Angel (NSC Industries) (32 page)

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Authors: D H Sidebottom

BOOK: Angel (NSC Industries)
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could be doing anything; driving, bathing or even shopping, although I knew
that would be the last of Nate’s choices.

if he was with Eleanor? Noooo, I was not even going there.


called Neo and asked him to pick me up and then I called Mandy. “DC Yale” she
answered quickly.

its Olivia Adams, I was just ringing for an update.”

was silent for a while, “No Olivia, nothing as yet. You heard anything?”

ran through the foyer to Neo and climbed in the back of the car as I carried on
my conversation with Mandy. “No, nothing but I dunno… I’ve just got a really
bad feeling today.”

was silent again and then I heard her sigh, “Olivia, has there been anything
unusual you’ve noticed?”

sighed in resignation, knowing that she thought I was just being crazy “Well
no, but I can’t get hold of Nate” I said with a huff.

I presume you have done the usual ringing him and friends, etcetera?”


my eyes at her I confirmed I had done all that. “Well, there’s not a lot I can
do Olivia, not unless he’s been missing for 48 hours but listen, you have my
number and if you haven’t heard from him by 10pm tonight give me another ring,
I’m on duty till midnight, okay?”

okay Mandy but please make sure you keep your phone with you all day. Like I
said I’ve got a really funny feeling today. Please!” I was practically begging


couldn’t figure out what it was, but something was seriously wrong with Nate.
She told me she would and I ended the call as we pulled up to Nate’s house and
Neo dropped me off at the front doors.

Carter’s car isn’t here so I presume he’s out. You going to be okay?” he asked,
obviously overhearing my conversation with Mandy.

looks like he’s out” I scowled.

the hell was he?


finished for the day, Olivia but give me a ring if you need me” he shouted as I
clambered from the car, I gave him a quick wave as he pulled off and I scrambled
through my bag for the key Nate had given me.

the door and entering the hallway I shouted him but it was eerily quiet.

my eyes I saw Nate’s car keys on the table beside the door, my heart started
pounding rapidly; his car must still be in the garage unless he had took the


was really bad, something was bad and my body shook with the knowledge. “Nate”
I shouted, tilting my head and swallowing hard as I listened for a sound.

it was, a slight muffle coming from the lounge.

Still nothing and I took a step nearer the room, my heart in my mouth as I slid
my hand in my bag and pressing the hash key on my phone and then resting my
finger on the number 1 key, I swallowed hard and turned into the room.



was tied to a chair, naked from the waist up covered in bruises and slash
marks. His head was slumped forwards and his hair was matted with blood.

lungs stopped functioning and my legs wobbled as I saw James stood leaning
against the wall behind him, a sneer on his face.

so good looking now is he” he drawled, “I was hoping I could give you two
matching scars but credit where it’s due he put up a hell of a fight.”

laughed as he pushed off the wall and sauntered towards me. I noticed James
also sported a black eye and a cut on his cheek along with a split lip.


back slowly I kept my eyes trained on Nate, looking for any sign he was still
breathing, easing in a small breath when I saw his chest rise and fall.

what have you done?” my voice squeaking loudly.

back hit the wall as he reached me and he took my bag from my shoulder and
threw it across to the couch.

turned back to me, his lip curling in disgust as he leaned in to me. “Well,
shall we get down to business?” he whispered in my ear and laughed when I


turned and walked over to Nate, crouched down in front of him and punched him
in the face. I screamed and stumbled over to him but James grabbed my hair and
pulled me back as Nate opened his eyes and looked at me, the haze in his eyes
clearing as he found my face.

he croaked out and my stomach clenched.

babe, I’m here. It’s gonna be ok” I told him, knowing damn well I was lying to
both of us.

pulled on my hair again and I winced as Nate growled and pulled on the ropes
tying his wrists.


Olivia” James demanded and I shook my head, “No James, please” I begged as he

you think you have a choice?” he sneered, his tongue sweeping up my cheek and
making me shudder.

looked at me, still trying to free himself. “Baby, no” he pleaded.

let go of my hair and walked over to Nate “I’ll say it again Olivia, do you
think you have a choice?”


reached to the back of his jeans and pulled out a gun. “Oh God, James” I cried
as he pointed it at Nate’s head.

SAID FUCKING STRIP!” He shouted and I flinched, my heart hammering and my ears
started pounding as my throat constricted.

please” I sobbed and he pushed the gun into Nate’s temple and raised his

Don’t” Nate ordered, shaking his head at me.

the fuck up” James snapped at him and then turned to me again, “Olivia! I won’t
fucking ask you again. Take. Off. Your. Clothes.”

lifted the gun slightly reminding me what he would do if I didn’t.


hands trembled as I raised them to my shirt and started unbuttoning it. I was
determined not to cry, not to let James see my terror but I was really
struggling as I saw the pain in Nate’s eyes.

grinned as I slipped it off my shoulders. “And the rest, Darling” the heat in
his eyes was clearly visible and it made me baulk.

fucks sake, James” Nate growled and jolted in the chair.

Nathan, you are gonna love the show” James smirked. “Carry on” he said to me,
his eyes dropping to my skirt as I unzipped it and dropped it to the floor,
closing my eyes and praying for help from God… from anyone.


was stood in my bra and knickers and I heard James approach as I kept my eyes
shut tight, his hand came to cup my face. “Always fucking beautiful, Olivia” he
said gently but then gripped my hair severely; pulling my head back as his
mouth came to my cheek, “But your mine, you fucking slag” he hissed and threw
me to the floor.

I heard Nate snarl as James started to undo his zip and I tried to scramble
away. “Olivia,” James barked “Unless you want to watch Nathan die then I expect
you to stop right there.”

stopped dead at his words and turned to look at Nate.


was now struggling to breathe and my body was trembling violently,


anguish on his face was ripping me in two and I crawled over to him. “Nate it’s
ok… it’s gonna be okay. Just shut your eyes baby, don’t watch please, Nate.” I
begged him “Please Nate, don’t look at me.”

sobbed now as James ambled over to me, stroking his penis which was now in his
hand. “Knickers off, Olivia” he said as he grabbed back hold of my hair and
pulled me across the floor.

please. Don’t do this in front of Nate, we’ll just go upstairs.”

pushed his face into mine. “Do as you’re fucking told,” he yelled “Now!”


fist slammed into my cheek, knocking my head sideways but his grip on my hair
kept me upright.

I swear to god, I’m gonna fucking kill you for this” Nate roared and James just
laughed “And how the hell are you gonna do that when you’re tied to a chair and
I have the gun? What would you like me to do Nathan, fuck her or shoot her?
Your choice.” he raised his eyebrows as though it was a regular thing to ask.

Nate didn’t answer but continued to struggle in his bonds James punched me
again “ANSWER ME NATHAN!” He demanded as I whimpered and closed my hand around
the fingers in my hair, trying to ease his grip.

eyes lifted. “Please don’t do this, James” he begged and as James fisted my
hair harder Nate closed his eyes and whispered “Just don’t kill her.” He
swallowed as he knew he had just given James permission to rape his lover, his


let go of my hair and ripped my knickers off as he pushed me down to the floor.
“Hand and knees Olivia, you know what to do” he growled and I did as he asked, knowing
how James liked to take me; forearms flat on the floor and my backside raised
in the air as I clamped my knees together.

Girl” he said as I felt him push against me from behind. A sob escaped me as he
grabbed my hair again and pulled my head back.

your eyes, Nathan and watch, watch how she likes to be fucked” he ordered. Nate
slowly opened his eyes and locked onto mine, the helplessness and raw pain in
them broke me.

okay Nate, it’s okay” I forced a smile, trying to hide my pain as I silently
begged him to get through this.


eyes never left his as I felt James enter me in a single vicious thrust, his
groan loud in the room as I zoned out and held Nate’s gaze, my eyes pleading with
him to get me through this, help me concentrate on anything but James.

single tear dropped down my cheek and I closed my eyes. I heard Nate sob,
“Angel! Look at me, Liv” he said softly and I opened my eyes as James thrust
again, one of his hands still gripped my hair in a tight vice as his other hand
dug into my buttock, his fingers digging in painfully.

Olivia. I forgot how tight you fucking are” James growled as his thrusts got


was struggling harder, his arms wriggling and his chest straining as he tried
to free himself but his eyes never left mine, silently communicating with me
whilst the torture and suffering etched into every inch of his beautiful face.


had now started to shut down, zoning out like I had done so many times before
and I smiled gently at him. “I’m okay, Baby” I mouthed to him “I’m okay.”

sob tore from his throat at my words. “I’m so sorry, baby” he whispered as a
tear trickled out of the corner of his eye and rolled down his cheek.

pounding became frantic and he grunted, stilling as he ejaculated and I
retched, the thought of a piece of him, of his DNA invading my body.


he yelled and his fingers became incredibly painful as they jabbed deeper in to
my backside.


felt him withdraw and his foot slammed into my back as he kicked me to the ground.
“Jesus Christ” Nate shouted but James just grinned, cocking his head and
regarding Nate “She likes it rough” he laughed and Nate growled a deep primal growl,
which showed every part of his anger and hatred.

Now Nathan, don’t get upset. Your turn’s coming” he laughed loudly and pulled
me up from the floor. “Stand and watch Olivia. This is where I get revenge on
the bastard that’s been screwing my wife.” He gripped both my arms and stood me
upright, facing Nate.


stomach sank as James picked up his gun from the table, walked over to Nate and
pressed the gun to his forehead.

I wheezed, “Please.”

turned to look at me, cocking his head and regarding me “But I’m back now
Olivia, you don’t need this wanker.”


he cocked the gun Nate’s eyes penetrated mine. “I love you, Angel… always” he
breathed and every emotion possible passed through his beautiful pure blue eyes
but above all, the most intense love, the love he had for me.


more Olivia, no more of being the little timid woman, no more of being the
defenceless beaten wife always relying on other people. No more of standing
down and accepting his cruel torture, never again being too afraid to stand up
to the bastard that’s ruined your life. This beautiful man brought you back to
life, now it’s time to repay the favour and save his life like he saved yours.


body relaxed, finally a peaceful calm enveloping me, forcing courage and
determination through my veins.

at that moment seemed to slow to a halt as James’s finger rested against the

felt myself move, my body shifting of its own accord across the room, my legs travelling
weightlessly towards James, propelling me forward effortlessly as I crashed
into James as Nate screamed out.

felt our bodies slam together powerfully, twirling in the air before we fell to
the ground, both of us toppling over as James’s body fell on top of me, heavily
pressing me to the floor.


registered three things before I died.

gunshots, a pain so severe and intense it took my last breath and Nate’s
anguished scream as I finally shut down, the darkness finally allowing me to
leave James’s torture and cruelty, finally giving in to the most supreme peacefulness
I had ever felt.

final thoughts were of dazzling bright blue eyes, the pure raw love in them and
the brightest, happiest smile on a beautiful face, a face that belonged to the
most wonderful, magnificent man that had changed my life and given me the
happiest days of my life, days to cherish and treasure and moments that gave me
a feeling of being loved more than life itself, moments of being his Angel.

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