Baby Love (24 page)

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Authors: Andrea Smith

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Baby Love
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We heard the sound of leather hitting skin and then Libby moaned loudly.

"That's it baby; that's how I like it! Again!"

This continued for awhile and then we heard her voice loudly again, commanding Tristan to fuck her from behind.  He evidently obliged as the rhythmic banging of the headboard against the wall resumed.

We finally heard them both cry out as they reached their individual climaxes.

"Damn," Trey said, "That sounded….

"Don't get any ideas Trey."  

I was perturbed by the activities that had occurred in the next room; I wasn't sure why.  I hadn't pictured Tristan as being into any of that S & M shit.  It was obvious that Libby was very much into it.

"Oh come on Tylar," he admonished.  "Since when have you turned all provincial?  I seem to recall you enjoying a spanking or two in the past."

"That's an entirely different thing and you know it Trey.  Are you saying that we need to spice up our play in the bedroom?"

"I'm saying no such thing.  You always read way more into the things I say."

He pulled me against him, brushing my hair back from my face gently.  He tilted my chin upward and kissed my lips softly several times.

"I have no complaints at all Mrs. Sinclair, but if you ever find it boring, you will speak up won't you?"

"Assuredly, counselor," I replied, kissing him back.

Just then the sound of Preston's ghost booing came from the crib.  Trey and I looked over.  She was sitting up in her crib, her chubby arms hugging her ghost to her.  She smiled at us.  Trey slipped his sweats on and went over to take care of her.  She needed another diaper change which he handled.

We ate at Morelli's that night.  Carmelita was thrilled to see us again and she was captivated by Preston.

Tristan and Libby had joined us and try as I might, I was just not clicking with that chick.  I thought Susan's instincts were on target.  I would never let on to Tristan that I didn't care for her.  He seemed to be totally mesmerized by her in every way.  I was a bit uncomfortable being around them after what we had heard that afternoon but neither one of them seemed fazed by it.

When we got back to the manor Susan insisted on bathing Preston and getting her ready to go down for the night.  Susan had moved Preston's crib to her and Clive's suite and I suspected it was because she had overheard Tristan and Libby at some point over the past several days and didn't want it to keep the baby up.  I hoped like hell it didn't keep Trey and I up.

Trey and I showered in our suite together and got dressed for bed. He put on a pair of pj pants that hung low on his hips and a white tee shirt.  I admired his flat taught belly and his muscular arms and shoulders that were evident under his tee shirt.

I climbed under the sheets and settled down waiting for Trey to join me.  He had gone back downstairs to grab his Blackberry. 

When he got back to the room and into bed he seemed a bit distracted.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"I don't know.  You seem distracted all of a sudden."

He didn't respond.  He flipped his Blackberry on to check messages and emails.

"Trey," I said, still watching him.  "What is it?"

"Oh - it's nothing I guess.  It's just that when I went downstairs just now, Libby was in the kitchen getting a glass of ice water.  My Blackberry was on the counter near the sink.  When I retrieved it off the counter and turned to leave it was like her hand brushed against my crotch accidently."

"What do you mean
I hissed.

"I mean it was like she was turning away from the sink as I was leaving the room and her hand just kind of brushed against me as she went to get ice from the icemaker."

"Well did she say anything?"

"I thought maybe it was my fault for getting in her path so I said 'sorry' and she said there was nothing at all for me to be sorry about."

"That bitch!" I hissed.

"Tylar please let it go.  I'm certain it was an accident. I don't want anything ruining Tristan's party, okay?"

"Trey she has been overly attentive to you since we got here."

"She has not Tylar. She's all about Tristan. Now let's forget about it okay?"

I gave him a mumbled 'whatever' turning over on my side away from him. Trey had it wrong.  Tristan was all about her but she was not all about Tristan.  She was about herself and getting anything and everything she wanted. 

Trey and I awoke during the night to the sound of Tristan and Libby's relentless fucking.  There was no way it could be deemed 'lovemaking.'  It was mostly Libby's high pitched shrieking and moaning and telling Tristan what she wanted and where she wanted it.  It appeared that he aimed to please.

"Jesus Christ," Trey muttered after wrapping a pillow around his head to cover his ears had failed to drown out the sounds from the next room.  He leapt up out of our bed and headed towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I whispered loudly.

"I'm going to tell them to fucking keep it down," he snapped.

"Oh, so you're going to pull a 'Caroline' on them?"

"Bullshit Tylar.  You and I were never that loud.  This is ridiculous."

"Trey I thought you wanted to make sure that Tristan had a great 40th birthday weekend?  If this makes him happy you can certainly endure it for the sake of your brother, right?"

I was right back at him for telling me earlier to keep quiet about Libby brushing against his crotch in the kitchen.

Trey relented grudgingly coming back to bed.  We spent the rest of the night trying to cover our ears to drown out the sounds coming from the next room. 






























Nigel and Tess had arrived the following morning. I had finally gotten to know Tess better.  I found that I actually liked her.  I could see how much she and Nigel had in common.  It was funny but having spent more time with her I could see that she would never have been a good match for Trey. 

We helped Susan get the house decorated for the party.  Trey, Tristan and Nigel had gone over to the winery to see the progress being made on the expansion.  Libby had tagged along with the men preferring their company to ours apparently.

Tess and I were working on one of Susan's candy corn centerpieces as she gave us directions from the kitchen.  Clive was in the living room playing with Preston.

"So Tylar," Tess spoke up softly.  "What do you think of Tristan's girlfriend?"

"What do
think of Libby?" I countered.

"No fair," she laughed quietly.  "I asked you first."

"Well honestly, I don't know her all that well yet but at first blush - I think she rocks Tristan's world sexually and I wish you and Nigel's room was next to theirs instead of ours."

Her eyes widened in surprise.

"That loud huh?"

"Yep - and all night long."

She giggled softly.  "We can't pick our in-laws I guess."

I smiled at Tess.  The truth was, I could do a whole lot worse for a sister-in-law than Tess - Caroline or Libby for example.

"Exactly," I answered.  "Speaking of which I understand that Caroline is now your sister-in-law instead of mine.  Congratulations!"

This brought more giggling from Tess and I saw her blush.

"Yeah that was all pretty screwed up wasn't it?"

"Let's just say that Trey and I are never bored at a family get together."

"I hear that," she replied, putting the finishing touches on the centerpiece. 

"You know Tylar, I am so glad that you are with Trey.  You two are perfect for each other - I mean the same way that it feels like Nigel and I are perfect for each other.  I'm glad that you and Trey discovered it before you had to go through disastrous marriages like he and I did."

"Thank you, Tess.  I'm glad you are finally happy.  Nigel seems so happy as well.  Are you uncomfortable being around Caroline?"

"No, not really," she replied.  "We finally came to terms with all that happened.  I mean I'm not proud of what I did but sometimes it's like Nigel says, 'the heart wants what the heart wants' I guess."

I could picture Nigel telling her that.  I saw a sweetness in him that I hadn't seen when he was with Caroline.

"Caroline actually seems happy too now so perhaps everything did work out for the best," she said interrupting my thoughts.

"Why does she hate me?" I asked, hoping that Tess was privy to the reason.

"I don't think that she hates you at all Tylar. I think she was simply jealous of the relationship and love that she saw you and Trey had.  I mean it was so obvious to everyone.  She had always wanted a baby and there you were all in love and pregnant.  She couldn't be happy for you. She was in a bad place then.  We all were."

"Did Nigel not want children?" I asked.

"Oh I think Nigel would have liked to have had child or two but that's not in the cards."

"I know," I replied with compassion.  "I heard about the accident with Derringer."

"Oh - it's not that.  I mean it wasn't in the cards for Nigel with anyone.  He's been tested and has an extremely low sperm count."

"I'm sorry," I said quickly, "Tess I didn't mean to pry."

"No it's fine," she assured me.  "You see I can conceive but I would never be able to carry a baby to term.  Before we married Nigel got tested simply because Caroline had never conceived and we didn't know how we would handle birth control.  As it turns out, there is no need to use it."

"I'm sorry," I said again.

"But we sure enjoy spoiling our niece if that's okay with you," she said happily.

As if on cue Clive walked in carrying Preston who saw me and immediately smiled, reaching for me.

"I think it's that time," I said, taking leave to go upstairs to our suite. 

We had nearly everything finished for the party.  The caterers would be arriving soon to set up.  The weather was mild enough that a band was going to be playing outside.  There was a fire pit set up to take the chill off out on the patio.  We had helped Susan hang Halloween party lights around the large wooden deck where tables and chairs had been set up already.

Up in the suite I stretched out on our bed, switching on the television while Preston curled up against me and nursed. She had nearly dozed off when Trey came into the room having just returned from the winery with his brothers.

"You guys did a fantastic job on the house," he commented, taking his place on the bed beside us.  Preston's eyes fluttered open hearing his voice and she smiled up at him.

"Hey there baby girl," he cooed smiling down at her. He put his hands out towards her beckoning for her to come towards him.

"Come over here to daddy 'apple dumpling'," he encouraged.

She rolled over onto her stomach and crawled over to where he was laying.  He scooped her up and held her up in the air above him, bouncing her up and down.  She squealed and laughed.

"Better watch it," I warned, "She just got finished eating."

I fastened my nursing bra back up and got up from the bed to start my bubble bath.  I was going to indulge myself and leave her to Trey's care for the time being.

"So what did you think of the winery?" I asked, coming back out to the bedroom for clean underwear.

"Baby you should see it.  You won't recognize it when you go over there next.  He has a whole new building under construction that is totally automated.  Once he gets it in operation, there will be very little for him to do except count his money. He's planning on expanding his market through a distribution channel that would cover the east coast at a minimum.  I'm thinking about buying some shares.  What do you think?"

"Honey I leave that to you, okay.  It's your money."

money," he corrected me, lowering Preston down so that he could sniff her diaper.

"Pee-yew!! he said making a face.

"I think she wants her mommy to change her."

"The diapers are next to the bed Trey. The baby wipes are on the nightstand. She's on your watch while I get my bath sweetie."

I went into the bathroom leaving the door open as I undressed for my bath.  I could hear Trey rustling around for the baby wipes and diapers; I chuckled when I heard him gag as he unfastened her dirty diaper.

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