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Authors: Gerri Hill

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Artist's Dream (18 page)

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She smiled. See, I’m not in love with her. That would just be crazy.

An hour and ten minutes later, she saw Luke strolling across the lawn toward her. Her pulse quickened at the sight, and she rolled her eyes but couldn’t keep the silly grin off her face.

Luke sat down next to her at the picnic table and casually took her hand.

“Miss me?”

“Of course not. Have you been gone?” Cassie teased.

A lazy smile appeared, and Cassie got lost in those dark eyes so


close to her own. She dropped her glance to Luke’s mouth, sudŹdenly wishing they were alone.

“Cassie, don’t look at me like that or I’ll forget we’re out in public,” Luke threatened. “In Sacramento, no less!”

“I know. I’m sorry.” She took a deep breath and moved back from Luke just a little. “How did it go?”

“Good. He liked the design. He only made a few changes, and that won’t take me long to do.”

“Do you contract out to build as well?” she asked.

“Sometimes. But usually closer to home. In this case, he’s already got a builder.”

Luke stood and pulled Cassie to her feet.

“Come on. If we hurry, we can beat the lunch crowd.”

They walked out of Capitol Park and down Capitol Avenue, the sidewalk becoming more crowded as the noon hour approached. The avenue was lined with small shops and restaurants, and Luke stopped at one as the smell of Italian cooking drifted out to them.

“Smells good,” Cassie said and her stomach agreed. She had skipped breakfast.

They only had to wait a few minutes before they were seated, and they stared at each other across the candlelit table.

“This is nice,” Cassie finally murmured.

Luke raised one eyebrow. “Romantic?”

“Yes,” Cassie said, unable to pull her eyes from Luke. Desire settled over her slowly, enveloping her like a warm glove on a cold winter’s day.

“Cassie …” Luke warned.

“I want you,” Cassie stated suddenly, without warning. Then, embarrassed, “I’m sorry.”

“God, don’t be sorry.”

She watched, fascinated, as the pulse in Luke’s neck throbbed. Her thoughts of earlier surfaced. In love? Did she even know what it felt like? But as she drifted into those dark eyes that held her capŹtive, she knew exactly what it felt like.

“Ladies, how are we today?”


Cassie was the first to break their intense stare, and she looked away, again embarrassed. But it wasn’t embarrassment that she saw in Luke’s eyes at the interruption. It was regret.

“We’re great, thank you,” Luke said to their waiter who had materialized unnoticed.

“Good. Can I get you ladies a glass of wine before lunch?”

“I’ll have apple cider, please. Cassie? Glass of wine?”

“Oh, apple cider is fine for me, too.”

“Very good. A nice hot loaf of bread will be right out.”

When they were alone again, Cassie dared to meet Luke’s eyes. But they were warm and smiling, the earlier intensity gone for now.

“You could have a glass of wine, you know. I don’t mind.”

Cassie shook her head. “I like apple cider just fine.”

A loaf of steaming Italian bread was placed between them. Luke poured garlic-flavored olive oil in small plates on the table and reached for the pepper mill, raising an eyebrow questioningly at Cass

“Yes, please.”

During their meal, Luke told her about the house she was designing for the attorney, and Cassie was thankful Luke had turned the conversation to less personal matters.

“Why did you become an architect?” Cassie asked.

Luke shrugged. “I always loved to draw as a kid. I actually thought I’d be an artist,” she said. “I just wasn’t good enough. Neal is the one that suggested architecture.”

“I really would love to see some of your paintings.”

Luke laughed. “Probably not.”

“They can’t be that bad.”

“Well, like I said before, if you’re ever in my bedroom…”

Cassie blushed and Luke laughed again.

“You’re terrible, you know that?”

“Yes, just terrible,” Luke agreed, but the smile remained.


Chapter Twenty-four

The drive home was made in relative silence, one or the other occasionally attempting conversation. After lunch, Luke had taken her to the two homes she had designed. The first was an elaborate brick home not unlike most of its neighbors. The second, done only a few years ago, was a cedar home tucked between large trees. A three-tiered deck flowed on two sides, disappearing into a clusŹter of shrubs and trees separating it from the neighbors. Cassie loved the second home. She could see Luke’s touch on it. She couldn’t imagine the Luke she knew today having designed the first one.

The day had been pleasant, but now, as they headed back to Sebastopol, Cassie was unsure what was happening between them. Before they left Sacramento, Luke had leaned over and kissed Cass
She had meant it to be brief, Cassie knew, but their desire stirred, and Cassie had captured Luke’s lips, her mouth opening, inviting more. With the console between them, their kisses grew


ardent, demanding. Both were gasping for breath when Luke finally pulled away, her eyes so dark with desire Cassie went back for one more kiss. But Luke had stopped her, instead, taking her hand and bringing it to her lips.

Then she had driven away without a word and now Cassie wasn’t sure what to make of it. Their conversation had dwindled to nothing.



“What’s wrong?” she asked.

It was only then she noticed the tight grip Luke had on the wheel as her eyes stared straight ahead.


But Cassie couldn’t dismiss it that easily. She reached over and laid her hand on Luke’s thigh, squeezing lightly. Luke tensed, and Cassie saw the way her breath caught.

“Please tell me.”

Luke finally turned, meeting her eyes.

“I want to make love with you,” she said quietly. “And every time I kiss you, it’s harder and harder to stop, to give you the time you need.”

“I didn’t… I didn’t want you to stop,” Cassie whispered. Her hand relaxed and she rubbed the strong thigh beneath her fingers, feeling Luke tremble as she made her way up Luke’s thigh, stopŹping only when she reached the crease in her jeans.

“Cassie, I’m going to drive us right off the road if you don’t stop,” Luke warned.

But Cassie didn’t stop. Her hand slid intimately between Luke’s thighs, feeling the heat between her legs. She gasped as Luke squeezed her thighs together, capturing Cassie’s hand for a moment before opening them again.

“Jesus Christ, woman,” Luke murmured.

Before Cassie knew what was happening, the Lexus pulled to a stop on the side of the road. Luke’s eyes peered into hers for only a second, then her lips were there, covering her own, tongue


demanding entry and Cassie opened gladly. Her heart was poundŹing so loudly in her ears, she didn’t hear the traffic as it sped by them. Hands settled in Luke’s dark hair and she groaned from the intensity of their kiss. She welcomed Luke’s hands as they slid over her body, cupping her breasts, kneading gently as her thumbs raked over erect nipples. Cassie wanted to rip open her shirt, she wanted Luke’s warm mouth on her, but Luke’s hands left her breasts, sliding past her waist.

Luke’s mouth pulled away, but Cassie guided her back, her moan mingling with Luke’s as her tongue slipped inside Luke’s mouth. Luke’s hands slid to her thighs and Cassie’s legs parted, her hips arching. When Luke’s hand cupped her intimately, pressing the seam of her jeans against her aroused center, Cassie couldn’t breathe. She leaned back against the seat, her chest heaving as if running. She felt her own wetness, and she pressed against Luke’s hand, all control lost.

Finally, Luke eased the pressure, her hands moving from between her legs to rest on her thighs. Light kisses replaced the fervent ones of earlier.

“Don’t stop,” Cassie nearly whimpered.

“Yes,” Luke whispered.


Luke brushed the hair off Cassie’s forehead, then placed a light kiss there.

“Yes,” Luke said again. “Our first time is not going to be in a car.”

“Details,” Cassie murmured, and Luke smiled.

“Do you know how badly I want to touch you? I could feel how wet you are,” Luke whispered.

Cassie closed her eyes, her chest still heaving.


Complete silence settled over them as they drove slowly through Sebastopol. Luke’s hand played upon Cassie’s thigh, rubŹbing gently back and forth. Cassie’s eyes were closed as she rested her head against the cool leather seats. Occasionally her own hand


would cover Luke’s, then slide up her arm, only to stop again when she realized how involuntary her touch had become.

When they pulled into Cassie’s drive, her stomach rolled nervŹously. She wanted Luke to stay. But she wasn’t certain Luke would.

In fact, Luke left the ehgine running, and they looked hesiŹtantly at each other.

“I better go.”

“I want you to stay.”



It was only then that Cassie realized they were both breathing hard. She never imagined that she would have to be the one to lead this, but she took Luke’s hand and held it between both of hers.

“I want this,” Cassie whispered. In fact, she was surprised at how sure she was.

Luke’s mouth parted, but still she hesitated.

“Please. Don’t make me beg you.”

Luke closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them to Cass

“I won’t stop this time. I’m going to make love to you.”

Cassie’s eyes softened, and she reached out a hand to brush Luke’s face.

“No. I don’t want you to stop. I would take you into my bedŹroom, but I’m kinda new at this,” she murmured, getting a half-smile from Luke. “I wouldn’t know where to begin.”

Luke raised an eyebrow, and this time Cassie was rewarded with that lazy smile she had grown to love. She didn’t resist as Luke pulled her close and kissed her softly, but their kiss turned hungry. Luke pulled away first, her eyes once again questioning.

“Please come inside,” Cassie said.

She didn’t wait for an answer. She walked through the house and into her bedroom, turning to find Luke there. Cassie moved into her arms without speaking and they stood there, holding each other, feeling the rapid beating of each other’s hearts.

Then soft lips moved over her neck and Cassie sighed, her head


falling back in surrender. She was conscious enough to realize she wasn’t afraid of this, then all thoughts fled as those same soft lips captured hers.

“We can still wait, you know,” Luke murmured against her lips. “I want you to be sure.”

Cassie didn’t answer with words. She stepped back and pulled her shirt out of her pants, unbuttoning it slowly, watching as Luke’s eyes darkened even more. She tossed it aside, reaching behind her to unhook her bra but Luke stopped her, her own hands releasing the clasp and exposing her breasts. Luke’s hands were on her, cupping her swollen breasts as her hot mouth covered Cassie’s. Cassie’s mouth opened, letting Luke inside, taking her tongue, swallowing the moan that followed.

Luke’s lips left Cassie’s mouth, nipping at her neck and throat, moving with agonizing slowness to her breasts.

“Yes,” Cassie murmured. Her hands dropped to Luke’s waist, trying to reach under her sweater, wanting to touch her, but they stopped when she felt Luke’s tongue graze her nipple. Her breath held as Luke’s mouth closed over one tender breast, sucking the nipple inside. Cassie’s head rolled back, eyes shut to the sensations ripping through her. “God, yes,” she murmured again. Finally. She felt complete. She felt as if all the questions of her life were being answered … by this woman. This woman was what had been missŹing in her life.

She felt Luke’s hands leave her breast, slide expertly past her waist and cup her hips, bringing Cassie flush against her. Cassie’s thighs parted and the ache between her legs became nearly unbearable. Her hands reached for Luke, moving over strong shoulders, holding her near.

Luke’s mouth left Cassie’s breast and she raised her head, their eyes locking together, both their chests heaving as if they had been running.

Cassie’s lips trembled, and she murmured, “Touch me.”

Their eyes never wavered as Luke’s hand moved to the button on her jeans, releasing it and the zipper in one quick motion.


Warm hands slid inside, under the waistband of her silk panties and pausing only once when they reached the soft triangle of hair. Their eyes still locked with each other, Luke moved again. Cassie’s breath caught as Luke’s fingers slid into her wetness for the first time. Cassie’s eyes slammed shut as she tried to stifle the moan that escaped from her lips.

“Oh,” she breathed. Her legs threatened to buckle as Luke pushed her jeans down, urging her to step out of them. Then they were on the bed, Luke still fully clothed as she settled her weight over Cassie’s naked form.

“You’re so beautiful,” Luke whispered and captured her lips again. Her hands traveled over Cassie’s body, igniting fires where they landed.

Oh God, God, Cassie thought as she felt Luke slide down her body, pausing only briefly at her breasts. When Luke’s tongue wet a path across her stomach, Cassie’s hips arched when she realized her intention and her hands at Luke’s shoulders urged her down farther. Yes. She wanted Luke’s mouth on her where she needed her the most, where no one else had ever been. The fire between her legs was too much, too much for her to bear even a second longer. Luke buried her face at Cassie’s waist and Cassie held Luke to her for a moment, then gently pushed at her shoulders, telling Luke that it was okay, telling her that was what she wanted. All thought left her then as Luke kneeled before her, and her hands parted Cassie’s thighs. When Luke’s mouth touched her, Cassie screamed out her pleasure, unable to stop the sounds coming from her. She flung her head back, hands gripping Luke’s shoulders as she tried to anchor herself, tried to hold on to her sanity.

“Oh, God” she breathed as Luke’s tongue moved over her, into her. Then her thighs opened wider, her hands on Luke’s head holding her there, pressing Luke harder against her. Luke’s lips suckled her clit, tongue driving her mad as she felt her orgasm build, felt the first tremors threaten. She didn’t want this to end, and her hands gripped Luke’s shoulders harder as she tried to proŹlong her pleasure. But she couldn’t stop the eruptions of her body,

BOOK: Artist's Dream
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