B006T5JMRC EBOK (23 page)

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Authors: Aya Knight

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“I’m afraid my magic is no good here. I cannot decipher whether it is these vines blocking my magic, or the land itself. It appears as though we are at the mercy of the forest.”

“Over my dead body!” Kale bit down, hard, into the vine, but to no avail. The vine retaliated by tightening firmly around his face so he could no longer move his jaw.

“There is no way I’m gonna’ let a plant kill me!” Illadar thrashed in a useless attempt to break free.

Kale forced air into his lungs through his nose as he struggled to breathe. Suddenly, he saw the silhouette of many individuals who emerged from behind the incredibly large tree. As the figures moved closer he could see a group of women—very beautiful women. They each had long, silky hair which flowed to their waistline, gently swaying with each graceful step they took. Their skin appeared smooth and flawless—complimenting their alluring features. Their thick lashes, big round eyes, and pastel lips nearly distracted his attention from their short pointed ears which peeked out from between thick locks of hair—they were not human.

Each woman wore an outfit appearing as though it was growing on them. Their tops consisted of thin vines which traced their feminine curves, and greenery with flowers to cover their breasts. Their bottom skirts were in the same fashion and they wore no footwear. It was very apparent they lived within the forest. The females continued to approach the men in silence, a suppressed look of animosity within their eyes.

Kale wanted to speak, to find out who they were, but the thick vine continued to tighten between his lips. Unsightly driblets of drool spilled down his chin.

“Ye dare to harm thy home?”

The group of women froze as they turned to the side, creating a clearing that revealed another, much taller woman. Kale was mesmerized by her lengthy, flowing white hair and skin so pale it almost appeared to glow. His focus had been so drawn by her unique features he almost didn’t notice the hideous old lady who stood hunched over by her side. The aged woman had grotesquely large moles on her leathery, wrinkled skin. Her blue eyes glared into Kale’s, and he could feel the hatred burning inside of her. A hissing sound escaped her toothless mouth through thin, cracked lips. If Kale had been able to move his facial muscles, he surely would have cringed at the sight. She had to be the ugliest woman he had ever seen.

“So, ye savages assume ye can come to thy land and take life without consequence?” The tall, silvery woman elegantly strode toward them. She wore lush, green shoulder garments which signified to them that she was held in higher ranking than the other women.

Neither man spoke as they struggled with the pain of the tightening vines.

“Release thy flesh, cocoons of evil souls,” the tall woman spoke to the vines.

In an instant, the vines weaved and slithered their way loose, releasing the three men.

Kale immediately wiped the saliva from his chin, flexing his muscles to return the circulation to his tingling limbs. “I don’t know who you all are, but you don’t understand...”

Before Kale could continue, the old woman reached into a green pouch, pulling out a handful of brown powder.

“Sleep now.” The tall, white-haired woman softly spoke.

As if on cue, the shabby old woman blew the powder from her palm into the unsuspecting faces of Kale, Thomas, and Illadar.

As the brown substance hit Kale’s face, he heard the swooshing sound of something flying through the air. He was certain it was an arrow—someone had shot toward the group of women. Their amazing senses allowed them to move out of harm’s way as the arrow struck the ground.

Who is attacking
Are they trying to save us
Why—can’t I see properly
? Kale’s vision shifted in and out of focus and his mind spun. Through the mass of colors, he could vaguely see the cloaked figure that leapt down from a nearby branch. Though everything was foggy, he was certain it was the same individual who had been following him. As the figure gracefully landed upon the ground with bow drawn, the stalker’s hood fell back upon their shoulders. Kale squinted, fighting against his impairment in an attempt to see what the person looked like.

The stalker turned to aim the bow directly toward the tall white-haired woman, and Kale—though his vision was blurred—knew exactly who had been following him. He instantly recognized the petite build, stringy brunette hair, and pointed ears.

Kale reached out longingly, trying to speak, yet his vocals would not work. He could no longer fight the overwhelming feeling of fatigue as his body crumpled to the forest floor. Kale’s eyelids fluttered until the effects of the powder consumed all his functions and everything went black. The one who had been travelling alongside him, within the shadows—was Neelan.

Chapter 16: She Lives

ale, wake up!” A female voice rang out.

Kale felt an uncomfortable finger repetitively pressing into the tender skin above his armpit. He groaned, running his hand along his forehead, which throbbed profusely. Kale parted his eyelids to see a bright-eyed Neelan staring down at him with a joyful look upon her face.

She smiled, placing a hand behind his back to help him into an upright position. “It took you long enough!” Neelan softly laughed.

Kale could already see she hadn’t changed a bit and was still her usual spunky self—yet he was glad to see her.

Neelan bit her lower lip, shifting her eyes nervously, before finally lunging herself toward Kale, pulling him into a tight embrace. Kale kept his arms loosely hung at his sides, dumbstruck by her sudden behavior. It wasn’t long before she picked up on his lack of response, pulling back to allow space between them.

“You,” she fought for the right words to say, “looked like you needed a hug.” Beneath her shaggy bangs, her violet eyes dodged his as she turned to hide her ruby cheeks.

Kale could hear Thomas and Illadar laughing, and relief swept over him as the memory of what had happened returned. “You’re both all right?”

“Indeed we are.” Thomas smiled. “And I must say, you should try some of this honeydew berry mixture—it’s refreshingly tasty.” He took a long sip out of a wooden mug.

Now that Kale was sure his friends were safe, his focus returned to Neelan, who remained silent by his side. He inspected her garments, confirming his earlier assumptions it was she who had been following him.

“Why?” Kale questioned.

She glanced up in confusion. “Why what?” Her dark eyebrows tilted upward.

“Why have you been following me for so long? And why have you been doing so in secrecy? Do you desire something I have?” Kale placed his hand securely over his pocket where the bracelet snugly rest. “If so, I am afraid it will only lead you to an inevitable demise.”

“I hope you are aware that you’re a real idiot, Kale.” Neelan looked down, hurt by his accusation.

“Kale,” Thomas cut in, “you should mind your manners. You’ve yet to allow the young lady to explain herself.”

Kale could also hear Illadar mumbling something about being an insensitive jerk.
Him, of all people,
Kale thought to himself.

“I just,” Neelan sighed, “wanted to make sure you were all right, that’s all. You didn’t need to be so cruel; I was only trying to care about your well-being. At this point, I honestly cannot understand why I was such a fool as to return to a person like you.” She stood, storming out of the circular room where they sat.

Thomas shook his head. “If you only knew what that young elf has gone through to ensure your safety—you’d think twice before opening that mouth of yours.”

“How would you know what she’s been through? She’s stalked me since Braxle without a word—I’m sure there is an ulterior motive behind her actions.” Kale crossed his arms in frustration.

“Is it so difficult for you to believe someone truly values you, Kale? While you were still recovering from the poisons, Illadar and I had the opportunity to speak with her. We’ve also been introduced to some very interesting individuals whom I think you are going to want to meet.” He smiled. “But first, I believe it would be most wise to apologize to Neelan. She cares a great deal about you—you are the first friend she’s had since she was a child.”

“You would also be long dead had it not been for her. Be grateful.” A young woman appeared within an arched opening across from where Kale sat.

Kale’s mouth hung open. He wasn’t sure if he had gone insane, or if it was possible he had adapted to being a human–sharing their emotions. His body felt warm upon glancing at the unknown woman. Her beauty was unparalleled; there was a sense of overwhelming feminine allure as she entered the circular room. Her wavy golden locks rested upon white shoulder pads that swooped upward. Kale gazed along her body, taking note of her white top and matching leggings. Upon her feet were superior quality black leather boots laced up to her knees.
I wonder if she is a warrior of some sort
. Kale knew no peasant could afford such lavish garments.

“My word—it cannot be!” Thomas broke the momentary silence, walking briskly across the room with Illadar at his heels to where the woman stood. They both appeared astonished by her entrance.

“Is that you, Thomas?” She stared as her fingers rested upon her mouth, which gaped open in surprise.

“Indeed. I cannot believe it’s really you, Judith. We all thought you to be dead.”

“Princess.” Illadar knelt before her. “General Jedah has told your fath—”

“Jedah...” She clenched a tight fist.

“Can someone please tell me what is going on here?” Kale couldn’t contain his curiosity any longer.

“This is the Princess of Mirion, and her father is King Valamar.” Thomas explained. “We all assumed her to be dead after the announcement given by General Jedah. He told the King she had been viciously attacked by a dragon and their entire race posed a threat on the world. Thus, King Valamar accepted Jedah’s proposal to begin war upon all dragon kind.”

“Please, Princess, you’ve gotta’ tell us what’s happened with Jedah. I’m sure after your father found you to be alive, many things have since changed.” Illadar stood from his lowered position.

Judith looked to the toes of her boots. “That’s the problem, you see—he doesn’t know.” She sighed, “I love my father dearly, but he is a fool. Jedah has manipulated him from the beginning. I continuously warned him not to trust that demon of a man, yet he only saw a brave and trustworthy knight. He always scolded me to behave myself and to not judge others with such negativity.” Her blue eyes narrowed.

“Jedah knew I despised him and saw me as a threat to his plans. There was always something within me that knew he was interested solely in self benefit. Through my ignorant father, Jedah would alter situations so he could control the outcome.” Judith leaned her body against the wall as she stared blankly.

“It was a warm spring day when my father told me I was traveling to Albane to meet with their Lord and present a diplomatic treaty. Unlike other diplomacies in the past, this was to be done in person by a member of high royalty. My father wanted to go in my place, but knew he could not abandon the throne when so much needed to be done within Mirion. He soon informed me that Jedah, along with a small group of his best warriors, would be escorting me to ensure my safety. I’m sure you could imagine my overwhelming joy,” Judith huffed angrily as she spoke in a sarcastic tone.

“I knew he disliked me, but never did I imagine he would go as far as he did. Instead of escorting me to Albane, he restrained me once we were out of our territory. They forced me here within the forest where a dark elf that obeys his every command placed a horrid curse upon me. The elf goes by the name of Malakhar—and though a peon to Jedah’s army—he is a very dangerous individual when given the opportunity to come in contact with another being.”

Judith began to choke up as she spoke, causing her voice to crack. “Jedah obviously could not risk me returning to my father—and for some reason he did not want me dead. I can only assume his intention was to use me as a bargaining pawn when he felt his power had grown strong enough to overtake the kingdom. He commanded Malakhar to ensure I could not leave the Forest of Forgotten Whispers without turning to ash. To make the situation even worse, the curse transformed me into a disgusting old woman. The women here were kind enough to grant me temporary relief from the transformation while within this tree. It was the best they could do against such a powerful curse.”

was you?!” Kale blurted out in shock. He could not believe such a hideous old woman could truly be this beautiful Princess.

Her face reddened with embarrassment. “Yes, I would prefer you not bring it up again—it was certainly not my choice.”

She’s even radiant while upset
I wonder if she is the reason I was sent here,
Kale pondered.

“Princess Judith, with all due respect, couldn’t we help you send a message to King Valamar?” Illadar questioned. “If he knew of your situation, then he could send help and remove Jedah’s authority. Though, I’ll admit, I’d love to have his head fall by my blade—I’d support any means of riddin’ the world of that abomination.”

“Do you truly think I have not thought of such things? I’ve spent over three long years pondering every possible solution. Although Jedah is a brute, he is very intelligent. Whatever cure there may be for me lies with Malakhar.” Judith crossed her arms, sighing heavily. “Should I even attempt to contact my father at this time, Jedah would ensure that Malakhar was sent far from Mirion, leaving me stuck in a withered body—unable to leave this forest until the day I die.”

“Could your father not send those he is certain to trust here to confirm the message? Then they could report back that you truly have been placed under a curse,” Thomas suggested.

“If only it were so simple. Any member of the royal army to disrupt Jedah’s plan for power would surely be persuaded into telling lies to my father—or killed. Jedah has a way to ensure
happen to those who disobey him, or interfere with his goals.”

“We must find a way to rectify this situation. It is vital we conjure a means of returning you to your father before Jedah obtains too much power.” Thomas ran his fingers along his grey beard. “If only I could teleport myself close enough to the royal castle to make it to the King.” He sighed. “However, I know this is not a feasible option. I am certain I would be spotted and captured instantly; there are far too many guards within the kingdom for me to risk such a feat. It would be a foolish attempt and we must choose our actions wisely, if we intend to succeed.”

“Is Malakhar the man cloaked in black?” Illadar questioned.

“Yes, he is,” Judith replied. “I have honestly never seen what he looks like—he cowers behind his attire.”

“Maybe we could find him,” Kale suggested. “He has crossed paths with us once before, so it’s quite possible he is still seeking both myself and Illadar.”

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