Angel (NSC Industries) (28 page)

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Authors: D H Sidebottom

BOOK: Angel (NSC Industries)
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Nate’s birthday and I’m surprising him with a dinner at the elusive ‘La Roche’
tonight but I have to pick Jay up from my house on the way so I’m just waiting
for him to text to tell he’s got to mine okay,” I frowned “he should have been
there by now.”

shrugged. “It’s Friday sweetie, the traffic will be horrendous. Does Nate know
Jay is going to be there?”

grinned. “No, Ollie, Nate’s best friend is picking him up and taking him
straight after work to meet us there. It’s a shame Erin and Matt aren’t with us
but at least Jay and Ollie will be there.”

smiled and handed me a coffee “Well that will be lovely, I have a card for him,
remind me to give it you before you go.” I nodded and sipped the hot coffee as
Grace went back to her office.


my attention back to the document I was currently working on, my phone rang in
my bag and I reached down and picked it up and checking the display, saw it was
Jay. “Hey, Sweetheart” I said as I clicked into a new spread sheet.

hello, Darling” James’s voice droned down the phone.

breath sped up and I gripped the end of the desk. “James” I growled.

at least you are talking to me now, Olivia. Its sooo lovely to hear your voice
again” he breathed down the phone, “Your voice always turned me on Olivia, do
you know that?” he sneered.


took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself not to shrink away from him.
“What do you want, James?” I asked nonchalantly and he let out a deep rumble.

think it’s more what you want, Liv” he droned and my hairs stood on end.
Something was wrong and my gut knew it before I did.

I questioned again.

Olivia, Jay and I have just been catching up and he’s been telling me all about
your reunion with his father.”

lungs emptied in one fell swoop and my legs trembled violently under the table,
spilling my coffee from its mug all over the paperwork I had completed this
morning. “James, please” I begged.

better Olivia, now I have your respect and conformation I want you to listen
very carefully. Jay is waiting for you to pick him up and I want you to do just
that, but you come alone.”

swallowed heavily “Please James, don’t hurt him. I will do anything but… Please


was weeping now, trying to control my voice as he laughed down the phone. “Oh,
I know you will do
Olivia, you were always good for that if
nothing else. Now I’m telling you again, come and get Jay… alone.”

phone went dead.



the hell was I supposed to slip past Neo? And then my gaze swung to Grace.
Wiping my eyes and jumping from my chair, I rushed over to her office and flung
open the door.

I blurted, “Can I please borrow your car? Neo’s gone on his lunch and Jay’s had
an accident. I need to get to him now.”

was crying hysterically and Grace rushed round her desk to me, fiddling in her
bag for her car keys. “Oh god, Sweetie of course. You want me to ring Mr Carter?”

I shouted way too quickly and she queried as she passed me her keys.

I really think you ought to let him know.”

shook my head “It’s his birthday Grace, let me get to Jay first and then I’ll
let Nate know, Okay?”

was nodding my head furiously as she frowned. “Okay Olivia, but please be
careful driving like that. I still think I ought to let Mr Carter know and he
can drive you.”

shook my head so hard my brain rattled. “For fucks sake Grace I said No” and I
shot to the elevator, leaving my bag and phone still sat on my desk and I heard
Grace shout me as the lift doors closed behind me, “OLIVIA!”


ran through the foyer and into the car park in search of Grace’s car and I
heard Bert shouting to me as I slipped in to Grace’s shiny sports car and spun
it out of the car park, leaving a gravel dust cloud in my wake. I had to get to
Jay because I knew without a doubt if I didn’t hurry that James would kill him
and he would wear a grin while doing it.



I approached my street a phone started ringing in the car and I looked around
curious. There was a mounted car phone in the centre console. “Fuck” I growled,
who the hell had a car phone nowadays.

knew it was Nate straight away and if I didn’t answer, things would get much
worse so I pressed a button that had lit up on the dashboard.


he screamed through the phone.

its fine, let me handle it” I said through my gritted teeth, my jaw was so
tight I was surprised I could speak.

was silent for a moment, “Handle what, Liv?” he said so quietly I knew I had
slipped up and he was aware something was going down.

Jay’s in a bit of trouble but I’ll sort it, Nate.”


ended the call as I screeched to a halt outside my house. The phone rang again
as I jumped from the car and raced up the path, opening the door so hard it
flung back against the wall and swung back into me.


I shouted and it was eerily quiet, “James, I swear to god if you have hurt him.”
I flung the kitchen door open and stopped dead.

was tied to a chair; his head flopped down and blood seeping through his
beautiful blond curls. I let out a sob and he lifted his head “Mum?”

slid over to him and landed on my knees in front of him. “Jay, Oh my God, Jay.
I’m so sorry, Sweetheart” I sobbed and his hazy eyes cleared and widened when
he saw me.

Get the fuck out of here” he hissed quietly.

Okay Jay, everything will be okay” I told him as I reached round to undo his
ropes, but they were tied so tight they had dug into his skin, bloody welts now
adorning his wrists and I couldn’t get a grip on the knot. 

hello Olivia, it’s good to see you at last” James jeered from behind me and I
spun round, my back pressed against Jay in a protective stance.


was stood leaning against the door frame, an evil look on his face and a knife
in his hand. He looked exactly the same as he had done when he got sent down
eleven years ago. The same dark blonde hair, green eyes, and even the same
sneer on his lips.


cocked his head to one side as his eyes roved over my body; he gave a leer and
crooked his finger to me. “Get up, Olivia” he said harshly and I stood
immediately, the old submissive behaviour that was always there with him bound
to the forefront.

was my defence instinct that kicked in, do what he says to keep him calm.


walked over to him, painfully slow, my legs refusing to move any faster, and
stood before him.

gave me a disgusted look, curling his lip at me in revulsion and then licked
across my cheek and rested his mouth against my ear. “I hear you are back with
Nathan, Olivia” he whispered into my ear, “in fact I have seen you are back
with Nathan. You have given me lots of nice video footage to entertain myself”
he informed me with a smirk and then he pulled back and slammed his fist into
my cheek and sent me sprawling across the floor.

fucking slag” he screamed, “You are mine Olivia, do you hear me?” he spat as he
leant over and raged at me “You fucking whore, you will open your legs for
anyone won’t you?”


was struggling in his chair as James grabbed my hair and pulled me from the
floor and pushed me up against the wall. I was aware of a phone ringing
somewhere in the house.

tipped his head to me and narrowed his eyes “I really hope you haven’t told
anyone where you are, Olivia?” he hissed and I shook my head.

slid the knife slowly down my cheek, a lecherous curl on his lips, “You were
always beautiful, Olivia.”

knife slid down my neck, a trickle of blood following it as it came to my
shirt. His eyes never left the knife, tracking its progress with his eyes as
Jay still struggled and my legs shook so hard my teeth chattered.

slipped the knife under each button, popping my shirt open as it went. “Please,
James” I sobbed as I heard the phone ring again.


fucking crying Olivia, you were always a bloody crier.” He regarded me again “I
wonder if Jay will cry when he watches his mother get fucked like she should be
fucked.” I whimpered as the knife pressed against the swell of my breast.

your fucking hands off her” Jay roared and James laughed bitterly. “And how are
you going to stop me, Jay?” he sneered as he turned and stepped towards Jay.

grabbed his arm and pulled him back to me “James, leave him please, I’m here.”


scoffed. “Always the same Olivia, sacrificing yourself for your precious Jay.”
He slid the knife under the front of my bra and sliced it upwards, cutting it
in half and nicking my skin as he struck, exposing my breasts.

circled my nipples with the knife as I sobbed and my chest heaved, my brain had
started to shut down and I fought against it, needing to be conscious to help

gazed at my chest “You always had great tits Olivia, and I think they look even
better now they display my branding, such a pretty pattern against your pale


grasped my chin, squeezing hard “Take off your shirt, Olivia.”

gulped. “Mum, don’t” Jay pleaded, “James leave her. Take it out on me but leave
my Mum, please” his anxious eyes showing their terror for me but not himself.

slowly turned to Jay, a sickening smile at his mouth “Are you asking me to
screw you instead of your mother, Jay?”

whimpered as I struggled against his hold. “James” I tried, cupping his cheek
to get his attention back to me. He punched me again “Shut the fuck up, Olivia.”


felt the tight skin on my lip split and the trickle of blood drip down my chin.
“Oh for fucks sake,” he huffed “now you look a fucking mess you stupid bitch.”

was watching Jay struggle against the ropes and James turned his attention back
to him “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to fuck you Jay, just to see
the look on your mothers face as I do it.”

nausea rose at the same time as my knee, and I propelled it straight into his
groin and as he doubled up I ran to the stairs.

FUCKING CUNT!” he roared as he skidded after me and grabbed my ankle as he
caught up with me halfway up the stairs.

me back into the hallway, he flung me on the floor and kicked me in the ribs
and stomach repeatedly. I curled up defensively as he kicked me again, pain and
fear rendering me breathless as I whimpered against each kick.


loomed over me and then he dropped down next to me and started hitching my
skirt up my hips as his erection dug into my thigh. “Please don’t do this,

punched the side of my face again, “Shut up!” he snarled and started to rip my
knickers down as I tried to crawl away from him.

Jay screamed as his hands were now straining hard against the ropes.


heard James’s zip being pulled down as I made out screeching tires outside and
car doors slamming.

grabbed my hair and pulled my head back “You fucking bitch. I told you not to tell

clambered over me into the kitchen and shot through the back door.


front door swung back forcibly and smashed against the wall and Nate came
storming in. He roared in a heart wrenching agony as he took in my state; blood
pouring down my face, my lip split and my eye bruising already.  My skirt was around
my waist, my knickers ripped and flung to the side of me and everything on
display as Blake and Neo came thundering in behind him.


huddled me up and shouted to Neo and Blake to go after James as I screamed at
him “Jay, Nate, see to Jay!”

frowned at me. “Where is he, Liv?” he breathed, his face paling to an extreme.
“He’s in the kitchen” I sobbed and started to crawl across the floor to get to
Jay, uncaring that my bare arse was now stuck up in the air, as the urgent need
to check on my son roared at the front of my brain.

okay Dad, I’m fine” Jay shouted from the kitchen.  


scooped me up, pulling my skirt down as he carried me into the kitchen and sat
me on a chair as he went to untie Jay. “You okay son?” Nate asked, fighting to
calm his extreme breathing and Jay nodded and rushed over to me.

God Mum, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know he was here when I walked in” he sobbed as
he wrapped his arms round me.

squatted in front of me and cupped my cheek. “Baby? Did he... Did he touch you,
Liv?” he grated through his stiff jaw as Neo and Blake walked back in shaking
their head at Nate.

he hissed and then turned back to me but Jay told him for me, “He was just about
to but he heard you pull up and ran for it.”


blood was dripping off my chin onto my breasts and I became aware of my open
shirt and thrust it together tightly as I got to my feet and calmly walked
upstairs, opened my bedroom door, shut it quietly and flicked the lock.

need to be alone was overpowering and I curled up on my bed, the familiar smell
comforting me slightly.

rocked and hugged myself, angry that James had done it again. Took away my
respect and comfort in my own skin, took away my security in my own home and
once again took away the peace of mind that I had found after 12 long fucking






eyes opened and it was dark outside and I lay there for a long moment, numb and
lost in my mind, lost in the terror that filled my thoughts.

knowledge that he had hurt Jay crippled me, and the thought that Jay would have
had to watch his mum being raped, ripped at me.

was never going to leave us alone. He was going to make mine, Jay’s and Nate’s
life hell, constantly having to look over our shoulders for the rest of our


urgently needed the toilet and sat up on the edge of the bed, my head was
pounding, my face was sore and my ribs hurt when I moved.

groaned and heaved my hammered body up and across the room and flipped the lock
on the door, stepping out onto the landing.

was sat, his arms embracing his tucked up knees and his chin resting against
them opposite my door. He looked up and smiled sadly, “Hey, baby” he said
quietly and I smiled and stroked his hair as I passed him to the bathroom.


sat on the toilet, urine flowing when Nate walked in and started to run me a
bath, pouring in lots of my favourite bubble bath. He came and squatted in
front of me while I was still situated on the toilet seat.

gently removed my torn shirt and bra, gracefully sliding them down my arms and
throwing them in the bin to the side of the room. He slipped my skirt over my
head as I was still sat, and then turned his attention to the bath, checking
its temperature and swirling it as we both remained silent.


turned off the taps and gently lifted me off the toilet and placed me tenderly
into the bath, then stripped naked and climbed in behind me pulling me close
and binding himself to me, wrapping his legs around mine as he washed me
soothingly and delicately.

leaned around me and sensitively wiped my face, taking extra care over my lip
and cheek as he bit his bottom lip and grimaced.

smiled softly as he took even more care over my now purple ribs and the incision
over my breast.


breathing was heavy and he was so tense it felt like I was leaning against a
boulder. I slid round to face him and rested on my knees between his legs as I
took in his pained expression.

once bright blue eyes were now dead, his cheeky smile was gone leaving a severe
frown in its wake and his beautiful sculptured jaw was now jutted out sternly;
he was a heart breaking sight and the sadness in his face tore me apart.


slid my finger down his temple and onto his heavy jaw and leant forward to kiss
the trail it left behind and then I found his mouth, the need to kiss him
greater than anything I had ever felt, the sting in my split lip making me
flinch but determined to carry on.

need to be loved overpowered the shame and pain and the need to be comforted by
this loving and gentle man taking over my core.

need you, Nate” I breathed as I continued to kiss him with the very essence of
my soul.

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