen him angry before. It gave me quite a shock. His face was bright red and his blue eyes blazed hotly.

“Jasper, you know that it’s true!” she gasped as hot tears formed in her eyes.

“Just don’t, Scarlett!”

“Sorry, Jasper,” Scarlett said quietly as she turned round and squeezed his knee.

He managed a small smile at her.

“Anyway, back to you and Dad. Do you fancy him?” she teased.

“He’s my boss. It wouldn’t be appropriate,” I told her, trying my hardest to keep a straight face.

Get your poker face on, girl!

“Dad is really handsome though, isn’t he? All my friends Mum’s have a crush on him.”

“Yes, he is certainly handsome!”

He is also off the scale amazing in bed!

Thankfully, the school was moments away.

After I had dropped them off, I carried on down the road to the police station headquarters for a meeting with Ross.

I went into the station and chatted to several people on my way to his office.

Then I saw my ex.

He looked tired and stressed out. I used to think he was handsome but he did nothing for me now. His mousy hair was thinning on top and his body looked seriously out of shape.

I tried to pass him without him seeing me but I failed.

“Jennifer, how are you. You look great,” James told me smiling.

His bloodshot eyes raked up and down my body. He licked his lips.

“Good thanks. How are you?”

“I’m living back at my Mum and Dad’s house since Claire chucked me out.”

“Sorry to hear that, anyway, I must dash. I’m meeting Razor Ross,” I replied as I ducked past him.

I wondered what I ever saw in him and I regarded him as a huge mistake. I was sorry for his wife and I regretted getting involved with him but he knew what he was doing.

I knocked confidently on DI Ross’s door.

“Come in,” he barked.

“Ah yes, Black. Please take a seat.”

“Did you receive the email I sent you, Sir?”

“Yes, it makes interesting reading. I wonder if Mrs Cole was on board for this merger.”

“I am trying to find that out. Obviously they are in financial difficulty and the merger seems like a lifeline for them.”

“Yes, I agree. What else have you found out?”

I filled him in on the conversation between Billy and Alan and also what Scarlett had told me in the car.

“Good work. What have you learnt about Zachary Cole?”

“He’s a nice guy and he was well aware of her infidelities. He doesn’t know his son and daughter know though but kids aren’t stupid. From what I can gather, she was a prize bitch.”

“We have found out that the company was started up with mostly money from an inheritance she received when she was eighteen. Zachary has a 49% share of the company,” Ross told me.

“That is interesting.”

“Well, keep up the good work, Black, and we will meet next week.”

“Thanks, Sir.”


Chapter Twelve


The following morning as I woke up, I realised it was Saturday and strictly speaking my day off but I couldn’t think of anything to occupy me.

I went downstairs and made myself some breakfast. My body stiffened as Zack came in. Turning around, I admired him.

“Zack, I will make you one of my special coffees.”

“That sounds great, thank you,” he said, grabbing my hand and kissing my palm tenderly.

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