Artistic Vision (10 page)

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Authors: Dana Marie Bell

BOOK: Artistic Vision
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Shane could feel his magic flexing, the sparks dancing along his skin. There was no way he could stop himself from completing the Claiming, not if he made love to her. Green and gold sparks lit the room, the light strong enough to dance across Akane’s skin. If she was going to object, now had to be the time, while he could still force himself away from her.

When her hips thrust up into his face he took that as consent.

Shane proceeded to lick his mate’s pussy with all the fervor of a starving man determined to get every last crumb on his plate. The panties were soon toast, Akane’s claws ripping them away so he could get to her unhindered. He spared a single, mourning thought for the pretty lace before he dove back in.

He planned on seeing her in white lace again, the sooner the better.


Akane leaned back and let Shane have his wicked way with her body. His mouth was so good on her, his lips and tongue playing her pussy like a virtuoso. Shane seemed to be one of those men who truly enjoyed eating out his partner, and Akane was the lucky, lucky recipient of his talent.

She purred in pleasure as he took her clit between his lips, stroking it over and over with his tongue until she exploded for him. “More.” She sat up and grabbed his head, pulling that talented mouth to her breast. Her core throbbed, wet and needy.

She didn’t know if she was going to kill Tristan or kiss him for this.

Shane suckled her through the thin lace bra, turning the lace transparent. He pulled away and traced the wet material with his finger, and damn if he didn’t have the most reverent look on his face. “You are so beautiful.” His eyes had darkened to near black, his face filled with need.

“Let me see you.” If they were going to do this, she wanted all of him. She had no idea what he’d look like, but hybrids like herself and Shane often had an unusual appearance that could freak others out.

Akane had no intention of being freaked, no matter how odd Shane’s true appearance was. After all, she was also a hybrid and understood what could happen, the strange way their unique abilities could etch themselves into their skin and bones.

His brows rose, but Shane did what she wanted. He dropped his human Seeming, and she got a look at her man without the filter of his fake humanity. Akane almost swallowed her tongue at her first sight of Shane without his Seeming.

He was gorgeous. The vibrant red-gold hair of his human Seeming seemed dull as dishwater compared to the almost metallic shine of his true appearance, rich as Black Hills gold mixed with copper. His hair grew to just below his shoulders, emphasizing his strong jaw. Those blazing sapphire eyes glittered like dark jewels, the whorls of his leprechaun heritage emphasizing them like pale tribal markings. Light danced around him, gold and green, in a hypnotic pattern, sometimes random, sometimes making figures or places she could almost see. Before she could make sense of them they were gone, lost in the dancing fireworks display around her man. His skin sparkled like it was coated in golden glitter, reflecting the light of his magic back into the room, creating a halo like effect around his body. Even his fingernails glittered with green and gold, as if he’d been carved from the very earth itself and adorned with its finest gems.

“My god,” she breathed, taking his face between her palms.

His slow smile took him from gorgeous to breathtaking. It was like he’d been made from her dreams, carved from her deepest desires. There was no way Akane could turn away from him now.

“Now you.”

Akane closed her eyes. In her human form, she was cute. Her true appearance, however, left much to be desired. She was nowhere near Shane in looks when she let her inner hybrid out.

“Akane.” A kiss brushed across her cheek, scented with her essence. “Let me see you,
a ghrá

Akane took a deep breath and dropped her Seeming.


Shane bit back a moan as Akane’s hair rose from her neck in an unseen breeze. Most thought dragons were fire or water elementals, but they were wrong. Only those borne of air could fly, and Akane was surrounded by her element. Deep golden horns glittered atop her head. The iris of her eyes widened, ate up the whites until they could barely be seen. The dark brown eye darkened to black, the hazel star in its center lightening to purest, scintillating gold. Her other, more draconic eye matched the golden star in color if not in impact. It was as if that star was truly glowing in the center of her Seer’s eye. The gift of her mother’s heritage shone with a light of its own, more fascinating than any star Shane had ever seen.

Akane’s skin went from lightly tanned to deep gold. Her hands turned black halfway up her forearms, the deadly claws she’d unsheathed blending in seamlessly. Her fangs poked her full bottom lip, enticing Shane to lick them until she begged for mercy. But best of all those glorious golden wings of hers rose above them both, stretching until they almost touched the ceiling of his studio before settling around his mate like a golden cloak for a dragon queen.

Akane’s head tilted, the star in her eye glowing fiercely. “You think I’m beautiful.”

Her voice echoed with power, part her mother’s heritage, part her father’s. Thanks to her powers she could see exactly how he saw her, her golden breasts barely held back by white lace, her deadly claws carefully stroking his back.

Or not.
Shredded, his shirt fell from his back, his skin barely marked.

“Want you naked.”

Shane covered his privates before she could shred his jeans. “Leave me something to go back to the house in,
a ghrá

“What does that mean?” Her gaze was glued to his cock as he stripped off his jeans.

He palmed himself, grinning mischievously. “It means I want you.” She growled at him, and he laughed. “It means my love.”

She jerked. “And
a stor

“My darling.”

He held still as her wings extended behind him. He could almost taste the panic in her. “It’s too soon for love.”

He let that pain slide through him. For her, perhaps, it was too soon. He’d been lost the moment he’d seen his own future in metal and glass. He’d have to make her believe it, because Shane Joloun Dunne wasn’t going anywhere without Akane Russo, even if he had to stuff her in an adult-sized baby papoose and cart her around on his back kicking and screaming. He cupped her cheek despite knowing she could easily gut him in this position. “You are
a ghrá mo chroí


“Do you want to know what that means?” He kissed her, the tips of her fangs tickling his tongue. “It means my heart’s beloved.”

She shuddered. The aphrodisiac was still in her system. Soon it would compel her forward to take him. To Claim him, whether she liked it or not. “You don’t know me.”

His brows rose. For just an instant his lights created
, the piece he’d named after her.

Her hand reached out to touch the sparks but they dispersed,
lost once more to the dance. She whimpered. He wasn’t sure if it was because she hadn’t been able to touch
or if the desire had begun to ride her once more. Her wings enfolded him, drawing him closer, and Shane decided it must the aphrodisiac.

He pulled her close, determined to wring every last drop of pleasure he could from her body. If all he could count on to hold her was pleasure, then he’d make sure to deliver it to her in spades.


Akane shivered as Shane’s feelings ran through him and into her. The warmth of his love washed over her, settled the jitters Tristan’s little present had left her with. She took his hands and placed them on her skin, hoping he’d get the hint.

She was ready for more. Ready to be loved, even if she wasn’t quite ready for love herself. She’d greedily gobble up every drop he fed her until they were both sated.

Those artist’s fingers traced her skin, kneaded her shoulders, dipped down her waist and caressed her thighs until she was once more trembling and ready to scream. And all the while his mouth devoured hers, his tongue dueling with her own in an age-old dance neither could hope to win. The tip of his tongue caressed her fangs, enticing her to bite. Akane scraped her claws as gently as she could up his sides, smiling into the kiss when he shivered.

Soon her legs were once more wrapped around his waist, but this time they were both gloriously naked. She needed him inside her, dousing the golden flames that danced within her. She tried to pull him toward her, to lure him inside, but Shane resisted. That stubborn strength of his was more than a match for her.

“No. Not here.” He lifted her easily and carried her toward the small bedroom. He laid her, careful of her wings, on her back. “How would you like me,
a ghrá

She grinned. It was time to give a little back, to see if the gold sparkling on his skin was as tasty as it looked. Akane sat up and pushed him back until he sat on his heels, his erect cock bobbing up from between his thighs like a tasty treat. She licked her lips and lowered her head.

“You don’t have to.”

She shot him a disbelieving look.

His cock bobbed against her chin. “But if you want to, I’m totally fine with it.”

Akane slowly licked him from the bottom of his cock to top, moaning as his flavor burst across her tongue. Shane tasted divine, all rich salty goodness. She needed more of him, more of his flavor, and she couldn’t wait to get it.

She sucked him into her mouth, making sure to use her tongue to lap at him. Her head bobbed up and down his length, her tongue working overtime to bring her mate pleasure.

A ghrá.
Yes, please.” He buried his hands in her curls, his fingers brushing her horns. Akane groaned, the sensation of her mate touching her there rocketing through her. Only her mate was allowed that intimate touch.

“You like that,
a ghrá
?” His fingers stroked over her horns again. Akane hummed happily, increasing the suction on Shane’s cock so he’d know just how much she liked it.

Shane began to thrust in and out of her mouth, tiny little movements that let her get used to him before he increased his strokes. She let him know when he’d pushed it too far by wrapping her hand around the base of his cock to keep him from choking her. He backed off immediately, giving her horns another stroke in apology.

Akane let him fuck her mouth for a few more moments, debating whether or not she wanted him to come. She was leaning toward yes when strong hands gripped her horns and gently pulled her off his mouth.

Akane whimpered. How the hell did he know the ways dragons mated? He was using her horns in just the right way, stroking them, using them to control her movements.

He was right. They
mates. It was the only explanation for the way he instinctively drove her insane.

“I want inside you, Akane. Let me come in.”

Akane shuddered with need. His taste had driven her wild, his touches igniting her inner fire until she was ready to burst into flames. But still, this first mating wasn’t quite right. Thank the gods she knew how to fix it. She nearly whacked him with her wings as she rolled over and got to her knees, her ass raised in the air.

If he was going to mate a dragon, damn it all, he was going to do it

“Oh.” He caressed her ass, the touch firm. The rough skin of his fingers scrapped across her flesh. “I do like the way you think.”

She wiggled her ass. Akane was done with the talking. It was time to get on with the fucking. “Now, Shane.”

He gripped her hips. The head of his cock pressed against her opening. “Nag, nag, nag.” He began to slide into her, the hot width of him stretching her. “I can see what the rest of our relationship is going to be like.”

Akane grinned and batted him with her wings.

“Yup. That’s about right.” He chuckled breathlessly. “Have I told you yet that you have an amazing ass?”

Akane turned her head, trying to see him behind her. Her wings were in the way, hiding him from view. So Akane did the only thing she could to get this party started. She clenched every muscle she had below her waist.

“Ah.” Shane hissed, sounding almost dragon-like. He pulled almost all of the way out, only the head of his cock still inside. “That’s not fair.”

Akane tilted her hips and drove herself backward, impaling herself. “Nope. Teasing me right now is not fair.”

“I’m not a tease,
a ghrá.
I put out.” With that Shane set up a punishing rhythm that had her purring like a madwoman. He forced her to practically curl up into a ball so he could curve his body over hers. His hands left her hips to grip her horns, sending Akane into a spiral of pleasure so intense she shrieked, her dragon song echoing through the studio. The orgasm was so strong Akane swore stars danced in the room.


“Yes.” The grip on her horns kept her on the edge of another orgasm. She never wanted this to end, her golden man fucking her senseless until the only thing left was the blinding pleasure. “Shane. Yes.”

“Yes. Come,
a ghrá
. Let me feel you come.”

He stroked her horns just right, his grip firm. The tips of his fingers brushed over and over again across the sharp ends until he had to have left behind blood. Akane shrieked again, coming so hard she nearly blacked out.

How the hell did he
? Stroking her horns was the equivalent of stroking her clit, except there was more to play with.

Her shoulders dropped wearily to the mattress. She was wrung out, strung up on the high he was forcing from her. “No more, Shane, no more.”

“Yes, more. One more, then we can sleep.”

His damn hands worked her horns while his cock worked her body. His thrusts began to falter, his body slamming into hers harder. “Soon. Gods, soon, Akane.”

She began to climb the sharp cliff of ecstasy one last time. With this, Shane’s Claim on her would be complete. All that would be left would be to mark him in her own way, the symbol of her dragon forever etched onto his flesh. “Give me your arm.”

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