Read Autobiography of Mark Twain Online
Authors: Mark Twain
Atlantic Monthly
Fields as editor
hosts Whittier birthday dinner
Howells as editor
publication of Keeler’s writings
publication of SLC’s writings
Atwater, Dwight
Aunt Clara.
Spaulding, Clara L.
Aunt Patsy.
Quarles, Martha Ann Lampton
Aunt Susy.
Crane, Susan Langdon
Austria: Vienna
“A Viennese Procession,”
Authors’ Readings
Autobiography (SLC’s conception and creation): contract with Harper and Brothers
copyright extension scheme
decision to include earlier writings
discussion with Hay
discussions with Howells
discussion with Mrs. Fields
discussion with Paine
discussion with Rogers
familiarity with other autobiographies
instructions for publishing
multiple attempts to write
partial publication
posthumous publication
remarks about form and content
sequence of prefatory pages
stenographers for dictation
truth telling
The Autobiography of Mark Twain (AMT)
Neider’s editorial treatment
Autobiography of Mark Twain
(Mark Twain Project edition): contents of volumes
diagram of textual history
editorial policy for texts
online edition (
problem of identifying handwriting on typescripts
problem of multiple typescripts
source documents described
Ayres, Irving
Ayres, Tubman
The Back Number
(planned periodical)
Badeau, Adam
works on Grant’s memoirs
writes military history of Grant
Badeni, Kasimir Felix
Barnard, Henry
Barnard College
Barnes, Benjamin F.
Barnes, George Eustace
Barrett, Lawrence
Bates, Edward
Batterson, James G.
Bayard the Spotless (Pierre du Terrail)
Bay State Gas Company
Beatty, Jean Burlingame (Mrs. Robert Chetwood Beatty)
“Beauties of the German Language,”
Beck, Henry
Beecher, Henry Ward
SLC’s letters to
Beecher, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K.
Ben Franklin Book and Job Office
Bermingham, Ellen (Nellie)
Bernhardt, Sarah
Berry, Mrs.
Bierce, Ambrose
“Big Bonanza” silver strike
Billings, Josh.
Shaw, Henry Wheeler
Bishop, William Henry
Bispham, William
Bixby, Horace E.
Black, William
Blackstone, William
Blaine, James G..
See also
Cleveland-Blaine election
Blankenship, Tom
Blind, associations for.
See also
Keller, Helen
Bliss, Elisha P., Jr.
Bliss, Francis
Bok, Edward
Bolton, William Compton
Bonaparte, Catherine, Princess
Bonaparte, Jérôme
Bonaparte, Napoleon
Booth, Edwin
Booth, John Wilkes
Evening Transcript
Boston Lyceum Bureau.
Redpath Lyceum Bureau
Boston Massacre
Saturday Evening Gazette
Sunday Post
Boutwell, George S.
Bowen, Barton Stone
Bowen, Samuel Adams, Jr.
Bowen, William
Briggs, Artemissa (Mrs. William J. Marsh)
Briggs, Emily Edson
Briggs, John B.
Brookline Gas Company
Brooklyn Bridge
Brooks, Noah
Brooks, Preston S. (“Potter”)
Brown, Anna Marsh (Mrs. Talmage Brown)
Brown, Alex
Brown, Isabella Cranston
Brown, Jake
Brown, John (abolitionist)
Brown, John (Dr.)
letters from
letters to
“Rab and His Friends,”
relationship with Susy Clemens
SLC’s regret about not making last visit
Brown, John (Jock)
Brown, John Taylor
Brown, Mr. (steamboat pilot)
Brown, Owen
Brown, Talmage
Brown, William
Browning, Robert
Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
Buckly, Mr.
Buell, Dwight H.
Buffalo, N.Y.: Buffalo
Grover Cleveland as mayor and sheriff
SLC and OLC’s difficult year
SLC and OLC’s first home after marriage
SLC’s eulogy of Burlingame
Buffum, Arnold
Burglar alarm: Goodwin’s
Bunce, Edward M.
Burk, George
Burlingame, Anson
Burlingame, Edward L.
Burns, Anthony
Burns, Robert
Burton, Nathaniel J.
Bushnell, Horace
Butler, Andrew Jackson
Butler, Benjamin Franklin
Butler, George H.
Butters, Henry A.
Bynner, Witter
Cable, George Washington
lecture tour with SLC
visit to Governor Cleveland with SLC
Cadets of Temperance
Caesar, Julius
Caldwell, Samuel L.
California: SLC’s lecture tours
SLC’s trip to Jackass Hill and Angels Camp.
See also
San Francisco
“A Call with W. D. Howells on General Grant,”
Campbell, Alexander
Campbell, Thomas
Campbell, William Wilfred
Carnegie, Andrew
Carroll, Lewis.
Charles L. Dodgson
Carryl, Charles E.
Casanova, Giovanni Giacomo
Case, Newton
Cash, Mr. (New York
Cauchon, Pierre
Cavallotti, Felice Carlo Emmanuele
Cellini, Benvenuto
Century Company: employment of Hobby and Paine
negotiations to publish Grant’s memoirs
Century Magazine
Noah Brooks’s biographical sketch of SLC
publication of Grant’s war articles
publication of SLC’s writings
Chaffee, Fannie Josephine
Chaffee, Jerome B.
Chamberlaine, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus P.
Chapman, Elizabeth (Mrs. Jesse Grant)
Chapman, Rawley
Chapman, Rosamond Hart
“The Character of Man” manuscript
Charles I (king of England)
Charles II (king of England)
Charles L. Webster and Company: failure
publication of Grant’s memoirs
publication of
McClellan’s Own Story
publication of Sheridan’s
Personal Memoirs
publication of SLC’s books.
See also
Webster, Charles L.
Charlotte (servant)
Chaykovsky, Nikolai Vasilievich
Cheney, Frank Woodbridge
Cheney, Mary Bushnell
“The Chicago G. A. R. Festival,”
: SLC as Washington, D.C., correspondent
Childs, George W.
China: Grant’s concern for students
political unrest (1906)
Chin Lan Pin (“Wong”)
Choate, Joseph H.
Chowning, Thomas Jefferson
The Cid (Rodrigo Diaz de Bivar)
Cincinnati, Ohio
Clark, Charles Hopkins
Clemens, Benjamin: birth and death
Clemens, Clara Langdon (Bay)
childhood and youth
Clemens family plays and charades
collaboration with Paine
death of mother