| 26 Austin American-Statesman, February 13, 1993.
 | 27 State of Texas v Kenneth Allen McDuff, SOF in Cause #643820, Closing argument by Crawford Long, pgs. 2035.
 | 28 State of Texas v Kenneth Allen McDuff, SOF in Cause #643820, Closing arguments by Mr. Goains and Mr. Reaves, pgs. 5678 and 10629.
 | 29 State of Texas v Kenneth Allen McDuff, SOF in Cause #643820, Closing arguments by Mr. Segrest, pgs. 13062; Crawford Long; Mike Freeman.
 | 30 Waco Tribune-Herald, February 17, 1993.
 | 31 Ibid., February 19, 1993; Austin American-Statesman, February 19, 1993; John Segrest.
 | 32 Austin American-Statesman, February 18, 19 and 22, 1993.