Beautifully Irresistible (29 page)

BOOK: Beautifully Irresistible
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We slept in the following morning, totally worn out by last night’s activities. Luckily Jasper and Scarlett had finished school for the summer.

My phone started to ring and I reached over and grabbed it. I saw that it was my Mum. I hadn’t spoken to her for quite a while and I had been missing her so much recently.

Zack was still fast asleep, looking all angelic. Ha! Whatever!

“Hi, Mum. How are you?”

“Hi, Jennifer. Really good, thanks, and we are planning a party for your Dad for his 60th next weekend. Do you think that you can make it? Zack and his kids are more than welcome too.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world and I will ask Zack and let you know as soon as possible. Is it a surprise party?”

“No, it would be too difficult to hide you all away, plus your Dad likes to be in the know!”

“Okay, I will speak to you later, Mum. Love you!”

I kissed the top of Zack’s head to wake him up. His eyes flickered open as he stretched like a cat and smiled at me.

“That was my Mum. It’s my Dad’s 60th next weekend and she is throwing a party for him. She has invited all of us, if you fancy it.”

“Well, I have nothing on. I would love to see North Yorkshire and I am sure Scarlett and Jasper will want to come with us.”

“Great, I will ring her back.”

“There’s just one thing though.”


“Will I get a nosebleed going up North?


I firmed up the arrangements for the following weekend.

The rest of the week passed quietly and I found that I was really looking forward to going back home.

We decided to set off early Friday morning as we had a five hour drive ahead of us. They were looking forward to seeing where I grew up and I felt the familiar tug of home as we got closer.

“Turn off here, Zack.”

“Wow, it’s beautiful here, Jennifer,’” Scarlett told me as we took the winding road that led up to the house.

The fields were full of beautiful horses grazing and it was a lovely sight.

“How many horses are there here?” Zack asked, clearly impressed.

“At last count, ninety seven!” I laughed, watching his shocked expression.

“This place is cool, Jennifer,” Jasper chimed in, finally removing his headphones.

We pulled up to the front door and my Mum and Dad rushed out to greet us.

“Hello, sweetheart!” Dad said, hugging me tightly.

My Mum pushed in for a group hug and we stood together so happy to see one another.

“Hello, Zack. It’s good to see you again,” Dad told him, shaking his hand as my Mum greeted him with a kiss on the cheek.

“You must be Scarlett.”

Mum pulled her in for a warm embrace.

“This must be Jasper. You really look like your Dad!”

Jasper was treated to a hug too.

We took our luggage into the hallway.

“Come on, Scarlett and Jasper, I will show you your rooms.”

“Where are we, Mum?” I shouted after her.

“You are in your old room, of course! You are in the end room, Jasper, this way.”

“Come up, Zack” I shouted down the long hallway.

He followed me up with a bemused expression on his face. I opened the door into my room and it was like stepping into a time warp of teenage memories.

Some were good.

Some were bad.

Zack took in the room.

“The Backstreet Boys, Jennifer, really?” Zack laughed, grabbing my bottom.

“Oh yes, especially Nick!”

“He’s the blond one, obviously!” Zack teased.

I don’t know why I didn’t ever take them down. A feeling of nostalgia washed over me.

It was good to be home. I knew my home was with Zack and I had my flat in Ashford but this would always be my proper home.

We sank into the bed together.

“I bet this bed has seen some action over the years!” he teased as it creaked beneath us.

I laughed as he pulled me into his arms.

“I bet it will see some action tonight with you in it, hot stuff!” I giggled.

“Kettle’s on, you two!” Mum shouted up the stairs.

We quickly made our way to the kitchen and found Scarlett and Jasper getting pampered by my Mum and Dad.

“I have never understood the British fascination with tea,” Zack told her.

“We love our tea in Yorkshire, Zack.”

She smiled kindly at him and I knew that she really liked him.

What the hell was not to like!

After our tea, I took everyone outside to show them the facilities.

I showed them the indoor arena with seating, an outside schooling area and a small exercise area to lunge the horses.

“It is quite something, Jennifer,” Zack told me as we wandered around.

“Scarlett, you could have a ride of one if you fancy. There are some girls going for a hack in the woods. We can soon kit you out.”

“Sounds great, I would love to.”

We helped Scarlett tack up a lovely coloured pony called Max and Zack and I watched as she joined the other girls on the ride.

“She seems happy at the moment, Zack. I think she is in love!”

“She does seem happy and I know she could do a lot worse than Connor. I guess I just have to accept that she’s growing up.”

“I will just hang here, Dad,” Jasper said, eyeing up a blonde.

She was busy brushing a lovely bay horse and I saw the way she batted her eyelashes at him.

A small sports car roared up the road at speed.

“Here’s Jack pulling up. Come and meet him, I am sure you will get on like a house on fire!”

“Hi, Jack!” I shouted, pulling him in for a hug.

Jack stood about 6’ tall with thick dark hair and a handsome face that sported stubble most of the time. At 27, he was two years younger than me and we had always been close.

“Hi, Jenny, long time no see!” he laughed, kissing my cheek.

“This is Zack!” I told him as they weighed each other up shaking hands.

A pretty blonde got out of the low car looking really nervous.

“This is Anna,” Jack told us putting his arm around her.

“It’s very nice to meet you.”

When she shook hands with Zack, she went bright red and looked really embarrassed. I tried not to laugh at the effect he had on her.

Scarlett got back from her ride and had made some new friends. She had had a great time and we all went back into the house to enjoy dinner. Jasper floated around most of the night with a stupid grin plastered on his face.

After dinner, we played charades and card games. It was great to be home again with my family. Zack seemed relaxed and it had done him good to get away from everything.

“I’m shattered, it’s time for bed,” I told him, yawning.

We said our good nights and I saw Scarlett and Jasper to their small bedrooms. When I got back to the room, Zack was lying on the bed, hard and naked. I wondered what he had on his mind.

He was so insatiable!

I took in his beautiful appearance, greedily.

“Fancy fooling around a bit, Miss Black?” he asked me suggestively.

“We will have to be quiet. My brother’s room is next door,” I whispered, taking my clothes off.

“A bit slower please.”

I took my bra off slowly and unbuttoned my jeans, pushing them down my legs. I was standing in my pants.

“I will never tire of looking at your gorgeous breasts. Now take your pants down real slow,” he instructed as he pulled me over to the bed.

I pushed them down slowly as I felt overwhelming desire for my perfect lover washing ruthlessly over me.

“You are so very, very sexy.”

His hand gripped his erection tightly. He moved his hand quickly up and down.

“So are you,” I said, going over and grabbing him.

He groaned at my gentle touch.

“I love you Jennifer,” he told me, kissing my neck before he spent time on my breasts and continued licking down my willing body.

“I love you too,” I murmured as I was transported to another level of pure pleasure as he touched me.

He kissed me between my legs and he took my clit between his teeth and flicked his tongue across it, teasing me to an amazing orgasm. It was like his signature move and it drove me crazy. His tongue continued to pleasure me as it penetrated deeper and deeper. I felt like I would pass out with the intense sensation.

“Yes!” I shouted too loudly, gripping his thick hair as I pushed my hips into him.

“Shush!” he whispered, laughing softly.

Just then we could hear noises in Jack’s room.

“Oh yes, Jack, harder, harder,” I heard Anna panting.

I had forgotten how paper thin the walls were!

“Anna, you are a sexy bitch!” Jack shouted as the headboard banged loudly against the wall.

Zack and I couldn’t contain our laughter as I tried to block out the sound of my brother’s very enthusiastic lovemaking.

“It’s like being back at Cambridge!” Zack laughed as he tuned in to next door’s action.

“I can’t bear listening to him. It makes me feel sick. That’s my brother, you know!”

“Yes, Anna! Call me Daddy!” Jack shouted as the banging headboard continued.

“Daddy, Daddy, oh yes Daddy!” she screamed as the banging finally stopped.

“Oh my god, that is so weird!” I said to Zack as he looked at me with tears of laughter in his eyes.

“Well, it’s your turn now but don’t you dare call me Daddy!” Zack said as he slid easily into me.


Chapter Thirty Six


Dad’s party was to be held that evening in one of the large barns. We all chipped in decorating the barn with lights, banners and balloons. It looked fantastic.

We had sent Dad off to play golf with a friend so he would have no idea about the scale of the party.

“Did you sleep well in your old bed, Jennifer?” Jack asked.

“It was a bit weird as was the racket you two were making,” I told him, laughing as I looked over to Anna who was helping Zack blow up some balloons.

“She’s just a bit of fun and she’s really good in bed. How about you? Are you in love with him?”

“Yes, I am, hopelessly. He is the best thing that ever happened to me and I couldn’t be any happier, Jack.”

“I’m pleased for you, Jenny, but what about the fact that you are a DC undercover?” he whispered.

“I don’t want to talk about it, Jack!” I told him tightly.

Zack headed back to the house and I noticed Anna was following on. I crept behind them as I didn’t like the way she was looking at him.

“Zack, can I talk to you?” I heard her say as I sneaked up behind them, careful to keep out of sight.

“Yes, what can I do for you, Anna?”

“I can’t take my eyes off you and I really want you! I bet you are an amazing lover!” she boldly declared.

“Well, I am with Jennifer who I love dearly so I really can’t help you there. You sounded pretty into Jack last night, Anna!”

“He’s okay for now, I suppose, but you are something else.”

I took a chance to peak around the corner and she was standing up close to him. He looked like he didn’t know what to do. His hand raked through his hair. She moved closer to him and ground her body against him.

“No, don’t do that, Anna!” Zack said, shoving her off as she grabbed his neck and pushed her lips to his.

“Well, if you change your mind, I would be only too happy to do everything with you, you sexy man!” she replied, feeling his bottom.

The cheeky bitch!

“What are you playing at, Anna?” I shouted, walking around the corner.

“I’m not sorry, Jennifer. I thought I would take a chance. He’s very hard to resist!” she told me, looking me straight in the eyes.

“I know that, now fuck off, you sneaky bitch! For your information, he is amazing in bed and another thing is, he is mine so do one before I do something I might regret. Jack is far too good for you, Anna!” I told her, moving closer to her.

My fists clenched in pure unadulterated rage.

She flushed bright red and ran towards the house.

“Thanks, Jennifer. She was a bit full on! You are one tough cookie.”

“Well, women need to keep their filthy paws off you. I don’t mind them looking at you but touching is a no, no. I get so mad, I feel I might commit murder!”

“Jesus, calm down, baby!” he said as he pulled me closely into him.

I realised right there and then how trust worthy Zack was. He had a beautiful woman throwing herself at him and he rejected her.

“Let’s pop into the village and get some more things Mum needs. I will show you the sights.”

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