| 1 APD Files: Incident Report, by Sonya Urubek, June 22, 1992; J. W. Thompson.
 | 2 Austin American-Statesman, June 28, 1992 and May 16, 1993; Kenneth Allen McDuff.
 | 3 Ibid., June 27 and July 11, 1992.
 | 4 Kenneth Allen McDuff.
 | 5 Austin American-Statesman, July 7, 1992.
 | 6 Ibid., September 16, 1992.
 | 7 Crawford Long; Mike Freeman.
 | 8 John Segrest. Mr. Segrest was not available for an interview, but agreed to provide written answers to my questions. They are hereafter cited by name only; Ibid.
 | 9 Crawford Long.
 | 10 Mike Freeman.
 | 11 Crawford Long; Mike Freeman.
 | 12 Ibid.; State of Texas v Kenneth Allen McDuff, SOF in Cause #643820, Volume 1, pg. 3, Volume 2, pg. 178 and Volume 9, page 47; Austin American-Statesman, January 11, 1993.
 | 13 Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, Kenneth Allen McDuff v Texas, #71,700, delivered January 29, 1998; John Segrest; Crawford Long; Mike Freeman; Austin American-Statesman, February 6, 1993.