Ashfall (18 page)

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Authors: Denise A. Agnew

BOOK: Ashfall
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She slipped her hands into his. “Banged up, but I don’t care. Get me out of here. Magnus is dead.”

Adam didn’t say anything as he hauled her through the window and into his arms. She clung to him, burying her face against his shoulder and scrunching his shirt in her hands as she held tight. His fingers burrowed into her hair as he held her to his taut frame. Shivers wracked her body, but she resisted the urge to cry. And how she wanted to cry. In the background she heard the General using the radio in their SUV, probably to call for backup. Adam brushed a feather-light kiss over her temple. Such a simple touch brought sweet comfort.

When the General returned, he put his hands on his hips. “Help is on the way. Said we shouldn’t touch anything, of course.”

Mally eased back and looked into Adam’s serious face. “How did you find me?”

“Got a call from some old guy that said he saw the SUV down here…said it was mangled and…” Adam swallowed hard and shrugged. “We were lucky the cell phones are working right now.”

She grimaced. “I thought maybe he was calling the police to say that he’d seen a murder.”

“What happened?” The General asked.

She explained from the beginning and how she’d shot Magnus in the shoulder. “I didn’t think he’d die.”

“Don’t worry about that right now.” Adam brushed hair back from her face. “It’s going to be all right.”

“How can you be sure?” She heard the pessimism in her voice and didn’t know how to stop it. “There will be a huge investigation.”

Adam smoothed his touch over her hair. “Maybe. Maybe not. There will be video proof of Magnus breaking into the complex. That’s a start.”

“I screwed up,” the General said.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“He kept his key card when I threw him out. I neglected to remember to get it from him.” The General’s face was hard a stone, his voice filled with regret. “This happened to you because of me.”

She’d never seen this hardened man show as much humility, and she recognized genuine regret when she heard it. “It’s all right, General.”

“It isn’t.” His voice darkened to a stubborn tone. “I never used to make damned mistakes like this.” He cleared his throat. “I’m just glad we found you.”

Adam’s eyes blazed with something she’d seen before, but seeing it again made her long for more. More time in his arms forgetting the world. Warmth and protectiveness and a tender concern that soothed her fears.

Adam tilted her chin up gently and examined her head. “Sure you’re not hurt anywhere else? There’s blood all over you.”

She shivered. “It isn’t…it isn’t all mine.”

“Come on, let’s get you checked out.”

He walked her over to the other SUV and had her sit in the back while he doctored the bumps on her head, took her pulse, blood pressure and applied dressings.

“I’m taking you into the hospital to make sure you don’t have a concussion,” Adam said.

“Thanks doc,” she said and found a way to make a crooked smile.

His smile was as brittle as hers. “Let’s not make a habit of this, okay?”

She curled her fingers into his and held tight. “Deal.”

Mark showed up in another SUV by himself—he’d made his way back from the other side of town. Not long after the National Guard arrived. After a quick questioning they said they’d let Adam take her to the hospital. They’d send a detective over later if they had any more concerns. The General and Mark volunteered to stay on site with the Guard.

When Adam and Mally piled into the SUV, the radio crackled in the SUV and a voice no one in Sentry Security probably expected to hear came out loud and clear. “Sentry Security to base, this is Ian.”

Adam snatched the handset from the dashboard and returned the contact. “This is Sentry Security Five. Damned good to hear your voice.”

The General didn’t restrain himself. He reached in the open window of the SUV and grabbed the handset out of Adam’s hand. “MacDaniel, where the hell have you been? Is my daughter with you? Is she all right?”

“She’s fine, sir,” Ian said, his accent crisp and clear. “We’ve been unable to establish contact until now. Things have been buggered.”

“Just how buggered?” The General’s voice edged with apprehension.

“Long story.”

“I’m listening.”

“We’ve been stuck in the safe room for starters.”

“Stuck?” The General sounded incredulous. “All this time?”

“There were some complications. And some wankers had us pinned inside. After that Frank Gonzales came calling.”

The General’s shoulders stiffened. “Shit! You have got to be kidding me?”

“Wish I was, sir,” Ian said.

“What happened?” the General asked grimly.

“He’s not a threat anymore, sir,” Ian said, his voice firm and precise.

The General’s voice roughened. “Thank God.”

“Frank Gonzales?” Mally asked.

No one answered her.

“Like I said, it’s a very long story. More happened after Frank showed up. We’ve got some friends with us, sir,” Ian said. “They probably saved our lives. We owe them.”

The General practically growled his next command. “Well, get back here ASAP.”

“On our way,” Ian said.

After Ian signed off, the General wiped a hand over his jaw. “Those two have a lot of explaining to do when they get back.”

Mally smiled, noting the ease in which he said it. The General might be ready to chew some ass, but he also was happy to hear his daughter was safe.

Once Mally and Adam started to the hospital, she laid her head back on the seat and sighed. She winced.

Adam reached over and took her hand. He squeezed it gently. “You feel all right?”

“My head hurts, but I don’t care. I’m just happy to be alive.” She meant every word.

“When Mark called us and we turned around, all I could think about is getting to you.” Adam’s voice was rough. “I didn’t know what happened until Mark ran back the surveillance tapes. It scared the shit out of me when I found out Magnus had taken you.”

“I thought I might not see you again.” Her throat ached. She wanted to cry again, but she refused for now. She smiled. “I think I’d like to change careers.”

“What do you mean?”

“I think I should start writing again.”

He threw her a lopsided grin. “Oh yeah?”

“Amazing how mayhem and destruction changes a person’s perspective. It’s a lot easier to write books than it is to kick ass.”

He laughed softly. “Now I know you’re all right.”

“Why is that?”

“You’re joking around.”

“It’s just the opposite. The more I joke the more messed up I am.”

He tossed her a quick glance. “There’s a lot we don’t know about each other, isn’t there?”

For a second she felt hollow. “Yes.”

He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. “I think we ought to spend as much time together as we can.”

Warmth filled her. “Oh?”

“Because I want to know everything about you.”

“Sounds wonderful.”

“And every night. I want you in my arms.”

Happiness edged out the ache inside her from everything that happened to her that day and gave her hope for tomorrow. “I want to be in your arms.”

“I know this is crazy when we haven’t known each other that long, but I’m falling for you. Hard and fast.”

She gathered his hand in both of hers and allowed the delicious heat of his flesh against hers to warm her from the inside out. “Me, too. And there’s something else I needed to tell you.”

“What’s that?”

“We keep planning to get to the compound but haven’t made it.”

Concern etched his features. “Are you thinking of returning there permanently?”

She shook her head. “I could. After all, it’s my legacy. But while I was stuck in that SUV wondering if I was going to live, I made some decisions. The compound isn’t the life I want anymore. I was alone in that house for months, separate from everyone and real life. Hiding from everything outside. I can’t go back to living without other people in my life. Without you. We’ll get the supplies and my personal belongings…all the weapons and equipment. I want to move in with you permanently. I’ll need to plan on what to do with the place soon, though.”

When she threw a glance his way, she saw the gratification on his face. “Sounds great.” He lifted her hand and kissed it. “I want you with me.”

He threw another smile her way, and she knew that from this day forward they’d have something wonderful. She felt it down to her bones and in her heart. No matter what adventures or hardships the Long Valley Supervolcano brought upon their world, she knew they’d face it together.

* *

Find out what happened next to Ian and Penny in Darkfall.

The End

Publisher’s Note

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About Denise A. Agnew

Denise A. Agnew is the author of over 60 novels. Denise has written paranormal, romantic comedy, contemporary, fantasy, historical, erotic romance, and romantic suspense. Archaeology and archery have crept into her work, and travels through England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales have added to a lifetime of story ideas. Denise is also a paranormal investigator, Reiki Master and Certified Creativity Coach. Visit Denise’s websites at and


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