Be Careful What You Wish For: A Cuckold's Story (9 page)

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She stared. “B-Bull?”
Her pussy throbbed.

“Yes. If you call me Darrell, I’ll have to spank you.”

She shivered and nodded. “Okay … Bull. If that’s what you want.” She wondered how Rick would react to that!

He smiled.
“I want you to be honest with yourself. You know sex with me is far better than sex with Rick. I can tell from the way you react.”

She blushed, knowing he was right.

“And if you agree to keep seeing me, we can include Rick in our little games,” he continued. “Now and then. But you have to tell him you’d like to keep going.”

“I’m not sure it’s wise.”

He leaned down and kissed her on the lips, sending new thrills into her stomach. “I think you know wise has nothing to do with it.
It’s all about need.
See you later.” He left.

She stared after him, knowing he
was right. He
would show up whenever he wanted. And there didn’t seem to be anything she could do about it.
Or wanted to do about it. The charm had just been a symbol of what had already happened to her. She needed his cock
– and
his strength.

She found her laptop and plugged in the flash drive. She scrolled through the photos, gasping at every image. She looked like such a slut! And Rick seemed weak and helpless – even gay. It shocked her that he could so easily be turned.

Darrell seemed to be taking over their lives.

* * *

Rick was in a
mood when he came home that evening.
He had taken
the flash drive from the video camera
to work
and relived the fuck session
during lunch
. He
his laptop out to the car and watched most of it.
It was a turn-on to be so helpless.
Allowing Darrell to tie his hands had made him a voyeur, not a participant,
and it
gave him
an instant
He found it excited him to let Darrell take charge of his wife.
He didn’t even mind to watch himself tasting Darrell’s cock.
He supposed that made him a true cuckold.

Rick was sure Liz would
want to see him again
It was obvious from the video that she had enjoyed every minute.
When he arrived home and poured himself a stiff drink, Liz was in the kitchen, strangely quiet. He went in and
found her at the stove.


She turned. “Hi.”

He wanted to tell her about the tape but was afraid she’d be mad.

How was your day?”

“Oh, routine. I cleaned, I did some laundry, I fucked Darrell.”

That shocked him. “What?
He was here

She turned and gave him a flat look. “

“He fucked you?! Without me?”

“Yes. And he said he’d
be coming by whenever he wanted
from now on.”

“No! He can’t
do that
I’m supposed to be here!” He felt he’d been cheated out of a scene
– and he had the flash drive for the camera still in his pocket
. If Darrell came over when he was at work, it was just an affair. “We should explain that to him
Maybe you could lay down the law.

He figured it would make more sense coming from her. He didn’t exactly have any hold over the man.

Liz didn’t say anything, she just stirred the pot.

“Well? Aren’t you going to
tell him
? This wasn’t the way it was supposed to go.”

“I know. It’s just…” She seemed to have trouble finding the words.

“Don’t tell me you like
sneaking around like that
! He’s using you! Don’t you see that?”

She nodded
. “I know.
But you started it.

Rick closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.
She was right. “Maybe we should just call the whole thing off.”

She shook her head. “I can’t. He’s … got his hooks into me, or something.”

He started to speak and stopped.
She likes his
his mind shouted at him.
Your puny little dick doesn’t
do anything for her

“God! Don’t tell me you’re in love with him!”

“Love has nothing to do with it.”

“So what is it?”
He wanted to hear her say it.

She turned and gazed at him. “I don’t want to hurt your feelings.”

“No, it’s all right.
I know I don’t measure up.”

“You said it was your fantasy
That you’ve always wanted to see me fuck a guy
with a big dick

. “I know. I just didn’t expect he’d start coming over here when I wasn’t home.”
He had wanted to watch!
Fortunately, he knew that once Darrell started working for Mr. Thomas again, he wouldn’t have time to come over during the day.
He was supposed to start work next Monday.

“So you don’t want to stop, is that right?”

“I didn’t say that! It’s just hard, that’s all. He’s got me all mixed up inside.”

“That’s just his big dick talking.” Rick felt his erection stir and adjusted his pants. He felt betrayed by his own cock. Why was this turning him on so much? Did he secretly want to be forced to approve this affair?

If I can watch
, his dick seemed to say.

“How about if we tell him you can only fuck him when I’m around?”

She nodded. “We could try that.”

“Try it?
We just tell him how it is.
He’s not in charge of our marriage.”

She nodded again but didn’t speak.

“He isn’t, is he?”

Before she could answer, Rick spotted the ankle bracelet on her leg. “What’s that?” He pointed.

She blushed red. “Um, that’s just something Dar–”  she hesitated for a moment. “That’s just something he gave me.”

Rick squatted down to get a closer look. “What’s that on it? The ace of spades? What does that mean?”

“It’s the queen of spades,” she said, her voice quavering.

Rick stood and the kitchen seemed to reel about him. “The queen of spades? As in,
you’re the queen of spades?”

“Yes. He made it clear that I shouldn’t take it off.”

“Really? Or what?”

Without speaking, Liz reached around behind her and pulled her dress up. She wasn’t wearing any panties and Rick could see the red marks on her bottom.

“What the hell…? He did this to you?”

She nodded. “And she said it would be worse if I took the anklet off.”

“He can’t do that!
He has no right

She came forward and put a hand on his chest. “
Yes, he does.
My body belongs to him now

Rick stood there, stunned. “He’s gotten into your head that much
Or maybe it’s just your pussy.”

tipped her head
. “I can’t explain it. He just does something to me.”

He nodded. He knew what it was. “I just want to be around, that’s all.”

I know
. I j
ust can’t seem to say no to him

felt conflicting emotions. It was as if his ego was wrestling with his id. One wanted to control the situation, the other wanted to let it play out, see what happened
He headed into the bedroom
, his mind a whirl.
couldn’t stop himself. He yanked open his pants and let his hard cock jut out.
He never thought it was such a small cock before. But compared to Darrell, it was
Taking it in his right hand, he rubbed furiously, thinking about Darrell spanking his wife and fucking her.

“Aaaugh!” he cried and shot his seed all over his hand. He cleaned himself up quickly, surprised at his overpowering reaction to Liz’s confession. God, if Darrell would only do that in front of him, it
be all right!

He composed himself and returned to the kitchen. “Okay. Let me talk to Darrell. Maybe we can figure something out.”

Liz flashed him a sly smile and returned to her cooking.

* * *

That had been a little too easy
, she thought.

At least she’d been honest with Rick. She had debated lying to him and pretending Darrell hadn’t come over, but she knew he would spot the anklet and wonder. She could’ve taken it off and put it on later.
How would Bull ever know?
She knew why she hadn’t – she liked what it represented.
man wanted her so strongly, he had to mark her. With his belt and his brand, the queen of spades. That’s what she was now, Bull’s queen of spades. Sooner or later, Rick would find out Darrell’s new nickname. She wondered if Rick might start calling him that as well.

She wasn’t an idiot. She knew Rick had gone into masturbate just now. She could tell by his demeanor when he returned. Subdued
more pliable. It was obvious he was conflicted by Bull’s domination of her. Maybe he wanted to learn at the feet of the master, although the idea was laughable. Rick couldn’t learn anything from Bull. He just wasn’t the same. Rick was a small-dicked white boy and Bull was, well, Bull was Bull. His new name fit him.

She didn’t like the whipping she had received, but it helped focus her mind, just as Bull had said. And it hadn’t hurt too much. Even now, she wiggled her ass as if she could feel it again. It made her pussy wet, but then, everything did nowadays. She wished Rick could
have been
more like him. Maybe their marria
ge wouldn’t have been so boring
all these years.

No, that wasn’t fair. It wasn’t boring in traditional ways. They had fun.
They went out to dinner and traveled. They had even talked about starting a family.
But in the bedroom, it had been … quiet.
Maybe even dull.
She couldn’t remember the last time he had given her an orgasm.
Not like the thundering orgasms Bull gave her every time. What woman wouldn’t get caught up in that?

She paused to look down at her ankle. She liked having it there. It was like having a part of Bull touching her all the time. She had even showered with it on after her lover had left. She didn’t plan to take it off, yet she had worried that Rick might force her to. If he had insisted, she knew Bull would punish her, not him. She hoped Bull would not push Rick too far. If he played his cards right, he could have Rick acquiescing to just about anything.

After dinner, she gave him the flash drive and watched as he gazed at the pictures Bull had taken. He didn’t seem to be nearly as shocked as she had been. Later, in bed, he had fucked her and she didn’t complain. But she couldn’t really feel him now that Bull had stretched her out. She pretended to enjoy it, however.

Chapter Five




Bull called Liz
Wednesday morning
. The sound of his voice electrified her. She could tell he was at work, with the sounds of
the garbage truck
in the background.

“Hi, honey. I can’t talk much, but I wanted to see how it went with Rick last night.”

“Oh, it was okay. He wasn’t thrilled
about you coming over
. He
said he’d call you and see if something could be worked out.”

“Good. I was hoping he’d say that.”

“Don’t push him too far, Bull. He really just wants to watch, you know.”

“I know. I just don’t want him there all the time. I like having you to myself sometimes. I think we can come to some sort of agreement. Gotta go.” He hung up, leaving Liz wanting more.

She wondered if Bull would come by that afternoon. She waited, afraid to go out or she might miss him.
She wore a blouse and skirt with no panties
or bra
and her libido had her on edge.
When the afternoon passed with no sign of him, she felt let down. Her pussy ached with need.

Rick came home and she gave him a smile and asked how his day went. He said it was fine and fixed himself a drink.
Liz couldn’t contain herself.

“Did you talk to … him?” She still couldn’t bear to let Rick know Bull’s new nickname.

“Yes, I did.”


“We, um, sorta worked some stuff out.”

“What does that mean?”

Rick seemed embarrassed. “It means he’ll include me more often.”

To Liz, that meant, Bull would come over whenever he wanted and Rick wouldn’t try to
. As if he could.

“So it’s all okay then?”

, for now. We worked it out, man to man.”

she thought. More like Bull laid down the law and Rick acquiesced.

“That’s good, honey! I’m glad.”

“Uh huh.” He seemed distracted. Or embarrassed.

“So when’s he coming by again. You know, like before?”

“Friday. He’s coming over Friday night.”

A thrill shot from her pussy up into her brain. Even her bottom clenched at the idea. “What will happen – do you know?”

“More of the same, I guess. But this time, I’ll be right here.”

Liz wondered if he’d be tied up again. She secretly wished he would be. She liked it when Bull lorded his power and authority over him. She suspected Rick did too.

“Are you really okay with all of this?”

“Sure. It’s fine. I told you, it’s always been my secret fantasy.”

She nodded. “Good.”

Nothing more was said about it.

* * *

Rick had tried to play up their “agreement” with Liz as if it had been a mutual decision, but Darrell had struck Rick’s weak spot. When he had called Darrell
that afternoon, the big man didn’t give him a chance to bluster and demand. Right away, Darrell zeroed in Rick’s secret fear.

“Look, man, I don’t plan on taking Liz away from you, okay? We’re just having some fun. So don’t worry.
Remember, you invited me into your marriage.
I know you want to be included, so you will be. That’s my promise to you. But I’m still going to have your wife whenever I want and there’s nothing you can do about it. I’ll be as respectful of your status as I can be, all right? But there will be sometimes when I don’t want you around.”

And that had been that. Rick had tried to push him, but Darrell
wouldn’t budge. Unspoken w
the embarrassing photos that the man had, photos that could destroy Rick
if they got out
. He
was stuck and he knew it. He convinced Darrell that it was in his interest to keep things under control and if he asked for too much, he could ruin a good deal. Darrell had agreed to take it easy on Liz.
And then he dropped a bombshell:

“Oh, and by the way, Rick,” he had said casually, “I want you to shave your wife’s hairy pussy for me by Friday night. If you don’t, I’ll have to spank her.”

He had sputtered and tried to object, but the idea electrified him. Shaving his wife on Darrell’s orders? That had been so wrong and so very erotic!
His cock went instantly hard in his pants and he had to hide himself behind his desk.

Did that make him a bad husband?
Or a good cuckold?
He wasn’t sure. He felt he was barely in control of his life. If he worked hard, he might just keep things together a while longer. He wondered if Darrell could be controlled.

Thursday afternoon, he called Darrell but the man didn’t pick up. He left a message to call and waited. He never heard back.

He went home in a bad mood and wondered if he could take it out on Liz. She liked to be spanked, maybe he could spank her! But when he made up an excuse to do it and grabbed her, she had laughed at him. Laughed!

He said you might try it. I didn’t think you would, but I guess he gave you ideas. He said to tell you ‘no, you can’t.’ You have to ask him yourself.”

“Oh yeah?” He snarled, grabbing her and
her over his shoulder. He carried her down the hall, ignoring her protests. He tossed her on the bed and forced her over onto her stomach. She squirmed and tried to escape and spanking her proved to be harder than he thought it would be. He managed a couple of weak slaps through her dress and she shouted, “He’ll just spank me harder if I let you!”

He froze. “What?”

“I can’t let you spank me.
He said my ass and pussy belong to him now
. You have to ask him if you can do it.”

“You’re telling me your lover won’t let me fuck you unless I ask permission? Are you nuts?”

“I’m just telling you what he said.”

“We’ll see about that. I mean, it’s fun and all to watch you guys, but this is going too far!” The agreement he thought he had reached seemed shattered now. Everything was moving
fast. “Darrell is not your husband, I am!”

She nodded. “I know. You guys have to work it out.”

“You can’t stop me from fucking you . Neither can he. Unless you want to divorce me and marry him.”

She shook her head quickly. “No! I don’t want that
I’m just telling you what I know – that if you spank me or fuck me without checking in with … him, he’ll whip me for it.”

“Why doesn’t he be a man and try to take it out on me? I’m the one that’s forcing you!” He grabbed her, his desire to spank her forgotten now, but his cock was hard and he wanted to fuck her.

She didn’t try to resist and
into position. He didn’t bother undressing her, he just flipped up the hem of her dress,
and stopped in shock for a second when he saw she wore no panties. More of Darrell’s orders, no doubt. He
worked his fingers into her. She wasn’t very wet and it killed him to think she wasn’t aroused by him any longer. He tore open his pants and tried to batter his way into her. She grunted and said, “Wait, I’m not ready.”

Rick ignored her and kept trying, determined to have his way with her.
He remembered his “orders” from Darrell and thought it might do the trick. “Oh, and Darrell says I have to shave your pussy for him.”

She froze and stared at him. “Shave? Are you sure?”

“If you don’t believe me, call him yourself.”

“No, I believe you. It sounds like something he would

Rick reached down and felt her pussy. The idea of being shaved for her lover was making her wet. He used it to his advantage and slid his cock inside. It felt inadequate after Darrell’s cock had stretched her out. He had a full head of steam so he began pounding her, trying to create friction. Liz just lay there, looking away and waited until he finished, which didn’t take long. He groaned and shot his seed into her. When he was done and his cock slipped out, she said quietly, “Bull will punish me for that.”

He sat up. “Bull??”

“That’s what he asked me to call him now.”

time he thought he was maintain
some semblance of control, Darrell yanked the rug out from under him. And Liz seemed content to just go along. “What the hell has gotten into you?” He caught himself. “I mean, besides the obvious. What makes you do these things?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. He’s kind of a force of nature.”

He didn’t know how to respond to that. He decided to change the subject. “C’mon, I’ve got to shave you or your dear lover will be pissed.”

turned off the stove and
followed him meekly into the bathroom, where he took down the razor and the shaving cream from the sink. “Hmm, maybe we should do this in the shower.”

They stripped, side by side, not touching one another.
Liz waited for him to adjust the water, not saying a word. It wasn’t like her. She seemed to be in a trance. He stepped in and she followed him. After they rinsed themselves off, she stood out of the spray and allowed him to coat her furry triangle with shaving cream.
He made her put one leg up on the edge so he could get every stray hair.
She watched, eyes wide, as he carefully shaved her bare. When he was finished,
she looked so inviting,
his cock was hard again. She didn’t protest when he
grabbed her upraised leg, stepped close
and shoved his cock into her again. This time, she was
well lubricated
. He wondered if it was because of the intimate act of shaving her or because it was something Darrell had ordered
to do.

She ignored his efforts and leaned against one wall of the sh
ower, waiting for him to finish
. He couldn’t come this time and gave up in frustration. “You’re not supposed to just do nothing!”

“I can’t really feel it,
not after Bull,
” she said, cutting him to the quick.

“Come on, let’s get out.”

He got out and dried off, leaving Liz to turn off the water and grab a towel. “
Let’s keep this between us.


“That I forced you to have sex, despite what he said.”

She looked directly into his eyes. “I can’t lie to him.”

“You do
n’t have to tell him everything!
Don’t we have some secrets we can keep?”

“Not when it comes to something like that. He told me
had to get permission before I could let you fuck me. You didn’t and now I’ll have to pay the consequences.”

“I will insist that he take it out on me instead. It was my idea.”

She nodded and said nothing more on the subject. “Well, I’m going to finish making dinner.”

“I’ll be right there.”

She left and he stared at himself in the mirror. He felt bad that he had forced her, but it irked him that Darrell had such control over his wife. It wasn’t supposed to turn out like this!
He had just wanted to watch a few times, that was all. He never expected his wife would become addicted to that man’s cock!

After dinner, she hurried into the bedroom to get ready for Darrell’s visit. Rick followed her and watched as she put on a knee-length skirt and blouse – without underwear. Her nipples pressed against the top, making him hard.

“Aren’t you going to wear underwear?”
He wanted confirmation of his suspicions.

“Bull doesn’t like me to,” she said simply and that was the end of it.

with his bag of tricks, he immediately grabbed Liz in a firm embrace, right in front of Rick, and reached under her dress to feel her pussy.

“Good,” he grunted. “
Nice and smooth.
Keep it that way.
And I’m glad you aren’t wearing underwear.

Rick felt a thrill go through him, as it always did when the big man took control of his woman. He was enjoying the cuckold lifestyle – to a point. He hoped he wouldn’t be pushed past it.

“Fix me a drink, Rick,” Darrell said. It wasn’t a request. He sat on the couch with Liz, one arm around her, holding her close.

Rick made him a scotch, neat, and handed it over. He took a good sip and smacked his lips. “This isn’t bad, but I prefer Johnny Walker Black. Be sure to have some on hand next time.”

Rick nodded.

“So, tell me, Liz. Did your pathetic little man try to have his way with you?”

Both of them froze. Rick pleaded with his eyes not to tell. He suddenly felt guilty for not getting permission first. Not that Darrell would’ve granted it!

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