Anna Marie Sorenson's Secret Affair (9 page)

BOOK: Anna Marie Sorenson's Secret Affair
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Anna Marie was the first to reach her peak. She arched her body, gave a shriek and then sobbed as ripples of orgasm rushed over body, her legs tightening around Dallas’s waist in order to squeeze out the aching tension from her loins.

Once he felt her milking him with hard pulsations, he ground his hips against hers,

burrowing his penis deeply into his lover so that he could shoot his load in her womb, harsh cries torn from his throat, his tautly muscled buttocks bucking furiously. In the dark bedroom, on the Secret Affair 53

wide bed, the two bodies for several long seconds strained against one another, their cries of tormented pleasure filling the room.

Eventually their bodies began to settle again, the large heavy male leaning atop the much smaller pale female, their cries quieting.

Anna Marie would have fallen asleep where she lay, trapped beneath Dallas, still

connected to him with his cock inside her. But Dallas had other ideas. Despite the fact that an orgasm had just ripped through his body, he was still trembling with fierce physical need. He turned Anna Marie over on her stomach, entered her cum-socked snatch again and began to fuck her all over again.

She stirred in protest, but there was nothing she could do, not when she had a man whose sexual hunger knew no bounds, and her body stirred again with unwanted need, the heat and tension pooling in her lower abdomen.

This time, the sex was a fast ride and rough. When he reinserted his penis inside her depths, Dallas was not careful with his entry as he had been the first time, not taking the time to ensure that her small tight channel could accommodate him. He just gave one long lunge and he was rooted half way into her. Another thrust and she was once again in his complete possession.

Once he was fully inside her, Dallas rode her hard and fast, his hands bruising on her hips, keeping them propped up to him, open and available to him, keeping her a prisoner while he fed his hunger once again.

Anna Marie could do little to prevent this third ravagement. All she could do was wriggle her buttocks at him every he thrust into her, make sharp mewling sounds, and claw at the bed covers with her hands. Soon, her whole body began to shake and low groans were escaping from her throat.

As he continued to pump her hard, Dallas could feel her snatch pulsing around his raging cock, her sweet milk bathing him. And when she gave a high keening sob, he did not stop but fucked her harder. Her body stilled for a second, then collapsed into violent shudders. Dallas’s own peak came quickly afterwards, spilling his liquid inside her as he groaned heavily.

Once her orgasm subsided, she lay beneath him in an exhausted heap. Above her, Dallas was still in his throes, his body shaking. As they subsided, he slowly eased himself off her and lay next to her. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her against him, entangling his longs legs with her much shorter ones. Then he laid his head on the pillow, closed his eyes, and Secret Affair 54

let himself drift. But he did not go to sleep, but simply held Anna Marie in his arms, running his hands lazily over her warm nakedness, letting his senses seep in the heavy musky scent of their sex that was a mixture of their cum and sweat.

But having a soft, pliant female body, so small and delicate that it felt as if he were holding silk in his arms stirred his senses again. His gentle hands began to explore Anna Marie’s body, especially the generous curves of her breasts. Then his hand roamed down her flat stomach, traveled further down to the perfect dark triangle between her thighs, then over her hips and down her thighs, then traveled upward again, fondling her with more urgency as they reached her breasts again. As he fed his appetite again, Dallas pressed his body to Anna Marie’s back tighter and tighter as if he could not get close enough to her, his legs pulling and then wrapping around hers.

As Dallas’s hands prepared her for another round, she lay acquiescently beneath him, too exhausted to move an inch, her eyes fluttering slowly open and then closing. She was completely drained of any energy to protest or to try to talk him out of another round. There was little she could do to fight the growing desire in her body as his hands grew harder and bolder, more demanding.

Dallas insinuated a leg between hers, gripped the top one with his hand and lifted it and from behind began to fuck her. Anna Marie gasped softly, shuddering as her body readied itself for another sensual rush to that tortuous peak.

While she lay on her side, with Dallas holding her top leg up while he rutted her from behind for the fourth time, she realized that she was not going to get any sleep at all that night, and that Dallas had every intention of see her through daybreak making carnal use of her body.

Being unused to long and extended sexual escapades, she wasn’t too sure she had the will or the strength for a hard, sensual marathon. But she had no choice in the matter. Dallas was hungry, and perhaps hungry for a long time. She knew he had every intention of satisfying that hunger until he was replete and no longer plagued with the gnawing need. It was going to be very a long night.

Dallas moved slowly inside her, his one hand pressing against her stomach to secure her to him, the other lifting her thigh up so that she remained open to him, keeping the leg draped over his hip as he leisurely thrust deeply in and out of her.

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At one point, she turned her head to look back at him and her breath caught in her throat when she met his eyes. The look in them was so fiercely hot and feral, making them very, very green. They locked with hers as he slowly fucked her, the intensity of it making her gradually go out of her mind.

Now Anna Marie knew why he had told her earlier in the evening that she should wonder if he knew how to be civilized in bed. This wasn’t civilized. This was taking, devouring of her flesh, his sexual eroticism seeping into her for the sheer pleasure of it, for the sheer possession.

Then all thoughts fled from Anna Marie’s mind as the pleasure began to bloom in her

body, her loin, still swollen, secreting fluid so that it could aid Dallas in his quest for deeper possession of her flesh. He hooked the leg that he had been holding up over his arm and delved his fingers into her wet pussy, caressing her right above where he was fucking her. She moaned when he touched her clitoris and rubbing it between his fingers, continuing to pump into her gently as he did so. He pleasured her like that while pumping her, watching on her face the pleasure slowly go from sweet and delicious to agonizing and tortuous. Together, they rode the wave to the peak, their bodies in tune by now, one following seconds after the other over the edge.

As it turned out, Dallas’s fucking did not go all through the night without a break. He did allow her some respite between sex, but only because he had to give himself rest in order to gather energy for the next round. Between his sexual ravagements, Anna Marie managed to gain sleep for twenty to thirty minutes. And then she would be awakened by the sensuous feeling of two large male hands caressing and fondling her body once again, his lips suckling her breasts or kissing her neck or her stomach. She would gradually come awake, and then, as soon as she opened her eyes, her lips would be captured by his in a searing kiss, immediately drawing her in another passionate round before she could even get her senses.

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Chapter 5

Sometime just before dawn, Dallas was awakened by the chiming of his wristwatch. He

looked at it and saw that it was four o’clock in the morning. It was his alarm to get him up for his flight back to Washington D.C. He looked down at Anna Marie whose soft, naked body was snuggled tightly against him, deep in slumber. He looked around and reached for the telephone that was on one of the nightstands and dialed the number of a five-star general to whom he reported.

“Admiral, I’m not going to get in until probably later this evening,” he said into the phone. When the Admiral asked him a question on the other end, Dallas smiled faintly and looked down at the pale body of the small woman. “Yeah, you might say something came up. I’ll call you when I get to the airport.”

As he replaced the receiver, he felt her stir against him, and he decided that he didn’t want to go back to sleep just yet, and began to fondle her buttocks while trailing kisses over her face. When she slowly opened her eyes and met his hungry ones he pulled his lips over his teeth in wolfish smile before covering her lips with his and pulling her into another round of hard fucking.

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Dallas woke again close to seven o’clock when the sun was well over the horizon, its faint light streaming into the bedroom. He stretched, jostling Anna Marie, who was still asleep beside him. He looked down at her, ran his green eyes over her white body, noting the bruises on her hips and waist left there by his hands and the red marks on her breasts and around her mouth where he had rubbed with his unshaven chin. The rest of her body was still rosy from hours of sensual carnage that he had put her through. But despite the physical demands she endured, she curled up next to him, like a trusting kitten staying with its master even though it was he who had forced the ordeal on her.

In some ways, she reminded him of his old cat when she had been a stray kitten. He had been about ten years old and had found her in a small nearby river bank where he and his brother had been exploring, shivering with fear and cold, huddling beneath some shrubs in an effort to stay dry from the recent rain, crying out for its mother and siblings that had been long lost or killed. It had a tiny meow that could be barely heard.

Dallas had managed to coax kitten to come to him. When he took it home, his mother had taken one look at the miserable, mangy, filthy creature and was horrified. She promptly banished the small animal to the patio basin, and with a mixture of bullying, coaxing, and blackmailing, talked the butler into giving it a bath and de-lice it, and then take it to the vet for check up and shots. She then ordered her two sons to get into the shower and scrub their hair with de-licing shampoo.

After the outraged kitten had dried out from its bath, Dallas saw that its coat was mostly white, longhaired, with a large patch of gray on its back and feet. It had gray eyes and a small face with elegant features. Since it was he who had brought home the creature, it was understood that he would be responsible for feeding it and cleaning out its litter box. At nights, he kept the kitten in his room, where it insisted on sleeping next to him on the bed.

Once the kitten had settled into the household, where it felt secure from hunger, fear, abandonment, its personality emerged. Although it thought of itself as brave and ferocious, the tiny creature was naturally submissive and timid when tested. In its territory, which was the large mansion and its grounds, it strutted around in an imperious manner. But if confronted, which at times happened when a neighbor cat strayed onto the property, the kitten would immediately turn tail and run for the safety of the house.

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One day, his older brother, Cameron, brought home a puppy. Dallas walked outside to

take a look at the newest addition to the household, the kitten following closely on its heel.

Cameron got out of the car and put the puppy on the pavement where it started to sniff at everything. When it spotted the tiny gray and white fluff few feet away, it instantly romped to it, thinking here was a new playmate. The kitten arched its back, hissed at the puppy, and then scrambled between Dallas’s legs and then climbed up the back of his pant legs, up his shirt, making him swear as its claws dug into his back, and scrambled to his shoulders, where it continued to hiss and arch down at the puppy that was now barking up at the kitten, its paws planted on Dallas’s legs.

To the kitten, Dallas was the love of her life. Only around him would it abandon its feline dignity and aloofness. Whenever Dallas crouched down and reached a hand out to pet her, the kitten would instantly get on its back and display its furry white stomach and bat at his hand with its paw to let him know that she wanted him to rub her. When he’d rub her silky belly, it would purr like a freight train, its gray eyes half closed in exquisite pleasure.

Although Cameron ribbed him about having a cat for a pet, Dallas didn’t care. He had found the kitten, took care of it, and in return he had the kitten’s undying love, trust, and devotion. It followed him everywhere around the large house, using his bedroom and bathroom as its own station base, to which it would return when it needed love, comfort, to feel safe, companionship, affection, attention. And because he had saved her from a frightening, uncertain life, took care of her every need, he was the light, the apple of her eye. And like any loving female, it was very affectionate, giving, generous, but also demanding and jealous.

Dallas couldn’t say that Anna Marie was similar in nature and personality to his kitten, although she tended to shy away from conflicts as the kitten had. But something about her tugged at him the way the kitten had. Perhaps it was because, like the kitten, she truly came to her own being once she felt safe and loved and cared for.

As much as he would like to have stayed in bed with Anna Marie for rest of the day, even for the next few days, he knew that was not an option for him. Reluctantly, he disentangled himself from her and walked to the window. It overlooked a tiny and ugly patio that had a miniscule plot of yard that was thoroughly neglected and overgrown with weeds. The patio was covered with dried up leaves and seedpods that had fallen from overhanging branches of a tree in the neighbor’s yard. It was a pathetic place of living, Dallas thought as he turned and looked Secret Affair 59

around the bedroom. It was a small condominium with cramped rooms. He supposed it was big enough for a librarian living by herself.

He rolled his shoulders as he felt the confines of the small room closing in on him. He always felt that way, no matter where he was, when he was not on a mission. It was as if the walls of civilization were making him feel trapped, caged in.

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