Baby, Be Mine (18 page)

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Authors: Vivian Arend

BOOK: Baby, Be Mine
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He had to wipe away a tear. “Not at all what I expected, but it’s exactly what I needed—you coming into my life. And maybe we’ll fight at times, or you’ll get grounded—hell, I kind of expect you will if you’re anything like me—but no matter what, I’m your daddy. And that’s never going to change.”

He’d been so intent on the pain that was leaving him in a rush he hadn’t noticed the shower had turned off.

The first thing that registered was the soft touch of hands slipping over his shoulders as Katy draped herself up against his back. She touched her cheek to his, moisture connecting—his tears or hers?

She snuck a hand around his torso and laid her fingers over his where he gently held Tanner. “I love you, Gage. We’ll find a way.”

“We’ll make memories, good ones, and we’ll find a way,” he agreed.

He opened his arms and pulled them in close. Opened his heart and did the same. This wasn’t about his past, it was about his future. A grown-up, straight-up heart-and-brain decision to be there for the two people who mattered the most. His lover.

And his son.

Chapter Eighteen

Five days later

The test results came sealed in an envelope. One page, with all kinds of numbers and details at the bottom, but all Gage could see through his tears was the beginning.


The results of the paternity test are consistent with the alleged father GAGE MICHAEL JENICK being the biological father of the child TANNER NATE THOMPSON. The probability of paternity is greater than 99.9%.


Katy took another box off the shelf, peeking inside briefly before abandoning it with the others. In the background, she heard the sounds of water splashing, and a momentary protest rang out as Tanner squawked. Gage’s answer came immediately, soft and reassuring as he soothed the baby.

It was one of the wonderful parts of being a family. Gage had taken over the nighttime bath routine, leaving her a few moments to accomplish something without the little one around.

Tonight she’d grown serious enough to venture into the storage room. She’d created a one-of-a-kind scrapbook to record Tanner’s milestones—crafted together from a hardcover book Janey had gifted her and some of her new artistic talent. The details were caught up, but now she wanted to compare it to what was recorded in her own baby book.

Only where was it?

She pulled the lid off yet another box, surprised to find the decorative book that used to sit beside her computer. She’d used it for taking notes and jotting down recipes, and as she flipped through the pages realized she had stashed a backup of all her passwords.

Driven by curiosity, she tucked the book under her arm and headed down the hall, pausing in the door of the bathroom to watch her guys. Gage carefully washed Tanner’s hair chatting all the time about engines and torque, and other things that made her smile. The baby did nothing more than gurgle in response, but Gage didn’t seem to care.

He must’ve sensed she was there, and he glanced over his shoulder momentarily, his smile ratcheting up a notch as he looked her over.

“Well, whatever you’re doing I look forward to joining you later.” He leered at her, his hands carefully guarding Tanner as their son wiggled his limbs happily.

Katy stuck out her tongue and twirled away, the short shorts and tight tank top she was wearing to beat the August heat clinging to her body with a slick of sweat.

She sat at the computer and went to her long-since-abandoned email account. Stared at the password sign-in and wondered if it was even worthwhile. She loved Gage, trusted him. That wasn’t even a question anymore. The only reason to look would be to satisfy her curiosity.

She really should go wash up the dinner dishes instead. Or clean up the mess she’d made with the new set of paints Gage had bought her to explore another artsy area that had caught her interest.

Curiosity won.

She checked the information in the flowery notebook, inserted the proper password, then hit enter.

The entire screen bloomed with unread emails. She rolled her eyes and scrolled back through months’ worth of spam. It wasn’t until she reached the previous October that there were some real emails for her, most of them containing information she had received after her accident. Information that had been duplicated and sent to her new account.

She knew the date she was looking for. By this time it wasn’t a case of need to see it, but it was strangely comforting all the same that the email Gage had told her he had sent was there. She clicked it open and smiled, her heart filling with even more love as she read it through.

There was no room for sadness. No room for regrets that her accident had taken some of this from her. No room for anger at the lies Simon had told, first in insisting they’d gotten back together and then his manipulation toward the end.

As the sounds of her laughing husband and a contented baby carried into the main room, Katy had nothing inside but happiness. Filled to the top with love for two people, one of whom hadn’t even existed this time last year.

She paused to print out the note, though. Not to show to Gage, but to slip into the other memory book she’d started. The one where she’d pinned the picture Gage had taken immediately after their first
kiss. The book she’d taped the ticket stubs from their first movie. Pasted the PG sketch she’d done of him—the dirty one she had tucked elsewhere to keep it from anyone else’s eyes.

The printout was a new memory of the truth and commitment he’d offered her, even before she’d known how much she was going to need him.

Gage stepped back into the living room, Tanner in his arms. “Someone is ready for a cuddle.”

He lowered their baby into her embrace then stepped back only far enough to drape his arm around her shoulders as he leaned against her, their bodies close and intimate.

Scrubbed and clean, eyes drooping with sleep, Tanner stared up at them both, little mouth opening wide with a yawn.

“He’s so gorgeous.” Katy slipped a finger over his tiny lips, and he puckered, looking for something more.

“Of course he is. He’s our kid.” Gage reached over and tucked his finger into Tanner’s tiny fist. Baby fingers barely reached around, but the kid hung on tight.

The soft touch of lips against her temple as Gage kissed her was the final blessing on the moment. Katy tucked herself and Tanner tighter into the embrace then looked up into the sincere gaze of her lover. The father of her child, in not just blood but all the more important ways.

“I love you, Gage Jenick. Heart and soul.”

His grin widened. “I love you too, and you’d better never forget it.”

She laughed as he turned her to face the backyard where he’d planted so many flowers. The brilliant blue flower petals had faded, but the message remained.

As his arms circled both of them, Katy leaned back and soaked in the wonder that was her life. The one full of memories with even more to be made in the future.

About the Author

Vivian Arend in one word:
. In a sentence:
Willing to try just about anything once
. That wide-eyed attitude has taken her around North America, through parts of Europe, and into Central and South America, often with no running water.

Her optimistic outlook also meant that when challenged to write a book, she gave it a shot, and discovered creating worlds to play in was nearly as addictive as traveling the real one. Now a
New York Times
USA Today
bestselling author of both contemporary and paranormal stories, Vivian continues to explore, write and otherwise keep herself well entertained.






Look for these titles by Vivian Arend

Now Available:


Granite Lake Wolves

Wolf Signs

Wolf Flight

Wolf Games

Wolf Tracks

Wolf Line

Wolf Nip


Forces of Nature

Tidal Wave



Turner Twins

Turn It On

Turn It Up


Pacific Passion


Stormy Seduction

Silent Storm


Xtreme Adventures

Falling, Freestyle

Rising, Freestyle


Six Pack Ranch

Rocky Mountain Heat

Rocky Mountain Haven

Rocky Mountain Desire

Rocky Mountain Angel

Rocky Mountain Rebel

Rocky Mountain Freedom


Takhini Wolves

Black Gold

Silver Mine

Diamond Dust


Paradise Found

He’s the one who taught her to ride. Now all he wants is to ride her.


Rocky Mountain Heat

© 2011 Vivian Arend


Six Pack Ranch, Book 1

Blake Coleman is old enough to know that acting on impulse causes nothing but a heap of trouble. But when trouble’s a western-hat-wearing blonde with slim legs that go on forever, what’s a man to do? Wanting the sweet girl next door is just wrong. The responsible thing to do is keep his hands off.

Jaxi has other plans for Blake’s hands, and his heart. She may have once considered him a big brother, but that was a long time ago. She’s all grown up now and ready to convince him that she’s perfect for him. Except he can’t seem to see past the big “don’t touch” sign that’s apparently still hanging around her neck.

When Jaxi ends up living right under Blake's nose, the undeniable heat between them slides off simmer and leaps up to barn-burning levels. However, a few of the younger six-pack Colemans have decided Jaxi’s brand of trouble is worth risking a few busted bones.

That is, if Blake’s finally ready to let go the reins and fight for what he wants…

Warning: Sexy cowboys seducing and being seduced in trucks, pool halls and barns. Droolworthy country charm, a little double-teaming, a few secrets and a whole lot of brothers to look forward to. Anyone wanna go for a ride?


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Rocky Mountain Heat:

Blake dragged a breath of air into his lungs in an attempt to cool his burning body. This wasn’t right. She was a guest in their home, and yet here he was, acting like a hound dog. He should be ashamed of himself.

He grabbed his travel kit from under the bed and marched down the hall toward the large shower room in the annex. He, Matt and Daniel had promised to use the larger bathroom and let Jaxi have the privacy of the other for herself.

The sound of running water met his ears and Blake stepped into the dimly lit room, wondering why his brothers had turned on only half the lights. Splashing noises echoed. Leaving his kit on the sink counter, he rounded the corner to the showers.

And froze.

The three showerheads in the open room were separated by nothing but space. Steam filtered the dim lighting into a moonshine glow.

All he saw was wet, naked skin. Jaxi’s skin. Every inch of her bare to his gaze as water poured from the middle shower, streaming in waves over her body. She faced away from him, head thrown back as she shifted to allow the water to slip over her face and down her chest. Blake, his body hot and needy, watched in a daze as the shampoo rinsed from her hair and undulated down her back, tiny bubbles racing over the curve of her waist. His gaze followed the bubbles along the gentle swell of her hips and the full curves of her ass. Her skin was pale pink from the heat of the water, faint tan lines showing on her thighs and arms.

His mouth went completely dry. Retreat. It had to happen—he had to turn and leave before she spotted him. Yet, no matter how loud his brain screamed at him, his feet remained glued in place as she slid the soap over her body. As she lifted her hands to brush her hair back from where it clung to her shoulders in white ribbons.

Blake’s cock tented his boxers as Jaxi rotated under the showerhead, turning the front of her body to his sight. Her nipples were soft. Tender, juicy pink berries crowning full, taut curves. The perfect size to fill his hands and still allow him to take her into his mouth. Water slid in rivulets over her belly and through the pale blonde curls visible at the junction of the long legs he’d fantasized about so many times. Jaxi’s eyes were closed, and she swayed as she washed, her hands slipping over her body in a way that made Blake heat to near boiling just from watching her. She hummed, quiet and low, her hips moving to the faint tune.

Guilt shot through him. He had no right to watch her, no right to invade her privacy and treat her like anything but the beautiful, caring person he knew her to be. She wasn’t his to admire.

God help him, he wanted her to be.

He swallowed hard and tried to peel his gaze away. Tried to not watch as her hands covered her breasts, then slicked over her belly in slow circles. Tried to glance away as she slipped her fingers gently through the curls covering her pussy, over her ass, washing every inch of her luscious body clean.

Blake watched, motionless and noiseless for so long he felt like a statue, every bit of his body gone as hard and rigid as his aching shaft. Indecision held him, immobilized him. The rush of blood through his veins drowned out the part of his common sense saying he needed to leave. The pounding faded everything logical and rational away in him and stripped him bare to need and desire.

His eyes needed him to stay here, to fill his brain with the vision of her glowing skin, her seductive movements. His hands needed to touch her, run over her curves in imitation of the water caressing in endless sweeps. His mouth needed to taste—not only her lips, but her breasts and the spot on her back where the skin dimpled above her ass.

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