Autobiography of Mark Twain (190 page)

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Nevada Territory: “Big Bonanza” silver strike
dueling in
scheme for Higbie to get job in mine
SLC as miner.
See also
Virginia City
Territorial Enterprise
New England Gas and Coke Company
Newman, John Philip
New Orleans: SLC seeks ship for South America
SLC stays after fight with Brown
SLC’s 1882 visit
Newton, James Rogers
New York
Daily Graphic
New York
Evening Post
New York
Evening Sun
New York
Globe and Commercial Advertiser
New York
Higbie’s account of earlier association with SLC
SLC as Washington, D.C. correspondent
SLC’s letters about
Quaker City
New York
Saturday Press
New York
Sunday Mercury
New York
covers “Big Bonanza” silver strike
Duncan’s lawsuit
review of autobiography chapters in
North American Review
New York
SLC as Washington, D.C., correspondent
SLC’s letters about
Quaker City
New York
Grant’s memoirs
Moffett as editorial writer
New Zealand
Nicholas I (tsar of Russia)
Nicholas II (tsar of Russia)
Nicolay, John G.
Nigra, Constantino
North, Charles R.
North, John W.
North American Review
(NAR): Harvey as editor
Munro as editor
publication of autobiography chapters
Norton, Charles Eliot
“Notes on ‘Innocents Abroad,’ ”
Noyes, Edward Follansbee
Nye, Edgar Wilson (Bill)
Nye, Emma
Nye, John
O’Brien, William Shoney
Oettel, Walter
Ogden, Robert C.
O’Hagan, Joseph
O’Neil, Ellen
O’Neil, John
O’Reilly, John Boyle
Orton, Arthur
Osgood, James Ripley
Owsley, Anna B. (Nannie)
Owsley, William Perry
Page, Thomas Nelson
Paige, James W.: electromagnetic motor
printing telegraph
typesetting machine
Paine, Albert Bigelow
at autobiographical dictation sessions
handwriting on typescripts
role in inception of autobiography.
See also Mark Twain’s Autobiography (MTA); Mark Twain: A Biography (MTB)
Palmer, Albert M.
Panama Canal
Parker, Edwin Pond
Parkhurst, Charles Henry
Parr, Thomas
Parsons, William
Paul Jones
Pavey, Jesse H.
Paxton, Frances.
Massiglia, Countess
Pearson’s Magazine
Pepys, Samuel
Perkins, Charles E.
Perry Davis’s Pain-Killer
Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant:
American Publishing Company as potential publisher
Badeau’s work on
competition between Century Company and SLC to publish
Grant dictates
Grant reluctant to write
Petöfi, Sándor
Peyton, Thomas F.
Phelps, Roswell H.
Phelps, William Walter
Philadelphia, Penn.: SLC works as typesetter
Public Ledger
Philippines: Funston’s capture of Aguinaldo
tariff bill
U.S. massacre of Moros
Phillips, Horatio
Phillips, Wendell
Phoenix, John.
Derby, George Horatio (“Squibob”)
Picquart, Georges
Players club: dinner honoring SLC
SLC’s membership
Plunkett, J. R. (Joe)
Plymouth Church (Brooklyn).
See also
Beecher, Henry Ward
Pomeroy, Frederick William
Pond, James B.
Porter, Fitz-John
Porter, Horace
Postal system (U.S.)
Brooks, Preston S.
Powlison, Charles F.
Practical Jokes with Artemus Ward
Pratt and Whitney Company
“Preface. As from the Grave,”
Prime, William C.
The Prince and the Pauper
Clemens family children’s play
publication of
Susy Clemens on
Proctor, Richard A.
Quaker City
dispute over rights to SLC’s letters
SLC’s letters about.
See also The Innocents Abroad
Quarles, Benjamin L.
Quarles, James A.
Quarles, John Adams.
See also
Quarles farm
Quarles, Martha Ann Lampton (Mrs. John Adams Quarles; Aunt Patsy)
Quarles, William Frederick (Fred)
Quarles farm:
SLC’s childhood summers
SLC’s use in fiction
Quarry Farm: Clemens family at
Olivia Clemens buried at
as residence of Cranes
“Rab and His Friends” (Brown)
“Ralph Keeler,”
“Random Extracts.”
“My Autobiography [Random Extracts from It]”
Ranzoni, Daniele
Raybaudi-Massiglia, Annibale
Raymond, John T.
Reade, Charles
Redpath, James: definition of artist
as founder of lecture agency
as SLC’s stenographer.
See also
Redpath Lyceum Bureau
Redpath Lyceum Bureau
“Reflections on a Letter and a Book,”
Reid, Robert
Reid, Whitelaw
Religion: Catholic funerals
Langdon family
Orion Clemens
Presbyterianism: SLC’s churchgoing
SLC’s Presbyterian conscience
Susy Clemens’s “What is it all for?” question
Republican Party
insurance scandal
Mason’s diplomatic appointment
Morris incident
Philippines and U.S. massacre of Moros
politicians and candidates
SLC supports Hawley
SLC supports Hayes.
See also
Cleveland, Grover
Cleveland-Blaine election
Roosevelt, Theodore
“The Rev. Dr. Newman,”
Richardson, Abby Sage
Richardson, Elisha A.
Richardson, Mary L. RoBards (Mrs. Elisha A. Richardson)
Richardson, Sara Ellen
Richmond, Joshua
Riddle, Matthew Brown
Riley, John Henry
Rising, Franklin S.
Riverdale, N.Y.
Robards, Amanda Carpenter
Robards, Archibald S.
Robards, George C.
Robards (RoBards), John Lewis
Robards, Sarah H. (Sally; “Mary Wilson”)
Robbia, Luca della
Robert Fulton Memorial Association
“Robert Louis Stevenson and Thomas Bailey Aldrich,”
Roberts, James B.
Roberts, W. H.
Robinson, Henry C.
Rockefeller, John D., Jr.
Rockefeller, John D., Sr.
Rockefeller, William
Rogers, Henry Huttleston: “Henry H. Rogers,”
letters from
letters to
Paige typesetting machine
as SLC’s financial advisor and agent
visit to Helen Keller
yacht (
Rogers, Mary
Roosevelt, Alice Lee
Roosevelt, Theodore
death blow to Russian revolution
Gridiron Club dinner
mediates peace in Russo-Japanese War
military career

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