Baby Love (26 page)

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Authors: Andrea Smith

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Baby Love
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"Oh yes, baby!" Libby was screaming. "Keep fucking me Tristan just like that.  Pull the ass beads out now - oh yeah, aarrrgghhh!"

"Shit ….not again," Trey moaned, pulling the covers up over his head.

The headboard was slamming against the wall in a steady rhythm that seemed to go and on.  It continued at a slower pace as Libby's orgasm apparently was winding down. 

Someone was knocking on our door.

"What the hell now?" Trey grumbled, throwing the covers off and going to the door.

It was Clive asking that Trey and I keep it down.

"Jesus Christ dad, it's not us!  It's Tristan and that nymph he's engaged to."

(So much for wishing them well Trey!)

Clive apologized for the interruption.  By this time, things had quieted down next door.

Within twenty minutes it started up again; by this time Trey had passed out so I was left to listen to it alone.

I had finally drifted back to sleep when more noise came from the room next door.  It sounded as if there was an argument ensuing.  My female ears perked up.  This was way more interesting that listening to sex.

"What do you mean that I'm too friendly, Tristan?" Libby yelled.

"No I will not keep it down.  You need to explain yourself to me."

Evidently Tristan's answers were in a quiet tone so I didn't get to hear them.  Libby however was not pleased with them.

"What the fuck!  So I danced with Trey - what of it?  I danced with Nigel, too.  Oh and I danced with Landon and some other guy named Ray.  Why are you making a federal case about my dancing with Trey?  Someone had to I suppose.  I just felt so sorry for him."

I didn't hear anything further for several seconds.

"Quit shushing me," she hollered.  "You’re the one that is making a big deal out of it.  His wife deserted him for the most part during your party to play wet nurse to that baby of theirs.  I felt sorry for the poor guy.  Christ, don't you trust me?"

Tristan must have put her mind at ease with his response.

"I love you Tristan and only you.  You have to believe me."

Oh Christ - what an actress I thought.

Tristan must have bought off on her explanation because I didn't hear any further argument.  Within minutes the music of their slamming headboard against our wall was all I heard.  Trey had managed to sleep through it all.






I had never been so glad to be home than after that long weekend in Bristol.  I had called Gina during the following week while Preston was napping to fill her in.

"No fucking way!" she said as I told her about the sex in the next room, their costumes and Tristan's sudden engagement. 

The crème de' le crème was when I told her that Tristan was moving to Atlanta to live here because of her job.  When Gina asked what Libby's job was I told her about Sexabella.  Gina knew of the company.  Why had I not been surprised?

"Oh yeah," she said excitedly, "They distribute a lot of that stuff we saw in the Sextique Shop at the mall in Bristol, remember?"

"How could I possibly forget Gina?" 

I remembered the Jack Rabbit Wallbanger  w/Suction Cup she had bought for me as a Christmas gift last year from that store.

"So how is it going with you?" I asked.

"Well we are sort of at a standstill with the division of property.  We have the condo and the business.  With what we owe on both there is no even split of equity or liability.  It's a quagmire I guess.  In the meantime, I'm still living at the condo of course and Ian is paying the bills.  I still work at the club on days but it's hard you know? I mean everyone knows what Ian did and continues to do with that skank.  I'm not one for pity girlfriend."

"I know that Gina - I'm sorry about all of this.  Hey, let me talk to Trey."

"Why would you talk to him about my problems?" she asked.

"Well he mentioned something about buying shares of Tristan's winery; what if I could convince him to invest in the Sanctuary instead and buy Ian's interest out?"

"Oh Ty, I mean I love you for thinking about me on this but that is a lot to hope for from a friend.  Given the Hot Nazi doesn't care for me I don't think you have a snowball's chance."

"We'll see," I replied, "It couldn't hurt."

"Hey," she said changing the subject.  "How is your house coming along?"

"It's on schedule," I replied.  "Want to ride out with Preston and me today?"

"Absolutely," she said.

I picked Gina up after lunch and we drove out to the house in DeKalb County.  She had been there with me before several times but it was nearly finished with the exception of the flooring and final trim.  We toured the house and Gina marveled at the layout.

It was two-story with a partial walk-out basement.  It was approximately 3500 square feet.  The master suite upstairs was in Gina's words 'to die for.'  Our room had a working fireplace, 'his' and 'her' dressing room/closets and a master bath that had a sunken Jacuzzi tub, double marble showers, double vanities and  'his' and 'her' enclosed commodes.

The horse barn was nearly finished. Trey was making arrangements to have Derringer and a couple of other horses brought out after the first of the year when we moved in.  Gina had promised to help me furniture shop after Christmas.

I asked Trey at dinner that evening about the possibility of buying out Ian's interest of the Sanctuary.

"Are you crazy? Absolutely not Tylar.  Do you realize that restaurants and night clubs are the most risky types of investment?  Aside from that I can't imagine being in business with Gina. Dumb idea baby."

"But just think about. . ."

He cut me off with his usual, "End of discussion Tylar."

Sometimes Trey's closed mindedness really pissed me off.  He hadn't even given me the courtesy of pretending to consider it before he gave a definitive 'no.' So much for it being "our" money I thought.

Perhaps I could find another investor.  I really hated to see Gina lose that club.  She needed something to occupy her time and the social environment there was therapeutic for her. 

I was folding clothes in the laundry room when it dawned on me that I could be an investor without Trey.  I had put all of the money that I had cleared from the sale of the house and furnishings in Radcliff into my own savings account, along with the money I had earned from the dressage competitions, the left-over money from the sale of my car and the ten grand I had received from Maggie's previous employer.

I went to the bedroom and got my savings passbook out of my underwear drawer.  I had over $200,000 in my savings account.  I had offered to buy the furnishings for the new house with it.  Screw that.  Gina was more important.  I smiled at my ingenuity.  I put my passbook back in the drawer.  I would tell Gina the good news tomorrow while Trey was at work.  She and I were going to be partners.

I finished up in the laundry room and went to check on Preston.  She was in her swing in Trey's office, chewing on her pink rubber clothespin.  She smiled when she saw me, dropping her toy and holding her arms up for me.

Trey was typing away on his laptop.  He looked up as I lifted her from the swing.  He was trying to figure out whether I was pissed at him for blowing off my suggestion about investing in the club.  I decided to keep him guessing.

"Do you want a bath Preston?" I asked, totally ignoring Trey.

She still had slobber on her chin from chewing on the toy.  She grinned at me; I headed out the door with her.

"Tylar?" Trey called after me.

I stepped back into his office and glanced over at him.

"Oh I see.  This is how it is going to be now," he stated simply.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm going to get the silent treatment aren't I?"

"I have no clue as to what you are talking about Trey.  I simply finished my chores for the day and decided to bathe my daughter.  Is there something you need?"

"Don't let me keep you," he replied frowning.

I bathed Preston and dressed her in one of the new nightgowns Susan had bought for her.  She was six months old now and I had started her on pureed bananas which she loved, along with pureed carrots and peas.  This had reduced her need to nurse in half.  I still enjoyed nursing her before bedtime.

I cradled her against me in the rocker and unfastened my nursing bra.  She latched on to my nipple, nursing gently as I rocked her back and forth.  This had become one of my most favorite times of the day.  She fell asleep in my arms.  I kissed her forehead and gently placed her in the crib.  She loved sleeping on her tummy now.  I pulled her blanket up around her and her thumb found her mouth as she slept.

Trey was still in his office.  He was talking to someone on his Blackberry.  I only heard the tail end of the conversation where he told someone he would see them this weekend.

I showered and climbed into bed.  I had fallen asleep by the time Trey finally came to bed.  He was still damp from his shower as he curled up next to me. 

He wrapped an arm around me, pulling me close to him.  I felt his warm lips as they kissed the nape of my neck, my shoulder and my cheek.  He gently nibbled an ear lobe.  I hoped he didn't think we were going to have make-up sex. That was not going to happen.

His hand lowered to my hip as he pulled my nightgown up, his fingers pushing past the elastic of my panties and plied the folds of my sex gently. 

His warm lips continued to kiss my neck moving toward my throat as he rolled me towards him.  I could feel myself getting wet for him.  Damn!

His mouth found mine as he drew me to him, kissing and tracing my lips with his tongue.  I fought not to respond.  I lost.

I laced my arms around his neck pulling his face closer to mine as our tongues danced together in a passionate kiss.  I felt his hand move to lower my panties and he lifted me up to take them completely off.  He pulled my nightgown up and over my head.  He had come to bed naked.

He moaned against my lips.  My body was responding to him and it pissed me off.  I loved Trey but he had really hurt my feelings this evening with his fist-pounding tactics at dinner.  He had made me feel subservient in a way; as if I didn't have a say or a vote in our household or investments.  He had been the one who only last week insisted the money was "ours" and not "his."  I supposed it was "our" money until I wanted to spend some of it.

"Come on baby," he whispered against my lips.  "You know that feels good.  You know you love what I'm doing to you."

He lowered his lips to my breasts, tracing the nipple with his tongue, circling it over and over again.  His fingers were expertly exploring the folds of my womanhood and my hips were thrusting to meet his fingers as they pushed and rotated inside of me.

(Damn him!)

His lips and tongue traveled further south until they joined his magic fingers at the apex of my womanhood.  His tongue swirled over my clitoris, flicking it rhythmically as my hips gyrated against his mouth.

"That's my baby," he said softly, licking and kissing me down there. 

"My baby is so wet and so ready."

(I will not moan; I will not moan!)

Trey's tongue continued to wash over my clitoris as he removed his fingers from me.  I could hear the sound of a condom packet rip and felt his hands move to his erection as he rolled the condom over the length of his hard shaft.  I hadn't touched him down there at all tonight.  I hadn't even opened my eyes.  For all I knew this wasn't Trey.  This could be anyone I decided.  Yes - this could be someone other than Trey.  Perhaps this was . . .

Yes, my imagination decided that this was Tristan doing all of these delicious and forbidden things to me.  Tristan with his longer hair and emerald green eyes pleasuring me in bed. This man was always caring and sweet to me; never treating me dismissively the way that Trey had; showing patience and compassion for everyone.

I felt him lower himself to me and I opened my legs, to welcome and accept his manhood into me. Once there I wrapped my legs around his hips, pulling him deeper inside of me as my hips arched up against him. It felt so good; so damn good.

"Mmmm," I moaned.  "
feel so good.  I love having
inside of me."

  He increased his rhythm, plunging in and out of me with beautiful and expert precision. I moaned in sweet pleasure feeling my uterus contract around him.

"I need
to kiss me," I said, hungry to see what
lips would feel like on mine. 

I felt his warm and sensual lips softly mold to mine perfectly.  His tongue teased mine playfully.  I imagined
emerald green eyes watching me as I writhed in pleasure; totally surrendering myself to

We kissed with hunger and passion.  My hips were rotating and I could feel my uterus squeezing and contracting him to climax.  I arched my back as he placed his hands under my ass penetrating me deeply.  The head of his shaft was rubbing my sweet spot like I had never felt before.

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