Dream Lover

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Authors: Lynn Davis

Tags: #interracial, #fantasy adult romance, #erotica adult contemporary adult contemporary erotica contemporary interracial adultinterracial erotica, #romance africanamerican contemporary, #interracial adult sex

BOOK: Dream Lover
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Dream Lover


By Lynn Davis




Smashwords Edition



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Davis Vale Publishing

Unites States of America



Print Edition ISBN-10: 0989344623

Print Edition ISBN-13: 978-0-9893446-2-3


Cover By: Lydia Chai Yee Xuan

Edited By: Mike Piero



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Thanks to my family for all your support.


Table of Contents





The Plans

Things Changed

Am I Dreaming?

Pursuing Fulfillment

About the Author

Also by Lynn Davis





Kayla was both nervous and excited. She had
waited for this day for a long time. So far, everything was
perfect. She awoke almost two hours earlier than she normally had.
It was 5 a.m., and she could not get back to sleep. She rolled over
to her side and looked out the bay window that overlooked her back
yard. She could almost hear all the voices of her friends and
family congratulating her for completing her degree in record time
and with honors. She sighed with satisfaction. Today was graduation
day. She decided to get up, turn on
The Morning News
and make sure the weather forecast had not changed. It was supposed
to get at least ninety, and there hadn’t been any clouds in the sky
yesterday. She hoped for the same today.

Grabbing the remote, she turned on the TV and
headed for the kitchen to start the coffee. She smiled as she
remembered the gift that her mother had given her a month ago to
help her save money. She had been frequenting Starbucks about five
times a day, getting her favorite drink, a tall Caramel Mocha
Macchiato. Her mother had gasped at her admission, and three days
later she had bought her a coffee maker that had all the bells and
whistle for making any coffee beverage she could think of.

Kayla entered the kitchen and looked around.
There were a few dishes in the sink from last night, and the floor
could use a good sweeping. She decided to start the coffee maker
and then clean the kitchen while she waited. Once her kitchen was
clean, she returned to her room with a fresh cup of coffee in her
hand. Now she needed to decide what to wear.

Looking at the clock it was only 5:45 a.m.
Graduation did not start until 11 a.m. Her sister was coming at
9a.m. to do her hair and makeup. She rolled her eyes. Alice was
such a girl and made such a fuss when it came to special events.
However, today was a special day and she wanted to look special,
especially when Bill saw her.

Kayla and Bill had been in the same study
groups a few times, and she had to admit that she really liked him.
He was very attractive. He seemed a bit serious most of the time
but when he smiled, it lit up his face. His hazel eyes were bright
and intense. She could get lost in those eyes. She found herself
watching him as he explained a case study or read. She just liked
looking at him. Kayla felt her body heating up. She had noticed her
body responding more and more to him. She wasn’t sure how she felt
about it but she didn’t seem to mind it this morning.

She sat on the bed and decided to read for
about an hour. While in school, other than reading for class, she
really didn’t have time to read. She sat her back against the
headboard and pick up her Kindle. Scrolling through the carousel,
frowning at the titles that scrolled by. She finally decided to
by Susannah Sandlin. She recalled reading
last summer.

“Let’s see what the Vampires in Penton are up
to now,” she said aloud.


Kayla looked up and gasped: it was 8:15 a.m.
She shut down her Kindle and jumped up to take a shower. Her sister
would be here in 45 minutes and she had to be dressed. She cursed
under her breath. Her sister was not one to run late, and, if
anything, she would be ten minutes early.

Looping her towel on the towel rack, she
stepped under the hot, inviting spray. Turning her back to the
shower, Kayla let the spray pound into her shoulders giving her a
massage. After relaxing a few more minutes, she soaped her loofah
and swiped it across her body. Relishing in the smell of Black
Orchid and Juniper Oil, she went over her body again.

Tilting her head back, she let the water run
over her forehead and hair. Pouring the thick silky cream of her
Cantu Shea Butter Moisturizing Cream Shampoo into her hand, Kayla
stepped out from under the spray and smoothed it over her head.
Closing the lid, setting it back down, she lazily worked it into
lather, letting her mind daydream while she did so.

She was getting excited about seeing Bill.
She let her mind wander to his lips; his shoulders that were broad;
his arms that were toned and muscular. She liked watching them flex
and relax as he turned the pages of his books. His thighs were
strong and from what she could tell when he wore jeans just as
toned as his arms. She let her imagination take her to what she
thought his chest and stomach looked like. She felt her knees grow
a bit weak.

She chuckled,
look at you girl, the man
has not even given the slightest notion that he likes you and you
are already fantasizing and daydreaming about him. Get a grip!
She thought.

Tilting her head back again, she rinsed her
hair, turning up the hot water. Pouring her companion Conditioner
onto her hair, she lathered it up and let it set in her hair as she
picked up her shaving gel and applied it to her under arms, legs
and bikini area. Picking up the razor, she began to shave her legs,
and then touched up her bikini area, smiling as she pictured Bill
watching her. Satisfied with the newly shaven skin, she finished
with her underarms. Rinsing the soapy hairs off her body, she
remembered a time her body was truly smooth to the touch.

Kayla liked that she had been so busy with
school over the past three semesters that she had lost that extra
20 lbs. and her tummy had become nonexistent, and her legs were
slender and shapely like they had been in high school. The study
group members had decided to go to In-Shape City to set up a
membership so they could go once a week. They would go as a group
most times and that had helped her to start toning her arms. She
liked the way she looked naked now. Her breasts were firm and
perky, thank God. Her nipples were extremely sensitive and she had
caught Bill sneaking peeks a few times when she wore something that
was thin enough to show her erect nipples through the material.

Stepping back under the shower, Kayla let it
cascade over her full length. Running her fingers through her hair
to get the conditioner out, her imagination went into overdrive.
Closing her eyes, she was no longer in her shower alone, Bill was
there, and his hands in her hair, his body inches away from hers.
His hands were gentle as they combed through her hair, sensuously
massaging her scalp. He placed gentle kisses on her neck and cheek,
as the conditioner ran over his hands, arms and down her body, his
hands followed. Over her shoulders, down her breasts, his hands
gently cupping them, as the spray teased her nipples erect.

“Hmm” he whispered.

The shrill ringing of the doorbell was
definitely a demand to come back to Earth and get real. She had too
much to do without mooning over some guy who was not interested in


The Plans



Almost everyone had arrived. Kayla’s car had
failed her, refusing to start again. She called Mitchell to come
pick her up and would deal with her car later. She was running
late. She was supposed to be at the school by 10:35 a.m. The
mechanic she used would have to come and pick up the car. She
inhaled deeply as it was just another unexpected expense. Mitchell
arrived and smiled.

“You look like a million bucks,” he said
admiring her finished look.

Kayla had to admit, her sister had done a
great job slightly curling her hair and framing her face while
pulling the majority of her hair back into a sloppy bun. Her makeup
was light and enhanced the colors of the print in her free flowing

“So is everything ready for the party?” Mitch
was saying as she slid into the car. The plan was for the group to
meet at Red Lobster for her favorite meal, and then they would go
to The Highland Club. Marsha’s husband, another member in the study
group, owned the club and since they had all become good friends,
he offered to host the graduation party for them. The study group
and all their guests would be there.

“Yes, everything is all set up I hear,” Kayla
said wondering if Bill had planned to join them.

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