Read Autobiography of Mark Twain Online
Authors: Mark Twain
Kinsmen club
Kleckhoefer, Misses
Klinefelter, John S.
Körner, Theodor
Kung, Prince (Prince Gong)
La Cossitt, Henry
Lacy, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Leonard Mefford)
Laird, James L.
Lakenan, Lizzie Ayres (Mrs. Robert F. Lakenan)
Lakenan, Robert F.
Lambton, John George (1792–1840)
Lambton, John George (1855–1928)
Lampton, James J.
Lampton, Lewis
Lampton, Wharton
Lampton, William
Lampton, William James
Landor, Walter Savage
Langdon, Andrew
Langdon, Charles Jervis
as business man
dislikes Atwater
as “General,”
mother’s indulgence of
Quaker City
wagon incident
Langdon, Ida B. Clark (Mrs. Charles Jervis Langdon)
Langdon, Jervis
business interests
buys house for newlywed Clemenses
buys Quarry Farm
illness and death
offers to buy Tennessee land
potential railway magnate
SLC’s courtship of daughter Olivia
Susy Clemens’s biography
Langdon, Julie.
Loomis, Julie Olivia Langdon
Langdon, Olivia Lewis (Mrs. Jervis Langdon)
Langdon, Susan.
Crane, Susan Langdon
Larkin, Henry W.
“The Latest Attempt,”
Lawrence, Joseph E.
Lawson, Thomas W.
League, William T.
Lean, Cornelius
Leary, Katy
death of Susy Clemens
Lee, Harvey (“Ferguson”)
Lee, Robert E.
Leopold II (king of Belgium)
Levering, Clint
Levin boys
Life on the Mississippi
Henry Clemens’s death
Osgood as publisher
praised by Wilhelm II
prototype for Huck’s father
SLC’s experiences as Mississippi River pilot
SLC’s trip to gather material
tramp’s death
Li Hung Chang
Lincoln, Abraham
appoints Orion Clemens as favor to Bates
enjoys Nasby’s humor
Hay as assistant and biographer
Lindley, Caleb W.
Lipton, Thomas
Locke, David Ross (Petroleum Vesuvius Nasby)
Logan, John A.
Logan, Olive
London: Clemens family 1873 residence
Clemens family 1879 visit
Clemens family 1896–97 residence
Clemens family 1899–1900 residence
“Jim Wolf and the Tom-Cats” plagiarized
Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee
SLC’s 1872 residence
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Memorial Association readings
Whittier birthday dinner
Longworth, Nicholas (horticulturist)
Longworth, Nicholas (congressman)
Loomis, Edward Eugene
Loomis, Julie Olivia Langdon (Mrs. Edward Eugene Loomis)
Lord, Mrs. Herbert
Louisville (Ky.)
A Love-Chase
(play by Susy Clemens)
Lovell, Gilbert A.
Lowell, James Russell
Lyon, Isabel V.
on death of Malone
friend of Thayers in Dublin, N.H.
hired and fired
in Italy with Clemens family
marriage to Ashcroft
notes on Paine’s edition of autobiography
previous acquaintance with Countess Massiglia
publication of autobiography excerpts in
North American Review
records SLC’s Florentine dictations
SLC and Bible class of Rockefeller, Jr.
SLC and Players club
SLC’s description of Roosevelt
SLC’s dictation practices and Hobby
SLC’s reading of “Random Extracts” typescript
SLC’s Y.M.C.A., speech
MacCrellish, Frederick
MacDonald, George
MacDonald, Louisa (Mrs. George MacDonald)
“The Machine Episode,”
Mackay, John W.
Macy, John
Magonigle, John Henry
Maguire, Thomas
Majestic Theatre, New York
Malone, John
Manley, R. M. (Hilary Trent)
Maria Nicolaievna, Grand Duchess
Marion Rangers.
Hannibal Home Guard
Mark Twain: A Biography (MTB)
Paine’s plans to write
Mark Twain in Eruption (MTE)
Mark Twain Project Online (MTPO)
Mark Twain’s Autobiography (MTA)
differences from SLC’s version
writings omitted
Mark Twain’s Library of Humor
Marsh, Edward L.
Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard
Marsh, William J.
Mason, Dean B.
Mason, Frank H.
Mason, Jennie V. Birchard (Mrs. Frank H. Mason)
Massiglia, Countess (Frances Paxton) passim
Matthews, Brander
Maudslay, Alfred P.
Mayo, Frank
McAleer, Alice
McAleer, Anne (Nancy)
McAleer, Edward
McAleer, Mary Reagan (Mrs. Patrick McAleer)
McAleer, Michael
McAleer, Patrick
described by SLC
hired for newlywed Clemenses
illness and death
McAleer, William
McCall, John A.
McCall, John C.
McCarthy, Denis
McClellan, George B.
McClure, S. S.
McClure’s Magazine
McCormick, Wales
McCullough, John
McDaniel, James W. (Jimmy)
McDowell, Joseph Nash
McKinley, William
McKnight, George H.
McLaren, Elizabeth T.
McMurry, T. P. (Pet)
Medici, Cosimo de’ (Cosimo I)
Medici, Lorenzo de’
Mefford, Leonard
Mental telegraphy
Menzies, John
Meredith, Anna (Mrs. Hugh Meredith)
Meredith, Charles
Meredith, Henry H.
Meredith, Hugh
Meredith, John D.
Miller, Mary
Millet, Francis D. (Frank)
Miner, George R.
Mitchell, Josiah Angier
Moffett, Mary Emily Mantz (Mrs. Samuel E. Moffett)
Moffett, Pamela A. Clemens (Mrs. William A. Moffett)
illness and death
on Jane Lampton Clemens
music teacher
Moffett, Samuel E.
Moffett, William A.
Monday Evening Club
Moore, Thomas
Mora, F. Luis
Morgan, John Pierpont
Moro tribe (Philippines): U.S. massacre
Morrill, Paul
Morris, Mrs. Minor
Morris, William
Moss, Mary (Mrs. Robert F. Lakenan)
Mulford, Prentice
Müller, George Friedrich
Munro, David A.
as editor of
North American Review
as Players club member
Murphy, Edgar Gardner
Murray, T. Douglas
Muscatine, Iowa
Orion Clemens buys and sells
“My Autobiography [Random Extracts from It],”
manuscript facsimile of first page
textual history
“My Debut as a Literary Person,”
My Mark Twain
“The Mysterious Stranger” manuscripts (“Schoolhouse Hill”; “St. Petersburg Fragment”)
See North American Review
Nasby, Petroleum Vesuvius.
Locke, David Ross
Nash, Abner
Nash, Mary (Mrs. John Hubbard)
Nash, Thomas S.
Nast, Thomas
Native Americans.
See also
Injun Joe
Neider, Charles.
See The Autobiography of Mark Twain (AMT)