BBW ROMANCE: Forbidden Desires [BBW Menage Collection] (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories, Stepbrother Menage Threesome) (2 page)

BOOK: BBW ROMANCE: Forbidden Desires [BBW Menage Collection] (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories, Stepbrother Menage Threesome)
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Daniel and Julia went outside and crouched down under the window in the backyard. He took his knife from his leather pouch. They crept closer to the thing until they could see it digging in the ground with its claws. It was her brown terrier. Julia was overwhelmed with relief and immense love for the dog. She called it and it ran to her. She held its little face in her hands and began to pet it. Daniel returned his knife to the pouch and they all went back inside the house. 

Julia gave some biscuits and crackers to the dog which it ate greedily and after which it slept immediately.

Daniel and Julia went back into the sitting room where they had their first encounter. They sat down on the couch, facing one another. Julia stared deep into Daniel’s eyes for some minutes without uttering a word. She was lost in thought. He did not avert his gaze. Suddenly she asked him, “So, what is it all about, the property papers?”

Daniel got up from the seat and began to pace the room. He refused to give details. Julie didn’t push. She tried to respect the reasoning behind his silence, whatever it may be.

“Can I fix you some dinner?” asked Julia.

Daniel reached into his bag, plucked out the honeycomb and said, “I had mine, thank you.”

Julia nodded without understanding what Daniel meant. It had been several hours since she last had a bite to eat and she was feeling quite hungry, so she excused herself and went to the kitchen. Daniel sat on the couch with the dog, who had taken the opportunity in Julia’s absence to cuddle up next to Daniel on the soft cushion. Julia’s diary caught his attention from the floor once again. He was very curious about her and wanted to read it without her noticing. He looked around and saw her taking out some pots and pans and some cooking utensils. He knew then that she shouldn’t be back from the kitchen very soon. He figured that this was his only chance to look at the diary without giving himself away. He randomly flipped through the pages and read furiously, like a scared child who was hiding a book full of dirty jokes from his teacher. One of the pages caught his eye. It was a narration about some dream that she had about the trees. The excerpt read:


“I had a dream when David was gone for a week for some work. It happened suddenly after I had dozed off without any warning. I saw myself in a forest full of bears who were dancing around me. There was a bonfire. The bears seemed more human than beast. I was not scared, but it was indeed weird that I found myself in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of bears dancing around me. I was naked and had nothing to cover myself with. There were dead honeybees near my feet. I saw two bears coming closer to me. They both held me in their grip. It made me quiver but I loved the feeling. In front of the other bears, the two wild bears started to lick me everywhere as they held me. One of them had a scar. The sight of it startled me and woke me up.”


Daniel turned more pages and read similar dreams. He heard Julia’s footsteps coming from the kitchen. He tossed the book back onto the floor and lit a cigarette. He leaned back on the couch and began to hum a tune. Julia came with a plate of food and a glass of wine. Her clock gave a whistle. It was 2:00 am. Julia sat down on the sofa in front of Daniel, folding her leg with her foot under her hip. She held a plate of mashed potatoes, green olives, tomato, boiled carrots, boiled French beans, and a piece of French bread with garlic paste inside and plain cheese. Daniel stared at the food and licked his lips at the scent of it, as though he was some hungry beast. Julia noticed and asked him if she could fetch him some food, but he refused. He just got up and poured himself a glass of wine instead.

Daniel stood near the window, holding his glass of wine, just as Julia had been before he had arrived. He stared out at the horizon, which in the darkness played dirty tricks on the nature all around. Julia contentedly ate her simple dinner and she was lost in her own world. The dog slept like a log on the couch, with no worries of tomorrow. At some point, Julia had thought that she might be dreaming all of this and it could not be true. A stranger, who looked exactly like her dead husband, showed up in the middle of the night and made himself comfortable and it felt like home to her. She was promiscuous, but not foolish. She was smart. Smarter than many other women out there who thought they were smart. She had always excelled in her intuitions and she didn’t need anybody’s approval. She was an independent woman and was aware of her likes and dislikes. It was not wrong for Julia to do whatever she wanted to do. Nothing was right, nothing was wrong. It was all about her instincts and the way she moved with them.

Julia stared at Daniel as she ate. His muscles looked chiseled and as hard as rocks. They were curvy and sexy. Julia sipped on her wine and kept her gaze fixed on Daniel without even blinking. Daniel was tall and muscular. He looked like a body builder and had cuts and scars on his body like battle wounds. He was rugged, tall, and sexy. Did she want him? She nodded as she turned away.

Daniel gulped his wine down and came to Julia. His eyebrows arched in a strange way as he looked into her eyes. He gave her a little smile. She bit her lower lip. They both knew what they wanted. Daniel nodded, and suavely scratched the back of his head as his smile grew bigger and he gave Julia such looks that made her blush.

Julia finished her wine and put her plate aside. She wanted to get up and move away from the couch, but Daniel caught her wrist. Julia was startled by this and asked with a serious grimace, “What are you doing?”

“I am doing what you want me to do in your head.” Daniel confidently remarked.

“Oh, shut up and let me go!” shouted Julia

“No, I don’t think so…” said Daniel.

Julia pulled her hand away and left Daniel on the couch by himself, giggling like a boy. The dog had been woken up by the scent of Julia’s food and her shout and wanted to go back outside. He got up and stood by the door, wagging his tail. Julia opened the door and let the dog out. She saw something strange in the distance, moving behind the bushes. Upon observing closely, she saw two golden eyes shining right at her. She slammed the door and came inside.

Daniel was looking Julia up and down, from head to toe, without moving an inch from his place. An unlit cigarette hung from his mouth as he fingered his Zippo. Julia moved slowly toward the bedroom and gave Daniel a little nod with a sly smirk on her face. Daniel smiled wide and got up.





They hurried into the bedroom. The bedroom was not fancy, but a modest one, with pictures hanging all over the walls. The place looked messy, but not filthy. There was a pizza box and chip wrappers, a few soda cans and beer cans, and books and magazines scattered around.

Julia’s heart was pounding hard and fast. She was desperate for Daniel to ravage her body. Daniel understood without a word that she needed him badly. He moved closer to her and grabbed her curvy waist. She moaned and shut her eyes. He pushed her against the wall and lifted her legs up. She wrapped her thick legs around Daniel’s waist. His muscular body held her easily. Their lower bodies moved in rhythm against one another in wild intensity. His lower body swayed and she jerked her head back as a passionate moan escaped her lips. Her bosom swelled and her nipples turned hard as rocks. He slid his hand inside of her shirt and felt the fullness of her smooth bosom and erect nipples on his fingers. He covered her entire bosom with his large hands, caressing every inch of her firmness. Her moans grew louder as he slipped his other hand between her inner thighs, letting his fingers feel her juices and her swollen hills and valleys. His fingers rolled through her sticky wetness as he rubbed gently with his thumb and index finger. As his index finger slipped inside her, she clutched his hair and ravaged his neck with her lips like an untamed beast. She pushed him on the floor and pounced on top of him, biting and licking his lips like a hungry animal. He rolled her over onto her back as she unzipped his jeans and held his rock hard shaft in her hands. Her ecstasy knew no bounds. He rubbed it all over her and she guided it between her thighs. As he slipped inside of her, he took her wrists in his grip and pinned her arms to the floor. She gave a cry as she writhed with pleasure and bit her own arm in ecstasy. Once he was inside, he could feel her heat and her grip on his shaft. He began to ravish her madly. Her cries of pleasure reached the woods as she climaxed underneath the strong, rugged body of Daniel, who kept her erect nipple in between his teeth.

They lay together on the floor breathless and perspiring. Julia’s lips curled into an involuntary smile. Daniel kissed her cheek as he got up and went to the bathroom.

There was a sudden knock at the door which startled Julia. She ran to the bathroom and asked Daniel to check. They quietly walked toward the door and opened it fast to surprise whoever was there at such an insane hour. To their surprise, no one was there. Julia rushed to the back door alone to look out to the back yard. When she came back to the front door to get Daniel, he was nowhere to be found. Daniel was gone. She searched every room, but there seemed to be no trace of him except for his love bites on Julia’s body. Confused and frightened, Julia began calling his name, “Daniel? Daniel! Where are you? Quit playing games now! Come on...”


She walked into the sitting room and felt the eerie presence of something which made her jump and freeze in mid-step. She began to tremble from head to toe. Unable to bear the melancholy, she ran out of the back door into the open. Without seeing where she was running, she bumped into something huge and furry. She raised her head and screamed at the top of her lungs. She had bumped into a hairy wild bear which was staring ferociously into her eyes. She turned to run back, but the bear was on her heels. Suddenly she bumped straight into a second bear. She was caught now in between the two. She fainted.

The bears had caught her. One of them held her legs, another grabbed her shoulders, and they carried her through the path at the border of the yard which lead into the woods. Unconscious, Julia didn’t know a thing. She began to mumble incoherently. She felt she was trapped in a nightmare.

When Julia opened her eyes, she found herself in a cave-like place surrounded by candles. She woke up with an excruciating headache. She saw a bear next to her, another in front of her, and soon realized that there were many bears around her. Frightened and frozen, Julia felt numb and was speechless. Tears fell from her innocent eyes. One of the biggest bears in the group moved close to Julia and kept its hand on her head in an attempt to reassure her that everything was okay.

Julia was intelligent and intuitive. She understood that there was no danger. She slowly rose and walked outside of the cave. She saw that there was a bonfire and many more bears were sat around it. Some were standing, and others were dancing. She sat off to the side and watched them dance and interact with one another. She noticed the two bears who had kidnapped her looking straight in her direction. She recognized them instantly. On seeing them, she felt dizzy and passed out once again.

She slept for a very long time. When she woke up, it was mid-day. The bears were gone and she was all alone in the middle of the woods. Frightened, she stood up and began to wander around. She felt a strong hand grab her shoulder to stop her. With a yelp she jumped and spun around to find two tall and muscular men standing behind her. They looked like twins. They were David and Daniel. Julia froze.

“David!” Julia exclaimed in astonishment.

David smiled as he grabbed her and held her close to him. They looked deep into each other’s eyes and he planted the most passionate kiss she had ever felt on her lips. Julia regained her breath and punched him in the stomach as she wept on his chest bitterly.

“How could you?! How could it be possible?! I was in distress when you were alive this whole time?!”

David took her hand and the three of them sat down on a rock nearby. Daniel was chewing a twig and spat on the ground.

David held Julia’s hand tightly and looked deep into her eyes. “I was not dead. There’s something that I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t. I had to play dead for the rest of the world. I didn’t want anyone to know my secret.” David said.

Julia furrowed her brow and anxiously asked, “What secret?” 

“I am a werebear.” said David.

Julia drew back in surprise. “You’re
?” she exclaimed.

There was a moment of silence between them as the wind brushed across their faces. They sat there for some time without moving or speaking, with Julia’s mouth agape.

“Yes, I am a werebear. It is a condition in which I shift from a man to a bear. This thing has run in our family for generations, which is why we are so secretive. The bears you saw last night were all my family. Sometimes we have to escape for months and be here in the jungles in order to save ourselves from the eyes of the cruel world. Our kind has existed in this world for centuries unknown, but we have been forced to hide in order to live and to save our clan.”

“Then how did you escape your death? What happened at the sight of the accident?” Said Julia

“I staged my own accident, as simple as that, in order to escape into the jungles. I sent Daniel to bring you here, but when it took so long for you guys to return, I had no choice but to go to the house myself to make sure you were okay. We didn’t want to reveal our secret at the moment we abducted you because you were already under a serious shock. We wanted to give you some time.” David explained everything.

Julia blushed and looked away. She felt so many emotions running through her at once. David was unaware of what had happened in her bedroom that night, the same bedroom where they had spent their wild nights together making insane love as husband and wife. Daniel looked away, munching an apple.



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