Beating the Devil's Game: A History of Forensic Science and Criminal (35 page)

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Authors: Katherine Ramsland

Tags: #Law, #Forensic Science

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*The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. To find the corresponding locations in the text of this digital version, please use the “search” function on your e-reader. Note that not all terms may be searchable.

AAFS (American Academy of Forensic Sciences), 278–280, 321, 369

“absorption lines,” 84–85

aconite, 80–81, 143

Adams, Katherine, 164

Adler, Oskar and Rudolph, 176–177

admissibility of evidence, 229, 346–347, 357–358

AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System), 319, 345, 367

alchemy, 4–5

Alcmaeon of Croton, 2

Alexander, Dr., 42–43

algor mortis, 15, 32

alienists, 63, 109, 110

Allard, M., 67–68

Allen, Matthew, 63

Allen, William, 247

Almeida, Carla, 350–351

Alvarez, Eduard, 126

Amelogenin, 373

United States


American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS), 278–280, 321, 369

American Society of Questioned Document Examiners, 271

Anastasia, 207–208

anatomy experts, 69–71

Andrews, Tommie Lee, 346, 347

Andrieux, Louis, 106

Anselmo, Francesco, 143

Anthropological Institute in Paris, 89

Anthropological Society, 89

anthropology (forensic)

brains of anthropologists, donating, 99

death estimates, 329–332

first testimony by, 162

reconstruction, 159, 203, 261–262, 263–264, 267–268, 287

skeletal growth stages, 294

Anthropology Research Facility (“Body Farm”), 331–332

anthropometric measuring, 89–90, 91, 105–108.
See also

Anthropometry, or the Measurement of Different Faculties in Man
(Quételet), 105

Antistius, 4

Archambault, Marielle, 314

Archives de l’anthropologie criminelle,

Aristotle, xviii

arsenic, 21–22, 24–25, 28–30, 44, 45, 48–50, 55, 56, 57, 86, 186–187

arson, 268

Articles of Eyre,

Ashworth, Dawn, 340, 342

asphyxiation victims, 67–68.
See also

assassinations, 301, 311

atomic bombs dropped on Japan, 269

atomic-force microscope, 374–375

atropine, 142

Audette, Shirley, 315

Augustine (Saint), 13

Augustus, Caesar, 4

autobiographies (criminal), 138

Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS), 319, 345, 367

automatic electric phrenometer, 109

autopsies, 2, 4, 10, 13–17, 321, 322

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 159

Backhouse, Graham, 337–339

Bacon, Roger, 13

bacteriology, death related, 332

Baden, Michael, 322, 323

Bailey, F. Lee, 310, 362

Baird, Michael, 345

Baker, Edward, 197

firearms and ballistics

Balthazard, Victor, 162, 188, 201

Balzac, Honoré de, 39, 41

Bankes, Isabella, 85–86

banking systems, new, 14

Barrow, Elizabeth, 185–186, 186–187

Bass, William, III, 329–332

BATF (U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms), 336, 359, 367

Batten, Elsie, 298–299

Bausch and Lomb Optical Company, 205

Bayard, H., 54

Beccaria, Cesare Bonesana, 22–23

Beck, Adolf, 173–174

Bedale-Taylor, Colyn, 338

Behavioral Science Unit (BSU), 319

Belgium, 60, 74

Bell, Alexander Graham, 269

Bell, Alexander Melville, 269

Bell, Joseph, 114–115, 116, 233

Bell Labs, 269, 316

Bendectin, 356–357

Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, 354, 380

Bennett, James Gordon, 51

Berardelli, Alessandro, 211

Bergeret, Marcel, 78

Berlin Medical Faculty, 29

Berlin Technical University, 240

Bernard, Paul, 133, 135

Berry, Tim, 345, 347

Bertillon, Alphonse, 100, 105–108, 120, 124–125, 158–159, 196–197, 268

Bertillon, Jacques, 100

Bertillon, Louis-Adolphe, 99–100, 105


fingerprints vs., 124–126, 163–164, 171, 196–197

origin of, 105–108

Beveridge, Peter, 284–285

Bewick, Thomas, 28, 43

binaural stethoscope, 77

biological evidence, 280–291

biological terrorism, 384–385

biometric identification, 375

“Bird Road Rapist,” 381

Birkett, Norman, 263

birth defects, 356–357

Bishop, Robert, 250

bite-mark analysis, 1–2, 98, 272–273, 291–292, 312–315, 324–329.
See also
odontology (forensic)

Black Death, 13

Blackstone, William, 385

Blaisdell, Judge, 148

Blake, Edward, 353

Blandy, Mary, 21–22, 55

blood analysis (serology)

bacterial analyses, 260

bloodstain detection, 43

bloodstain pattern analysis, 309

blood types, 167–169, 202

calculating blood spilled, 283

clumping reaction, 168

detection, smooth surfaces, 85

dried bloodstains, 202

hemoglobin test, 83

human vs. animal blood, 167, 168–169

intoximeter, 277

luminol, 267

O. J. Simpson case, 360

precipitin test, 168–169, 170, 179, 292

presumptive blood tests, 87–88

repelling reaction, 168

round shape of dripped blood, 338

spectroscopy, 84, 167

blood circulation, 16

Blooding, The
(Wambaugh), 344, 353

Bloodsworth, Kirk Noble, 352–354

Bocarmé, Hippolyte (Count), 73–75

Bodasse, Desiré, 95–96, 97

Boden, Wayne Clifford, 315

Bode Technology Group, 372–373

bodily “maps,” 100–101, 131

Bodle, George, 49

“Body Farm” (Anthropology Research Facility), 331–332

Bogan, Earl and Mark, 355–356

BOI (Bureau of Investigation), 188, 230

Bompard, Gabrielle, 134, 136

Bonaparte, Charles J., 188

Bond, George, 205

Bond, Thomas, 123–124

Bonny and Clyde, 251

Boost, Werner, 293

Borden, Abby, 144, 145, 146–147, 148, 149

Borden, Andrew, 144–145, 146, 147, 148, 150

Borden, Emma, 148, 150

Borden, Lizzie, 144–151

“born criminals” theory, 101–102

“Boston Strangler,” 311

botany (forensic), 98

Bouchard, Gaetane, 295–296

Bowen, Dr., 145–146

Bowman, Martha, 325

Bow Street Runners, 21, 47, 93

Boztepe, Sukru, 359

Bradley, Steven, 297–298

“brain fingerprinting,” 375–376

Brash, James, 261, 264

Brasscatcher, 359

Braunlich, Hilda Z., 254

Breeton’s Christmas Annual,

“Brides in the Bath Killer” (George Joseph Smith), 187–188

Brigade de la Sûreté, 38, 39–40, 41, 67

British Association for the Advancement of Science, 62, 163

Brittle, William, 302–303

Broca, Paul Pierre, 88–89, 99, 100

Broca’s area of the brain, 89

Broderick, Jean Ann, 354–355

Brouardel, Paul, 109

Brown, Beresford, 284

Brown, Frances, 270

Browne, Frederick Guy, 238

Bruno Magli shoes, 361, 365

Brunschwygk, Hieronymous, 15

Brussel, James, 320

BSU (Behavioral Science Unit), 319

Buchanan, Robert, 141–142, 143–144

Budd, Grace, 264–265

Bulletproof, 359

bullets, marks on, 40, 48, 132, 162, 171, 198, 201, 204, 205, 206

Bundy, Theodore Robert, 324–329

Bunsen, Robert, 84, 179

Bunsen battery and burner, 84

Bureau des Renseignements, Le
(Vidocq), 41

Bureau of Forensic Ballistics (NY), 207, 213

Bureau of Investigation (BOI), 188, 230

Burns, James, 212, 213

Burroughs, George (Reverend), 1–2

Bush, Edwin, 298–299

Bush, George W. (President), 381–382

cadaveric alkaloids, 75, 142–143

Caesar, Julius, 3–4

Camecasse, Jean, 107

Camps, Francis E., 281–282, 282–283, 284, 288, 305, 306, 307

Capone, Al, 239, 240

carbon monoxide, 286, 288

Cardinal, Albert J., 215

Kumbo Tire Co.
v., 358

Carolingian Code of 1533, 15

Carpender, Henry, 219, 221

Carvaho, David, 164

Case, Clarence E., 218–219

Castellanos, Israel, 276–277

Castro, Joseph, 348–350

v., 348–350

CBS, 367

celebrity crimes, xi–xii, 50–53, 359–366

“Cellar Murderer” (Hawley Harvey Crippen), 183–185

CELLDEK, 376–377

Cellmark, 353

Central News Agency, 122

Centurion Ministries, 353

Cetus Corporation, 353

changing shifts: from spies to investigators, 27–58

Chantrelle, Eugene Marie, 115

Chapman, Annie, 121

Character from the Face
(Penry), 315

Charles V and IX (Kings of France), 15

Charts of Privileges,

chemical analysis for trace evidence, 84–85

Chicago Daily Times,

China, 2, 8–13

Choiseul-Praslin, duc de (Charles-Louis Theobald), 66–68

Christie, Ethel, 286, 288

Christie, John Reginald Halliday, 284–290

chromatography, 267, 319, 335, 384–385

chromosomes and inherited information, 189, 202.
See also

Churchill, Mrs., 145

Churchill, Robert, 237

Cicero, 3

City of God
(St. Augustine), 13

civil liberties violations, 379

civil rights riots, 311

Civil War (American), 76, 94

Clark, Marcia, 361

Classification and the Use of Finger Prints
(Edward), 163

Clifford, John, 70, 72

Cluentius, 3

CNN, 365

Cochran, Johnnie, 362, 364

code secrets, 333–339

CODIS (Combined DNA Index System), 366–367, 382

Codronchi, Battista, 16

“Co-ed Killer,” 311

Cohen, David, 299–300

Collins, Charles, 172, 175–176

color reaction tests, 142, 143, 144

Colt, 206

Columbia University, 290

Colwell, Martin, 226–227, 228

Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), 366–367, 382

comparison microscope, 207, 213, 234, 240

computer tomography, 377

Condon, John F., 245, 247, 256

Congress of Vienna, 39

coniine, 74

Connally, Governor, 301, 323

conspiracy, 301–302, 321–324

Constitutio Bambergenis Criminalis,

Cook, Alex E., 153

Cornish, Harry, 164

coroners, 6–8

counterfeit coins, 192

courts, 59–86, 346–348, 357–358

Cowlings, Al, 362

craniotomy, 89

Cranstoun, William, 21–22

Crick, Francis, 290

Crime Analysis and Criminal Personality Profiling Program, 320

Crime and Punishment
(Dostoevsky), 117

Crime Investigation: Physical Evidence and the Police Laboratory
(Kirk), 309

crime lab, 190–195

crime museum (“The Black Museum”), 96–97

crime scenes

photos, 120

preservation of, 182

Criminal, The
(Ellis), 139

criminal insanity, xix–xx, 61–64, 90–91, 110–113

Criminal Investigation (System der Kriminalistik)
(Gross), 139, 178

Criminal Investigation Division (CID) of Scotland Yard, 163, 171

Criminalistic Institute, 139

criminalistics, 128–140

criminal psychology, 41

criminal types, 99–102

Criminological Laboratory, 240

criminology, 22–23

Crippen, Cora, 183–184, 185

Crippen, Hawley Harvey (“Cellar Murderer”), 183–185

Crispi, Charles (Caesar Cella), 195–196

Crystal Palace, 76

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
(TV show), 368

“CSI Effect, The,” 369

Cuba, 276

Culshaw, Edward, 25–26

Cumon, Victorine, 54–55

Curran, Desmond, 289

Curtis-Bennett, Derek, 289

cyanide, 164–165, 287

dactyloscopy, 127

Dagg, Raymond Frederick, 298–299

Daguerre, Louis Jacques, 54

daguerreotype, 54

Daily Home News
(New Brunswick), 215

d’Alencon, Duchesse, 161

Dallagher, Mark, 383

Darden, Christopher, 361

Dark Ages, 4

D’Armente, Salvino, 17

Darrow, Clarence, 233

Darwin, Charles, xviii, 85, 89, 104, 158

data carving, 377–378

Daubert, Jason, 356–357

Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,

Daugherty, Harry, 213–214

Davey, John, 32


stages of, 132, 331–332

time of, 302–303, 304, 305–306, 306–307, 329, 330, 331, 332

death investigators, 6–8, 9–10, 10–12, 13

“death limit”

decalcification to isolate DNA, 372

deception detection, 375.
See also
lie detection (polygraph)

decomposition, 9, 331–332

deduction, 93, 96–97, 115, 116, 117

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 371

defense and prosecution, same experts for, 72–73

de la Pommerais, Edmond, 91–92

Deluzy, Henriette, 66

Demange, Edgar, 107

Demelle, Francois, 16

odontology (forensic)

Department of Justice (DOJ), 188, 230

Department of War, 228

de Pauw, Séraphine, 91–92

Dershowitz, Alan, 362

Descartes, René, 16–17


first use of, 25

stories, popularity of, 41–42, 116–120, 181, 189–190, 203

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