Artistic Vision (6 page)

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Authors: Dana Marie Bell

BOOK: Artistic Vision
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And Robin was happy for them. To know such a woman existed and had found her fae mate gave him a hope he’d long since given up on.

Robin held himself perfectly still as Shane sighed wearily. He could tell whatever visions drove the man had almost been purged, but Shane, it seemed, had one last thing to do. One last bit to add to one of the sculptures he’d worked madly on all night, driven to near insanity by what only he could see. Robin wasn’t sure what the sculptures meant, but Shane did, and Robin was determined to find out what.

All he had to do was wait.



The doorbell pealed, interrupting the story Sean had been telling about the time Shane had gotten into the neighbor’s corral and rode one of the orneriest horses known to mankind. Once he’d been picked up from the dust, he’d told his father he’d known he could ride it, but he hadn’t known for how

From the stories Sean told, Akane was surprised Shane had made it to adulthood. The man was certifiable.

Duncan waved languidly, mellowed by good food and wine. “I’ll get it.” He opened the door, and all traces of relaxation left him. Jaden went on point, shoving Moira behind him. The chilly smile on Duncan’s face was far from welcoming as he greeted his cousin. “Henri. What a lovely surprise.”

Akane twisted, startled to see Henri Malmayne at the front door of the Dunne’s home. Wasn’t he supposed to be in New York? She nodded to him cautiously. Shit, this could blow her cover wide open. “Henri.”

Henri nodded, those sharp blue eyes of his taking in everything from the birthday banner to the cake in Akane’s hand. “Am I interrupting?”

Jaden shrugged, the smart-ass smirk he so loved to use crossing his face. “Yup. My partner’s birthday party. You’re not invited.”

Henri didn’t react to Jaden at all, ignoring the vampire. His attention remained focused on Duncan and Sean Dunne. “I would like to speak with Leo, if you don’t mind.”

The earth trembled. Sean stepped up to stand beside Duncan, blocking Henri’s view of the room. “I don’t think so.”

“I assure you I mean him no harm.”

“Get off my land.”

Akane glanced out the window and had to stifle a gasp. The pebbles and dirt that made up the driveway of the Dunne farmhouse were dancing like water on a hot skillet.

Henri held up his hands. “It’s to our mutual benefit that Leo comply with our requests. I assure you, I am not my predecessors. I wish to negotiate a compromise rather than force the issue.”

“I’m truebonded, Henri. That leaves no room for compromise, I’m afraid.” Leo tugged until Ruby was safe under his arm.
“There’s no way I’ll accept a second mate.”

Henri sighed. “Perhaps a meeting could be arranged between you and Constance? If you meet, the three of you, perhaps you’ll see that what we propose isn’t quite as bad as Cullen and Charles made it appear.”

to the no. There was no way Akane was going to allow Leo and Ruby to be alone with a Malmayne. She didn’t count Duncan; Duncan was now a Blackthorn thanks to Jaden bonding with both Duncan and Moira before the Sidhe bond took effect. “Only if Jaden and I go with them.”

Henri looked pained. “I’m afraid the vampire is not welcome in our home, but we may be able to arrange something where you are present.” He turned back to Leo. “Would such an arrangement be acceptable?”

“No.” Aileen Dunne stepped forward, tiny and fierce. “The marriage contract has been fulfilled by my daughter. You no longer have any say or sway over my children. Go. Away.”

Somehow, the front door closed with no one touching it. Akane blinked. What the fuck?

“How… Who did that?” Duncan looked as startled as everyone else.

Everyone except Jaden, who raised his hand with a wicked grin. “Mea culpa. Sue me, but he was uglifying the place.”

Akane choked back a laugh. “Uglifying? Is that even a word?”

Jaden waved at Duncan. “According to him, I’m a lord now and can do whatever the fuck I want. Therefore, I declare Henri Malmayne to be one uglifying bastard.” He held out his hand to Moira. “Cake me.”

Jaden picked frosting out of his eyebrows with a grimace. Had he truly expected any other response from his fiery mate?

Duncan ran his finger down Jaden’s shirt and licked off the frosting. “Mm. Chocolate.”


Akane stepped into Shane’s studio bright and early the next morning and peered around the vast space. He’d had a corrugated metal building erected where an old corn silo used to stand. Metal and glass working tools littered the space. In the back she could see a doorway cracked open. Shane was nowhere to be seen. Aileen had kept her from coming out here all night despite the strange look on Shane’s face as he’d left her birthday party. The fact that he was accompanied by the Hob had made her anxiety even worse. Had Robin recruited Shane? Just the thought had cold shivers running down her spine. “Shane? Are you in here?”

“Back here.”

His voice echoed wearily through the metal building, but she followed his scent until she found him. She stepped through an open doorway to find Shane, his head resting on an empty pedestal, staring at one of his sculptures. He was covered in metal and glass shavings, his coveralls ripped in places, his hands bleeding sluggishly. He looked bemused, exhausted. Beautiful. She approached him like she would a startled fawn, knowing one wrong move might send him running, or worse. If he collapsed would she be able to move him to safety? “Shane? What’s wrong?”

“C’mere and tell me what you see.”

Her brows rose but she did as asked, moving to stand beside him. Her breath caught.

On the opposite pedestal from where he stood was a metal and glass sculpture, one that sent a shiver of fear through her. It was a ball made out of razor sharp, mirror-like metallic strips, with bits of jagged glass dotting them. The cutting metal edges stuck randomly out into space, creating a chaotic feel that gave Akane the willies. Through the metal strips she could see a tiny figure standing, arms raised like a supplicant, one hand to her chest, one to the sky. “What the hell is that?”

Shane took a deep breath. “What do you

She glared at him before taking a closer look. It wasn’t until she was almost nose to sharp edge with it did she realize that, inside the ball, the curves were smooth, glistening, reflecting the figure inside over and over again. The face of the figure was serene, if vague in its features, as if Shane couldn’t quite see the person’s face well enough to sculpt it. “Whatever this ball is, it’s protecting the person inside.”

“Yeah. I thought you’d see that too.”

She shook her head. “What does this mean?”

He lifted his head wearily. His eyes were bloodshot. He must have been up all night working on this. “Follow me.” He led her over to another pedestal. “See this?”

“Yeah.” It was magnificent, but whereas the last sculpture sent shivers down her spine this one evoked a sense of loss and loneliness. A lone figure stood in shining silver, head bowed, shoulders bent. Flowing down its back, a long sweep of metal she presumed to be the figure’s hair crossed over the figure until the tips blended into glass and metal waves. The “foam” of the broken waves brushed the feet of the figure, and how Shane had gotten that effect she had no idea. The figure had no face, but even without it was obvious something dear had been lost, maybe never to be found again. One glistening hand reached toward the waves, either tossing something away or summoning something back. “What are you calling this one?”


She blew out a breath. “Wow. Hell of a name.”

He chuckled. “No. I mean it’s not complete. The rest of the vision hasn’t come to me.”

Vision? What was he talking about?

He pointed to a small spot in the middle of the sculpture. “Right here. Something is supposed to go right here, but I don’t know who or what yet.”

Things finally clicked into place. How he’d known where she was going to be the night before, if not why. How he’d known who she was even before she set foot on his father’s land. “You have seer’s blood in you.” It was rare to find, rarer still not to find an accompanying madness underneath. Her mother’s people hadn’t exactly been prolific before they were wiped away in the war that split the Courts.

Those sapphire eyes, bloodshot though they were, pierced through her. “Where, and on what side, I don’t know, but yeah.” He shoved a filthy hand through his hair, dislodging what had to be more glass dust. “I finished the ball one last night, but this one has been plaguing me for a while now. Until I know what goes in the center, it remains incomplete.”

She turned her attention back to the glass and metal ball. “What do you call that one?”

“What would you call it?”

Dear gods, she did not want to name who it was. Shane didn’t just create art. He created
their essence flowing through the piece with shattering results
“Please don’t make me.”

His hand reached out to her, but he pulled back. “You know, Akane.”

She walked back to the jagged ball. “Do you know who she is?”

“Are you so sure it’s a she? It could be Oberon.”

She shook her head. “I know who this is, and I know what that figure represents. It’s a she.” She pointed back to the forlorn figure. “Just like I know who that is.” She shivered. “You’re playing with dangerous visions, Shane.”

“Playing? Like I have a choice in this? Unlike you, I don’t get to pick and choose what visions come to me. I just get to watch them come alive under my hands.” The water in his tiny bathroom started up, and it wasn’t long before a pair of damp arms circled her waist. “Akane. Do you know what happens if the figure falls?”

She closed her eyes, but when she opened them, somehow Shane had toppled the figure. Thanks to the way he’d constructed the ball, now the inside only reflected the jagged edges of the outside over and over until there was nothing left but chaos and death. The position of the figure’s arms when standing were perfect for a figure lying on the ground as well, and if that happened the world itself would be in danger. “Shit.”


“We should tell Robin.”

He turned her around, his big hands gentle. “Can you take a look for me? Maybe I’m missing something.” His eyes strayed back to the fallen figure before spearing into her once more. “If this can be avoided, it has to be.”

She sighed. “Do you know what happened the last time I tried to get a look at

“No, what?”

She leaned against him, trusting him with her weight, for once not caring that her clothes would be covered in grime. She needed his strength after seeing those two pieces of art. “Once, a long time ago, I saw my mother talking to a pretty, pretty man.” His arms tightened and she wriggled in protest, turning once more to study the jagged ball. “So I wondered who that pretty man was, but my mother refused to tell me. So I opened my vision, because damn if someone was going to tell me that I couldn’t know something.” She ignored his belly laugh. “When I woke up, Robin Goodfellow—”

“Who was the pretty man, I presume?”

“Yup. He offered me a job.”

“Because he likes that kind of crazy, huh?”

She elbowed him, pleased when he gave a soft grunt. “Do you know who she is?”

“No, and that scares the shit out of me.”


“We can’t protect her if we don’t.” He touched one of the jagged edges, his blood welling up, red on silver. “If we don’t know…”

“The world will be awash in blood.”

“I think so.” His hand returned to her waist, cuddling her close. “I think this might be the one thing that could drive him to do something that would make Tunguska look like a cherry bomb.”

“Wonderful.” The 1908 explosion over the Tunguska region of Russia was had been horrific in its destruction. Scientists believed a meteor or comet fragment exploded roughly three miles above the spot that had been decimated, but there was no solid proof of what had happened. It had the impact of roughly ten to fifteen megatons of TNT. Nothing had survived intact. The fallout from that explosion was seen around the world. Strange light could be seen as far away as England, where people reported that it was bright enough to read the newspaper by. When an expedition was finally sent by the Russians in 1927, the pictures of the devastation had been humbling. And she knew for a fact the scientists had it wrong. No meteor had done that. Robin had, and to this day only two people knew why: High King Oberon and Robin himself. “We need to find out, then.”

“I’m thinking of calling your mother.”

She winced. “Please don’t.”

“She’s helped me before, when I couldn’t interpret a vision. How do you think I got her number?”

She sagged in his arms. “Please not my mom. Please?”

He picked her up like she actually was the dainty little human most people believed she was. His strength never ceased to amaze her…or turn her on. “Man up, Akane. World-wide destruction or talk to your mother.” When she didn’t answer right away, he shook her.

“What? I’m thinking about it.”

With a hearty laugh he carted her out of the studio and back to the tiny attached bedroom, her muttered curses drifting on the air around them.


A glowing pair of green eyes appeared next to one of the pedestals. They stared at the lone figure, waves lapping at its feet, before turning to the jagged ball of glass and metal. A black boot heel clacked on the concrete floor, and Robin Goodfellow materialized out of the nothingness to stare at the fallen figure. The words of the two hybrids echoed in his ears.


He lifted the small figure with a gentle touch and set it back on its feet. He caressed the side of that serene face with wonder, the metal and glass bending away from him to allow him the simple touch. He smiled, full of hope and anticipation the likes of which he hadn’t experienced in centuries. “I wonder who

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