Artistic Vision (3 page)

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Authors: Dana Marie Bell

BOOK: Artistic Vision
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She turned to find Shane studying her, watching her reaction to his father’s kiss. She raised her brows and leaned back in her chair, daring him to comment.

When he did nothing more than give her that knowing, irritating grin she turned back to his parents. “How are Ruby and Leo?”

Aileen’s shoulders tensed for a brief moment. “They’re fine. Settled in nicely. Leo’s business is on hold until this Child of Dunne shite is taken care of.”

Akane almost gasped. Aileen hadn’t cursed the entire month she’d known the woman, at least not in polite company. It wasn’t the way the Sidhe lady had been raised.

She caught sight of Sean’s worried look. Aileen had to be more upset than Akane had thought. “I will fix this. I give you my word.” She meant it too. Shane aside, the Dunne family had been good to her.

Aileen smiled at her. “I know you’re doing your best, Akane, and we’re grateful for it.” A mug of tea was placed in front of her, sweetened just the way she liked it. “And I think you’ll be wanting a bath after this?”

Akane nodded. She was so tired she couldn’t see straight, but damn if she’d let Jethro see that. “Yeah. A bath sounds nice.”

That annoying grin was off Shane’s face. “Bedtime right after.” The command in his voice matched the challenge in his expression. He practically dared her to disobey him.

If Akane wasn’t so tired she’d take him up on that dare.

“Shane.” The warning in his father’s voice would have amused her if she wasn’t so drained.

“Da, I know what I’m doing.”

The two men exchanged an enigmatic look, but to her surprise, Sean backed down first. “All right, then.” He brushed a brief, surprising kiss across the top of Akane’s head. “I’ll go change, then. We’ll keep the house quiet tonight, Akane. Get some rest.” And he sauntered out of the room, Aileen’s eyes glued to her mate’s back.

The speculation in them was soon turned on Shane, who held up his hands, his expression all innocence. “What?”

Aileen’s gaze narrowed. “Hmph.”

When Shane merely chuckled, she shook her head and turned back to the stove.

The dinner simmering on top would normally have tempted Akane to steal at least a bite, but she was at the point of tired where she was feeling nauseated. She stood and went to the sink, rinsed out her cup and placed it carefully in the dishwasher. “I’m going to call it a night.”

Aileen’s hand reached out and cupped her chin. The Sidhe was taller than she was, but not by much. Then again, most adults were taller than Akane. “Sleep, child. We’ll let Sal keep watch again.”

She smiled. Sal, the salamander she’d defeated when it had been ordered to attack the Dunne farm, had bonded to her. It was as loyal as any guard dog, as playful as a puppy and adored the Dunnes. It had been the right decision to leave him here to protect them in her absence. “Good night, Aileen.” She glared at Shane, who was stuffing a chocolate chip cookie in his big mouth. “Jethro.”

He waved merrily at her. “Night, Miz Akane.” He grinned, goo from the cookie stuck to his teeth.

“Ugh.” She shuddered and walked out of the kitchen, the sound of Shane’s laugh a balm to her soul, unwanted though it was.


“Are you ever going to stop teasing that girl?”

Shane picked up the tea his mother set in front of him. He swished some around in his mouth before answering his mother. “Stop? Why? She enjoys herself way too much for me to stop.”

His mother bopped him on the back of the head with the flat of her hand. “Shane Joloun, do not make me break out the wooden spoon.”

He laughed up at his mother, adoring the way her face lit up. “Trust me. I’ve got inside information.”

“Oh?” Aileen pulled up a chair and propped her chin in her hand.

“Subtle, Ma.” He took another sip of his tea, smiling when the water in the upstairs bath started. Akane would soon be naked and wet. Too bad he couldn’t do anything about that yet.

“I try.”

“Let’s put it this way.” He leaned in and whispered in his mother’s ear. “I have her mom on speed dial.”

Aileen’s head dropped onto the table. “She’s going to kill you when she finds out.”

He leaned back and propped his feet on the chair across from him. “Then I can’t let her find out, can I?” He grinned at his mother. “Besides, you’ll protect me.”

Aileen’s hand reached out. She smacked him on the back of the head again, all without lifting her own head from the table. “You’d better hope she understands, Shane. She’s the type who will walk away from you if she thinks you’ve been playing with her.”

He set his cup back on the table. “Then it’s a good thing I’m not playing.” He stood and pressed a kiss to his mother’s head. “I’m heading into the studio for a bit. I have something I need to do.”

She lifted her head. “Shall I have your father bring you dinner?”

“Please.” He paused, one hand on the doorknob, the other holding his coat. “Thanks, Ma.”

She smiled at him. “You’re welcome.”

Shane headed out into the cold evening, the visions swirling in his head beating a tattoo behind his eyes. His hands twitched, eager to get hold of his tools. He had a piece to make, maybe two, and it would take some time to get everything right.

But first, he was going to finish his mate’s birthday present. He had just the thing to set in the center, something that would make his lovely dragon gasp with pleasure. He just hoped she appreciated the effort he’d put into acquiring it.

Shane walked behind the house for about fifteen minutes to where his father had helped him build his studio. They’d paid quite a bit to have electricity run to the out-of-the-way area, but it had been worth it. Shane was able to use every tool he needed to create his “art”, and in return his father had learned there was more to Shane’s work than either of them had expected.

Shane opened the thick door and pulled it closed behind him. He flicked on the light switch, grateful he’d heated the place twenty-four-seven. Already he could feel his toes thawing. He hung his coat on the hook next to the front door and toed off his sneakers. He pulled open the door leading to the changing room where he kept the coveralls he wore when he worked. The changing room had a washer and dryer as well as storage for his shoes and clothes. He grabbed a fresh set of coveralls, changed quickly and slipped on the steel-toed boots he only wore in the studio. The amount of glass dust and metal filings embedded in the leather made them impractical to wear anywhere else.

Shane exited the changing room and made his way into the main part of the studio. A few finished pieces graced pedestals around the room, but most of the pedestals were empty. He’d shipped most of the finished works to Klaussner, but there were a couple he refused to part with.

And soon
would be back here.

Shane ran his fingers down the one piece he considered giving away. The entwined lovers were done in solid silver, but the collar around the woman’s throat was set with fiery ruby chips, while an onyx ring decorated the hand of the male figure. It had taken him quite a while to get the figures correct. For a short time the shadow of a third had tried to taint the purity of the piece, but in the end Shane had known what he had to do.

He’d allowed himself to be kidnapped, and in doing so had set things in motion that were still rocking his family’s world.

Shane picked up the piece and took it to the back room. He was going to ship this to his big brother. Leo and Ruby would adore it.

He chuckled quietly. Akane was in for a shock when she got her credit card statement. Oh, the cougar he’d done and she’d purchased would show up, but the sculpture of Jaden, Moira and Duncan would arrive at the Blackthorn home without a dime being paid for it. He’d always intended to give that piece to Moira, but it had wound up in the shipping box by accident. He still didn’t know what he’d been thinking when he’d packed it with the others, but Akane’s reaction had made the mistake worth it.

And maybe it hadn’t been a mistake. Maybe Akane had been meant to see that piece. Shane didn’t know for sure, and he doubted he ever would. Some things, despite his powers, remained a mystery to him.

Shane carefully set down the silver figures and headed toward the room where he worked his real magic. It would take some time to gather the materials he’d need to make the new sculptures. For the first piece he’d need sea glass and silver; for the second…well. He took a look around the studio and picked up one of the jagged pieces of metal left over from another project. He’d summon what he needed for the figure, but for the rest? He already had what he needed.

Shane took a seat on the hard metal stool he tended to move around his workspace. He placed his hands on the empty wooden table in front of him and closed his eyes, visualizing what he needed, knowing he’d get almost what he wanted. The silver would be raw, unrefined. The sea glass would need to be shaped. But he’d have the raw materials to begin his new project. He concentrated, his magic surging through him, the feel of something just beyond his reach becoming stronger. He strained, grasping for the edges of the silver with his mind, finally grabbing hold and pulling it to him with a gasp.

Shane opened his eyes. On the table sat a huge lump of raw silver. Sweat dripped into his eyes and he reached up, wiping it away before it could begin to sting.

“That never fails to amaze me.”

Shane jumped. “Fucking hell, Da!”

His father’s rich laugh rolled through the studio. “Sorry, Shane.” His father placed a steaming bowl of soup and hot biscuits on the table next to the lump of silver ore. “Dinner.”

“Thanks.” Shane picked up the soup bowl and began eating, shoveling the soup in like it was his first meal in days. Creating raw materials took a great deal of energy. By the time he was through creating everything he needed, he’d collapse onto the small bed in his tiny bedroom, exhausted.

“It still amazes me to see you do that.” Sean poked the ore, his expression bemused. “One of these days you’ll have to explain how you do it.”

“Simple.” Shane grabbed one of the biscuits. It was still piping hot. How his father managed that neat little trick in this cold he’d never figured out. To him, that was real magic. “I make dreams reality.”

His father nodded. “I know.”

Shane grinned and shoveled in the food, a peaceful silence dropping between the two men.



Akane woke the next day more refreshed than she’d felt in quite some time. The bed was soft, the birds were chirping, and the strong arm around her waist was comforting. She snuggled in deeper and found herself cradled against a strong chest. “Mmm.”

Her only answer was a light snore.

Akane stifled her giggle. Jethro snored? It was so…adorable.

Akane blinked.
Wait a minute.
She turned her head, hoping that somehow she was still dreaming.

Nope. There was a huge lump of Nebraskan in her bed, snoring and drooling on her pillow. “Shane.”

He snuffled and pulled her tighter to him. One thick thigh covered both her legs.

“Jethro.” She tugged on his chest hairs, hoping the pain would wake him up.


No one, most especially Shane, had the right to moan her name like that. “Wake up, Shane.”

One huge paw slid up her hip. His face nuzzled into her neck, his whiskers abrasive. Tantalizing. She could almost feel that beard brushing the skin of her inner thighs.

Gah. Mind out of the gutter!
If this continued she’d probably find her ankles somewhere around his ears followed shortly by an Awkward Morning After Moment. So in sheer self defense she grabbed hold of his nipple and twisted it. “WAKE! UP!”

She didn’t know that the Dunnes had Banshee blood in them. When her ears stopped ringing she found herself pinned to the bed by one angry half-Sidhe, half-leprechaun hybrid. His sapphire eyes had darkened to near black, his reddish blonde hair stuck up in messy spikes and whorls around his head. His lips were pressed firmly together.

So were her legs.

“Was that really necessary?” Shane’s deep, easy-going drawl was thickened by sleep and annoyance.

He’d managed to get hold of her wrists and pin her hands beside her head, something she didn’t realize until she tried to push him off. “Yes.”

“You think waking a man with a purple nurple is appropriate?”

“In certain circumstances, yes.”

A truly evil grin took over his face. “Then I’m certain you’ll understand why I find this equally appropriate.”

Akane’s eyes went wide as Shane swooped down, taking her mouth in a kiss that threatened to unlock her legs. Before she could stop herself her lips parted, letting him in. Shane took immediate advantage, thrusting his tongue into her mouth with an intensity that told her how he’d thrust his cock into her body. He’d take her, leaving her no doubt as to who she was with, who she belonged to.

His flavor burst over her, feral, deep and strong. It was a taste she could easily find herself addicted to. His hands curled around hers as somehow he took the kiss deeper. She found herself breathing him in, his scent surrounding her, his taste filling her. His hard cock nudged her stomach. For a brief moment of insanity she allowed her thighs to relax.

For some reason, Shane didn’t take advantage of the implied invitation. Instead the kiss softened, became something more than just need, stronger than just hunger. Something tingled and danced across her skin, like snow fairies, cold and delicate. Akane risked opening her eyes.

Gold and green sparks lit the air around them. The son of a bitch’s Sidhe half was trying to Claim her.

Before she could buck him off he ended the kiss. “Damn, girl.” He groaned, his forehead resting against hers, his hips rocking into her, dragging his cock along the silk of her pajama pants. “Just…damn.”

“Get off me.”

He blinked, looking shocked at the harsh, growled words. “Akane.”

“I am
your gods-damned mate, Shane.”

His head tilted. For one brief moment she thought it was anger coloring his features before it was completely swamped by determination. “Fight it all you want. Yell. Scream. Throw things.” He blinked, his lips twitching. “But not in my mother’s living room.” He almost succeeded in winning a smile from her. His lips brushed the tip of her nose. “But we both know you’re mine.”

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