Baby Love (27 page)

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Authors: Andrea Smith

Tags: #Romance

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"Oh God!" I screamed.  "
are the best baby.  I love the way
fuck me.  That's it, baby; that's it."

My orgasm exploded with intensity like no other I had ever experienced. I felt the warm gush of my ejaculation; I heard myself moan with each pulsating release.  His climax was unraveling within me. I cried out with pleasure; I never wanted this to end.  My lips found his and I kissed him as he finished coming; he was moaning with pleasure as well.  I was content that I had pleased
. I felt him shudder as he finished; he continued giving me sweet kisses.

We were both panting with our exertion.  Too soon he pulled himself out of me.  I rolled over on my side, flushed with the afterglow of our lovemaking.  I drifted off to sleep quickly never having opened my eyes.

I awoke the next morning.  Trey had already gotten up and headed to the gym for his morning workout.  I recalled the events of the previous night and shame washed over me.  I felt sick in the pit of my stomach.

I needed to call Gina.  There was no other person I could trust with this other than my very best friend. 

It was early - only 7 a.m.  Preston was not even awake yet but this could not wait.  I needed to unload this from my conscience.

I phoned Gina and heard her groggy voice on the other end of the phone.

"Somebody better had died for you to call me this fucking early girlfriend!"

"Gina," I rasped, beside myself. "I did something awful! 
I cheated on Trey

My voice gave way to racking, guilt-ridden sobs.



By the time Gina arrived at our apartment I had fed breakfast to Preston and she was in her playpen happily chewing on her assortment of rubber toys.

I had put a pot of coffee on for Gina as I knew that she wasn't a morning person.  The doorman buzzed over the intercom that she had arrived.  I left the front door ajar for her as I returned to the kitchen to shut the oven timer off.  I got the blueberry muffins out that I had baked trying to kill time before Gina got here.

I poured myself a glass of apple juice and put the muffins on a plate.  I heard Gina breeze through the front door, calling my name.

"In here," I called out. "Want a cup of coffee?"

She appeared in the doorway to the kitchen looking as if she had literally climbed out of bed, put a pair of jeans on under her nightgown, threw on her coat and drove over.

"What the fuck Tylar?  No, I don't want a cup of coffee.  I want you to sit your ass down and explain to me why you would cheat on your husband?  After you saw all the hell that Ian put me through; the pain and suffering, the humiliation - how could you do that to your own husband?"

"I didn't
cheat on Trey - it just feels as if I have," I sobbed taking a seat at the table.


I explained to Gina that Trey and I had a bit of a disagreement without telling her the specifics.  I told her that it wasn't so much the content of the disagreement but the tone he had taken with me making me feel subservient and insignificant.  I explained that I had gone to bed pissed off at him and that he had come to bed horny.  I admitted that because I was horny as well but still pissed, I fantasized that he was someone else and got off seven ways from Sunday.

I raised my head to look up at her where she was standing next to the breakfast bar.  I saw her mouth twitch as if she was finding humor in what I had just admitted to her.

"I think I will have that cup of coffee," she stated.  "Are those blueberry muffins?"

"Gina?  Did you hear what I said?"

"I'm sorry Ty," she said, starting to giggle loudly.  "You actually are beating yourself up because you
in the sack?  What? You don't think millions of people do that every night?  What about Mrs. Martello at the fruit stand near our club?  You've met her right?"

I nodded wondering what the hell Mrs. Martello had to do with my infidelity.

"Okay and you've seen Mr. Martello on occasion too, the guy wearing a gravy-stained, yellowed with age tee shirt that doesn't cover his big hairy belly?"

I nodded still wondering about how this applied to my circumstance.

"Mrs. Martello told me that she and her old man have sex every night of the week.  You know why?"

I shook my head indicating that I was clueless.

"She told me the secret of their great sex life is that for the past twenty years she has pictured him as Sinatra when they are in bed.  I swear to God that's the truth."

"But Gina that's different."

"How so?" she asked, picking at a blueberry muffin.

"Well for one thing, Sinatra is dead.  Plus it's okay I guess to fantasize that you're with a rock star or some famous sports figure or celebrity."

"Damn straight," she replied.  "I used to fantasize that Ian was freaking Johnny Depp - no harm no foul.  So what's your point?"

"I fantasized that Trey was his brother, Tristan."

"Holy shit," she said, sitting down.  That is a bit more complicated I guess."

"You think?"

"Well be honest Ty; do you think that you have an actual crush on Tristan?"

"No - I mean I like him a lot as my brother-in-law.  I think it's sort of because he looks a lot like Trey but yet he's a little older and more mature; plus he is definitely more laid back than Trey.  He never would have acted like Trey did when I brought up the idea of investing in the club."

Gina's raised her eyebrows at that. Shit!  I hadn't meant to divulge the specifics of our argument.

"So - you basically got pissed because the Hot Nazi trashed the idea you had about buying Ian's share of the club?"

"I'm sorry Gina; I really didn't mean to share all of that with you."

"No - no, it's all good girlfriend," she said pouring coffee into a mug and taking her place again at the bar.

"So tell me, how hot was the fantasy sex with Tristan?"



Gina had discussed my offer to invest my money with Jesse, her attorney.  I specifically instructed her not to divulge my name.  He was a junior associate located on the floor below Trey's but I didn't want to take any chances on having Trey find out yet.  Jesse was to make an offer to buy out Ian's portion to his attorney so at this point there was nothing left to do but wait.

"Won't it be great to be partners, Ty?"

Gina was excited at the prospect; I was too for that matter it was just letting Trey know what I had done if the offer was accepted.  I guess I would cross that bridge when I came to it.

As it turned out, Trey's phone conversation from the night before had been with Tristan.  He was going to be in Atlanta this coming weekend with Libby and wanted all of us to get together.  Trey had shared that with me when he called from his office at lunch time. I dreaded having to deal with that bitch again.

He was acting as if everything was back to normal.  I still was carrying guilt about my fantasy but Gina had told me over and over it was perfectly normal.  She told me under no uncertain terms should I 'confess' it to Trey.

I had made Trey's favorite dinner tonight:  pot roast with carrots, potatoes and gravy; I had followed his mother's recipe and baked him a chocolate pie.  I set the dining room table very formally with good china and cloth napkins.  I opened a bottle of red merlot to breathe.

I dressed Preston in one of her wool plaid jumpers with a long sleeved shirt underneath.  I put winter tights on her and a pair of patent leather dress shoes.  She looked adorable.  I moved her high chair into the dining room.

Trey came in around 6:30 and immediately knew something was up.

"Shit - we aren't having company tonight are we?"

"No silly," I said, helping him off with his trench coat.  "I just wanted us to have a nice romantic dinner that's all."

He cocked an eyebrow looking around the room and then back to me.

"Where's the baby?"

"She's in her playpen right over there Trey. Why don't you go in and spend a few minutes with her while I get dinner on the table okay?"

I went back to the kitchen and finished pureeing some of the baked yams I had made for Preston.  I poured Trey and I a glass of wine and set it at our place settings.  I finished putting the food on the table and filled our crystal tumblers with ice water.  Everything looked delicious.

"Dinner is ready Trey.  Would you put Preston in her high chair?"

Trey was impressed with dinner.  He complimented me over and over again about how great everything tasted.  He said my chocolate pie was every bit as good as his mothers.  I felt better about last night seeing how happy I had made him this evening.

Trey finished spooning the pureed sweet potatoes to Preston who by this time had an orange clown's mouth.  It was funny to watch her as she leaned into the spoon with her mouth biting it.  She loved the taste of it and at times started whining when Trey wasn't getting it to her fast enough.  She managed to get her fingers into the bowl and then stuck them into her mouth sucking the sweet potatoes off of her fingers.

I cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher.

Trey wiped off Preston's face and hands and offered to bathe her.

"Thanks sweetie," I said.  "I'm going to grab a shower."

  He leaned down and kissed me softly on my lips.

"Thanks for a wonderful dinner baby."

An hour later Trey and I were in bed watching a movie together.  I was curled up in his arms feeling better about everything.  Gina had been right.  Fantasies were a normal part of sexuality. 

My Blackberry chimed on the nightstand.  I reached over and grabbed it.  It was Gina.

"Hi Gina, what's up?"

"Great news Ty.  Jesse just phoned.  Ian's attorney got back with him this evening.  It's a go.  He's accepted the buyout.  You and I will be equal partners at the Sanctuary, how about that?"

"Really?" I said. 

I found myself excited now over the prospect that this was really going to happen.  I would have something of my own.  I was elated.

Trey was looking over at me with a puzzled expression.

"So," Gina continued.  "We need to get the funds together.  Jesse says a cashier's check will do.  I will call you in the morning with the exact amount okay?  Jesse will also get the partnership LLC papers together."

"Sure Gina.  I'll talk to you then."

I put the phone back on the nightstand and curled up next to Trey.

"What was that about?"

(Holy shit. . .)

"Oh that was Gina."

"I know it was Gina, Tylar.  That much was fairly evident.  What's going on?"

"She is going to buy out Ian's share of the club.  She found a partner.  She's stoked."

"She found a partner that quickly?"

"Yeah.  It's me."






















I soon learned that Trey could give as well as he got when it came to the silent treatment.  He hadn't said a word to me once he had stopped yelling.  He was furious when I told him that I had used my savings account money to buy out Ian's share of the club.  He said that I had no business doing that without discussing it with him first.  I told him that I didn't see it that way.

He left for work the following morning without so much as kissing me good-bye.  Gina came by at 10 a.m. to pick Preston and I up; we headed to the bank to get the cashier's check.  We drove down to Trey's office building.  I was thankful that Jesse was on a different floor.  Jesse had received the signed bill of sale from Ian's attorney; he had prepared the LLC partnership agreement between Gina and me.  It was fairly simple.  The difficult part was yet to come. 

I had no clue as to how to run a business; or in the case help run a business.  Gina admitted that Ian had taken care of booking the talent, advertising, payroll, hiring and firing.  She said she had trained the bartenders and scheduled their shifts, filling in when one of them called off. They had an outside accountant who kept the books.  An audit and full accounting had been conducted prior to the drafting of the separation agreement that would become Gina and Ian's final divorce decree in about thirty days. 

Our LLC was to take possession of the club immediately upon execution of transfer of title.  It was ours starting now.  Gina was ecstatic; I was scared shitless.  It didn't help that Trey was not speaking to me.  I needed his support now more than ever.

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