Read Beating the Devil's Game: A History of Forensic Science and Criminal Online
Authors: Katherine Ramsland
Tags: #Law, #Forensic Science
first systematic treatise on, 44
hydrobromide of hyoscin, 184, 185
mistakes, 54, 57, 81–82
morphine, 142, 143, 144
nanotoxicology, 374
nicotine, 74, 75
opium, 115
prussic acid, 60
strychnine, 54, 82, 83
thin-layer chromatography, 267
vegetable extracts, 74, 75
trains, cross-country, 42
Traité de Criminalistique
(Locard), 195
Traité des Poisons . . . ou Toxicologie Générale
(Orfila), 44
transmission electron microscope, 240–241
Treatise on the Teeth
(Fauchard), 42
Trevor-Roper, Hugh, 336
Trial of Steven Truscott, The
(Le Bourdais), 305
True Detective Mysteries
(May), 203
Truscott, Steven, 303–307
Twain, Mark, 105
Tyrrell, John F., 164
Uhlenhuth, Paul, 168–169, 170, 179, 292
ultraviolet radiation (“chemical rays”), 28
undercover detectives, 32–42
United States, 42, 45–46, 50–53, 76, 79, 84, 94, 103, 188–190, 250–251
United States,
v., 229, 346–347, 357–358
University of Bologna, 8
University of Breslau, 84
University of California, 222, 228, 309
University of Cambridge, 290
University of Edinburgh, 27, 114
University of Glasgow, 261
University of Graz, 110, 139
University of Heidelberg, 84
University of Kharkov, 267
University of Leiden, 15
University of Leipzig, 16
University of Paris, 43, 88, 92
University of Tennessee, 331
University of Toronto, 291
University of Turin, 100
U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF), 336, 359, 367
U.S. Forest Products Laboratory, 254
U.S. Supreme Court, 357
Vacher, Joseph, 137
vacuum apparatus, 202
Vaillancourt, Norma, 314
Van Amburgh, Charles, 212–213
Van Dusen, Augustus S.F.X. (“the Thinking Machine”), 189–190
Vannatter, Philip, 364
Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 211–213, 258
Vaughn, Victor, 142
vegetable extracts (poisonous), 74, 75
VICAP (Violent Criminal Apprehension Program), 344, 367
Victoria (Queen of Scotland), 114
Videofile, 319
Vidocq, François Eugène, 33–35, 35–39, 39–42, 65, 67, 87, 105, 117, 118, 368
Vietnam War demonstrations, 311
Villebrun, Émile, 180, 190
Vincent, Charles, 121
Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (VICAP), 344, 367
Virchow, Rudolph, 85
virtual imaging, 375
voiceprint technology, 269, 316–318
voices of authority, 141–166
Voirbo, Pierre, 96–97
Vollman, John, 295–296
Vollmer, August (“father of modern policing”), 222–223, 228
Voltaire, 23
Von der Leyen, Erich, 292
Vucetich, Juan, 126–127, 194
Wainwright the Forger, 54
Waite, Charles E., 205–207
Walcott, Margaret, 204
Walsh Automation, 359
Walter, Herbert J., 271
Wambaugh, Joseph, 344, 353
Ward, Lock & Co., 118
Warne, Kate, 65–66
Warren, Sir Charles, 122
Warren Report, 321–322
Washing Away of Unjust Imputations (Hsi yüan chi lu)
(Sung Tz’u), 9–12
Waterloo, 39
Watson, James, 290
Watson, John, 118
Weber, Jeanne, 177–178
Webster, John, 69–73
Wecht, Cyril, 302, 321–322, 324
Wells, David, 81
Wendel, Paul, 257
West, William, 173
White, Ike, 141–142
White, Ray, 333
Whitechapel Vigilante Committee, 122
Wilentz, David T., 253, 254, 257
Wilkins, Maurice, 290
Willcox, William, 186, 187
Williams, Abigail, 1
Williams, Dennis, 380–381
Williams, John, 31
Williams, Minnie and Nettie, 153
Williamson, John, 31
Winchester, 211
Witthaus, Rudolph, 142, 144
women in forensics, 65–66, 279–280
Wood, Dorothy, 383
Wood, Edward S., 146
world, changed, 339–351
World’s Fairs, 77
Wormley, T. G., 83
wound analysis, 15, 177, 234, 236–237
Wyman, Jeffries, 70
x-ray crystallography, 160
Yeshiva University, 354, 380
Zacchia, Paolo, 16
Zimmermann, Gustav, 64
zNose, 384–385