B006T5JMRC EBOK (32 page)

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Authors: Aya Knight

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Normally, Kale might have stubbornly argued, but his desire to put a stop to Jedah and find the truth behind the dragon eggs drove his will to keep moving forward. On top of all else, he was starving and exhausted—the thought of going inside to rest was incredibly appealing.

“I knew thou would return to us.” Elanya stood within the entrance of the massive tree. Her cascading white hair and pale flesh stood out dramatically against the darkness which wrapped around the tree in all directions.

They entered the familiar circular common room when Judith began to moan as her elderly body collapsed upon the floor. She curled into a fetal position, whimpering softly as her limbs began to stretch in length. The deep wrinkles on her skin flattened as the flesh tightened over her muscles. Her sun-kissed, sandy blonde hair sprouted from her scalp, replacing the grey frizz.

“Do not look at me!” Judith cried out as the transformation completed its process. The frumpy clothing draped from her thin frame.

“Thou should leave thee to change attire.” Elanya motioned them to another, smaller room. “Thou saw a glimpse at ye pain Judith endures each day from ye curse. Let us speak now while thee recovers.” She maternally glanced toward Judith.

“We’re just going to leave her in this state?” Kale questioned in concern.

Elanya nodded, “’Tis something she hath gone through for years. Judith desires to be alone during this time; now come.”

They obeyed and wearily entered the cozy, candlelit room. Within moments, three beautiful, brunette, dryad women carried in silver trays piled with fresh fruit. Kale’s animalistic instincts took control of his motor functions, causing his arm to shoot out and grip a handful of berries. He immediately shoved them into his mouth, chewing loudly. The realization of just how hungry he truly was sunk in as the sweet juices ran down his throat.

“Thank you,” he unclearly mumbled, taking careful note of Thomas’ disapproving glare.

“I must speak to thee, now, before Judith hath finished resting.”

Kale nodded, though disappointed he couldn’t further indulge in the delicious food without interruption.

“Did thou find information?” Elanya softly spoke, leaning toward Kale.

“Mmm-hmm,” Kale replied, swallowing the remaining portion within his mouth. He continued on to explain everything they learned during their time with Brig. Kale shared the news of dragon eggs still existing within the world. In his heart, he knew the dryads were on their side and could be trusted.

“’Tis great news for both thou and Judith.” She smiled. “To know there is hope brings joy to thine heart. Thou must make leave tomorrow. Eat and rest now; thou must decide which path to embark upon. To free Judith—or seek ye dragon eggs. Ye choice may bring great rewards—or despair. For every action, there shalt be a consequence.” Elanya stood, silently returning to the room in which they earlier left Judith.

“Do ya’ have a plan?” Illadar asked as he lifted a wooden mug to his lips.

“Not really,” Kale admitted. “I honestly don’t know what to do. Choosing to seek Malakhar first might result in someone else discovering the truth about the dragon eggs. If anyone managed to retrieve them before us, it could end all hope for my kind. I know Brig said only I could save them. But, if it’s only a matter of them resting beneath the earth’s surface, then I don’t see why another person couldn’t stumble upon them. On the other hand—if I don’t hunt Malakhar now, we may not have another opportunity before he returns to Mirion. Once he reunites with the mass of Jedah’s army, there will be no hope of saving Judith at this time.” Kale sighed as he shoved more berries into his mouth.

“We will figure it all out, don’t worry.” Neelan sat by his side, smiling soothingly.

No sooner had Neelan begun to comfort Kale when Judith entered the room. She immediately made a straight path toward Kale, seating herself on his other side.

“I apologize that you had to see me like that. I was so engrossed with your return, I nearly forgot the effects which would occur upon me stepping within the tree.”

“Maybe next time you should pay better attention to your surroundings.” Neelan leaned forward, glaring past Kale at the Princess.

There was tension in the air and a heavy silence engulfed the room.

“This yellow fruit is fantastic. Sweet, yet soft and juicy.” Thomas nibbled on a flat square slice in hopes of softening the mood.

“How long will you be staying this time?” Judith’s lips curved into an alluring smile which caused Kale to uncontrollably stare.

“Answer her.” Neelan nudged the back of Kale’s head, intentionally breaking his focus.

His eyes fluttered. “Um, not too long. We will be gone by tomorrow.”

“So soon? If I may be so bold, will you please tell me why? You have only just returned.” Judith placed her hand gently upon his.

Kale uncomfortably dodged Neelan’s jealous stares. “We have another mission I cannot discuss openly. I do hope you understand.” He was still too unsure of the outcome to get Judith’s hopes up.

“I see. Well, I do hope you will come back soon.” Her hand caressed his.

“I will return. That I can promise you,” Kale reassured the Princess.

“All right, Kale,” Neelan tugged his arm, “I think it is time for you to get some rest now. We have a lot to do tomorrow.”

After a brief debate, Kale finally gave in as he piled a few more helpings of fruit into his mouth before standing to leave. He entered the familiar sleeping quarters, then slid his shoes off, and climbed inside one of the hanging, woven hammocks near the wall. His head ached as fatigue and thoughts from their extended day fought within his mind. He pondered his newly acquired knowledge of potential hope for saving dragon-kind, making him feel closer than ever to returning to his true form as a mighty black beast. The image of three baby dragons filled his mind, causing a smile to form across his face. The overwhelming joy of retrieving the eggs and finding a way to
hatch them swarmed within his mind as he drifted into a dreamless slumber.

“Thou must wake!”

A sharp whisper rang in Kale’s ear which startled him awake. “Wh-what’s happening?” He asked, running a hand through his sloppy black hair as he wrinkled his forehead in confusion.

“Shh! Silence boy. Thou mustn’t wake Judith. I shalt explain the situation to her come morning.” Elanya towered over him as he slowly swayed within his hammock. “Word hath come that there shalt be an attack upon Braxle before dawn’s first light. Thou must go to protect ye town.” She urged Kale to his feet. “Give me thy sword.” Elanya held out her hand impatiently.

Kale scurried through the darkness, still disoriented by the abrupt awakening. He quietly approached the far wall where his weapon was leaning; secured within the steel sheath.

“H-here.” Kale mumbled while squinting his eyes in an attempt to regain focus of his surroundings.

Elanya quickly took the sword from his grip as she led him into the circular common room. She wasted no time with her actions as she lifted the unsheathed sword horizontally atop her palms.

Shek ton morey istu kokanae rebooshtan.
” As Elanya spoke, the sword began to reflect a blinding golden light which surrounded the blade.

“Take thy weapon.” Elanya handed it back to Kale as the golden light faded. “This shalt aid thou in battle. When thy powers grow strong and thy blade burns with warmth, thine spell shalt help protect it from breaking. However, thou must remember—thine spell cannot withstand intense heat. Should thou infuse thy weapon with full power, it shalt still shatter. Be wary, dragon child.” She gave Kale a gentle shove. “Many shalt die if you do not make haste. Go now, and take heed, for Malakhar will be present with ye arriving army; however, ye one called General Jedah shalt not. Malakhar comes for ye one who hath betrayed Jedah—and he cometh for thee, Kale Firehart.”

Chapter 23: They Come For Blood

ale emerged into the crisp night’s air as he secured his sword and approached the others who were already dressed, armed, and prepared for battle. A red-headed dryad woman followed, carrying a bundle of sharpened arrows.

“For thee, madam.” The dryad handed them to Neelan, as she humbly bowed.

“Many thanks.” Neelan placed them into her quiver which was now stocked full.

“May thee be safe upon ye journey, and may thee return balance to ye world.” The dryad woman smiled as she turned to leave into the forest.

Kale nodded. He knew it was on this night, he would need to rise and prove himself a warrior. There was no further time to prepare; he must fight in order to protect the lives of innocent victims. He needed no second opinion on his decision; he would give it his all or die trying. The people of Braxle were the first to take him in and give him a renewed look at life. Kale would not allow Malakhar and the royal army of Mirion to slaughter them just to get at he, and Illadar. This time Kale was prepared to stand and fight. Never again would he remain in seclusion while those he cared for died.

“Thomas, do you have the strength to teleport and still stand to fight?”

“Yes, Kale, I believe so. Though transporting so many at once is draining, I should still have the reserves to conjure attacks upon the intruders. I do feel quite rested, despite the minimal amount of sleep. Besides, if need be I have this.” He placed a hand over the polished steel scabbard of his dagger as he winked at Illadar.

They made their way cautiously outside the protected grounds. Each glanced around in hopes they would not face another encounter by Rees’Lok and the red beasts.

“I think the ugly green mongrel is sleepin’... Let’s get movin’. I refuse to let innocent citizens die at the cost of my own actions.” Illadar wiped tiny beads of sweat from his upper lip as he spoke.

“I agree.” Kale took in a deep breath of cool air. “We need to leave now; it is the only way I foresee making it to Braxle with enough time to move the townsfolk to safety.” He glanced toward Neelan. “You don’t need to come with us, you know. This is not your battle. Go live a real life away from all this chaos.”

“Away from the chaos means away from you, as well, and that is not something I am willing to accept. I’m standing by your side, no matter what should happen.” She gripped onto Thomas’ arm. “I am ready to go.”

Thomas chuckled before he rolled his neck, closing his eyes to prepare for the teleportation spell. In an instant—they were gone.

Kale gripped his forehead. “Ugh, at least it is easier to handle each time we travel this way.” He staggered upon wobbly legs, fighting the feeling that at any moment his knees would give out. As he glanced toward the pointed wood wall, it seemed miniscule in comparison to Tyrione’s massive stone barrier. “We have got to move with haste. Without knowing the location of the oncoming army, we haven’t a clue of when they’ll arrive.”

“Indeed, Kale, every passing minute is extremely valuable. We must warn the others.” Thomas breathed heavily, but began to walk toward the town entrance.

Illadar was on his heels and Neelan remained close to Kale at all times. The gentle night breeze sifted through her hair as she moved forth with determination.

At that moment, despite the fear which gnawed at Kale’s gut, he realized for the first time how ravishing Neelan truly was.

“Neelan,” Kale spoke softly as they briskly made way through the town, “please be cautious tonight. You are my friend, and I don’t want anything to happen to you. I don’t want to lose you.”

“You worry too much, I shall be fine. My bow has never let me down.” She flashed a confident smile.

“Where are you takin’ us, kid? Do we even have a plan?” Illadar kept his eyes peeled in all directions in case any sudden, abnormal movements should take place within the shadows.

“I do not think any of us were prepared for this to happen. I’m going to take us to Lord Zalimond’s home. I figure if anyone knows the fastest way to alert the townsfolk of evacuation, it’ll be him.”

“This is going to be an interestin’ night. Let’s hope it all works out in the end.” Sweat began to form on Illadar’s dark, muscular arms. He was definitely feeling the tension of their situation.

Kale tried to focus on getting them to their destination as quickly as possible. He thought back to the tour of Braxle Theresa had given him, remembering each turn to take. A surge of disappointment weighed in the back of his mind. He secretly wished General Jedah would have had the nerve to rear his ugly, bald head within Braxle. Kale thought of how sweet slicing his neck in two would be. However, he knew, realistically, there would be no chance only the four of them would rise victorious over the full force of Jedah’s massive army.

Although freeing Judith of her curse would result in the general’s execution, Kale would not be satisfied. Kale longed to avenge the innocent and dragon-kind. He desired to stare deep into the general’s eyes as he forced the nefarious monstrosity into an eternal slumber. Kale laughed aloud at his own thoughts as he unknowingly bared his teeth in an animalistic snarl.

“Is this the place?” Neelan questioned Kale.

Kale had been so deeply wrapped in his own thoughts he failed to realize they were standing directly in front of the Lord’s home.

“Yes, this is it.” Kale glanced toward the house. “All lights appear to be off. He is about to receive one devil of an awakening.”

“What had you expected? Most normal individuals are resting well by this time.” Thomas rested a hand on Kale’s shoulder. “Shall we proceed now?”

Kale nodded. His throat felt dry and his stomach twisted in knots as he approached Lord Zalimond’s door.
There is no turning back now
. Kale’s knuckles firmly rapped against the wood, creating a repetitive rhythm until they saw the flickering light of an oil lamp through an oversized window.

“Who is it? Are you aware of the time?!” a disoriented sounding male voice called out after several moments of silence. “This better be of the utmost importance.”

The door creaked open to reveal a stout, middle-aged man with a plump, round face and thick black mustache. His receding black hair stood out in all directions and his attire consisted of a long blue nightshirt.

Lord Zalimond held the lamp toward Kale’s face. “Who are you?” Thick-ridged wrinkles formed upon his forehead.

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