Bane (14 page)

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Authors: Kristin Mayer

BOOK: Bane
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There was no mistaking the vow in his words. “I know. I feel safe with you.”

I looked back out as the day turned into night. Weariness invaded my body and I let it take me under.



The lights from a parking garage woke me. Groggily, I tried to figure out where we were. Then, I remembered … Frankie … the chase … the people who were after us and I shot up in my seat erect.

Bane touched the side of my face and I leaned into him. “It’s okay, Maren. We’re in North Carolina at a parking garage outside of town. A cab is meeting us out front.”

The soothing voice helped ground me, but I still felt out of sorts. The terror was ready to take seize of me if I let it. However, I knew that wouldn’t help matters. All I wanted to do was forget temporarily. Sleeping in the car gave me that. I got out of the car and stretched, then became leery if someone was here watching me and leaned against the vehicle.

Bane came over to me, invading my space. “We’re safe. If I thought there was a chance anyone would be here, we’d keep going. I made sure we weren’t followed and there aren’t any more bugs.” Tears pricked my eyes, but I held back from losing it. “Let’s get to the station, angel.”

Leaning into Bane, we walked through the dimly lit parking garage that smelled of fumes and oil as Bane shouldered two large duffel bags I didn’t recognize.

The car beeped as it locked and I glanced back to it. “Are you not afraid your car will get taken from here?”

“No. If it does, it does.”

There was no telling how much money that vehicle cost, but that didn’t seem to be a worry of Bane’s. I followed Bane to the waiting yellow cab out front. Getting in, I was assaulted with the smell of stale cigarettes that turned my stomach. After putting the bags in the trunk, Bane got in beside me. Tucking myself into him, he wrapped his arms around me.

“Are you hungry?”

I shook my head. Food was the last thing I needed at this point. Silence engulfed us on our way to the station, which took about twenty minutes. The cab driver had the radio on to some sort of rap that only irritated my raw nerves. Bane soothingly stroked my arm and I felt his lips press against my head. “We’ll get this figured out, angel.”

“I know. I’m worried about my brother.” Frankie was an ass, but he was blood. I was worried about him.

Bane let out a hard breath. “I’ll try to find him. But, Maren …” He paused and I glanced up at him. “I’m not letting him hurt you again.”

A zing of something I hadn’t experienced went through me. We were in the most terrifying time of my life and yet I didn’t want my time with Bane to end. We’d been promised only a month, but things could be indefinite if we weren’t able to figure things out. I had to keep my heart safeguarded. Being in this type of situation could easily lead to feelings.

The rest of the drive was silent as I tucked my face into Bane, engulfing myself in his scent. As we approached the city, horns honking became more frequent. The cab came to a stop at the train station. While I adjusted to the bright lights from the building, I squinted.

“Here, put this on.” Bane handed me a red baseball hat and large black sweatshirt that must have come from his bag. While he paid the driver, I did as he asked. It felt new.

Bane put on a hat and sweatshirt also. The look was strange compared to his normal black sleek attire. The cabbie announced, “It’ll be fifty-five forty.”

After handing the driver some cash and instructing him to keep the change, we got out of the cab. The station had a few people milling in and out. Bane grabbed the bags and I followed him into the terminal. Overall, the place looked abandoned. A few old newspapers laid scattered about giving it an eerie feeling.

“Act like you know where you’re going. Keep your head down and don’t look up at anything. Otherwise, you’ll draw attention to us.”

Keeping a pleasant smile on my face, I looked forward as Bane guided me while the pale-yellow lights flickered.

It was hard not searching all the surroundings. Bane was able to see everything inconspicuously. “How long until our train?”

“Just under an hour. I purchased our tickets so all we should have to do is scan them from my phone. We’re Chad and Jessica Parker.”

Nearly fumbling at the implication of being married, I took a silent deep breath and let it out. I needed to lighten the situation up. “Wow, married. Just so you know, I’m not picking up your dirty underwear and you better put the toilet seat down after peeing.”

Bane chortled and shook his head. “I’ll see what I can do.”



The train was more compact than I’d imagined as we climbed the steps to the second floor of the last car. I carried the backpack while Bane had two larger bags. The hall curved, revealing more hard vinyl grey walls. Doors made of metal were intermittently placed between compartments.

“This is us.”

I was glad we were staying in a compartment car away from everyone else. It was hard not to be self-conscious of other people watching you while on the run. The room was tight and smelled of bleach tinged with an old newspaper smell. Along the far wall was a couch that turned into a bed with a fold down bed on top of that. A table for two sat against the opposite wall. Along the wall near the door, a bathroom was nestled in the corner. All of this fit into a space of about eight feet by eight feet. Quarters were … tight.

“Home sweet home for how many days, Mr. Parker?”

“A little over two, Mrs. Parker.” Another frown appeared on his face as he spoke and a little pain went through me at him not liking the thought. I knew it was stupid considering what this was. In the parking lot, he’d been more jovial about it. Mercurial mood swinger. I chose to ignore it and looked around the room again.

The door shut and a lock snapped. I felt the heat of Bane behind me and I stood my ground not moving back into him. That familiar need from the last time we had sex took root in my lower abdomen. The pent-up emotions I’d bottled away during all this needed an escape before they erupted. Sex would be my coping mechanism … for now.

Bane’s finger traced the edge of my collar bone as he turned me to face him. The feather-light touch traced along the edge of my shirt. “Maren, if you want anything to stop say so. It won’t change me helping you.”

“Please don’t stop.”

He leaned down and murmured against my neck as I leaned back. Little goose bumps formed in the path of his fingers while a shiver passed through me. “I need to check the train. You have fresh clothes in the bag closest to us.” I started to ask how, when he continued, “I called a department store on our way as we entered North Carolina. They got it ready. I told them to get you everything you’d need. I haven’t checked it since they brought it to the car for me. Since it’s late, there should be something to sleep in somewhere in the bag.”

There was no telling how much this cost. “Thank you.”

He nibbled my chin again and I could feel my desire growing as his stubble hit my skin. “I’ll be back. Keep this locked. I’ll knock like this when it’s me.” Bane did a succession of three quick knocks then two slow ones.

“Okay. I won’t let anyone else in.”

Bane grabbed a small bag from the duffel farthest from us and then left to check everything out. I shuddered thinking that after all that we’d done there could be more danger encountering us here. Jumping from a train at high speeds did not sound like something I wanted to experience.

All I wanted was to go back to a few days prior to being on the run—to the night that Bane and I first slept together. In all this chaos, I couldn’t regret meeting Bane. Thinking about my life without the dark brooding man of few words seemed emptier.

Unfastening the buckles to the extra-large duffel, I peeked inside and nearly fell back in shock with the amount of clothes compactly packed inside. Stylish jeans, shirts, undergarments, a coat, and lingerie filled the bag. A black nightie caught my attention as I went through the stacks of clothes. Whoever picked out the clothes only chose sexually appealing outfits. A small giggle escaped.

Grabbing the silky piece, I headed to the restroom. As I was about to take off my shirt, the secret knock sounded at the door.


Opening the door, Bane gave me a straight face as he searched the room with his eyes. “All looks good.” After locking the door, Bane added some sort of stiff wire to the lock while fastening it to a pole connected to the ceiling above that held the foldout bed. Testing the hold, he spoke. “Helps reinforce the door.”

“Okay.” The foreboding feeling of why we were here came back front and center. Hastily turning and wiping a tear that tried to escape, I entered the bathroom. “I was about to change. Thank you for the clothes. They’re lovely.”

As I closed the door, Bane called through it, “Good. I didn’t have a chance to see what they picked, but I’m glad you’re pleased with it.”

Bane ran hot and cold. At times he was caring and a man who exuded a sexual prowess, and at other times he slid behind an impenetrable mask becoming an island state.

The space was limited in the restroom, but I managed to slip off my clothes and put on the black nightie. I ran my hand down the dark V of the lace that turned into a sheer organza fabric, showcasing the barely there panties. It was stunning as it slightly shimmered in the light. For the first time in a while, I felt sexy and wanton.

Stepping into the room, Bane typed a million miles an hour on the keyboard while he sat at the little table. To the right, the bed had been pulled down. Several little screens on the computer displayed different parts of the train.

Bane was dangerous. But, something about Bane hummed underneath my skin causing me to crave him more.

“I think I’m going to lay down for a bit.” If Bane wanted me, he’d have to come and get me though I offered myself up on a silver platter in my scantily clad outfit.

Bane glanced up, about to speak, then stopped as he devoured my body. “I need to personally thank whoever picked out your clothes.”

“Do you like it?”

I twirled and stopped short. Bane prowled toward me. “I’m about to fuck you in it.”

Not having a chance to respond, Bane kissed me with a fierceness as he lifted me up while my legs hooked around his hips. A thud sounded as we slammed against the wall. Bane pulled a condom out of his pocket and put it between his teeth to tear open the foil. The ripping sound elicited a moan of want. Holding me with one hand, Bane managed to get his pants undone and the condom on.


The train moved as we tumbled to the wall near the door. The cups to my nightie were pushed down, hoisting my breasts up. Bane pushed inside me in one deep thrust as he sucked my nipple.

“Ahh!” I felt stretched to the max.

His breathing was labored. “Are you okay?”

“Yes. Keep going. I’ll adjust.”

The pace became relentless as the ridged length stroked my inner walls. Our breathing labored as we raced to a release that would help ease the tension of the day. This numbed me from all the other harsh facts we were dealing with. This was the escape Bane promised me. Euphoria.

I gave myself over to Bane as he hit the spot within me one more time, eliciting a pleasure-filled moan as I came around his dick. Bane growled as he bit my shoulder; that only lengthened my own orgasm, hearing him come undone inside me.

“Angel, fuck. I needed that.”

“Me, too.”

Breathless, we held onto each other as I let my mind stay numb.

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