A Tale of Two Besties

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Authors: Sophia Rossi

BOOK: A Tale of Two Besties
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ISBN: 978-0-698-17780-2

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.



Title Page




Lily and Harper



Lily and Harper





Lily and Harper






Lily and Harper
















Lily and Harper

M+M: A Bestie Story

To all the Gigglers

I learned to read while I was living in the Seychelles, a group of islands off the east coast of Africa, when my father was making a movie based on
Robinson Crusoe
. I had left the familiarity of my Los Angeles home, my first grade class, and all of my friends for this tropical beach reminiscent of an explorer's desert island. Although it was beautiful, it was so different from home—with a very small population and just one tiny general store, it was nothing like the big-city culture I was accustomed to. I had my sister there with me, and did manage to make one or two new friends. But I still missed life at home and the friends that went with it. This new feeling was what led me to discover that I could escape into the stories in the books I was learning to read. Instead of feeling homesick, I could picture the characters and the places I was reading about. My imagination was thriving, and I finally felt at home.

When I returned to California, I got my first library card. I came to love the musty smell that accompanied the shelves upon shelves of undiscovered stories. From the fairy tales I knew from my early years to the page-turning young-adult novels I discovered as I grew older, books became my constant and consistent friends. From fiction to nonfiction, history to mystery, books of all kinds became my confidants, my teachers, and my entertainment, and they never, ever let me down. I took my books with me everywhere I went, and they silently soothed my bad days. I couldn't wait to get into bed and read every night, sometimes so engrossed in a story that I would sneak a flashlight under my pillow so that I could keep turning pages well past lights-out.

Books also become a way that I bonded with my friends. We exchanged our cherished and tattered paperbacks, and then wrote down our own stories when we were inspired. This was how I first became interested in going into the profession of storytelling, of playing other characters, of inhabiting other worlds. If you get tired of your own world, there's always a story waiting to take you away to someplace interesting.

Sophia's book,
A Tale of Two Besties
, is an homage to the books of our youth—and to our real friends, the ones who are as consistent as our favorite novels. I hope this book can be something you can share with your friends, and that will remind you of how lucky you are to have them.

Zooey Deschanel

Lily (2:46 pm):
PuppyGirl. What if, instead of going to the first day of school tomorrow, we just hid out under the pier forever and made a living selling friendship bracelets and seashells? That is totally doable, right? Please say it's doable.

Harper (2:47 pm):
Hang on, Gawkward Fairy! Do you really want to spend the last night before freshman year freaking out? Let's soak it in! Beverly Hills High won't know what they're missing when you go to Pathways!

Lily (2:47 pm):
Stop. You're going to make me do one of those cry-face emojis.

Harper (2:48 pm):
Like this one

Harper (2:48 pm):
or like

Harper (2:49 pm):
Why are there so many face emojis? like do humans even have the capacity to make these faces?

Harper (2:49 pm):

Lily (2:50 pm):

Harper (2:49 pm):
I bet it's the last one that is basically a picture of your face right now and also the rest of the time.

Harper (2:50 pm):
Oh my god, right? “HOW DO I GET THE RINGTONE TO PLAY DRAKE but not the singing part only the part where he ‘raps'?” Ughhh, okay mom.

Lily (2:51 pm):
I <3 her.

Harper (2:51 pm):
Not the way you <3 Tim Slater. Want me to say hi from the “Fairy” tomorrow when I see him in class?

Lily (2:51 pm):
Seriously: NOPE.

Harper (2:52 pm):
Playing hard to get, are we? Or have you accepted what a serial weirdo our male buddy is?

Lily (2:53 pm):
Man you seriously date someone for 2 months and they crush your heart by not being that into you and you never live it down?? I don't like him anymore, I just like those comics he draws for us!

Harper (2:54 pm):
They are good comics, Gawkward Fairy. And that's not just me as my superhero PUPPYGIRL with my SUPER EMPATHY talking.

Lily (2:55 pm):
Nice try, but the Gawkward Fairy has up her ultra gawkward shield. NOW I AM immune to all forms of kindess!! Let's face it: the saddest day of my life starts tomorrow and will last FOREVER.

Harper (2:56 pm):
FOREVER? So dramatic. No wonder they are sending you to the Pathways School of Creative Angst.

Lily (2:56 pm):
Now I'm actually crying face.

Harper (2:56 pm):
Okay, that's it. Emergency BFF meeting. Same secret time, same secret place?

Lily (2:56 pm):
Only if you bring a sacrificial goat and/or Pinkberry.

Harper (2:57 pm):

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