BBW ROMANCE: Forbidden Desires [BBW Menage Collection] (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories, Stepbrother Menage Threesome) (3 page)

BOOK: BBW ROMANCE: Forbidden Desires [BBW Menage Collection] (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories, Stepbrother Menage Threesome)
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Julia asked David about the property. David coughed and shot a sideways glance at Daniel, who began to laugh. His laugh was contagious. It spread to David and soon they were both laughing so hard that they had to try multiple times to regain their composure.

David patted Julia’s hand, gave her a kiss on the cheek, and said, “That was a joke, darling. It is ours. Don’t worry about it.” Julia gasped and slapped his leg “You beast!” She exclaimed with a smile.

Suddenly, the sky grew very dark. They all looked up at the same time to see enormous storm clouds moving in fast. Their view became speckled with birds and bats, trying to find a good place to take shelter. Daniel and David rose to their feet. They stood side-by-side, looking like warriors in a battle. Julia stood close behind them, in the center of the two, as if they were one big shield. They heard the galloping of horses drawing quickly near. There were many of them. As they came into view, David and Daniel could see Krantoz, the bear slayers, riding on the horses. They were werejackels, violent beasts that could shift from jackals to humans during their seasons.

The horses all came close and formed a circle around Julia and her human shields. The clan leader trotted forward on his horse. In one swift movement, he shoved his sword in David’s face, stopping it less than an inch from his eye. The leader then spat in his face and haughtily exclaimed, “Ha! Look, look! Who do we have here? The coward who staged his own death though he is still here!”

David wiped the spit from his cheek and flung it at the ground. “Look, William, I don’t want any fights. We want to live in peace. We don’t want any violence.”

Not drawing his sword back at all, the leader glared at him for some time. “Your clan must leave or die”, he finally warned.

“Look, whatever differences we had, we can solve them by leaving each other in peace. We just want peace”, pleaded David.

William nudged his sword forward in a swift and sudden motion. He had almost stuck David in his eye, but he had jerked back his head just in time. It seemed almost the same instant that Daniel charged forward, leapt in the air and punched William in the face. William was caught off guard by this surprise swing of Daniel’s. The punch sent him flying off of his horse. He landed hard on the ground and rolled around, clutching his head in his hands and bleeding profusely from the mouth. A gang of about five big men rushed forward to attack Daniel, but David swiftly kicked them all down. The men got up and charged toward David and Daniel a second time. They pushed Julia aside as the group was engaged in a fearsome battle. The start of battle had morphed David and Daniel into their werebears forms, while the gang shifted into werejackals. The fight turned beastly.

After a brief battle, the werejackals were forced to flee into the deep jungles. Their horses followed, galloping swiftly behind them. David and Daniel lay on the ground where they shifted back from their werebear forms to the big, chiseled men that Julia recognized. Daniel was injured during the fight and lay bleeding from his chest. There was a tooth stuck into the upper part of his chest, just below his neck. Julia and David helped him back to the cave where other people, who were the werebears last night, came forward and helped them all inside. It was a call for battle as they were certain that the werejackals would return for revenge. They were infamous for killing and eating werebears. The werebear tribe had heard of a secret tool which had the power to eliminate the entire clan of werejackals, but as far as they were concerned, it was just a legend. None of them knew how or from where they could obtain this tool, or even what it was exactly that they needed to search for.

Julia gently washed Daniel’s wounds with clean river water and a piece of cloth. She was able to remove the tooth from his chest. As she caressed his body with the wet cloth, she watched the drops of water slide down the crevices of his muscles and lost herself in his wet and glistening skin. Something about Daniel drove her wild with passion. Though Daniel and David were the same in a million ways, she had found them to be extremely different between the sheets. David was watching Julia caress Daniel and he recognized the look of passion in her eyes. He understood her feelings and had seen them for himself. While he was lurking around the house the night before in search of his wife and cousin, he had spotted Julia and Daniel making passionate and wild love quickly in his bedroom. Apart from the arousal he had felt watching them, he seemed not to mind it at all. Bears were known to share their partners and after all, they were werebears.

David shook his head as he pulled himself out of his reverie and came back into their current situation. The question still lingered: how to find the secret that would eliminate the werejackals once and for all?

Meanwhile, in the Krantoz clan, mayhem was breaking out everywhere. Shawn, William’s older brother, was the most violent of the group. After hearing the news of the werejackal’s defeat during their miniscule battle, his eyes turned red with anger as he let out a growl and bared his sharp teeth. He swore blood revenge that very moment. Shawn and William’s father, Robert, was old, but he was also very cunning and shared the same violent and bloodthirsty traits that ran among the clan. His one true wish was for his sons to kill off the entire human race, but this had proved to be an impossible task so far as armies of people would always chase them away and drive them back into the jungles.

William was the leader of this clan even though he was more of a pansy than most. He had the irritating habit of provoking others to fight without any reason. He was always picking small fights. His clan simply tried to ignore this due to his young age. He had forced his father to make him the group’s leader, and while he was, indeed, the leader, everyone knew that Shawn was the one who made all the important decisions for the clan. William was just the bloodthirsty face of the leader. Shawn did all of the real work for his younger brother. Shawn was clever, level headed, and shrewd. He declared that they would wait until Juan’s Day to kill the werebears. They could easily ambush and attack them on this day of celebration in which the werebears gather to celebrate their ancestry and generation lineage.

There were skulls decorating the surrounding area where the werejackals hooted and danced around Shawn. Shawn wore a skull around his neck. He was a huge creature and his eyes revealed craze and blood. He had been a professional killer and he despised humans from the core of his heart. The only beings he hated more than human beings were the werebears. The clan swore altogether that they would kill every last werebear that lurked around the area. They dispersed with a unanimous howl.

The night arrived for the werebears with much fear and trepidation. Julia, David, and Daniel went to a cave where they planned the details about the upcoming battle which had the potential to rip the jungle apart. David and Daniel began their transformations into werebears. Their skins changed as they growled and groaned. Their bodies became large. It was almost time for the battle. Julia’s voluptuous chest rose with a gasp and her eyes were shining like a million stars as she watched their transformations. Watching these two big, strong men shift into even bigger and stronger beasts got her excited and she began to think about the passionate encounters she had with the two of them. She felt safe with these beasts who would fight to protect her with their lives. Julia knew that she had to participate in this battle to prove that she was worth the fight and to show how much David and Daniel both meant to her. She was a smart and beautiful woman who could make things run according to her wishes and desires. As she watched her men shift, she began to think and consider her own battle plan.








“I would like to participate in this battle”, Julia said in earnest seriousness.

David and Daniel both stopped their preparations and turned to look at her in bewilderment. Julia bit her lower lip, crossed her hands on top of her lap and quietly admitted, “Well, I know what the secret is.”

David came closer to Julia, grabbed her arms and frantically asked, “What? What do you mean? What are you talking about?”

Julia looked away as she explained, “I didn’t tell you. It has been happening to me since I was a little girl. I get these strange dreams. I always have dreamed about bears and werebears, those jackals, and a seed.”

David and Daniel were both listening intently as Julia spoke. “What seed?” Daniel asked.

“There’s a seed that needs to be buried in the soil on Kapura Island,” said Julia.

“But what seed?! What are you talking about?” David asked, hurriedly.

“There’s a legend, and maybe you don’t know it, but I do. If you ask me how I know that it is true, the only explanation I can give you is that it came in my dreams and my dreams cannot be untrue. They never have been, as I see now with the both of you before me. The seed’s roots lie in the destruction of evil. We can find the seed in Mount Showtock, I know the route. I have seen the way and have travelled it many times before in my dreams. Finding that particular seed and planting it on Kapura Island off of Mount Showtock will destroy all of the werejackals and they will never ever come to you or your clan for the rest of eternity. And one more thing… only a human can pluck the seed from the mountain. No werebear or any other creature can successfully pull it out from the wombs of the trees. I have to do it. I will do it. I will save your clan. I will save my family.”

A tear fell from Julia’s eye as she said this. She knew how dangerous this journey was but she didn’t think twice about risking it all for the men, or the bears, whom she loved. Julia began to get emotional and tried to hide her tears, but broke down in the furry arms of David and Daniel, who hugged her and held her tightly. They could not believe that Julia held the secret their clan had been searching for through centuries. They wandered around the jungle as they discussed their plans for the journey ahead with the head of the clan. After a long and serious discussion, Julia was given permission to participate in the battle. She jumped up excitedly and gave a big bear hug to both of the werebears, and to the leader of the clan who had granted her the permission.

Julia, David, and Daniel walked back to the cave together. It was almost morning and they needed to get some rest before the start of their journey and the battle that was to come the next day. The two bears slept with Julia nestled in between them. She woke up between two naked men. David and Daniel must have shifted back into humans during their sleep. Julia was turned on like she had never been before. Her juicy flower was throbbing with excitement as she began to caress Daniel’s hairy chest. She reached down between his muscular thighs and took hold of his shaft, she turned onto her back so that she could hold David’s too in her other hand. Both men grew hard at her touch and awoke to find this beautiful, naked woman rubbing both of them excitedly. David turned and positioned Julia’s voluptuous body on her knees over Daniel who was still on his back. David and held her from behind, rubbing her full bosom, while Daniel kissed her lips and held her curvy waist. They licked Julia’s body from front to back, from head to toe. David was in between Julia’s legs, rolling his tongue over her sweet flower and making her wetter than she had ever felt before. This was her first time with two men, and certainly her first time in reality with werebears. She was in such ecstasy she thought she could be dreaming. Daniel kneeled in front of her and thrust his big, hard shaft into her mouth. Julia gagged, sucked, licked him all over, and enjoyed the taste of his manhood. She kissed it as Daniel rubbed it all over her pretty face and full cheeks. From behind, David inserted his tongue inside Julia. He spread her legs and entered inside her and she moaned as she sucked Daniel harder.

As David thrust from behind, Daniel entered inside of Julia from underneath her. Their moans turned into growls as both men thrust wildly inside Julia. She screamed and howled with them as they wildly ravished her full body and they gave wild thrusts inside of her from front and behind. David finished inside of her as Daniel kept going. He pulled Julia closer after David’s big finish and took her hard nipple in his mouth as he continued to ravish her from the front. Julia was overwhelmed with ecstasy and howled so loudly that the entire forest could hear as she climaxed. Daniel took out his throbbing shaft and rubbed it against Julia’s cheek before he exploded all over her pretty face. Exhausted after their wild romp, the three of them slept again for a couple of hours longer.

The sun was shining outside when someone entered the cave and announced that the Jackal gang was moving in quickly. Julia, David, and Daniel pulled on their clothing in a hurry and rushed outside. “First things first,” thought Julia. “Let’s go!” She exclaimed, as she grabbed the two men by the hands and began to run. The huge clan of werebears were prepared to battle the werejackals until Julia, David, and Daniel could plant the seed on Kapura Island. They were many in number, and had enough strength to fend off 50 werejackal clans.

Daniel, David, and Julia ran about ten miles to Mount Showtock. Julia had no trouble finding the seed with the help of her werebears. She gently plucked the seed from the womb of the tree and kept it safe as they descended upon Kapura Island. Julia followed the traces of her dreams and found the exact location where she knew the seed had to be planted. She buried it deep in the sand and the three of them ran back in hopes that the planting of the seed was successful in finally warding off the werejackals forever.

As they got closer to the caves, David and Daniel could hear the victorious cries of their fellow clan members. They arrived to see that the werebears had built a huge bonfire and were dancing all around in celebration. Julia was greeted with shouts of joy and appreciation and many big bear hugs. She was a part of the werebear clan now. The three of them were hailed as heroes. They sat around the fire all night as the werebears told the tales of the battle. They had not lost a single member of their clan. They had fought valiantly as they waited for the planting of the seed. They told in excitement how the werejackals had simply vanished the moment the seed had been planted on Kapura Island. The dreams of their ancestors from generations past had finally been realized. Julia had saved the werebear clan.

Though she could not shift into a werebear herself, Julia held the secrets of the clan and was welcomed into their family with open arms. She gave up that lonely house where David had left her alone and confused. She started a new life among her new family, living with David and Daniel in their cave. She bore them many healthy werebear babies who grew up to possess both the ability to shift as well as the secrets of the clan.

The werebears were sympathetic to Julia and her cubs. They knew of the worldly life she had been used to and had given up for the good of the clan. In her honor, they constructed a mansion situated above the caves where Julia could live with all of her little werebear cubs who played together every evening inside of the compound. The entire clan lived in harmony and never saw another werejackal again.



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