Anna Marie Sorenson's Secret Affair (18 page)

BOOK: Anna Marie Sorenson's Secret Affair
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Dallas did not give his ravaged victim any time to come down from her orgasm. While

she was still in its heavy throes, he picked up her shuddering body and set her on all fours so that her buttocks were thrust up at him. His thighs parted hers, and he moved the thick tip of his cock to her entrance and plunged deeply into her channel. Without gentleness, his hands holding her hips roughly so that they left bruises, he fucked her hard and wildly.

Anna Marie’s loins immediately became tight again at the heavy thrust and drag of the huge penis inside her making her body stretch with tension again. She didn’t want to go through another erotic ravagement but she had no choice, she realized, closing her eyes as Dallas thrust his penis and filled her again.

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When she opened her eyes again, she came face to face with her own image in the mirror, the shameful image of her on her hands and knees with her demanding lover behind her, a position that was almost as shameful as seeing her thighs opened wide in front of her face and exposing her glistening flesh. And it was even more shameful because she could clearly watch Dallas pound into her willing flesh. It was all written on her face, what his fucking was doing to her, the way her heavy eyes drooped into slits, the way one wave of erotic need after another twisted her features, her lips parted as they emitted helpless cries. And both could see her heavy breasts undulating back and forth with each of his powerful thrust, swaying in time with his plunges. In the mirror, Anna Marie saw Dallas reach a hand under her and start to fondle one breast, pulling at it and then his fingers worrying the rock-hard nipple. She moaned, and she heard it, and it was a low sound of an animal in exquisite agony.

When she felt her loins beginning to tighten in preparation, she saw in the mirror herself eagerly hitching up her buttocks higher to Dallas and him gripping her hips harder as he quickened his plunges. Then her orgasm peaked and broke and she sobbed, collapsing on the bed, her pale body shuddering violently.

He continued to fuck her over and over until his great body stilled and he gave a harsh male cry, threw his head back, and poured his liquid into his lover’s warm, dark womb.

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Chapter 9

Over four hours later, while Anna Marie was sleeping peacefully on the torn up bed,

slumbering heavily from the carnal excess he had had put her through, Dallas was driving his rented car down Highway 101, heading for San Francisco International Airport, dressed in his Navy whites. He pulled his cell phone from his pocket and called his superior.

“Where the hell are you?” came the gruff demand from the other end. “The driver I sent to meet you at the airport told me you never showed.”

“I’m on my way to the airport, now, Admiral.”

There was a pause. “Are you going to tell me something came up again?”

Dallas smiled while he dug out his wallet to pay the tool booth. “Should I bother?”

“This is becoming a habit with you, Trent, a habit that I’m not sure I like. It’s not like you. You’ve never let your dick hold you up in all the years I’ve known you when it came to your assignments. Not like the other men. I thought you were too much of a cold bastard to let a woman hold you up on anything, whether she’s a piece of ass or the marrying type. Which is she, by the way?”

Dallas hesitated. “A piece of ass.”

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The man on the other end did not miss his pause. “Who is she?”

“No one you know, Admiral.”

“Is she going to be a problem?”

“No, I don’t plan her to be.”

“Good. When you get to the airport, you can take a fucking taxi to get to the base since you seem to think this is all on your time.” The phone clicked dead.

Back in Santa Rosa, Anna Marie slowly woke up, finding herself alone on the bed and

her cat sitting patiently at the foot of the bed watching her with a bored expression.

She gave a yawn. “Is he gone?” she asked the cat, and the cat simply gave a great yawn and continued to look bored.

She tried to move but her sore muscles protested so she lay back down. Stuart padded on his great paws and sat his fat rump right next to her. Anna Marie with absent-minded affection scratched his head.

“I know he fed you,” she told the cat. “And you’re supposed to be on a diet.”

Seeing that his mistress was in no hurry to get up, the cat dropped on his hindquarters and began to clean himself. Since his belly was full, he could afford to wait and she would eventually have to make her way into the kitchen, where he could usually coerce her into giving him fresh food, maybe even cream, if he attacked her legs.

Seeing that it was nearly one o’clock in the afternoon already, Anna Marie decided to take the rest of the day off from work and use it to recover.

A few days later, Anna Marie was vacuuming her bedroom as part of her hated monthly

cleaning ritual. She stopped the vacuum and turned the motor off when she heard it rattle. From the hose, she pulled out a metal necklace. She saw that it was Dallas’s military tags. At first, she wondered what she should do with them. She couldn’t give them to her brother-in-law, but she couldn’t keep them either. Surely a military man had to have his identity tags on him, didn’t he?

She decided she would try sending them to him.

For the next several days, she used her librarian acumen to research how a citizen could send something to one of their soldiers who might have lost an article. After looking through the Secret Affair 113

Internet and making some phone calls, she was able to get the address of Dallas’s headquarter, which was at the Pentagon.

At first, she was going to just send the tags in a package. But she felt that wasn’t really right. It seemed cold and unfeeling to just send the item without a note or something. After all, they weren’t anonymous strangers. And they weren’t polite strangers, either. Hadn’t they shared a couple of nights of unbridled sex? If she just sent the tags in the package without a personal note, he would think her rude and unfriendly. Or, maybe, he would think that she was mad at him. And she didn’t want him to think she had anything against him, even when he had done so many nasty things to her.

So, she sat down and wrote a letter:

Dear Mr. Trenton…

No, she couldn’t be that formal. They had sex! Twice! More than twice! five, six, maybe seven times! On each visit.

Hi, Dallas…

Too informal.

Hi, Dal…

Definitely too familiar.

To Whom It May Concern…

That sounded too much like she was addressing the complaint department.

Dear Dallas (I hope you don’t mind me calling you by your first name.):

Please find enclosed the military tags, which I assume belongs to you.

Well, of course they would belong to you, wouldn’t they? I did my best to return

them to you as fast as I could, knowing that all military personnel must have

these on their persons at all time for identification purpose in case…I hope you

weren’t too inconvenienced by not having them on you. And I hope you did not

get in too much trouble.

Anna Marie was going to leave the note at that. But, then, she thought that might be inadequate for a woman writing a letter to a man with whom she had sex. He might think that the two nights that they had meant nothing to her, that she was in the habit of using men for sex and then forgetting about them.

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She continued to write.

How are you, Dallas? I hope you’re fine, and that things are going well

for you. Hawaii must be beautiful and the beaches amazing. I hope that wherever

your next assignment is, you will be able to take in some of Hawaii’s most

popular tourist sites, such as taking a helicopter to see the volcanoes, snorkeling, horseback riding, windsurfing, and hiking.

Everyone is fine here, in case you’re wondering. If your brother has not

written to you yet about it, he just won a big case for the county against the

federal government in the federal court. They ruled that the county did have the

right to place more stringent anti-pollution laws than federal law requires against

national companies who use the county’s water for commerce since the

waterways are owned by the county. Of course, these companies are going to

appeal and will probably take it as far as the Supreme Court. Just imagine, if they

do, then your brother might be arguing in front of the nation’s highest court.

As you learned on your last visit, the county supervisor passed the

remodeling of the library, which will include a gift shop and a coffee bar. I

fought the passing, as I am a die-hard civil servant, who believes that she went

into public service for the good of the public, and that any privatization would

corrupt the well being of the public. They broke ground on the addition yesterday

with great ceremony including the proverbial smashing of champagne, except

that the champagne was quite cheap, because, as Councilman Broders said, it was

on the taxpayers’ dollar.

So, I have resigned myself to include in my supervisory duties to oversee

college students just out of braces (that is their brains versus their teeth)

rampaging the coffee shop, sporting purple hair, nose ring, and have no idea how

many continents there are, that the Arctic is not one of them, that John F.

Kennedy was a “Cool Dude,” and that as ragingly popular as Harry Potter books

are that they are still not examples of high-brow literature.

Your niece, Tessa, has lost another tooth. Since their births, Pepper has

determinedly dispelled all childhood illusions to her children, She felt letting

them grow with beliefs of Santa Clause, the Tooth Fairy, Mother Goose, and

other fairy tales causes them to grow up neurotic, delusional, and inculcated in

the commercialization of personal happiness. As a three year-old, Tessa did not

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know better than to accept the lack of earnings on her teeth loss. Now, though,

having been exposed to her peers and their claims of the miracle of discovering

one or two currencies beneath their pillows the following morning, all due to the

midnight visit of some strange flying, sparkly being, Tessa has argued, and quite

successfully, that as a child, she has the right to the privileges of all other

children in the land, and that she has been the victim of serious deprivation of a

normal childhood, and, as such, should be compensated for not only her

monetary rights from the loss of her teeth, but also for the emotional and mental

injuries that she has incurred at the hands of her parents in their callous disregard for the childhood delight and wonder of make-believe. She demanded two dollars

as well as all the dollars that should have been earned on past tooth loss with

added interest and then double interest on top of that for emotional hardship.

Tessa actually convened a family court in the living room with her as the

plaintiff and the lawyer for the plaintiff, Pepper as the defense, and Cameron as

the judge. The ruling was, after much deliberation by the judge, in favor of the

plaintiff. Such a ruling, naturally, makes null and void the running practice of

sanitizing all fairytale exposure of the household, and requires the defendant to

compensate the victims for past monetary and materialistic deprivation. Toby,

just as his sister, was to be provided past monies with equal interest.

Not surprisingly, Tessa has declared that she wants to be a lawyer like

her father. She has shown herself, as in the case of Denial of Rightful Childhood

Delusions, quite talented for formal rhetoric. However, I cannot be a little

apprehensive for future esquire field. She may have her father’s ability for

disciplined rhetoric, but I’m afraid she has her mother’s instinct for super

achieving and impregnable aggressiveness. Such a combination could be quite

lethal and I can’t help but foresee a sea of pulverized victims of Tessa’s legal

offensiveness. Privately, I cannot but equate Tessa, and her mother for that

matter, as a human black hole.

Besides the courtroom drama, there was also another small domestic

mishap in the family. Remember the kitten Toby saved from the neighbor’s tree?

Well, the neighbor let him keep the kitten, much to Pepper’s disgust (as cats have

a way of assuming prima donna status in a household, which Pepper is loath to

share with anyone, even if with a lower animal), and Tessa’s acute envy. Now,

Tessa has demanded that she be allowed a pet, and in her lifelong practice of

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perverting anything that her brother likes and does, Tessa demanded her own pet

be a dog, and a Pit Bull, at that. Your brother instantly shot down the idea of a Pit Bull in no uncertain terms, which threw your niece into momentary confusion,

because usually her father is very tractable when it comes to her demands.

Tessa then worked on her mother for weeks until she weakened her. A

full-grown Pit Bull was brought home. Immediately, the canine proceeded to

thoroughly mark its new territory by peeing everywhere, ruining all the antique

carpets and has brought down the value by several thousands of dollar the

colonial desk that Pepper had bought from E-Bay. After he had bit the mailman

twice, your brother was forced to open a box at the Post Office because they

refuse to send any persons out to the house for mail delivery.

The sticking point for Cameron was when the dog scooped up the poor

kitten in its mouth with every intention of making a meal out of it. Toby

screamed, startling the dog so much that it dropped the kitten. The dog chased the

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