Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35 (29 page)

Read Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35 Online

Authors: Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Around the World in 80 Men

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35
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don't have to tell me twice.” She giggled all the way to the
blue and white curtains, and stepped inside. Morgan was undressed and
had already pulled the string to release her first bit of water
before Mustafa had even washed his hands by the tent. “Hello,
darling.” She pulled a small bottle of shampoo from the canvas
bag that hung from the top of the shower, and lathered her sand
filled hair. “Oh my god...this is wonderful!” The water
was warm, and it appeared as if all of their necessities were
provided. “This soap smells wonderful!” Morgan shouted to
her client who simply smiled as he listened.

was so happy to know that Morgan was enjoying herself, and he thanked
the powers that be for a girl like her for choosing him. “Glad
you're enjoying yourself!” He shouted in her direction when he
heard the moan that washed over her with the final rinse of her hair
and body.

Shower. Ever.” Morgan turned off the water and pulled all of
her hair to one side before twisting it tightly to remove some of the
excess. “Oh! Fuzzy towels!” Mustafa laughed again when he
saw a wet arm pop out of the curtain to grab one of the thick white
towels. “Stop laughing at me. I'm serious. I'm not going to lie
to you,” Morgan spoke loudly, unaware he had walked closer
toward the shower, “I was a little worried.” She quickly
dried off her body and wrapped her hair into a tall towel hive on top
of her head as she spoke.

The closeness of his voice startled her , but she was glad she didn't
have to shout. Mustafa grabbed some extra napkins from a nearby stand
and carried them to their dinner table.

Morgan thought. She didn't want to offend the man, so she didn't know
how to put it. She thought out her words carefully as she pulled a
bra and panties out of her bag. “You had mentioned that the
girls you knew in Spain would never do...this kind of thing.”

He sat down on one of the wooden chairs and smiled silently, waiting
for her reply.

just thought...” Morgan quickly pulled on a tank and a pair of
shorts. “I guess I just thought we'd be...”


Morgan sighed a breath of relief. That was the word she was looking

is now a bad time to tell you there aren't any toilets?”
for it.
Mustafa smiled again.

Morgan had meant for the curse to be in her head, but like always, it
wasn't. Using the facilities was something that had never crossed her

laughed loudly. “If you have to do that, I'm happy to
accommodate you.” Morgan groaned loudly and he laughed harder.
“I'm kidding. We have a...what do American's call them?
Portable potty?”

The excitement in her voice was genuine and Mustafa's laughter ceased
as she finally excited the makeshift shower. He nodded slowly...then
shook his head back and forth and his laughter broke free once more.
“That's not funny.” Morgan marched to her bag once more
and pulled out her brush. “You're serious, though? There is
nowhere to pee?” She had pee'd in the woods many times while
camping, but this was different. She never camped for six days in a
place that had
bathrooms, and she knew she wouldn't be
able to just
until she got to town.

spread his arms wide. “Go anywhere you'd like, darling. Imagine
yourself as a cat.”

did not just compare me to a cat!” She stopped brushing her
hair and crossed her arms over her chest.

know...” He put his hands in front of him and paddled like a
dog in a swimming pool. “Just dig a little hole, and cover it
up.” Mustafa stood and walked back over to the little stand and
grabbed two glasses. “Would you like a drink?”

narrowed her eyes upon his golden orbs before finally uncrossing her
If Julianne only knew this guy just told me to pee in a the desert...and bury it...
“No,” she
finally spoke. “I have to pee!” She quickly grabbed a
handful of napkins off of the table and marched out of the tent.

Mustafa jumped up quickly and ran to his bag to grab a flashlight,
but Morgan was already out of sight.

think I can manage to
dig a hole.
” Morgan giggled
quietly to herself as she walked around the back of the tent. She
didn't want him to know she thought the whole thing was amusing. What
did she expect? Real toilets and garden tubs.
No, I agreed to
this. I can do it.

wait!” Mustafa came out of the tent, and walked around the
opposite side Morgan had traveled.

following me, I'm trying to pick a spot!” She couldn't quiet
her giggles that time and Mustafa laughed too.

did you go?”

dude. Let me pee. Ah!” She looked ahead and saw the perfect
place. The wind had pushed sand into a small hill, enough for her to
duck behind and do her thing. The cool sand felt amazing between her
toes and the temperature had finally cooled down, to the point of
giving her goosebumps as she ran to her spot.

Mustafa had walked back to the front of the tent, then to the back.
As she came into view, he saw her ducking behind the hill as she
pulled down her shorts.

look at me.” She shoo'd him away as she began to pee. This
isn't awkward or anyth......what the motherfucking cocksucker
bastard! Oh my god!” Morgan stood quickly, mid-flow, and ran
from the tiny dune with her panties and shorts at her ankles. “Oh
my god! It got me! It got me!” Morgan's hand went to her left
ass cheek, as she continued to dance in pain.

Morgan, stop!” He ran over to the screaming woman, and tried to
place a hand on her shoulder, but she wouldn't stop moving. “Morgan!”

mother of Mary, holy shit! Something bit my ass. It bit me!”

moving, dammit!” He finally grabbed her arm and held her still
enough to get a good look at the damage. Morgan squirmed in his grip
as he took a knee and put the light on her ass.

is it?” Morgan sniffed loudly and she wiped a tear from her
eye. When Mustafa shook his head, she became frantic. “Tell me,
what is it? Am I going to die? What bit me?”

you.” He stood and let go of Morgan's wrist, then
started walking back over to the small hill.

fuck it didn't bite me! Wh...what are you doing? What was it?”
She didn't even care that her lower half was bare to the world, all
she needed to know was that she wasn't going to die from whatever had
just violated her ass.

weren't bit, Morgan. You were stung. Now, if you just give me one
second, I have to see if I can find it.”

what!?” Morgan wiped more tears from her face. The pain was
excruciating, and she felt her palms and neck begin to sweat.



take another one when ye get a minute, lass.” Finlay held up
his glass of nearly empty scotch and the flight attended replied with
a nod and a smile that said she'd be more than happy to get the
gorgeous man another drink.

take another too, please.” John held up his own glass and she
nodded at him also, but the same smile was not present. “I
think she fancies ya, mate.” John held his own glass up toward
Fin. Their first flight wasn't long, but for the last hour, both men
had remained silent. It was time to break the ice and see what the
Scot was all about.

Finlay shrugged.

know very well she does.”

maybe so,” he shrugged again. “Doesn't matter.”

you've got a wife?” John knew he didn't, but the line usually
was a good way to pry.

Finlay finished the last of his drink and set it down on the lap tray
in front of him.

John nodded and sat back in his seat and turned his attention to his
own drink.
Man of few words.

headed te London?” Finlay reached over John's head as the
pretty brunette passed him a new drink. She smiled the same smile
toward Finlay as she set John's drink down in front of him. “Thank
ye, lass.”

very welcome.”

John raised a brow at Finlay, then took a drink of his fresh
beverage. “No, I'm headed through to Morocco.” He knew he
couldn't lie about his destination, Finlay was sure to see him on the
other two flights, even if they weren't side-by-side on those.

don't say.” Finlay took a deep gulp of his own drink. “Me


going to have to sit still, Morgan.” Mustafa pushed his arm
onto Morgan's side, in an attempt to keep her from moving to address
the sting, but she was wiggling more than he could handle.

just got stung by a scorpion...on my ass! I could have died!”
Morgan was on her side, her back facing Mustafa. She curled her legs
up tightly as he applied pressure to the area. “And this shit

this.” He handed her an apple and Morgan didn't realize why
until he touched her again.

What the....!” Morgan tried to flip over, but he managed to
hold her still.

hear the expression of throwing salt in the wound?” There was
no way he was going to apply the incredible burning effect of the
salve to her wound without giving her something to throw, bite, or
simply squeeze. Better, he thought, that she torment an apple than
anything on his person.

What do you mean by....... fuck! Mother of fuck! Fucking shit hell!”
Morgan tried to squirm away when the excruciating pain began to hit,
but Mustafa held her still. “Let me go.... shit fuck!”
She tried to kick his leg, arm, anything in sight, but he continued
to hold her down and put pressure on her sting with the medicated

the apple, Morgan.” He calmly suggested what she could do, and
she loudly replied.

not having a fucking baby! Get off me!” Morgan's adrenaline had
peeked, but Mustafa was too strong for her to break free from.
Finally, with her final attempted kick to his leg, he let go.
“Damnit! I'd rather just feel the sting! What the fuck...
that's torture!” She stood and stumbled as she pulled her
panties and shorts up, and gingerly raised her zipper to keep from
squeezing the material too tight around her back side. Mustafa stood
as well and laughed as he brushed the sand from his knees. She was a
handful, with the most colorful vocabulary he'd ever heard in a
woman, which made her all that more appealing.

pain will be gone by the time we sit for dinner.” He nudged her
on his way past, but Morgan pushed him back as she began to follow
him to their small table.


don't we just tell her the truth, Anthony?” Elena paced the
front porch as she gripped her phone tightly. She had struggled with
the lie for months, and hearing that Morgan had read Tanner's mail,
then she had sent the wrong text to Morgan, it had become too much to
bear. Anthony, on the other hand, wasn't hearing any of it.

What's done is done, and it'll stay buried, Elena. We defended
ourselves, we had no other choice, but Morgan will believe that I was
shot because of her. I can't let her think that, she's been through
too much already.” Elena let out a long sigh of defeat. She
knew he was right, but the lie was growing too large to contain.
“Don't worry,” he wrapped his arm around her shoulder,
“everything will be alright.” Elena closed her eyes and
nodded. She hoped he was right.

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