Be Careful What You Wish For: A Cuckold's Story (13 page)

BOOK: Be Careful What You Wish For: A Cuckold's Story
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“Oh yeah.”

That sounded like a terrible deal but he didn’t let his face show it.

“Now, go clean up that mess you made on the rug.”

Rick had no choice but to obey and had to use his feet to scrub the carpet because Bull wouldn’t untie his hands until he was done.

Thankfully, Bull left around six, after giving Liz one more load of his seed and another three orgasms while Rick cleaned the bathrooms. He was in the master bathroom when they started, so he could hear everything. They didn’t want him to watch, however, so he had to wait until they finished. He hurried out, still dressed in a fresh pair of panties
and stockings
, and went to the other bath to continue his cleaning.


Monday morning, Rick was beside himself.
His world seemed upside down and he wasn’t sure if it was his dream come true or a nightmare.
And now, his balls itched when the hair started growing back!
In his fantasies, he
had some
control, except when the
was actually fucking his wife. Afterward, he always seem
to disappear, leaving Rick alone with Liz to finish making love to her. But Bull not only stuck around, he took over!

And now Liz was doing it too. This morning she had asked Rick to give her oral sex before he left for work. He had tried to beg off, thinking that because Bull wasn’t there, they would resort to their regular roles. Liz had threatened him with the paddle! He had stood there, frowning, and Liz staring him down.

“I really have to get to work, Liz,” he had said.

“Fine. But you can bet Bull will hear of this.”

It was a cheap shot, but it was effective. He looked at his watch. “Well, maybe for just a minute…”

“No, until I come. That’s the deal. And you’ve earned ten swats so far. I’ll wait until you get home because you might be earning more. Now get to it!”

He found himself on his knees in the living room while Liz laid back on the couch, legs wide under her skirt. She didn’t have on any panties. He grimaced when he began because it was obvious she hadn’t taken a shower yet this morning and he could still taste Bull on her. And in her. He didn’t want to be any later
to work
, so he dove in and managed to bring her to an orgasm within ten minutes. When he was released, he hurried out to the car, the mingled taste and smell of Liz and Bull thick on his tongue and lips.

He noted his cock was straining at his cage too
, despite the spikes
. It had clearly turned him on, but he wasn’t sure which part. The oral sex or the subservience or the taste of Bull in his wife’s pussy. His mind was confused.

Bull came into the office to fill out paper work and Rick had trouble looking at him. He started thinking of him as Darrell again and that helped. The man was pleasant and did not
ing to embarrass Rick, for which he was grateful. He sent the man out on a job site with a crew and was glad to be rid of him.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully
. He had been worried about peeing while all trussed up, but it proved to be a non-issue. He could’ve stood at a urinal –the cock cage didn’t interfere with his flow – but he was afraid someone might come in and see him trying to aim the stubby little thing. He found it easier to go into a stall and use the toilet, sitting down like a girl. It also reinforced his feelings of being a useless cuckold. He
returned home
tired and somewhat horny. Being locked up made him think about all the sex he wasn’t getting. Liz was there to greet him and he expected she’d make him a drink and fix him dinner, but she had other ideas. She told him to give her another orgasm!

“Honey, I’m tired! Can’t we wait until later? What’s for dinner?”

She gave him a look that she must’ve taken from Bull. “No, I want to come now and you’ll do it. Just for that, you get another ten swats, plus another week in your
chastity cage

He stared at her. “What?”

“And what’s for dinner is whatever you’re cooking.”

His mouth dropped open. He stood there, trying to decide whether to slap her or obey her and it was a close call. He knew how Bull would react. Bull had told him what would happen if he defied his wife. Meekly, he got down in front of the couch and waited for her to get into position. At least she had showered, he noted, as he tasted her. He found it wasn’t as bad as he expected it would be. His cock tried to swell in his cage and he ignored it and devoted his attention to her pussy, bringing her to an orgasm in about ten minutes.

He started to pull away when she said, “One more
, Rickie


“Twenty swats. Plus the ten from this morning. And another week
n your cage.”

He dove in, fearful he might be in the damn thing forever. He wasn’t looking forward to the swats either.

This orgasm took longer and he was between her legs, worshiping her pussy
for a good twenty minutes before she crested into her climax. “Thanks, hon. Now go make dinner. Take off your clothes first and put on your
stockings and your
apron. We’ll do your punishments after we eat.”

Rick had no choice but to obey. He felt silly, dressed in
the white stockings and
that damn apron, his ecru French-cut panties on display, his dick limp in its cage. He made spaghetti, something he could handle, and they ate, Liz dressed and him in
his sissy outfit

“How did it go with Bull today?”

“Uh, fine.” He didn’t want to talk about it.

“Was he nice to you?”

“Yeah. It was fine.”

She dropped the subject. After dinner, she told him to go into the bedroom and bend over the bed. He gave her a beseeching look but did as she said. He la
there, his ass up, his hands gripping the sheet, waiting for her for ten minutes before she showed up. When she finally came in, he was surprised to see her
completely naked

“Wow!” he said, suddenly interested. His cock tried to expand and it was painful. He grimaced and looked away so his erection would recede.

“That’s right,
,” she said. “Punishments will be given while I’m nude. So you can think about what you can no longer have.”

She came forward and tugged his panties down and left them around his thighs. “You have thirty spanks coming,” she told him. “That’s a lot. It’s going to hurt. It’s okay to cry. But if you try to stop me or run away, I will double your punishment, plus I’ll do it when Bull is around. I think you know how much more painful that will be.”

Rick nodded.

* * *

Liz looked down at her wimpy husband and felt a surge of power go through her, just as Bull said it would. She had been afraid to Dom her husband, as that wasn’t her traditional role. Especially when Rick made all the money. But Bull had convinced her to act Dom and she would be Dom, because Rick
desperately wanted to be a submissive cuckold, only he didn’t fully know it yet.

“It’s a process and the sooner you get started, the better off he’ll be. You’ll see.”

So far, he had been right. Liz reared back and gave Rick
a hard swat on his bottom and watched him jerk and yelp. That was another lesson she had learned from Bull. Make the first few swats hard, then not quite as hard in the middle part. When he
go easier – unless he
cocky. Then
she should
beat it out of him all over again.

She counted out the strokes while Rick
tried to endure it. He made it to eighteen before cracking, his red ass wiggling all over the bed while he sobbed.
He reached back and tried to grab the paddle, but she was ready for it. She reached in between his legs and grabbed his ball sack and yanked on it. Rick
howled and settled right down!
took pity on him and
softened the next few strikes, giving him a chance to collect himself. But when she felt he was getting complacent, she increased the tempo and the power until he was crying again.

“Thirty!” she said, finishing his punishment. She immediately put down the paddle and hugged him, telling him he was good to endure it and that she loved him. That too was a lesson she had learned from Bull. He cried into her arms, his shoulders shaking.

“Now, wipe your eyes and climb up on the bed and give me a nice long orgasm, okay?”

He nodded and didn’t argue at all! She noted how compliant he had suddenly become and thought he was learning his lessons well. He just needed to be steered in the right direction. She lay back, her head propped up on pillows, and watched him dive in eagerly.

He did make one mistake when
grabbed her thighs to pull his face into her pussy. She really didn’t want him to stop but she knew she had to reinforce Bull’s edict. “Hands off!” she barked and he immediately obeyed.

He gave her her
orgasm of the
and it took a good half-hour. It was a strong one because she was now in charge. Afterward, she told him he was a good boy and he should go to bed – in his room.

“But… I thought I’d sleep with you when Bull wasn’t here.”

She had laughed at him. “You think I want your wimpy dick next to me? Or have you try to cuddle with me in the night? No. Go to your room. I’d rather masturbate and think about Bull than have you in my bed.”

had shuffled off to sleep alone. Liz had a very nice rest alone in her bed.

Chapter Eight




Tuesday was a repeat of Monday, except this time, there was no spanking. Rick gave Liz an orgasm in the morning without complaint and again in the evening before going in to make dinner. She had a recipe all laid out for him and he did a credible job. Liz stayed in the living room, drinking wine and talking to Bull on the phone. Rick could hear her half of the conversation while he worked.

“Oh, I know, honey, it’s marvelous.”

“Yes, he’s being very good tonight. I would expect so, after last night!”

“I can’t wait to see you. My pussy weeps for your big cock every night. Oh, no,
sleeps in his room.”

“I’m not sure. I think it won’t be until the end of
r. I’ll have to mark it on the calendar. I just know it’s two weeks longer.”

Rick knew she was talking about his cock being locked up. He felt anxious and wanted to keep her happy so he could be released. Again, he knew he could cut the lock off, but then what? Bull would find out and he’d be in more trouble. No, it was easier just to go along.

After dinner, he put the dishes in the dishwasher and waited to hear what Liz’s orders might be. It was becoming easier to listen to her needs and do his best to fill them. As expected, she wanted yet another session of oral sex and Rick found it no longer distasteful. At least it was better when he was tasting only Liz’s juices! While she lay on the bed and he moved in between her legs – careful not to touch her except with his tongue – she got on the phone with Bull and they had phone sex while he provided the stimulation. It made his cock strain against his cage and he wished they would stop. She kept it up until she climaxed, and Rick felt like he had been used as some sort of cheap substitute for Bull’s cock.

* * *

“Oh my god, that was good,
,” she said after he finished. He looked up, pleased
to hear the term of endearment
. “Oh no, I was talking to Bull.”
His face fell.
To Bull, she said, “Well, I’d better go. But thanks for a wonderful time.”

looked crestfallen and she felt he needed a little bucking up. “Go get the calendar from my desk,” she said and he jumped to obey. Before dinner, she had spent a few minutes figuring out how long Rick
would have to be caged. They had started it just this past weekend, the thirteen of October. Although Bull had thought three months would be right, Liz had thought one month would be
less cruel
Bull left it up to her.
But with the two-week extension she had given him,
minus the three days Bull had given him,
he wouldn’t be out until the last week of November.

She showed him the date and his face fell. “Now, don’t worry. You’ve been so good today, I’m going to remove a
day off your punishment.”

His face showed a half-hearted effort to be grateful. “Uh, thanks.”

“Just remember, if you behave, you get rewards and if you are disobedient, you get punishments, including more time locked up.”

He nodded. “Okay.”

“Oh, you’ve been so good lately, I think you’ve deserved to fuck me.”

His face lit up. “Great!” Then he looked down at his cock in its cage. “Uh…”

“Oh, that’s right – Bull has the key. Well, maybe you could rub it on me.”

seemed eager to try it.
He pressed his caged cock up against her and
she found it oddly erotic and she knew it would be
highly frustrating
to him
He rubbed and Liz cooed, encouraging him to keep trying until she could tell he was exhausted.

I’ve had enough of your miserable humping,
kiss my feet.”

He obeyed at once and she smiled. She had never had a foot fetish, but she had read online that many cuckolds come to like it. It seemed they were right.

“Okay, that’s enough,” she said after several minutes. “I
t’s time for bed. I want you up early to make me coffee and give me an orgasm while I’m still in bed.”

slunk away
to his bedroom, leaving Liz feeling very pleased with herself.

* * *

Wednesday morning, Rick got a call about ten o’clock at his desk. “Rick Smith,” he barked in his usual business voice.

“Hey, Rick
, this is

He froze. “Uhh, what’s up,

“I’m over here at the site on Moreland Avenue.”’

“Yeah?” He knew – he had assigned him and his crew there.

“I need you to come over and cover for me, starting at eleven. I’m going to go over to your house and fuck your wife.”

Rick couldn’t breathe. He tried to respond but no sound came out.

, are you there?”


“You just need to supervise, unless they need you to pitch in. I’ll be back on the job at twelve-thirty, right after lunch.”

Rick finally found his voice. “You can’t… I mean… You have to be there – you’re the supervisor!”

“I know. I just need you to cover for me for an hour. If you do, I’ll send you some nice texts and pics, okay?”

Rick had been ready to refuse him, to tell him to go to hell, but the idea of pics and texts changed everything. “Really?”

“Sure. Maybe I’ll have Liz give you a call too.”

“Um… okay.”

“Great! Talk to you later.” He hung up.

Rick held the phone in his hand, his dick throbbing in his pants and his brain cursing his stupidity. It was one thing to watch Bull and Liz together, it was quite another to cover for him so he could go fuck her!

His dick seemed to say,
How is that different that Bull fucking her in the master bedroom while you are relegated to the guest room?

Well, for one, I’m at least in the same house! And they let me listen.

Come on!
You’re going to get texts … and pics… and maybe Liz will call you while she’s…

“Stop it!” he said aloud to shut up the conflicting voices. The secretary looked up from her desk and eyed him warily.

He hung up the phone and tried to figure out how to cover for Bull without causing a problem in the office. What would Mr. Thomas say? He decided to pretend Bull had a doctor’s appointment.

He waited until ten-forty before walking into his boss’s office and saying, “Hey, I’ve got to go out and cover for a crew – one of the guys has a doctor’s appointment.”

Thomas waved his hand in agreement and Rick left. It had been too easy.

He arrived at the site at five til
eleven and spotted Bull waiting. “Hey, thanks, man.” Without another word, he jumped into his truck and left. Rick stood there, feeling like a fool.

“Hey! Mr. Smith!” He turned to see Rupert, one of the workers.


“We don’t have a clipper today. Can you help us?”

A clipper was the guy who held the tool that clipped the wire fencing to the pole when the other men pushed the fence from the other side. It wasn’t as hard a job as manhandling the fence, but it wouldn’t be a cakewalk either. In his tan pants and blue dress shirt, he was hardly dressed for it! There was nothing to be done, so he helped the crew erect the fence, sweat soon soaking his shirt.

His phone buzzed about twenty minutes later and he stopped and fished it out.

, one of the other workers,
said, “don’t quit on us now!”

“Just a sec!” He looked at the screen. There was a picture of Liz’s pussy, close-up, being stretched by Bull’s large cock. The caption read:
Thanks, man – and Liz thanks you too!

He put the phone away and got back to work.

* * *

Liz was enjoying her new-found power over Rick
. It had been deliciously naughty to make him cover for Bull during lunch and sending him photos of their fucking! They had sent in three photos in all, one showing her getting fucked, one showing his seed all over her white breasts and a third of Bull’s hard cock poised at Liz’s asshole. The caption on the last one read:
Up next!

She knew that would get to
– she had never expressed interest in anal sex before. They hadn’t actually done anything – she was too afraid of being hurt. Bull had assured her it wouldn’t and told her to call
and ask him to pick up some butt plugs on the way home. That had been a thrill.

She waited until Bull had entered her for the last time and dialed
number. It was shortly after noon and Bull had to get back to work by twelve-thirty.
Bull was grunting on top of her, trying to give her one more load of his black seed.

,” she said.

“Oh, hi. Everything okay?”

“Oh, yeah. Bull is fucking me one more time as I speak.
Ohh, yeah, baby, fuck me good.
Did you enjoy our texts

“Uh, yeah, I guess.” He sounded glum.

“I need you to do me a favor. My asshole needs to be stretched out for Bull. So would you stop at a sex shop on the way home and pick up a set of butt plugs? You know the type – small, medium and large.”

There was no sound on the phone.


“I can’t do that!”

“You can do it or you can take twenty spanks
and another week in your cage!
Your choice.” Bull sped up and she had trouble talking. “Oh! Oh my god! He’s going to come! Again!”

hung up on her. She put the phone down and let the orgasm wash over her. She hugged Bull and told him she loved him. It was the first time she had used the words.

“Really? That’s nice. I’m glad.” He paused. “So, do you think he’ll do it?”

“I don’t know. But I’ll spank his pale white ass if he doesn’t!”

“That’s the spirit.”

came home, she was waiting on the couch, her legs spread, her skirt pulled up out of the way. He had a package in his hand and she was pleased. “Well?”

He handed her the package and she opened it up. “Get busy,” she said as she examined the plugs he had bought her. Rick
dropped down to his knees and began to lick her. She hadn’t showered, so
there was still quite a bit of Bull inside her. While he made love to her pussy, she pulled out each plug and imagined it in her ass. The first wouldn’t be much of a problem. The second might be a stretch – hah! – but the third one was huge! Then again, it was about the same size as Bull’s cock, so she’d have to get used to it.

“You did good, Rick
,” she said and put down the plugs to concentrate on her orgasm. She was almost too sore to enjoy it but she had so wanted Rick
to taste Bull again. He needed constant reinforcement.

She made him put in the first of the three butt plugs that evening, barking out directions and making him go slow. She knew it humiliated Rick
to prepare her asshole for her lover. The plug fit in rather easily and Liz thought she might be ready to move up in size in a few days.


By week’s end, Rick
seemed to have settled down into his new role. He gave her oral sex in the morning and evening, cooked dinner and did any chores she set out for him while she lolled on the couch. Sometimes, she’d call Bull and chat with him while Rick
worked nearby. On Thursday night, she had allowed him to shower with her, but only so he could shave her pussy. They both knew who it was for.

Afterward, she surprised him by telling him to stay and stepping out of the shower for a moment. She came right back with the key to his cage!

“I thought Bull had that!”

“He did, but he gave it to me a few days ago. I think it’s important to keep you clean and shaved.” She unlocked him and quickly shaved off the stubble. His cock was instantly hard. He begged her to let her come but she refused and when he tried to take matters into her own hands, she slapped his cock and he stopped pleading. They got out and he allowed her to dry him off and locked him back up without any further protests.

Liz discovered
new aspect of taking on a new lover: She had begun to lose weight! In the ten days since she had first fucked Bull, she had already lost five pounds. It was probably water weight, but she’d take it. She wondered if Bull would notice.

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