Ashfall (14 page)

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Authors: Denise A. Agnew

BOOK: Ashfall
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“Kiss me.” His voice rasped, sandpaper and gravel rough.

Her lips parted in surprise. “What?”

“I told you I wouldn’t kiss you. That you had to kiss me first.” He drew in a ragged breath. “When I thought you’d been hurt after the SUV was almost blown up—shit, you have no idea what that did to me. I’m begging right here, right now. Kiss me.”

Restraint melted inside her. With a trembling hand she touched his chest, aching to palm the firmness of all that strength and power. She realized her breathing had quickened, her lips parted, a heat rising within that couldn’t stay banked. She searched upward to his neck, to his face. She cupped that strong jaw and slid her hands into his short hair. Brought him down. Down with an agonizing slowness. Their lips met. A sweet brush of skin, warm and enticing.

With a swift movement, he cupped the back of her neck and anchored her to his body with an arm around her waist. His mouth slanted over hers and his tongue plunged deep. Wildfire need grabbed Mally as he caressed her tongue with his. Heat exploded in her lower belly as she felt his erection press against her. A moan vibrated from her throat as hunger for him raced along her veins. She was consumed in the taste of him, enveloped by the power of his arms cradling her. One kiss turned into two and then three. It wasn’t one long meeting of lips, but a frantic search for more.

The door opened with a squeak and they tore away from each other.

A nurse stood halfway out the door, a lunch bag in hand. She smiled. “Oops. Sorry.”

“No. We were just leaving,” Adam said as he grabbed Mally’s hand.

“Have a good day,” the nurse said cheerfully as she left.

Adam’s gaze landed on Mally’s for a few seconds before they entered the building and headed for the front exit.

Mally smiled as heat filled her face. “We could probably get arrested for that nowadays. I’m surprised she didn’t tell us to get a room.”

He threw her a smile, but it was short-lived. “Good thing she interrupted.”


“Because…” His voice was rough again and deep. “If she hadn’t I don’t know if I could have stopped myself from trying to convince you to fuck me right there on the spot.”

His no-holds-barred statement punched her. Heat stirred again and rolled through her body.
Whoa. Hot.
A vision flew through her mind of him lifting her against the wall and taking her. She didn’t know what to say, sideswiped and yeah, if she admitted it…aroused as hell.

His fingers tightened on hers as they walked faster.

Chapter 11

Mally thought she’d lose her mind as Adam drove the General’s car back to Sentry Security. Tension coiled in her body along with a sensual heat. Her face flamed as she imagined once again Adam taking her against the wall outside. No, they wouldn’t have done that where anyone could have seen them, but the hunger she’d seen in his eyes—she’d never believed a man would ever want her that much. Hell, she’d never thought
want a man as fiercely as she did Adam. Urgency thrummed inside her, a constant beat. When they reached Sentry Security, they hurried into the building. Wordlessly they took the stairs.

When they reached the top of the stairs, he stopped. “Mally—”

She slipped her arms around his neck and pulled him into an embrace. “Don’t. Don’t try and talk us out of this.”

He gazed at her a long time, and she didn’t flinch from the fierce want in his eyes.

He cracked a smile. “Mally, there’s no way I’d try and talk you out of having your way with me.”

She laughed, and cupped his face, the five o’clock shadow roughening his jaw scraping against her fingertips. The man made her want and need things she’d never desired before.

“Is that what I’m doing?” she asked.

“I hope so.”

Their lips met in a hot, drugging kiss. She released him long enough to take his hand and lead him to her room. Excitement and desire burned inside her. She wanted to forget the world outside, the violence that had almost taken their lives today. Hesitation was destroyed. She wouldn’t wait any longer to find refuge in his arms. She fumbled with the doorknob, but once they were inside, all bets were off. Both of them took off their extraneous gear including their vests and leg holsters. Need enveloped her as he tugged her into his arms.

Kisses melted into one after another, desire for completion hot on her heels. He palmed her butt, cupping the cheeks and squeezing. She squirmed, the ache between her legs becoming almost unbearable, and clutched at his shoulders, giving in to the need to get closer. Closer still. She felt hollow, needing his strength plunging deep inside her. Urgency punctuated each touch as he cupped her right breast gently. Even through the bra’s lace, she felt his touch as if she were naked. He brushed his finger over her nipple and a zing of electricity seemed to dart from her breast, to belly, to the heat between her legs. She moaned softly. Sweet heaven, this man set her on fire. The rhythm of his tongue mimicked sex, and she felt that same touch deep within her feminine core. She gasped, wanting him with an intensity that knew no reason or restraint. She wriggled out of his grip long enough to pull her shirt over her head and drop it to the floor. He fumbled with the front clasp on her bra. She slipped it off and tossed it away.

“Man,” he whispered reverently as he cupped both of her breasts, “beautiful.”

She tugged at his shirt, wanting it gone, like yesterday.

“Now,” she murmured against his neck as she bunched his shirt in her fists. “Now.”

He worked open the buttons on his shirt as she admired every inch of glorious male skin. He wrestled the shirt off his shoulders. Although she’d known he was in great shape, the sight of his naked torso set her pulse racing and heart thumping. Broad shoulders, ripped arms, hard pecs sprinkled with dark hair. The hair arrowed down to his washboard stomach and into the waistband of his pants. He sat on the edge of the couch and made short work of his combat boots. Once he’d pushed the boots to the side along with his socks, only Adam’s pants remained.

He pressed their bodies together, gathered her in an embrace filled with more gentleness than she would have expected from the urgency moments ago. His hands coasted over her, cupping, caressing, filling her with surging waves of arousal. The ache between her legs doubled, trebled in force. She was burning alive.

He cupped her face. “Sweetheart, are you ready for this?”

She swallowed hard, filled with urgency and need. “I’ve never been more ready.”

He took her hand and they retreated to the bedroom. Impatience warred with a need to slow things down, to savor what they had and imprint it in her mind forever.

He unzipped the pants and drew them down along with his white briefs. Her mouth literally watered as the long thickness of his cock came into view. She wanted to explore each tantalizing inch of him.

“Come on, babe,” he said. “You next.”

She stripped the rest of her clothes and left them on the floor, feeling vulnerability she hadn’t experienced in a long time.

He grabbed his wallet out of his pants pocket and extracted a little packet she could see was a condom. He tossed it on the bedside table. After replacing the wallet, he walked to her slowly and brought her into his embrace. He buried his face in her neck as he slipped his arms around her. He chuckled, and the deep sound rumbled into her. He backed her toward the bed and they tumbled onto it, a tangle of arms and legs. From there the passion ignited, boiling upward in a frenzy. He kissed her relentlessly, and they rolled across the bed. Sensation piled on sensation as his hair-roughened body rubbed against her. He cupped one breast and as his fingers slid over and lightly pinched the nipple, she gasped. She shivered as the sensation spiked straight to her pussy. When she moaned, he suckled the other nipple while pulling gently at the other. She writhed under his teasing as he moved back and forth between her breasts, his attention relentless.

His power, coiled and ready, turned her on like nothing had before. She felt it in his muscles as she gripped his biceps, as she skimmed her fingertips along his strong thighs. She grasped his erection, and he moaned ferally. The sound hit her like a punch of lust.

He grabbed her hand gently. “No. Too fast.”

She wanted fast. She
“Adam, please,” she groaned impatiently.

He rolled her over on her back and covered her mouth with a kiss. Without hesitating he worked his way down, tasting and caressing. Her breath caught as he feathered his fingertips and found the liquid evidence of her desire between her thighs. She shivered in pleasure as he gently traced her folds and teased.

“Adam.” Her voice was strained as desire flooded her veins.

“Easy.” His whisper held tenderness. “Easy.”

He nibbled his way down her body, building her need step by step. She gasped as he reached the top of her feminity. Anticipation made her yearn and lift her hips. He slid down on the bed and wedged his way between her thighs. She kept her eyes closed as he dipped forward. When his tongue swept in a long, lingering taste, she couldn’t suppress a moan of sweet delight. She fell into the moment, into the heat of his touch. He worked her, an expert at drawing moans from her throat as pleasure rose higher. Gently he inserted a finger inside her as his tongue danced over her clit in tender sweeps. She couldn’t hold back the groan as her body reacted to his expert touch. As his finger moved inside her soaked channel, he teased her pleasure point without mercy. She twisted in his grip, unable to control her body. A moment later the taut coil in her loins sprang loose. Orgasm came in waves of hot, staggering ecstasy as she shivered and panted.

While she came down from the high, he moved away long enough to grab the condom. She heard the foil rip, and with his back to her he slipped on protection. He turned back and she made room for him. He propped on his forearms and looked down at her. She gripped his back as he lowered his hips between her thighs. Blunt heat eased between her folds, and she lifted her hips in reaction. She closed her eyes and savored the sensation. Mally arched again, and he groaned and thrust. She gasped as his thickness penetrated deep, filling her. She was spread wide, tight around his incredible heat. She’d only had two lovers in her life, and neither one of them had filled her like Adam. Wide. Deep. Once more she lifted her hips, wanting him to move. She whimpered as the steel hardness inside her brushed along nerves she hadn’t realized she possessed.

“Adam, please,” she whispered again, against his shoulder.

With deliberate movements, he eased out, then in. Slow. Sweet. In. Out. Back and forth his thrusts took her with a cadence that wouldn’t be rushed. Pleasure rose higher, higher. He kissed her relentlessly, his tongue fucking her mouth. He pulled her deeper into the moment as her heart banged against her ribcage. Excitement tingled inside her core, building as she throbbed deep within. She clutched at his back, frantic for release. One more stroke. Another that hit the mark.

Oh, yes.

She came apart around him with a whimper as tingling hot pleasure trembled through her and she shook all over. She felt her body react, clenching his erection deep inside as he continued to thrust.

She dared open her eyes, and he was watching her, his jaw tight, cheeks flushed, his gasps for breath as desperate as hers. As the pleasure rose, she grabbed onto his butt and hung on. She squeezed and he hissed in a breath. Desire reached a fever pitch inside her. She groaned as he finally picked up the pace. As she closed her eyes, another orgasm started to rise inside her. With a growl he thrust harder, and she lost it completely as he pounded into her. Her moans escalated as she rose higher and then hit the top. She screamed against his shoulder as climax slammed her. Pure bliss tore her apart as he shoved deep one last time and came unglued with a shout. His entire body shook against her as he growled.

He lifted off her and drew her into his arms long enough to kiss her forehead. When he released her a second later, he went into the bathroom and closed the door. He was back a moment later, his still semi-erect cock catching her attention. Hell, who was she kidding. His entire body was one delicious sex machine. She smiled, feeling boneless as hell and relaxed. She shifted on the bed and made more room for him. He crawled into bed and pulled the sheet up, his arms drawing her into a close cuddle that warmed her all over.

“You were fantastic,” he said, his voice hoarse as he pressed kisses to her forehead, nose and lips.

“Me?” she asked, still feeling a little breathless. “That was the best sex I’ve ever had. I’ve never…I don’t know.”

“Never what?” He rolled onto his back and drew her closer until she almost lay on his chest.

She hesitated, almost embarrassed. “I’ve never…come that many times during sex.”

“That’s a damn shame.” He palmed her back down to her butt and squeezed. “Let’s see if we can remedy that. Be right back.”

He put his pants on commando style.

“What’s up?” she asked.

“We need more condoms. Gotta go down the hall to my place. Be right back.”

He left, and she lay on the bed totally wiped out, happy and satisfied. At the same time, she couldn’t wait for him to come back. He returned quickly and when he came back in the bedroom, he tossed an entire box of condoms on the bedside table.

“Wow,” she said with a smile.

He took off his pants again and crawled onto the bed.

Before she could say anything else, he kissed her. Gently he slipped his fingers between her thighs and found her wet folds. She gasped into his mouth as he touched her clit with soft attention. As he took her mouth with his tongue, he played a symphony on her body, caressing and teasing. She wriggled at the pleasure, astonished she had anything left. But she did. He slipped two fingers inside her and stroked. He found a special place inside her…a place she was pretty sure she’d never found before. He pressed and stroked until she writhed in his arms, moaning and tossing her head from side to side. He withdrew his fingers, then pushed them back inside until the heat building inside broke her apart. Once more she resorted to holding in a scream, groaning loudly as orgasm brought her to a shivering, panting conclusion.

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