Anna Marie Sorenson's Secret Affair (6 page)

BOOK: Anna Marie Sorenson's Secret Affair
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there was so much of him that was uncivilized and wild that he had to keep a constant rein on himself.

And, good God, she was alone in her kitchen with him.

She said, “Cameron said that you have quite a brain, that all your tests were off the charts. You could have done anything you wanted, be anything you wanted, go to any college…”

“Like go to Harvard Law School and be a lawyer like my brother?”

“It’s safe. For the most part you’re not putting your life on the line.”

“It’s also boring as hell. It’s fine for Cameron, but not for me. It took the Navy less than a month of my being at the Academy to decide what I was going to be doing for them after graduation. My brains, my physical, mental, and emotional endurance, that I can be quite a bastard, made me a perfect candidate for special ops. After graduation, they sent me down to San Diego where I trained as a Navy SEAL for two years. The day after I graduated there, they sent me and five other men to Angola for a three-week mission. The following week, we were sent to Guam. For over a year, I was sent to places to assist with certain…what some would call political negotiations. Then they brought me back to the states. And you know why?”

Anna Marie was staring at him with eyes wide open, fascinated, as she would be if he were telling her about his trip through space.

“They wanted me to get a doctoral degree. So for the next five years, I enrolled in Yale.”

“Really? In what?”

“In whatever I wanted.”

“Which major did you choose?”

“Political science and history, of course.”

“What was your thesis?”

“The political youth of the American government.”

“That sounds interesting. I would like to read it sometime. What do you mean by youth?” Dallas looked at her. It was not a typical reaction to the title of his thesis. Then he remembered that Anna Marie was a librarian and was aspiring to work in one of the world’s biggest library. She would be very interested in anything that had to do with history and the government.

“When compared to other Western nations in Europe, I argue that America is a pretty

young country, both politically and culturally, and so it still has lessons to learn that the other Secret Affair 35

countries have learned already. Some would speculate that as a nation, America, still has yet to go through collapse, decline, and humility of rising back up, of more upheavals. The crux of that theory is that America is the only country in history to have begun with a free and democratic republic, rising to its power through its capitalistic economy.”

“So capitalism and individual freedom isn’t the answer to all the human social ills, then?” Dallas nodded, his eyes on Anna Marie, a smile curving his sensuous lips. Not a lot of people understood or much thought on the subject of American social and political system, and it’s potential or inability to avoid the mistakes that all the other societies had made and had to overcome, mistakes that had often thrown older country into many years of tyranny and war.

“How does that help you in your missions?”

“A person has to have perspective about his country. It helps me to see how those in other countries view America. Anyway, after I got my doctoral degree, I went into another training, this time at a camp for military and CIA intelligence. In that camp, I learned every which way to survive and every which way to kill. Once I completed the training, they flew me to Serbia for my first mission. Ten days later, I was in North Korea. After that, Egypt. For nearly two years they’ve been flying me all over the world. Yes, the Navy and I knew what I was all about. Doing missions for the military allows me to live more by my…instincts, as you might say.” Then he said, with a touch of amusement that was not very pleasant, “There, does that satisfy you?”

“What? What do you mean?”

“Isn’t that what you wanted to know, just how uncivilized I am?”

“Why would I want to know that…” Anna Marie’s eyes widened with shock as Dallas

began to move towards her, his green eyes locking on her face. “I…I…I thought we were just talking. I…don’t…mean to imply anything…If I did, I apologize.” She stiffened and stepped back when he came closer, and came up short with her back against the edge of the counter.

“Do you realize how gracious you are? You might not be very domestic, but you’re very gracious. Even to a man like me who can be unsavory at times, and not at all willing to play by the rules. It makes me wonder if you are also gracious when in bed.”

Her gray eyes kept staring at his hard, implacable face as he came nearer, strained in her small face with shock and a touch of fear. “Why…why would you be wondering what I’d be like in bed?”

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“I’ve been wondering about that since your sister and my brother left us alone in their kitchen, and you were staring at me with a certain fascinated horror and desperation, as you are now doing, wondering what the hell you were going to do with me.”

The teakettle whistled shrilly, screaming for attention, but Anna Marie did not hear it, because her complete focus was on the man who was currently advancing towards her, a ruthless, savage hunter moving in on her.

“You know the government considers that all their investment in me has more than paid off,” he said softly. “They knew that from the very beginning. As they trained me, they saw that I was going to more than excel in everything that they were teaching me, in intelligence, technology, languages, codes, combat. They were especially impressed at my aptitude for killing.” His thin smile turned even more menacing when her face turned white. His voice grew softer. “Do you know which method of killing I liked particularly?”

Staring up at him with fascinated horror, Anna Marie dumbly but with unfailing

obedience shook her head.

“I liked learning about killing a person without any weapons but with just the use of my bare hands. It gave me an extensive knowledge of the human anatomy. Not because I liked killing, but because it was fascinating to learn about all the points where a person was sensitive, about all the places I could put pressure and they would be instantly immobile or writhing with pain. But there was a side benefit to that, and that was gaining intimate knowledge of the female body and all of her sensitive points, more than any man would ever know in a lifetime. That came in quite in handy in bed. It was amazing how many sensitive areas that a woman has on her body, and that most men know only a fraction of them.”

When he was only a few feet from her, Dallas slowed his footsteps even more, making

his crawling advancement even more chilling. She began to shiver, both in fear and in anticipation. The teakettle was still screaming behind her.

“I’m wondering what it is you’re wondering now about me,” he said softly.

His eyes lowered and studied her lips that were parted. But her wide eyes told him that her mind was completely blank and beginning to get disoriented.

“Do you know what it is that you should be thinking, sweetheart?” he said, his voice almost pleasant.


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“You should be wondering about me in bed, and if I know how to be civilized in bed.”

“I should? Why?” Her question came out as a raspy croak.

Dallas stepped up closer until she could feel his warm breath wafting down on her

forehead. “Because you would realize that perhaps you need to start running. From me.” Secret Affair 38

Chapter 4

But Anna Marie could not move, even as he put his hands behind her head and pulled her face up to his and covered her lips with his. It was a searing kiss, hard, one that forced her lips apart, and through them, he swept his tongue into her moist cavern, brushing against her tongue, tasting her. As he kissed her, Dallas reached behind her with one hand and turned off the gas stove, and the screeching teakettle finally settled in grateful silence.

Dallas then wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tighter to him. He held her head while he took slow, succulent bites of her mouth, then wrapped his tongue around hers and then went back to biting and sipping at her.

Anna Marie wasn’t breathing. She couldn’t breath, not from the moment he put his arms around her and put his mouth on hers. She was feeling so many things that she had never felt before. And all of them had to with intense excitement, a growing physical need that was more and more being concentrated in her lower abdomen, a heat that was running all along her skin, and fear of the unknown, because she had never known such passion as the one that she was feeling. It was the same passion that she had been feeling from the moment she saw him walking Secret Affair 39

through the door at her sister’s house. No wonder she had been so terrified when she first laid eyes on him.

Then she was moaning and gasping as Dallas held her while he kissed her deeply. Several minutes later, he lifted his lips and began to trail them down her throat, his arms pressing her small body tightly to him. He pulled her down to the linoleum floor, keeping her locked to him, trailing kisses, his mouth already fighting her dress shirt for further access to her skin. He used one hand to undo his white Navy suit jacket and then undid his dress shirt and shrugged them off, leaving him in his white tee shirt, pants, shoes and socks. Then his fingers began to work on Anna Marie’s pants along with her underpants and shimmied them down her hips. He worked his long fingers between her thighs and dipped into the heavy flesh of her pubis, and found her already heated and thickly coated with her dew.

At the rough male touch Anna Marie shuddered, her thighs clenching together

defensively as more heat seared her loins.

Dallas inserted a finger into her sopping vagina, and swore softly to himself when he found her very tight, realizing just how unused this small woman was when it came to sex. She arched and gasped, rotating her hips against his intrusive finger. She might not have been a virgin, but close enough to being one. What else could he expect from a librarian?

And why a librarian, he asked himself. A timid, mousy, shy, dreamy-eyed, self-effacing librarian, who obviously lived a very sedate, very uneventful life. If he were any type of gentlemen, he would have left her alone. Especially when that librarian was his brother’s sister-in-law. If he had been a gentleman, he would never have manipulated her to bringing him home and let her, instead, safely deposit him at his hotel.

But Dallas was no gentleman. At least he rarely was with a woman he wanted to screw.

Regardless of who she was. Even a librarian.

Especially this particular librarian. Somehow, with this one, he couldn’t help himself.

Even though he knew that she wouldn’t know half the things he was going to do to her, he had to have her. And he didn’t bother to tell himself that he would be careful with her. He didn’t want to be. He didn’t want to handle her with kid gloves. He wanted nothing between his hands and the librarian’s small, soft body, physical or mental. He needed to fully unleash his hunger on her, taste and drink every inch of her, so that when he walked away, his thirst was thoroughly quenched.

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As he continued to pump his finger gently inside Anna Marie, she felt her loins heating and tightening so that it became unbearable. She gave a soft whimper, pulled her knees to her chest, clenching her thighs together, and pressed the back of her head against his chest and gave a wail, inarticulate in her begging for something that she had no knowledge of.

Dallas gripped her hips and easily put her on all fours, one hand frantically undoing his pants. He pulled down her pants and panties over her hips. When his eyes saw the two pale and very rounded hillocks facing him, for a moment all he could do was stare hungrily at them, his eyes feverishly running over the smooth velvety cheeks. He bent his head and sank his teeth into one of the globes. Anna Marie squealed at the pain, jerked her buttocks up, her head turning back to him with eyes that were startled and apprehensive. She started to withdraw from him.

To soothe her, Dallas slipped his fingers between her thighs and thrust a finger into her and pumped her gently, still taking bites out of her cheeks but more softly, tasting her with his tongue.

The heat seared back into her loins, and she gasped and then moaned between clenched teeth, shimming her buttocks at him.

This only incited his need, his cock still confined in his white pants surging with rushing blood that was so hot that for a second he thought he would come in his pants, something he had not suspected he was still capable of doing since he was a teenager. Fearing it was just a matter of seconds before he did cream his pants, he pulled them down and freed his cock. He slipped his finger inside Anna Marie’s pussy again and shuddered at the tight fit even with his finger. On top of his fear of coming before he could get inside her, he now had the added fear of not being able to get himself inside her. But his extensive knowledge of the human anatomy overrode that apprehension. Despite his size, he knew very well that any woman’s body could accommodate any man’s size.

Then Dallas remembered his condoms and cursed. For once, he was resentful of the need for the protection. It was a barrier, and he wanted no barrier between his dick and Anna Marie’s flesh. It wasn’t that he was worried about diseases. He didn’t make a habit of indiscriminately sleeping with strange women, and getting regular urine tests was required in the Navy. And he knew enough about her sexual history to be sure that she was also in the clear. He just didn’t want unforeseen surprises a few months down the line.

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He shook his head a little to clear it, and reached in his back pants’ pocket for his wallet.

But when Anna Marie gave a soft moan, he couldn’t help but turn his attention to the creamy buttocks splayed in front of him, and he pumped her gently with his finger, which turned her moan into a wail. He felt her tight flesh pulsate around his finger and saw her warm juice pouring out of her.

Frantic now, he searched with his other hand his wallet, trying to locate the few condoms he always had on hand. But he couldn’t find them and he ended up pulling out the contents of his wallet. Finally, he saw a blue foil packet on the floor. He was about to reach for it, when he caught sight of Anna Marie’s pussy dripping with her juices, his finger still lodged firmly within her. And he was distracted with the need to taste her.

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