B006T5JMRC EBOK (28 page)

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Authors: Aya Knight

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Lorin nodded. “As you wish.” He stepped to the side.

She confronted the door with a clammy cold fist, finally rapping her knuckles against the wood. “Kale...” she whispered.

“Don’t worry, it will be all right.” Kale had not realized the true extent of fear her father had instilled for so many years.

A few silent moments passed before they heard stirring from within. The door swung in to reveal a woman who was undeniably Neelan’s mother. They shared very similar facial features and the same thin, sheen of hair hung long and straight. The woman immediately gasped, pulling Neelan into her chest.

Neelan’s eyes widened as her hand was pulled from Kale’s grasp.

The situation made Kale smile as he watched Neelan hesitantly wrap her arms in return around her mother’s waist.

“Bry oneya, Neelan!” The woman’s voice was filled with excitement.

“Mother, I am so glad only you are here. I have missed you so much,” Neelan confessed in an almost childlike manner as she pressed her head into her mother’s chest.


“Yes, mother, my friends whom I have travelled with use this language. I prefer it as well.” Neelan glanced up at her mother’s eyes, awaiting a response.

“I see.” More silence followed before she spoke again, “Well then, I too shall use the language while in your presence.” She smiled. Her mother was unlike the other elves they met within the city; she was kindhearted and accepting. “Please, come inside.” She smiled toward Kale and his friends.

“Thank you for your hospitality.” Thomas bowed as they entered the home.

The atmosphere inside was cozy with minimal furniture which reminded Kale of Illadar’s home back in Braxle—yet much nicer.

“I shall stand guard outside, humble Priestess. I was sent here to escort Neelan and—the
.” He forced the last part through gritted teeth. “It is not my place to enter your home.”

“Oh, mag weed. Lorin, I have known you since you were a plump little infant.” Neelan’s mother pinched his cheek which caused him to blush in embarrassment. “Get inside and have a cup of bossberry juice.” She smiled maternally. “And call me, Lelain. We are in my home, not the temple.”

Kale was completely baffled by Neelan’s previous accusations about her family. Her mother seemed amazingly kind and humble.

“I have missed you dearly, my beautiful little girl.”

“Mother, I am not a child.” Neelan hid her face to conceal her pink cheeks.

“I know, dear, I know. But you will always be my little one.” She glanced up toward Kale, Thomas, and Illadar. “Now tell me—who are your friends?”

Neelan introduced them, explaining how they met and about their travels. Lelain wisely picked up on her daughter’s constant stares toward Kale. She softly chuckled to herself which made Kale uncomfortable.

“Now, explain, why have you returned?” Lelain smiled. “As much as I would love to believe it is to see your old mother, I know this is not the case.” She forced a laugh that caused the corners of her eyes to wrinkle, revealing an aged appearance for the first time.

“I came to speak with a dark elf named Brig.” Neelan sighed. “The elder council denied permission.” She paused in thought. “They said he—Brig, that is—was granted the ability to remain within Tyrione because of
mother.” She locked eyes with Lelain, “So please tell me, how do you know him, and why won’t they allow us to speak with him? You have no idea of the importance it would have on Ravondore.”

“I see. Well, to be quite honest with you, I felt as though it was the will of Enya which brought me to my decision of fighting for him to remain here. Though, he is of dark elven blood, his intentions are pure. He is incredibly intelligent, despite his—oddities. When the council was prepared to banish Brig from the kingdom, there were many signs presented to me. I knew that there was some meaning—some purpose as to why he had fled here. I suppose you could say that I utilized my authority as head priestess to grant him the ability to remain within Tyrione.” Lelain smiled. “Since that day, he swore an oath to repay me for my kindness. The gesture was kind enough for me; I expect nothing in return for fulfilling the will of Enya.” She placed a hand upon Neelan’s. “Aside from all else, I get to see my daughter again. What more could I possibly desire?” Lelain pulled Neelan close.

“I am not staying, mother. The elder council has forbidden me to live within Tyrione for my abandonment to the temple—though honestly, I would not wish to stay on my own will anyway. Not that it matters, but I am sure father had a great deal to do with the council’s decision.” Neelan curled her fingers into a tightened fist.

Lelain appeared hurt by the news. “I am sorry, my daughter.” Her mood shifted. “Your father was very upset when you left.”

,” Neelan bitterly spoke, “treated me as a prisoner. He locked me away from the world and took everything I cared for away.”

Kale cleared his throat, growing more uncomfortable with each passing moment that the conversation continued. “Excuse my interruption, but I think it would be best if we allow you two to speak in private—especially considering our time here is short.” He shot a meaningful glance to Lelain as if to remind her once again that Neelan would soon be leaving.

“Kale—no!” Neelan’s hand reached out, gripping onto Kale’s arm like a lost child. He had never seen her behave so vulnerably before.

“It’s all right, I’ll be just outside. Trust me, with Lorin watching me like a hawk scoping its prey, I couldn’t run off even if I wanted to—which I don’t.” He quickly added the last part to avoid any further insecurity.

She hesitantly nodded, allowing her fingers to slip from his arm.

The sunlight felt invigorating as it warmed Kale’s cheeks. “This is much better.” He lifted his arms above his head to stretch as he seated himself upon a log bench against the front wall of the home.

“Indeed.” Thomas smiled, positioning himself next to Kale’s side. “I do hope Neelan is able to find peace with her mother.”

Lorin glanced to the vacant space to Kale’s other side. He then glanced toward Illadar to see that he was occupied with inspecting the surroundings of the small front yard. Lorin exhaled before giving in to sit upon the empty section of the bench.

Kale looked up in surprise. “You
aware that you’re seated next to a
, right?” Kale joked, secretly laughing at the irony behind his words.

“I can obviously see this.” Lorin replied with resentment. Apparently he did not have the best sense of humor. “I wanted to speak with you about Neelan.”

Kale could see by the look upon Lorin’s face this was incredibly difficult for him.

Lorin swallowed hard. Then, as if regaining his pride, he adjusted his posture and sat upright, his head held high.

Kale in turn faced Lorin, squinting as the sun reflected off the elf’s shoulder guards. He couldn’t imagine having to wear something so heavy and suffocating over his flesh in such humid weather.

“So what did you want to tell me?” Kale pushed the subject. He grew impatient waiting for Lorin to find words for what he wanted to express. Kale assumed it would be an irritating speech on why he should stay away from Neelan because he was a
filthy human

“Neelan,” Lorin finally spoke, “she is very special.”

That is one way to put it,
Kale thought, secretly amused.
Let’s not forget how she can be overly clingy, annoying, and horribly stubborn

“Growing up, we didn’t get to see each other very often. Her father would always keep her occupied with temple duties. She was to become a devoted priestess, despite her own desires.” His jaw tightened, the veins within his neck pulsed. “I hated what her father did, but could never find the courage within myself to help. I will always regret how cowardly I was.” He shook his head. “When she was free to walk the city, I tried to be friendly and make attempts for her to notice me.” He glanced up toward the sky, shorter strands of blonde hair which had come loose from his ponytail hung disheveled across his face. “I longed to be more than just an acquaintance—I wanted more than friendship. I did all I could think of to win her heart. I brought her flowers, wrote letters, and did my best to be there when she needed assistance with tasks. Despite all my attempts, not once did she ever return my feelings. I felt so dearly for her.” His voice shook with pain as he struggled to hold himself together. “And now—you come along. Someone she barely knows—a
, yet she is drawn to you and comforted by your touch. I see the way she looks at you, Kale. I was in question at first, but even after the short time I have watched the two of you, I am now very certain—Neelan loves you.”

Chapter 20: Who is Brig?

ale stared forward, stunned. “No, I think you are mistaken with your accusations. She cares about me only as a friend.” He had never experienced love toward a female before, and the thought alone was frightening. “Please trust me, Lorin, there is no way she would love someone,” he sighed, “like me.” In his mind, he found it impossible for anyone to ever love a dragon.

“At first, I could not believe it either. Just look at you.” Lorin gestured in Kale’s direction. “You are an inferior, puny, unattractive being.” There was no remorse in his voice as he spoke. “But, sadly I am certain she does...” His voice trailed off. After many minutes of awkward silence, he spoke again. “Take good care of her. Should you ever harm her in any way...” His cold stare locked onto Kale. “I shall kill you.”

Kale knew that Lorin meant his threat by the look in those pale grey eyes.

Before the conversation could go further, Thomas quickly stood, and Illadar forced a series of fraudulent coughs.

“What in Pan’s name are you two doing?” As Kale turned to face Illadar he froze in place. A tall, slender man clad in white and golden robes scowled at them. His teeth were bared and clenched, contrasting against his black beard falling to his mid-chest, bound together by a white string.

“Greetings,” Thomas attempted to break the silence, although it was very clear the man was not about to return the welcome.

Lorin immediately stood, holding a perfectly upright posture with his arms straight down at his sides. “High Priest Zalura!”

“Mekton nen treyae?!” The man gestured toward Kale and his friends, disdain in his eyes.

They continued to speak in the elven tongue and Kale was certain it was about them. Kale’s memory traced back to Neelan’s story about her father forbidding her from playing with the only friend she had—all because her friend was human. Kale then heard Lorin mention Neelan’s name to Zalura, who Kale decided must indeed be her father.

The high priest growled furiously as he shoved Lorin to the side—forcefully pushing the green door inward. They could hear both Neelan and her mother gasp in surprise as he stormed into the home. Her father’s voice filled with rage as he yelled loud enough to be heard outside.

Kale could now see a glimpse into the reality of Zalura’s cruelty.

“What a cold waste of flesh.” Illadar shook his head disapprovingly.

Before Kale could share his opinion on the situation, they heard Neelan’s voice, and although in Ceruya, it was clear she was pleading with him. Suddenly, a scream rang out and both Kale and Lorin dashed through the door protectively.

“Neelan! Are you hurt?” Kale’s question was answered without words.

Neelan cowered against the far wall, her father towering over her. Lelain stood to the side, obedient, fearful, and silent, as though she had become a completely different individual.

Zalura raised an open palm and Neelan’s wide glassy eyes looked toward Kale as if to silently cry out for help. It was too late. Zalura’s hand swung down, clapping loudly against the side of Neelan’s face.

“No!” Both Kale and Lorin shouted.

Kale could no longer control himself. He quickly lunged forward to grip Neelan by the arm. He pulled her up toward him, ensuring his body stood between her and Zalura.

“We are leaving, now.” Kale’s voice was low and deep as he fought to maintain the temperature flowing to his palms. His icy blue eyes scorned Zalura, “Do not ever touch Neelan again.” Kale pulled Neelan to his chest, gently stroking her soft hair while she uncontrollably sobbed.

“Filthy!” Zalura narrowed his hazel eyes, glaring toward Kale. “You are all filthy! She is no daughter of mine! Be gone from my sight!”

Kale glanced over his shoulder as they made their way to the entrance, “The only thing filthy within this home—is your heart.” He slammed the door behind him.

Once outside, they were again confronted by the warm sunlight drifting toward the rooftops on the far wall of the city.

“Well, that went well,” Illadar muttered bitterly.

“What now? Neelan,” Kale gently gripped her shoulders, “I know you’re upset right now, but you mentioned a plan. Is there still a way for us to see

She sniffed, nodding silently.

“What are you talking about? This is the second time I have heard mention of a plan. I am no fool—you must tell me what is going on at once.” Lorin demanded.

“Lorin,” Neelan forced back her tears, “would you be willing to help us?” She swiped an arm across her face.

He grazed a finger over his golden brow in frustration. “Can you please just tell me what this is all about?”

“I need you to allow us entry into the Catalythe district. There is something we absolutely must do before leaving Tyrione. It is for the well-being of Ravondore.” Neelan wistfully stared into his eyes.

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