Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35 (26 page)

Read Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35 Online

Authors: Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Around the World in 80 Men

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35
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You don't have to watch.” Morgan took a
quick peek over the side, there was only one small group of people in
her sight, and they were huddled around newspapers with their morning
coffee. Her hands moved to her breasts and she squeezed them together
before moving one hand lower down her body.

Really?” Gabriel replied to her statement.
“I don't have to?” Morgan gave him a cocked smile and
moved her hand even further, until her fingers slid between her pink
folds. “Look at this!” Gabriel took a step back and
pulled at the front of his shorts, letting his erection bounce out.
He took a step forward and pressed it against the glass, making sure
Morgan could see it in its full glory.

Oh shit.
Morgan bit her lip as her core grew
hotter. She felt her pulse between her legs as her finger slid inside
her. A loud moan, that even she hadn't expected, erupted from her
lips, and Gabe hit the door with the side of his clenched fist.

Come on!” He hit the door again playfully,
as Morgan lowered her leg back to the ground. She turned her back
toward him, and as she was about to bend over for another show, she
saw an oncoming crowd of morning commuters.
Oh shit. Again.

She was getting ready to retreat when she heard the
sound of wood, rolling against concrete. Her
had fallen
out and the sound of the sliding door opening quickly followed.
Morgan turned right into Gabriel's chest, and no sooner did she
realize he was there, she facing the street below once more.

Gabe! There's people...down...oh...uhm...there.”
She was trying to warn the man, but the sensation of his cock against
her wet skin made her quickly forget she cared.

She grabbed a hold of the cold railing as Gabriel put
his hands around her hips, pulling her toward himself. She felt one
hand move from her skin, to his own body as he guided himself inside.
Her scream of pleasure echoed in against the small balcony, and
probably to the people below, but she closed her eyes and savored the
deep plunge of his body connecting with hers. She pushed her ass hard
against him as he entered her again, quickly matching his rhythm.

“Fuck!” It was ravenous, rough. The
excitement of being caught by the people below heightened her senses
and each thrust warranted a loud gasp of pleasure. “Fuck! Fuck!
Fuck!” He pounded her hard, fueled by the torment of her
teasing. Her breasts slapped against her skin with each thrust and
his hand moved to the front of her body, finding her swollen clit.
“Oh my god.” She melted against his body, as his finger
worked in circles and his cock hit the perfect spot.

“I want to feel you come, Morgan.” His hot
breath against her neck, and his spoken desire pushed Morgan further
and her whole body shook against his as the surge of pleasure crashed
through every cell of her body.

“Ohhh!” She fell forward to the banister as
her knees grew weak and Gabe gripped tightly around her hips once
more. A few more deep, fast thrusts and he erupted inside her.

They took a few seconds to catch their breath. “I've”

Never what?” Morgan closed the sliding door
behind her and pulled the first tee she found over her head slowly.
She ran her hands across her ponytail and took several deep breaths.

Just...the freedom...” Gabriel pulled on a
pair of shorts and sat on the edge of the bed, shaking his head back
and forth slowly. Morgan returned a few moments later and joined him
on the bed.

free, Gabe.” He had meant in
the liberating sense of having sex outside, but it was clear she had
a different point to make. She had helped him, without doing what she
normally did. Like Angel had told her, everyone heals in their own
way, and Morgan was convinced Gabriel was on the road to recovery.
She took his hand in hers and gave it a gentle squeeze. Neither one
of them had to say anything, as both of them knew how far he'd come
that week. Instead, she kissed his cheek and stood. “I'm going
to hop in the shower, and I hope breakfast is waiting when I get
out.” Morgan kissed him again and she went back into the


Since I have literally five minutes left with
you, I have to ask one more time.” Morgan stood in the airport
with Gabriel, attempting to savor every last second that she had with
the man.

Ida was scheduled to fly to Florida that day to close
on the family home that she and Maria had shared, but she reluctantly
had to cancel. The flu had hit nearly everyone at the bakery, and Ida
was its most recent victim. Gabriel was forced to leave Morgan a day
early, and tend to the legal matters of his late wife.

Gabriel held her close and nodded. “Why aren't
you and Ida interested in one another? I mean.... like..
Gabriel took a deep breath, but kept Morgan close as he answered.

I suppose you don't know, huh?” Morgan's
brows came together and she shook her head. “Morgan, Ida and
Maria were sisters.” Morgan's eyes grew wide and she began to
nod. Yes, she thought, that could be awkward. “There's more.
They were twins. Not identical, Maria wasn't tall like Ida, but damn
near identical in every other way physically.” Finally, Morgan
understood. It was one thing to see Ida as family to Maria, it would
be another to be lovers and see the face of his dead wife.

Morgan hugged him tightly, and left the subject alone.
Gabe cleared his throat and checked his watch behind Morgan's head.
“Thank you, for everything, Morgan.” She remained against
his chest until he moved back, grabbing her small hands in his.
Morgan looked down, as did Gabe, when her bracelet jingled loudly
against his watch. “It's pretty.”

Thanks.” Morgan moved her wrist to show him
all of the charms. “They're gifts...from...friends.”
Gabriel had already looked at the bracelet when Morgan had been
sleeping several days prior, and he had figured out that her charms
were most likely from clients. At least, he sadly thought at the
time, special clients.

Come again, please. We'll stay at the house this
time since you didn't get to see it like I'd promised.”
Gabriel's boarding call was being announced as he spoke. Morgan
nodded and pulled one hand away to wipe the tear that won the battle.

Gabe, I mean this with all of my heart... and
with all the right intentions. I hope we never have to see one
another again.” He instantly knew what she meant. That his life
should continue to move forward and he would never need a woman for
hire to answer anymore questions about his ability to date, or
eventually love, again.

Well, with that said, then I hope I see you again
for pleasure only..not business.” She nodded, because that was
something that she might agree to. “And, about your fear of

Morgan's head fall back in laughter and she
playfully pushed his chest. “Seriously, I thought about it. I
think it was life's way of telling you that you were going to be
different. You know, society tries to fit us all in a little box, and
you naturally broke free of all of that. You're special, Morgan.
Always know that.”

The final boarding call was announced, and Morgan wiped
her cheeks as she lifted on her toes. They shared one last kiss, and
Morgan then wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and whispered
her final words in his ear before walking away. “When we love
someone, they become a part of us. We walk like them, we talk like
them, we think like them. We're all connected, Gabe. So...your Maria
is right here with you, in everything you do. Don't miss her, take
her on your journey through life. Live, laugh and love...because
that's what she wants for you. Goodbye, Gabriel.”


Morgan fell back to her bed in a heap of exhaustion. It
had been a very long, and a much needed week of work. Morgan smiled
as she counted her blessings for living a life that she never knew

I guess it's time to go face the music. I'll be
there tomorrow, Finlay.” Morgan sighed loudly as she stared at
the ceiling. She wanted to see Finlay, she truly did, but a part of
her wished that she could just move forward with her life and visit
the Scot when both of their minds were right. “Why? Why did I
agree to Julianne's terms?” She flipped over and reached beside
the bed to get her laptop. At least, she thought, she could look at
potential clients for her week after Scotland.

She also decided she would wait to face Elena's mistaken
she attempted to get the full truth from
Finlay. Morgan grabbed her phone and went to the message to read it
for the hundredth time since receiving it.
Tanner called for you
today. Call him back...she saw the pictures you sent.

Morgan sighed again. “Yeah. Call him back,
Anthony.” Nothing made sense to her. She hated feeling
alienated from Finlay, and she knew that they would work out their
issues, whatever those many be, but seeing him right then just didn't
feel right. “I can't. I just can't do it!” She couldn't
face Finlay, Tanner, Elena, Anthony...none of them. Morgan reached
into her pocket and grabbed her phone. Julianne was the only person
who could fix the situation since she was the one that created it.
She clicked Julianne's name, and took a deep breath.

Hello, Dear! I was just about to call you.”
Morgan didn't get a chance to say anything as Julianne continued to
speak. “I know what our arrangement was, but Felix asked me to
take a few days off. Not just go somewhere with him, but to actually
give up work for a little while. Naturally, I didn't agree, but he
was persistent.” Morgan held her hand over her mouth as she
listened. It was wonderful to hear her boss sound like a sappy school
girl, and there was no way that Morgan would interrupt Julianne's
giddy ramblings. “So, if you're ready...and only if you're
ready... I need you and all my girls to pick a client for tomorrow.
The following week, I'm taking off with Felix. If you're not ready,
then take a few weeks off and enjoy yourself, Dear.” Finally,
the silence told Morgan that her boss was waiting for an answer. She
sat up in bed and switched ears quickly.

Actually...,” she was going to explain that
she intended to break their arrangement, but decided quickly that it
didn't have to mentioned, “I'd love to pick my next client!
I'll do that right now!” She knew she sounded way too relieved,
but hoped that Julianne was too happy and wrapped up in her own
moment to notice. She was right.

Very good. I'll await your choice and get you
booked. Talk to you soon!” Morgan smiled and ended the call,
then stretched out in front of her computer. Yes, she truly loved her
life, and secretly wished for just a moment that it didn't always
have to involve work.

Gabriel! He said he would be in Morocco next week
if he would have traveled instead of settling down. Morocco? Hmmm”
She navigated to the map on Julianne's website, and found four
available men. “Mustafa Dris? Wow... gorgeous!” Morgan
chose not to over think the selection. She clicked confirm next to
his bio and waited for Julianne's confirmation. “
I'm going to be in mothafuckin' Morocco tomorrow!”

Morgan rolled several times to reach the other side of
the bed to grab the bag that held her camera and scrapbook. Working
on the book was needed after such an amazing week, and it would make
for a relaxing night. When she opened the case for her camera though,
a tiny envelope fell out and onto the bed.

She picked up the little yellow package, something hard
was inside and she turned it upside down over her hand. A small
silver triangle fell into her hand, with a small circle at the top to
attach it to her bracelet. “Triangle?” Her first thought
was the musical instrument. “We never discussed music...”
She picked the little envelope up again and looked inside for a clue.
There was a piece of paper in there, and she carefully pulled it out
and read the short note.

not all meant to fit in a box.


John had just landed in Iverness. He flew to Scotland
the following morning a few hours before Morgan was scheduled to
leave Port Moresby. He had to find a hotel as close to Finlay as he
could. It was going to be a challenge to watch Morgan from that much
of a distance, but he wasn't going to fail. No, he was paid far too
well to make any mistakes, and keeping Morgan safe was exactly what
he was going to do.

He called his employer to let him know that he was at
the airport, and he was instructed to simply wait in the shadows and
follow Morgan when she landed.

It was three hours later that he began to worry. Morgan
never got off the plane that she was supposed to be on, and he had no
way of knowing where she could be. He was finally forced to admit
that Morgan wasn't going to show up, and he also had to call his
employer again. “She's not here. I've waited all this time and
she wasn't on her flight. What do you want me to do?” John
waited for a reply as he paced the long hallway in the airport.

I'll find out where she is. Go get a room, I'll
be in touch soon.” Sean ended the call and ran his hands
through his hair. “Where are ya, Holland?”


Finlay woke up with a hangover, and a disturbing message
from Julianne on his voice mail.
Mister Campbell, this is Julianne
Marks. Our prior arrangement must be canceled. I'm taking off work
for a few days and had to rearrange a few schedules. I do hope that
you understand. Morgan is going to Morocco for the week, so she'll be
close enough to easily visit you when she's done. Have a wonderful

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