Beautifully Broken (12 page)

Read Beautifully Broken Online

Authors: Bethany Bazile

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult

BOOK: Beautifully Broken
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our dinner was nice. It’s good to have my best friend back.” I have no choice
but to go along with his assumption. I can’t very well tell him it was Liam’s sweet
caresses and hot sweaty loving that had altered my state of mind.

glad to have you back too. I think my depressed state had Anna worried.” His
soft smile displaying genuine happiness. “I came by to see if you had time for
a business lunch today. We need to discuss Vegas.”

I’m free.”My phone buzzes on my desk and I snatch it up before Lucas’ prying
eyes can see Liam’s name on the screen. He sent me a text.

think I’m sick. I can’t possibly miss u this much

chuckle at his message quickly replying.

contagious, I think I caught it too cause I miss u like crazy

lost in my interplay with Liam I didn’t notice Lucas scrutinizing my reaction
to the text. My phone buzzes again and I put it in my pocket avoiding his
burning gaze.

I’ll order lunch and have it delivered.” I say trying to rustle him out. He
nods his head giving me one last quizzical look before leaving. I’m not going
to be able to keep Liam and me a secret for long with Lucas already suspicious
that I have a man in my life.

pull out my phone opening Liam’s message.

at Arun’s pick u up at 6.
remembered that I like Thai food. My phone buzzes with another incoming

ur things back so I can have you as long as possible tomorrow morning

assuming I’m stayin the night.

hit send and his reply is swift.

please, can’t sleep without u

desperate need to be near me mirrors my feelings for him.


b there. How can I pass up on that sexy body?


defiantly sums me up in a word.

with Lucas is fun and reminiscent of our earlier times. All the tension that
was suffocating me in our relationship non-existent. The client we are meeting
in Vegas happens to be an old college friend of ours. I find myself getting excited
about this trip with Lucas. We haven’t connected so easily in years.

being the only hitch in my Vegas plans. His extreme possessiveness and jealousy
will erupt once I mention Lucas and weekend trip to Vegas, business or not. I
have six weeks to convince him not to worry about this trip but I haven’t even
contemplated Liam’s ultimatum yet. Making the decision to leave everything I
know here for an unstable relationship with a man I’ve known a little over a
month seems insane. My heart doesn’t trust Liam to stay with me.

I was to go to Palm Beach and he decided he couldn’t be with someone as damaged
as I am, I’d be lost. Without Liam or Lucas I’m not sure I could survive how
remote my life would become and the thought of being alone in Florida terrifies

leave at five and hurry to my condo. I throw all my necessities into my duffel
bag and take a swift shower. After moisturizing I put on my favorite Cavalli
leopard print dress and gold pumps then I apply my smoky eye and I run my hands
through my long hair giving it a sexy disheveled look.

buzzes at the door and I grab my bag to meet him downstairs. I went to the
trouble of looking fantastic for him if I let him up he won’t let me out this
condo without going a couple rounds first. I see him before he notices me
coming towards him. His back is turned and he’s chatting with the thin blonde
women at the reception desk. His dark gray slacks cling to his tight ass making
my insides warm. He turns as if sensing my presence, his lazy gaze darts over
my skin tight dress then revert back to my face. His eyes darken with lust as
he makes his way to me leaving his little blonde admirer scowling at me.

muscular shoulders flexes under his gray blazer as he walks. The white shirt
under the blazer unbuttoned three buttons down revealing a peak at his toned
body. His sexual magnetism noticeably affecting the women gathering in the
lobby to get a glimpse.


sheet-mangling, shoulder-biting sex and they want some.

fingers immediately caress my face once he’s within reach. His intense stare
making me want to drag him back up to my place. I run my hands down his hard
chest then band my arms around his waist. He smells almost as good as he looks.
I want to lick him but it would be inappropriate here.

are stunning,” he says placing a kiss on my cheek.

look pretty good too.”

go before I drag you back upstairs and fuck you all night.”

please,” I reply. He shakes his head making a tsking sound as he takes the
duffel bag off my shoulder. As we pass the receptionist he nods her way,
acknowledging her. She blushes three shades of red as though he promised her
his body in that simple gesture.

with you and receptionist,” I frown at him.

smirks at me draping his arm around my shoulder pulling me into his warm body.
“I was trying to get her to let me up to collect you.”

careful, I’m learning I have a severely jealous side.” I warn him.

noted.” He kisses my forehead, leading me to a sleek Audi R8. This man exudes
sexiness in every aspect of his life, from his body to that gorgeous face, his
smell and even the car he drives. How would I ever be able to keep a man who
was every woman’s dream? He should be with some stuck-up socialite that will
kiss ass at his business meetings and give him three or four kids. Kids don’t
seem like an option for someone like me. I’d fuck them up worst than I was.

keep my hands on his warm thigh on the ride to the restaurant, singing along to
Coldplay’s clocks as my hand skims his ridged member. His sideways glance
conveying his amusement at my randy behavior. He handles the car with powerful
ease, swerving in and out of lanes like a man on a mission.

the restaurant he escorts me in with a hand stroking the small of my back. The
small cozy restaurant is one of my favorites. The intricate Buddhist artwork
that covers the wall ensnares the attention of many. The spring rolls we order
are amazing. We share our entrees feeding each other pieces from our plates.
Liam reaches over and wipes a smudge of mustard from the edge of my mouth with
his finger. Warm heat floods between my legs when he puts that finger in his
mouth and sucks on it.

need to leave,” I demand. Not wanting to wait another minute more for a taste
of his addictive body. He shakes his head and points to the remaining food on
my plate. The wicked smile on his lips says he’s enjoying teasing me. I shove
the last few pieces of food into my mouth making a show of swallowing.

chuckles as he waves the waiter over to get our check. I walk hastily ahead of
him in a rush to get him alone and naked. He yanks me back with an arm around
my waist, pressing my back up against his growing erection.

I get you to my place I’m going to pull this sexy ass jungle dress up to your
waist and fuck you.” He whispers into my ear. A full body shiver overtakes me. He
knows how much I love it when he talks dirty to me.

let you do it here.” My core is aching for him and I don’t care who see’s this
beautiful man worshipping my body.

I’m hard.”

door is whisked open in front of us and everything stands still. Anna notices
me wrapped in another man’s arm and frowns. She glances at Liam and instant
recognition hits her, the lines on her face soften. She gasps softly as Lucas
walks in behind her.

try to dislodge Liam’s arm from around my waist but it tightens in a death
grip. Lucas halts mid stride, his glare darting between Liam and I then to
Liam’s arm still wrapped possessively around my waist.

go” he growls trying to pull me past the gawking Lucas and Anna. Lucas’ hand
shoots out and grasps my arm. The dangerous glint in Liam’s eyes frightens me.

need to fucking talk. Now!” Lucas bellows his eye beaming into me. I suddenly
feel torn between the two most important men in my life. I knew I would have to
come clean soon I just wasn’t ready yet.

your fucking hands off my girl.” Liam orders, getting into Lucas’ face.

girl?” Lucas looks puzzled, trying to figure out how I could possibly be Liam’s
girl. This is getting worst by the minute and I have to do something to diffuse
the situation.

can you give me a minute please.” He wavers, not sure if he should trust me. His
fingers loosen and I quickly pull Liam outside the restaurant door. His eyes are
wild with a hint of distress. He glances anxiously over my shoulder at his
mother then heaves a deep breath.

you give me a minute to talk to Lucas?”

no. We're leaving now. I don’t want you having anything to do with those two.”
He runs a hand through his tousled hair. God, I know seeing his mother again is
killing him. I want to help him through this but I need a minute to calm Lucas down.
I step closer rubbing his biceps with my hand.

Liam; you already knew yesterday that I would choose you. Just let me have a
minute with him.” he shakes his head letting out a frustrated sound. His hands
shoot to my face holding it captive between them. He moves in so close I can
feel his breath against my lip.

can’t lose you. If you don’t come out in five minutes I will drag you out. I
won’t lose you to him.” he places gentle kisses on my lips and face, cherishing

never lose me.” I answer turning to walk back into the restaurant.

I step in Anna pats me on the back and step out into the night. My anxiety
skyrockets but not for me, for Liam. I’m afraid what a confrontation with his
mother might do to him. He’s nearly hysterical with me coming to talk to Lucas.
I’m afraid Anna might cause him to run, and run far.

cold glare sends chills down my back. He pulls me into a small corner, crowding
me against the wall. “How long have you been fucking him?” his low growl
rumbles through me.

sorry.” Is all I manage to say. Once this rage fades I know he’ll be extremely
hurt and I’m sorry for that.

me” he hisses through gritted teeth.

a month.” I whisper, my eyes aimed at the floor.

is that even possible? He’s only been here five weeks.” He pushes away from me
pacing in front of me. I know he does it calm his anger but when he stops in
front of me the rage is still dancing in his eyes.

many days was he here before this started?”

I never planned for something like this to happen. I didn’t know who he was and
by the time I found out it was too late.”

didn’t answer the question” he says calmly.

not going to be able to get out of this question. I contemplate lying but I’ve
done enough of that to Lucas already.

first night” this time I hold his frigid stare ready to take the brunt of his
anger. I deserve it.

storms into my face like a raging bull. His nostrils flaring and his eyes
blazing. “You made me wait for years for you and he walks into town and you
fuck him on the first night. Lying to my face that there was no one else. I’ve
been in love with a lying whore for ten years. I can’t even look at you; you
make me so sick.” He makes a loud growling sound causing me to cower. I watch
as he storms out the restaurant without looking back.

slide down the wall with my arms clutched around myself, the stinging in my
heart insistent. I never wanted the day to come when Lucas would see me for the
trash I really was. The disgust in Lucas’ eyes taunting me even now with him
long gone.

squats down in front of me assessing my condition. He scoops me up in his
capable arms and carries me out of the restaurant.

ride to back to Liam’s is quiet, neither of us wanting to discuss the passing
events. One moment we were happy and in love. I couldn’t wait to get home to
show him how happy he made me. Then everything was annihilated when Anna and
Lucas walked through those doors. I glance over at Liam driving yet lost in his
head. I splay my hand over his in a show of support. He glances at my hand and
squeezes it, accepting my small gesture for what it is.

his place, Liam guides me to his room and strips my clothes. He pulls a shirt
out of his drawer and pulls it over my head. After pulling back the sheets and
waiting for me to lie down he removes his clothes and gets in next to me and
wraps me in his warm embrace. The comfort we offer each other a substantial
piece of our growing relationship.

gaze into each other’s eyes silently communicating, each of us wanting to bear
the burden of the others pain. As my eyelids get heavy and I begin to drift off
I hear the smooth timber of Liam’s voice.

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