Be Careful What You Wish For: A Cuckold's Story (17 page)

BOOK: Be Careful What You Wish For: A Cuckold's Story
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just stood
there in his pink panties and
stockings and
cock swelling against
It was going to be a long weekend.

The remaineder of the night was a blur of
fucking, sucking, drinking and spanking. Rick
got his share too, from Liz, which embarrassed him to no end. His poor cock struggled in its cage and
delighted in making him feel like a wimp.

Everyone crashed into bed around eleven-thirty. Rick
went into his room, as expected, while Bull and
shared the queen bed with Liz. Rick
imagined it would be a tight fit. Liz would probably be squashed in the middle. He could hear them, one after the other, taking her into the night, and he heard her muted protests as well:

“Oh, god,
my ass is
too sore.”

“Please, let me sleep.”

“Oh! Okay, just hurry! I’m tired.”

He finally had to turn off the monitor so he could get some sleep. His cock had weakened considerably over the night until he thought it had just given up. Maybe he was becoming a sissy boy after all.

In the morning, he turned the monitor on and heard soft snoring in the master bedroom. He got up and
looked around for his robe but didn’t find it. He shrugged and went down the hall to the bathroom dressed in his
red panties
from last night. He
sat down and
to the kitchen
to make coffee. He knew they’d be up soon and be starving. He drank a cup and waited until close to ten o’clock before he saw Liz stumbling out, still naked. She looked rode hard and put away wet – literally. Her hair was tangled and she had red marks all over her body. There was a crust of semen around her
, which was still dripping.

“Hi,” he said, “coffee?”

She nodded and came forward to accept a cup. She sat down heavily on a chair. “Fuck,” she said.

“You having a good time?”

“One I can handle, but two…” she trailed off.

“Maybe you should call it off.”

She looked at him and he knew
that she knew the power had shifted. It wasn’t “maybe
should call it off,” no, it was up to her, he was saying
and they both knew it. Besides, Rick
was aware he no longer had any standing with the brothers. Only Liz could save herself.

“No,” she said. “It’s all right. I can get used to it.
It will be better today. My period is

That surprised him. “You look like hell. Think of how you’ll feel by Sunday.”

A small shudder ran through Liz’s body .She took another sip of coffee. “Yeah. But at least I’ll have a week to recover.”

“Won’t one or the other of them be coming by this week?”

“No, they said they wouldn’t. But I’m supposed to go over there next weekend.”

“I don’t think that’s wise. You were pretty roughed up last time – what will they do this time?”

“Bull protects me,” she said. It was becoming a rote statement she gave. Rick
didn’t have the same confidence in Bull and
that she did.

“I’m losing you,” he said.

She reached out and put her hand over his. “Not unless you want to. I’m more in love with you now than before, because you opened my eyes to this. And you allow it.”

That was generous, he thought. “Maybe I shouldn’t have done it.”

“No, you had a fantasy, so did I. Mine was repressed. I really had no way of comparison.”

knew at once what she meant. “Maybe it would have been better to have kept you in the dark.”

She gave him a crooked smile. “Maybe. But our sex life wasn’t exactly setting the world on fire. You know how it was.”

“And now you know what a real man’s dick feels like.”

She gazed into his eyes for several long seconds before she said, “Yes.”

He nodded
, his face burning with shame while his cock swelled in its cage
Even now, he could picture the men’s big cocks spearing his wife’s
pussy and
over the last several days
. And the way
his cocks
felt on his tongue.
“I’ve always known. I wanted to see you truly satisfied and I have. I just didn’t expect Bull would be bringing in his brother and god knows who else.”

“I can handle it. I’m beginning to regain

He perked up. “Really?”

“Yeah. I think so. They do like to push me, though!”

nodded. “They push you and all of you push me.”

“Isn’t this your fantasy?”

“Yes. I’m just not sure how far I expected it to go.”

“Where would you draw the line?”

“I dunno. I liked watching Bull fuck you. But when you’re with the both of them, it’s kinda like shark feeding time.”

She laughed. “I guess it is. But I have talked to them.
When they’re with me privately, it’s not like the way you see them.” She paused. “What about you? What are your limits?”

“Oh, um…” It embarrassed him to say it.

“Please. Let’s be honest.”

He sighed. “Okay.
knew that I liked to watch. Especially that first night when Bull tied me up. It was really
. And later, when you put me in that cage…” he shivered, “It was my fantasy come true. What I didn’t expect that they’d do, uh, you know, those gay things.”

“You mean, shoving their cocks into your mouth.”

. While my cock is all trussed up like I’m an ‘it.’ I can’t explain it, but I found that to be arousing too. I’m just worried what it all means. I don’t think I’m gay or anything.”

“You heard them – it’s about power, not sex.”

He nodded.
“Maybe it’s the same for you, too.”

“For me, I think it’s an equal measure of both.”

you aren’t worried about it

“They said they’d take care of me. Bull said he loved me.”

“Do you love him?”

“Yes, I guess I do. But I love you, too.”


“Oh, him I just use. He’s a good fuck, that’s all.”

Without thinking, Rick
reached out to touch her
just to have that human contact
. She pulled grabbed his hand immediately. “You know the rules.”

He sighed. “Yeah. I guess I do.”

Bull entered at that moment, dressed in Rick
’s robe. It barely fit the big guy.
He grunted and grabbed a mug of coffee. He sat down heavily in a chair. Rick
heard the seams of his robe strain to hold his torso in check.

“Ugh,” he said.

“Good morning to you, too,” Rick
said. “Did you wear yourself out last night?”

He nodded. “Yeah. I wasn’t sure if I was more caught up in fucking your wife or competing with
to fuck your wife.”

Liz laughed and coffee came out her nose. She grabbed a napkin and mopped up. “God! I knew it!”

He had the decency to laugh. “We’re going to take it slower today. I
think we three need to rest up.” To Liz, he asked. “How’s your period?”

“Just about gone. I’ll be fine
later today or early tomorrow


“Rest up for what?”

“For Sunday,” he said.

“What’s happening Sunday?”

“You’ll see.”

And that was all he’d say. They spent the day lolling around, watching college football on TV while Rick cleaned up. Liz sat in between them and was fondled, but she wasn’t fucked. Rick
was grateful for that. He suspected Liz was too.

That evening, he fixed dinner for everyone while Liz and her bulls had cocktails and watched a late game. Liz had never been a big football fan, but she was one that day.

* * *

Liz was grateful for the break, but she had been kept on edge by the two men’s fingers all afternoon. They had allowed her to get dressed in shorts and a T-shirt – without underwear, of course –
but she might as well have been naked for all the fondling that was going on. Her
asshole was sore, but by dinnertime, her pussy was ready – it had been ignored for days! She
in Bull’s arms, hinting that she was ready again.

Bull, to his credit, ignored her.
was apparently rather worked up, and tried to get into Liz’s pants but Bull stopped him. “Let her be.”

“Aw, man,” the younger brother complained.

“If you’re so horny, use Rick
’s mouth.”

Liz froze and glanced into the kitchen where Rick
was still finishing dinner. He apparently had not heard.

looked him over and said, “Nahh, it’s not the same.”
He paused. “But his ass might be.”

“No!” She said at once. “I mean, I think you’d hurt him.”

“We haven’t hurt you, have we?” he asked.

“No, but…”

“But what – you’re a girl so you can take a black man’s big cock?”

“I meant it more emotionally than physically.”

“Ah. Well, that’s something you and Darrell will have to work out.”

Liz breathed a sigh of relief. She worried about pushing Rick
’s limits and decided to talk to Bull about it
She found her chance when Jamal went to
take a quick shower

“I worry about what this is all doing to Rick

“Your husband really likes being pushed around,” he told her. “He’s embracing the cuckold lifestyle. He’s just worried more about what you


“Yeah. He’s afraid he’s going to lose you. You need to convince him that you need him.”

“Well, I do! I don’t want to leave him or anything.” She paused. “No offense.”

“None taken. I’m just the big stud, giving you what you need.”


you to take control, like you did last week.
He loves the torture of it. Otherwise, why would he allow himself to be locked into that cage all this time?

She remembered how she felt when Rick
was licking at her, his poor cock locked up. She had felt a mixture of pleasure and guilt.
“I think I feel guilty to take advantage of him like that.”

“I know. But it’s what he wants. I’m telling you, if you
him around more, he will love it.”

“I guess I’m kind of an amateur in all this.”

“Just act like the queen bee that I know you can be. Be tough on him. Order him around. Make him suck you off whenever you want. Extend his time in his chastity cage or give him spankings for every infraction. He’ll eat it up.”

“Yeah?” She had to admit, it gave her a thrill to think about it. To take back the power she h
ad lost when she had allowed
him earn
the money.

“Yeah. He loves it, he’s just worried that somewhere in all this, he’ll lose you. You have to convince him that I’m only around to give you w
hat you need because Rick

“And what about

At that moment, he returned from the bathroom. “What about me?”

Bull laughed. “I’m just using him to open you up and let your inner slut out.
knows he’s just around part-time, don’t you

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