Baby, Be Mine (14 page)

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Authors: Vivian Arend

BOOK: Baby, Be Mine
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There was something else she could do…

“Take off your clothes,” she ordered.

He lifted one brow, but his hands went to his buttons. “I like how this is starting.”

She grabbed her drawing pad and a set of charcoal pencils, and his expression fell.

A laugh escaped her. “You should see your face right now.”

His shirt was open, sliding from his shoulders. “This is your call, Katy. Take what you want.”

Oh, she had every intention of it.

She rotated the easy chair, sitting to enjoy the view as Gage continued to strip. No fancy dance moves, just honest-to-goodness, solidly built and one-hundred-percent-naked male being revealed in her living room.

She stared at the curve of muscles across his shoulders. The flare of his biceps and lovely firm chest. He stood with his arms crossed, seemingly at ease in spite of being naked. Well-defined stomach muscles, that V-line muscle framing his lower abdomen.

His cock nestled in a thatch of dark hair.

Katy’s fingers flew over the page, her gaze darting back and forth between the picture and her model. She was going to be drooling in about thirty seconds if she wasn’t careful.

It took an amazingly short time to put on the page the sex-on-legs that was Gage.

“Out of curiosity, you putting a fig leaf over my cock?” he asked.

“No.” Although, she wasn’t sure how to draw that part of his anatomy. It had most definitely changed appearance since he’d stripped, rising to a length she longed to explore more closely. “You’re making it tough, dude. When I said nothing moves, you didn’t listen very well, did you now?”

A burst of laughter escaped him. “I guess not.”

Katy abandoned the drawing materials behind her and rose to her feet. “I need to get hands-on for this next part.”

Gage smiled, but said nothing.

It was like being in a candy store for grown-ups. She slid her hands over his arms and across his chest, savouring the warmth. The scratch of hair on his limbs against her palms. The rapid beat of his heart under her fingers as she explored his chest, pressing a kiss to the center of his torso.

“I think you should get naked as well,” Gage suggested, his voice low and husky.

She thought about it for a second. “I’d like that.”

He was over her in a second, helping her strip. Pulling off clothes and touching her everywhere, and this was what she’d longed for. Both of them involved, kisses pressed over heated skin, hands touching intimately.

She wrapped her fingers around his cock and stroked, loving the softness of his skin in contrast to the hardness beneath. Gage covered her hand with his and increased the pressure, guiding her as his torso tightened, moans of pleasure escaping his lips.

A slow bend brought her close enough to lick the head of his cock, her tongue tracing the slit, teasing him. He let her play, one hand holding his shaft so she could access the head, wetting him briefly before covering him with her mouth and sucking lightly.

“You’ve got about ten seconds before I blow,” Gage warned.

Katy pulled back with a
as she released him. “Hair trigger?”

“It’s been a while.”

The realization it had been months since he said they’d had sex hit in a rush. “You’ve been abstaining for too long.”

He went willingly with her into the bedroom. One firm push on his chest toppled him to the bed, and she crawled on top.

The pregnancy had begun to affect her body, but she loved the changes so far. Better skin, more sensitive breasts, just the trace of rounding to her belly.

Gage ran his hands over her as she straddled his hips, obviously enjoying the changes as well. “Whatever you want. I’m yours.”

Katy rocked herself over his cock, pressing the hard ridge against her clit repetitively. Smooth strokes that slowly brought up her pleasure and seemed to please Gage as well. He held on to her hips and helped her move, his eyes pinned to her chest as her breasts swayed.

Then she couldn’t wait any longer. Katy lifted her hips and directed him into her core. Her hand brushed Gage’s as he held his cock upright, and their fingers connected as she slowly eased herself down. One rock after another as she opened around him, taking his thick shaft into her body.

“Sweet mercy, Katy. So good.”

She paused, filled completely, squeezing lightly to enjoy the sensation. Testing for pain, or anything that worried her, but all that registered was pleasure. Connection.

An itch to be scratched…

She shifted over him. Rose and fell with increasing tempo until she was at the edge of exploding. Gage cupped her breasts, lightly pinching her nipples, and she gasped at the streak of ecstasy that washed through her system.

Gage caught her by the hips and raised her slightly.

“Stay there,” he ordered, waiting for her to get into position. As soon as she obeyed, he thrust upward, increasing the pressure, the speed. One hand slipped down to touch her clit, thumb firmly in position over the sensitive point. He rocked his cock in and out of her body until she shattered.

Waves rolled her from the inside out, heavy and lingering from having been so long in the making. Anticipation had nothing on the reality, as he continued to fuck her through her orgasm, finally clamping down on her hips as she caught her breath. He jerked upright, his cock deep as he came. Another set of aftershocks rocked her core, leaving her head spinning and body swaying with pleasure.

He curled up and caught her against his chest, kissing her face, running his fingers over her back. They sat there for a long time, intimately connected, until their breathing got back to something near normal.

Gage stroked her cheek. “Was that what you were hoping for?”

“Hmm.” Katy rested her head on his shoulder, kissing his neck lightly. “I think so. We might have to try it again later, just to make sure.”

“If that’s what you want.”

They laughed together, slowly coming down off the high.

Katy felt different inside. Not the sex, but in taking another step forward. She might have lost some of her memories, but she was making new ones. She might have lost some of herself, but the new her wasn’t that bad of a person.

And the guy currently touching her like she was beautiful, precious and amazing? He wasn’t hard to accept as a part of the new life she was facing.

Chapter Fourteen


Gage rolled over carefully. The moonlight shining in the window fell across Katy’s face, highlighting her relaxed curves as she slept. He stroked her bangs off her forehead, unable to keep a smile off his face as he touched her.

Making love with the woman rocked him to his soul, but these moments were somehow even more intense. The quiet times when he’d look up to catch her smiling at him. The pauses before she’d shyly agree to let him stay the night.

For the past month he could confidently say they’d been a real couple. No Simon intruding, no lingering worries about what had happened before. Just building something special here and now.

It was happening, ever so slowly. Falling in love—he was sure of it. His fears faded as they spent more time together.

Her eyes opened, giving him another glimpse of shining and happy Katy. “You’re staring.”

“You’re supposed to be asleep,” he chastised. “You have a lot to do tomorrow, remember?”

Katy crawled out of bed. “Tell that to the future trampoline star in my belly. I need to pee.”

Watching her ass wiggle as she slipped into the bathroom got his motor rolling all over again, but he really shouldn’t ravish her three times in one night.

She crawled back into bed and straight into his arms, twisting their limbs together to plant her chilled feet on his calves.

“Hey, that’s not nice.”

Katy grinned. “You comfy?”

Hell yeah. “Nothing to complain about.”

He kissed her nose, then embraced her. Soft heat. Wonderful connection. Gage was falling hard, and he wasn’t going to try to stop it anymore.

He was hovering on the edge of sleep when the familiar nighttime noises changed. A vehicle passed by, motor growling, but instead of fading, the sound got louder. Lights flickered on the wall of Katy’s bedroom, slowly increasing in strength.

A horn rang, blasting through the night air.

Katy blinked awake as Gage rolled out of bed, cautiously stepping beside the window. “What’s happening?” she asked sleepily.

“Not sure.” Gage pulled back the curtains. The powerful front lights of a truck blinded him. “Shit.”

“Fucking bastard.” The cries came from outside, faint, but getting louder. “Asshole. Get away from her.”

Katy was on her feet, reaching for her robe. “Is that Simon?”

A loud rattle was followed by shattering glass. The window beside Gage’s head exploded into a starry mess of cracks an instant before it imploded, pieces of glass falling to the floor and the edge of the bed. Katy screamed.

From outside Simon shouted, “Get out of her house, you murderer.”

Another crash sounded as a second window was destroyed. Gage dodged past the glass to drag Katy into the safety of the hall. “Stay here,” he ordered, ducking back into the bedroom to snatch up his jeans.

She had grabbed her robe, wrapping the material around herself as Gage jerked on his pants and headed to the front door to find his shoes. “Wait, what are you doing? Gage.”

“Call 911. Simon’s gone insane. Damn idiot.”

Katy had the phone in her hand. “Calling. Don’t go out there.”

Another crash echoed as the bathroom window was destroyed. If he didn’t go out, Simon was likely to take out every single piece of glass in the house. Gage pointed firmly at Katy. “Stay here, and get the RCMP.”

He opened the door cautiously, glancing around the corner to make sure Simon wasn’t waiting to jump him.

The man stood a few feet from the house, his truck pushed through the snow bank with its high-beam lights directed into the busted windows. Simon roared obscenities, hurling a beer can that bounced off the wood siding and disappeared into the shadows.

“Hey,” Gage shouted. “Stop that, you asshole.”

Simon whipped his head toward Gage. “Son of a bitch. There you are. Don’t try anything with me. I know all about you, and you’re not going to hurt Katy.”

“Of course I’m not going to hurt her. What the hell are you doing? Coming out here—”

“Murderer,” Simon shrieked.

Gage’s stomach fell.

Simon stomped forward, his hands balled into fists. “Did some looking into you, mystery man. Think you can come in here and steal my woman?”

“She’s not your woman. I didn’t steal—” Gage jerked aside to avoid the fist Simon threw at him.

“Stop, Simon.” Katy stood on the front porch, shouting a warning. “Leave. I called the police.”

“Good. They can take away this murderer and keep you safe.” Simon attempted to dodge past Gage only to be caught by the shoulder and whipped around.

“Don’t go near her,” Gage ordered.

“Or what? You’ll kill me too? Did you tell Katy about that? How you killed your own father?”

Stunned by the words, Gage never saw it coming. Pain exploded in his jaw as Simon’s fist connected with his face. Pain shot through his mind as what Simon was shrieking registered as well.

All the air rushed from his gut as Simon landed another blow. Gage folded around the other man’s fist as he attempted to break free. He lashed out at Simon, fists and forearms meeting, the icy-cold air around them clouding as Simon continued to scream insults.

Gage saved his breath, backing up enough to get the space he needed to strike. A new kind of pain blossomed, this time in his knuckles as his fist connected with Simon’s face and sent him staggering.

The world slowed to here and now. Gage’s ribs and face took a beating as he worked to keep Simon from approaching the house any farther. He wasn’t trying to take the man down, but to protect Katy. Or at least that was his main motivation. He couldn’t deny the small part inside pleased to be inflicting pain on his rival.

The headlights spotlighted their macabre dance.

“You plan on hurting Katy, you’re going to have to go through me.” Simon lunged forward and drove Gage to the ground.

Snow stuck instantly to his bare arms and the back of his neck, but he was more worried about flying fists. He roared as he reared upward, slamming a hand against Simon’s chest and exchanging their positions. One more blow to Simon’s face and the man rolled to protect himself. Gage used the momentum to flip Simon to his stomach, then scrambled on top and trapped Simon’s hands behind his back.

Gage paused, breathing heavily. Ready to do more, but willing to stop as long as Simon didn’t move an inch. “Stay put until the police get here.”

Simon glared, his one cheek shoved into the snowy ground. He was red-eyed and furious, and alcohol fumes rose off him in waves. “Killed your own father. You think I’m going to allow my kid anywhere near you?”

“Shut up,” Gage ordered.

Sirens whistled in the background, growing closer.

Simon raised his voice. “Ask him, Katy. Ask him what happened to his dad. Then ask yourself if you should be with him or me. I love you, Katy. I’ll take care of you.”

Gage resisted the urge to stuff Simon’s mouth with snow, instead adjusting position and making sure Simon’s hands were firmly pinned in place.

Two RCMP cruisers pulled into the yard, sirens silenced but the red and blue lights on top flashing a mad display. The officers raced up about the time Katy’s dad arrived from his rooms above the garage.

Voices and shouting continued. A whirl of motion and forceful commands. Gage backed off Simon, holding his hands in the air to reassure the cops.

“He attacked me,” Simon roared. “Make sure he doesn’t go near Katy. I’m telling you, he’s a killer.”

His shouts only cut off when he was finally stuffed into the back of a RCMP cruiser, and the door closed on him.

Two officers broke apart from the others to return to Gage. One wore a familiar face. Anna Coleman. Hard to believe one of the kids he’d gone to school with was now part of the local police force.

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