Bane (9 page)

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Authors: Kristin Mayer

BOOK: Bane
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ZIPPING UP MY suitcase, I prepared for the month ahead and what was to come after. The kiss from last night played in my head for the millionth time. Bane captivated me in a way I never thought possible. The moment he took control, I let go. When the knock interrupted us, I was grateful and disappointed at the same time. With those warring emotions, I knew I needed to leave.

I wanted Bane, but I needed to make sure that I knew the score before sleeping with him. There was no doubt he had been one-hundred percent honest with me last night. Frequently, girls thought they could change someone, but I knew that wasn’t the case. People were who they were and change only came from within.

Bane had a dark painful past.

He was the type of man I could lose myself in feeling more than I should if I wasn’t careful. That was something I refused to let myself do. After thinking all night and compartmentalizing everything, I was ready to have fun and let loose for a month. I welcomed it.

Nearly done, I glanced at the clock. I’d finished at the vet clinic two hours ago. The bus would be here in forty-five minutes. There were a couple of dishes I needed to clean before I left. Heading to the sink, I turned on the water.

It was hard to believe for the next month where I’d be staying—somewhere clean and safe. Honestly, anything would be better than this rat hole I lived in that could barely be classified as suitable living conditions. The bug traps were changed out daily. It was a necessary expense to be able to sleep at night and not feel insect legs from time to time. I lived by myself in the one-bedroom apartment where the heat worked … some of the time. Frankie stayed elsewhere. I didn’t ask nor want to know.

Washing the cup in the rusty sink, l screamed when a roach scampered across the floor in front of my feet. “Damn it!” I threw the plastic cup down and stepped back.

All I wanted to do was cry at how my life had been reduced to this. After this month, I was getting out. No one deserved to live like this. Working my ass off and condoning Frankie’s behavior was only making him become more reckless. This wasn’t a way to live. I would take this month, recharge, and plot my escape.

A lone tear fell down my face. Wiping away the tear, the handle of the door rattled. All it took was a slight shake of the door knob to open the door, making the lock useless. It was probably Frankie, but I grabbed the bat in case. I was completely exposed here. That’s why I normally scooted the dresser along the wall in front of the door when I was home. Being distracted, I’d forgotten today.

How had I let myself sink this low?

“Hey, sunshine. How’s it going with lover boy?” I cringed at the childhood nickname Frankie used. It was what my father called me as a kid. Now instead of endearing, it felt tainted.

Frankie was coming off a gambling high as he strode in with a swagger. I could always tell by the way he wore his fedora crooked to the side—his
gambling hat. Luck was the last thing that
brought him … I wished he could get a refund.

All I wanted to do was leave for the hotel. Bane, an almost complete stranger, felt safer than my flesh and blood. Before Frankie suggested pimping out my body, I never would have imagined those thoughts. All this nearly caused me to see red. Frankie didn’t care about me. The truth hurt.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to evenly respond. “Hey, Frankie.”

Eyeing my suitcase, Frankie narrowed his eyes. “You going somewhere? I thought I could count on you to get Tommy Tricks off my back?”

Tommy Tricks was the loan shark Frankie had taken the ginormous loan from.

“I am. I’ve always been there, Frankie. The man wants me to stay at the hotel.” The fact that my brother couldn’t see all I’d given up only affirmed my feelings.

Pulling out his phone, Frankie spat, “He better be fuckin’ paying for your time. I’m contacting Jewel.”

“Frankie, please let me handle it. I’m the employee of Discrete Encounters.” Gently, I put my hand on top of his to stop the dialing. I’d be horrified if they contacted Bane for more money. It was hard enough being okay with sleeping with him while I knew money exchanged hands.

He gave me a non-committal smile. “What does he talk to you about? Why is he so hung up on you?”

Good question. I wasn’t sure why Bane picked me. Answering, I followed a version of Bane’s advice. “We don’t talk. He doesn’t say much.”

“So, all you do is fuck?”

I shrugged. “Frankie, I’m trying to get through this, okay?”

Cocking his head to the side he watched me, I tried to remain passive. Even if Bane affected me on a fundamental level, I didn’t want Frankie to know.

“Okay, sis. No more questions. Just do your thing and get us out of this mess. I’ll keep working my luck to help anyway I can.” Coming to kiss me on the forehead, I wanted to cry. Our days of seeing each other were numbered. When I disappeared, I was vanishing so as not to be sucked back in. Regardless of what he’d done, I loved him. And I knew he’d end up in this situation all over again.

Frankie strolled toward the door. Laying a hundred-dollar bill on the window sill, he called, “Buy something nice to keep him interested. He may pay off my debt for me … and more. I got a feeling.”

There was always a feeling. A feeling that ended up with me working more hours. Not saying a word, I stared at the hundred dollars. It took me so long to earn that kind of money and Frankie was casually throwing it around. He should be the one stressed about paying Tommy Tricks back. This was on him, but he knew I’d do whatever I could out of the false sense of debt I felt.

“Keep smiling, sunshine.” Cringing again at the nickname, I gave a weak smile.

Finally, I was alone. Everything I owned was in my two suitcases. Anything I left would be ruined or stolen. Still, I left the place as clean as it could be as I rolled my functioning suitcase while carrying the broken one. It was only a few blocks to the bus stop.



An hour and a half later, I walked up the drive to the five-star hotel. The water fountain in the middle gave a magical ambiance to the white palatial hotel with gold trim. It was a place you only read about with how elegant it was.

A black shiny SUV drove past me. My fingers were cold having been exposed while carrying my luggage for the six blocks I’d walked from the bus stop. Resting, I flexed my fingers to get the blood flowing again and turned toward the street for a second. The sun set and the glow of the city street lights turned on as people milled about. Dusk was my favorite time of night. It meant the end of a day and the hope for a new one tomorrow.

“Maren, the bellboy’s going to take your bags to our room. Let’s get you inside.”

Startled by the voice, I turned to face Bane. A bellboy with a cart was not far behind. Bane looked good in his black turtleneck and jeans. Mouthwatering good. My hormones were in overdrive as my senses came alive around him.

“Thank you, Bane, but I don’t mind taking them to my room.” The offer was sweet.

He shook his head minutely. “No, they’ll handle it. Let’s get some food. Are you hungry?”

My stomach growled at the mention of food. I was hungry almost all of the time, but I always made sure to have two meals a day. So far today, I’d only managed one with everything going on. “Food sounds good. Thank you.” The hundred dollars would help feed me while I was here. I knew how to eat cheap and save.

Placing his hand along the lower part of my back, Bane guided me in to the hotel. Instead of going to the elevators, we made a left for the elegant restaurant. A faint rose smell permeated the hotel air, adding to the luxury feeling. As we approached the large mahogany doors, I remembered underneath my coat I wore jeans and a sweater. For this restaurant, I knew I was underdressed as women approached wearing their elegant dresses bordering on evening wear.

A sneer from another one stopped me. “Bane, I’m not dressed properly.” Though it shouldn’t bother me what people thought, I wouldn’t be able to eat with everyone staring, wondering why I was in a place that nice.

Assessing, Bane watched me for a second. “What are you hungry for?”

“A salad is fine.” That was always a cheap option on the menu that I knew I could afford. More people in dressy clothes walked by as they engaged in polite conversation.

Adding pressure to my back, Bane got my attention. “What else would you like besides a salad? Do you like steak? They’re known for their steaks. My treat.”

Another woman walked by and couldn’t keep her eyes off Bane, while his eyes never left me. Ignoring her, I protested, “Bane—”

“Maren, it’s a steak. Let me treat you.”

I nodded and gave an appreciative smile. “Steak sounds great.”

“Okay, give me a second.”

Confidently, Bane strode to the hostess and spoke to her. Being underdressed didn’t seem to bother Bane. I was afraid they’d think I was a hooker and with the current arrangements, I didn’t want to deal with any of it. This was still the oddest situation—one I wasn’t able to classify.

He knew how to read people and I was grateful for not pushing me to go into the restaurant. With Bane, a complete stranger, I felt like I had choices opposed to my life with Frankie, my own family.

On his return, Bane repositioned his hand on my lower back. That sexual, excited feeling that I hadn’t felt in ages until I saw him at Discrete Encounters broke its way to the surface. Bane pushed the button for the elevators and the doors opened without delay.

The doors closed, encapsulating us into a world of our own. “I ordered us dinner. It’ll be delivered within thirty minutes.”

“Thank you, I appreciate it. But I honestly don’t expect you to take care of me.”

Bane gave me a gentle expression as the elevators ascended. Electrical charges danced across my skin causing me to momentarily close my eyes. This man began to be in almost all my thoughts.

“I know. Just let me. It’s not a big deal, and you’re not demeaning yourself.” His voice brought me back from my temporary refuge. The manly smell encompassing all around me was nearing unbearable.

“You look beautiful today, Maren.”

Needing to lighten the sexual tension, I lightly responded, “Thank you. You look dashing yourself.” Really, sexy as hell was a better description.

Rewarded with a chuckle, the elevator opened.
Thank goodness for fresh air.
Nervous flutters returned as we made our way to the hotel room. Behind those doors we would be, as Bane put it,

The lock clicked. Opening the door, Bane let me enter first. I let out a breath. I’d be safe here.

The suitcases I brought sat on two luggage racks along the wall that lead to the bathroom. Compared to the lavish surroundings, my bags were out of place—filthy rags in comparison.

“Everything okay?” Bane asked.

All of the sudden I needed to get a few things straight or rather re-clarified. “So, you expect nothing in return for me being here?”

“No, I don’t.”

Bane appeared in front of me and his finger ran down my cheek, leaving a warm trail in its wake. “Maren, there are no expectations. This isn’t a trick. Let’s be two people escaping for the next month. Whatever happens … happens. There are no rules to how this works. If either of us wants to stop, you stay here for the month and I’ll leave you alone. It’s as simple as that.”

“Okay. Two people. No expectations.”

Bane made his way to the bar for a drink. Idly, I wondered if he hid behind the glass to keep from showing any emotion.

Taking off my coat, I hung it in the hall closet, busying myself with the nervous energy that also showed itself when Bane was around me.

In the main area, Bane sat at the table, feet crossed at his ankles, taking sips of his bourbon. I cleared my throat. “Do you mind if I take a shower before dinner arrives? I didn’t have time after I got off work at the vet’s office?”

“Not at all.” The simple sentence Bane generally responded with elicited want within me, escalating the need to an all-time high.

Maybe a hot shower would help relax me. Unzipping the bag, I got the essentials and a change of clothes before making my way to the bathroom. Lavish, sleek tiles covered the walls as I ran my hands along them. Placing my clothes on the marble counter, I looked at myself in the mirror. This was happening.

Compared to a year ago, I looked worn down and tired with the dark circles under my eyes. Life had taken its toll, but I was getting my life back. I was a survivor.

All I wanted was to work and live comfortably. The lavishness wasn’t necessary for me to be happy. Growing up, we’d been middle class but our home had been filled with love. How times change. After turning on the shower knob, I waited for the water to heat up. Multiple showerheads created a cascade of water.

Stepping in, the hot water enveloped me, easing my sore muscles. At the clinic today, a large Great Dane nearly jerked my arm out of its socket as I walked him. A rabbit peeked up underneath a fence. The huge dog charged, and I was barely able to hold on.

The complementary shampoo smelled of floral, and the soap felt like rose petals caressing my skin in the clean shower. Compared to my apartment with the rusty shower, this was a nice change. It had been a while since I’d had a hot shower. Lukewarm or cold was the norm for me.

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