Read Angel (NSC Industries) Online

Authors: D H Sidebottom

Angel (NSC Industries) (24 page)

BOOK: Angel (NSC Industries)
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was anxious and so bloody horny at the same time. “Touch yourself, baby” Nate
whispered and I frowned at him in the mirror.

your hand down and touch your clit, Angel” he was panting now, his stiff
erection still rubbing at my backside along with his finger.


leaving his gaze I slowly slid my hand down to my own arousal as his fingers
were now deftly plunging in and out, down to his knuckles as his other rubbed
at my tight hole.

fingers found my clit and as the climax started to build he slipped his finger
gently into me, inch by inch, slowly but firmly and I screamed as my orgasm
rocked me to the core, the erotic feeling of being so full wiping me out and I
bucked against his hand.

your eyes, baby. Look how you fucking glow as I make you come.”


continued to work me, slowly bringing me down from my high as our eyes were
linked, watching each other intensely.

heard his zip as he lowered his trousers and freed his rigid cock and he
slammed into me, all the way to my womb. “
” he cried, “
” he warned and we were immobile, him confined inside me as we gazed at
our reflection.

slowly started moving, lazily thrusting in and out as his hands came round to
circle my waist as he increased the pressure in me, pumping harder and faster,
pounding into me as I slammed back on him.

Nate, make me come, make me come hard” I shouted as he gave me a single hard

that, baby?” another hard push and his fingers slid between my legs to stroke
me as a loud guttural growl left my mouth.

he roared, an animalistic yell when he gave me one last hard drive as we both
erupted together, heads flung back in pleasure and bliss as we panted hard and
fast, him clung to me and me clung to the vanity.

he croaked out on as he carried on spurting into me, shuddering and
his head rested on my back as I reached round and slid my hand round the back
of his thigh, just for need to touch him.


I wheezed and he gently slipped out of me, turned me to face him, lifted me
onto the counter and stood between my legs, embracing me as he rested his head
between my breasts.

he sighed “please don’t leave me” he pleaded, the yearning in his voice.

shook my head, “Never, Nate” I told him as I laid my hands in his silky curls
as he exhaled profoundly, “Never” I repeated on a whisper.



lay in Nate’s huge, sumptuous bed; my head resting on his chest as he trailed
lazy circles on my back. I could tell there was something on his mind but we
were both quiet.

to me Nate, tell me what’s on your mind” I implored.

shook his head “It doesn’t matter, Angel” he said softly.

tell me” I urged.

sighed heavily “Did James, did James ever hit Jay?” he asked slowly and I felt
him stiffen in anticipation for the answer.

I said quietly “I wouldn’t let him.”


turned slightly into me, his hand moving to stroke my cheek “But… but how did
you stop him, Liv?” he asked hesitantly.

sighed and turned to sit on the edge of the bed, so I didn’t have to see his
face as I said the next words. “I made him take his temper out on me instead” I
told him grimacing.

Liv” he puffed, knowing exactly what I was saying “You let that bastard beat
and rape you to protect our son!”

rage in him was seeping out of his pores and I stiffened, ashamed of my life.


came to sit behind me, his legs on either side of me and brought his arms round
my stomach to encircle me protectively. “The thought of him having to listen to
your screams hurts me so much” he murmured, resting his cheek against my back
and I bit my bottom lip and swallowed.

sorry I did that to him Nate, I’m sorry” he slid round to the side of me and
grasped my chin, turning my face to look at him.

Liv, you have nothing to be sorry for. The courage of what you did to protect
Jay, when I was probably sunning myself in some fucking hot non-descript bloody
country, shagging anything with tits, it makes me so fucking angry at myself,


became rigid at his words. “Shit Liv, I didn’t mean it to come out like that. I
just meant while you were going through that, I didn’t have a care in my bloody
farce of a life, because that’s what it was without you Liv, a shitty meaningless
life and every day was filled with a bloody desperate longing for you.”

wrapped my arms around his, holding him tightly to me and nuzzling my head into
his neck. “I won’t ever let you go, Liv. I won’t let him hurt you and the kids
anymore, Okay?” he told me.

gave him a hint of a nod, “But you don’t know him Nate, you don’t know what
he’s capable of” I cautioned.

do, Liv” he said gently “I see it in your face, in your daily fear, the scars
on your beautiful body and in your eyes; the hurt, devastation and utter terror
in your eyes. I see it all, Angel” he revealed.


was late afternoon and we were in the lounge, curled up together on the couch
chilling as music played in the background while we chatted and I brought him
up to speed on Jay’s life.

memory Box was a great thing to do Liv; it’s helped me so much. It’s like I
haven’t really missed too much of his life, like it’s all there in glorious
Technicolor. Thank you for that, for bringing him up as though I was there with
you both.”

chuckled to himself, “My favourite piece from the box is the video of his 5
birthday, the one where he’s telling me everything what he’d had, and the slice
of cake he had saved for me sat on the paper plate on his knee” Nate chuckled,
a happy grin on his face.


my God, I remember that one. He was adamant he was saving that piece for you,
on that little paper plate but James had told him to stop been so bloody
stupid” I shivered, remembering James’s rage that day but then I laughed and
turned my face to look at him.

you know, after that day I kept going in his room for weeks and there was this
god awful smell, I couldn’t figure it out, I eventually found the paper plate
complete with mouldy cake in his toy box. He said he had put it in there so his
toy soldiers would protect it from James” I laughed with Nate.

so sweet” he chuckled and I nodded slowly “He was a good kid Nate, he still is.
He got your determination and grit in life as well as your beautiful eyes.”


smiled and kissed the top of my head. “Liv?” he asked quietly and I turned to
face him again, the seriousness in his voice attracting my attention, “Why
can’t you have any more kids?” he murmured as though frightened to ask or if I
would take his question the wrong way.

smiled at him “Nothing what you’re thinking, Nate. I’ve been clipped, that’s


frowned at me, puzzled “I had a C-section with Matt and I asked them to clip me
while they were there.” He nodded slowly.

didn’t want to bring any more children in to my sorry life, Nate” I shrugged
and his eyes locked on mine, searching the depths. “Are the… are the clips


frowned as I also searched his gaze. “What are you trying to say, Nate?” I
asked slowly and he shifted in his seat, uncomfortable, “Nothing I…”

didn’t finish as my phone rang from across the coffee table and Nate bent over
to pick it up and saw the unknown caller alert, “I’ll answer it, okay?” he said
in a way that told me not to argue and I nodded to him.

he frowned slightly “Yes, can I ask who’s calling please?” and his brow
wrinkled again, “DC Mandy Yale” he told me with uncertainty.

sighed and nodded. “It’s okay, Nate” I told him despondently as I took the
phone from him.


Mandy Yale had been my personal police officer when I had to take James through
the courts to finally send him down; she had been there every step of the way
and done her upmost to take him there.

had seen what he was capable of and the kind of bastard he really was and for
that I would be in her debt forever.


it’s Olivia Adams” I said into the phone as Nate continued to look at me with

Mandy Yale. Listen I have some news for you” she paused as if not sure how to
tell me, so I helped her along, “I know Mandy, James has been released” I
sighed down the phone to her.


I’m so sorry. I’ve only just found out, if someone had informed me earlier I
would have rung you straight away. How do you know?” She questioned as an

he’s been sneaking into my house and he sent me a dead cat with a noose around
its neck” Nate stiffened and I heard him suck in a breath.

why the hell didn’t you ring me?” she asked, sternly.

I didn’t know it was him until he rang me last night.” I answered and I heard
her gasp “He rang you?”

sighed again “Yes, he rang on a withheld number, probably from an unregistered
phone, so there was no point in reporting it, Mandy.”


heard her pull in a breath through the phone. “He’s been released early for
good behaviour and he did a deal of some sorts with the prison and CID. I don’t
know what it was because it’s all quite hush, hush” she told me, “But there is
a restraining order out Olivia and he isn’t allowed near you.”

laughed bitterly. “Mandy, he doesn’t live by the rules, you know that as much
as I do” I took a deep breath. “He will get to me Mandy, we both know he will
and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it until it’s too late” I said

hand grabbed my hand and I turned to look at him, his face was completely and
totally broken, the realization of what might happen snapping into his brain
and building his fear for me, for his son.





morning came and Nate was very pissed off with me. “Liv, you’re not going into
work!” he notified me, his face tight. “Yes. I. Am. Nate” I said slowly “I am
not gonna let him dictate my life again.”

sighed as he groaned in frustration “And I’m going home tonight.”

words pushed him over the edge. “YOU ARE FUCKING NOT!” he bellowed, angrily.
Rolling my eyes at him I took his hand “Nate, wherever I am, he will get to me
and if I’m honest I just wanna get it over with.”


pulled me into his arms. “Please, baby” he begged and I shook my head,
determined. “You can come with me if you want, but I need the familiarity and
comfort of my own home. Can’t you understand that, Nate?” he nodded slowly,
accepting it now I said he could come with me.

let me pack a bag and I’ll drive you home to get changed for work. Only trouble
is I have a meeting across the other side of London at 5pm so I’ll have to run
you home about 4.30pm.”


was still dressed in my green dress from Saturday night as I hadn’t been home
since, “I need to pick my car up, Nate. I have to work late because Grace needs
me for the online conference with China.”

nodded “Okay, but anything dodgy, you ring me and I’ll get Blake to pick you up.”

smiled at him, happy that he was been so lenient given the nervousness he had
about the situation. “I should be back about 8ish, so be ready for me” he gave me
a suggestive grin and I laughed as he smacked my backside to push me towards
the car.


insisted on coming in the house with me while I got changed, he wouldn’t leave
my side. Everything was as it should be and I gathered my work things and
opened Betty’s boot to place my things in and discovered my red dress and
favourite shoes. “Ah ha” I triumphed “That’s where you are my beauties.”

laughed at Nate’s confused face. “Why are you talking to inanimate objects,
Liv?” he frowned comically.

are not ‘
Nate, they are my babies” I huffed and stroked my
shoes as I pursed my lips at him with a glare.

Okay” he held his hands up, submitting and laughing.


him we arrived at work, late as usual and as I was rushing up the steps and
into the main foyer Nate grabbed my hand. “Relax Baby, it’s okay to be late.
I’m your boss’s, boss’s, boss. I think I can cover your back” he told me and I
grinned mischievously, “And I must say, you cover my back
well, Mr
Carter” his gaze was indecent and I pulled in a breath, shocked at its

me just retrieve my messages from Samantha and we’ll ride up together” he
commanded and I rolled my eyes at him.

don’t think he’s gonna get to me in the NSC elevator, Nate” I huffed and he
looked at me sternly and narrowed his eyes on me.

he ordered again.

I squeaked out.


Wet Kipper actually waved to me and I guiltily told myself to start calling her
Samantha from now on, although I was now wavering on that choice as she openly
flirted with Nate and my hackles rose.

looked at me confused when he came back to me and I grabbed his hand  and
pulled him close to give him a long lingering kiss as I gave Samantha a ‘He’s
mine’ look.


day passed by quickly with reports, emails and presentations and 5pm soon crept
up. Nate had come down to check on me a little earlier and claim my spare house
key. He’d given me a bloody wonderful kiss and told me he was off to his
meeting and he’d see me at home later.

was getting ready for the Chinese conference when something shook the building
slightly and I frowned, shook my head in bewilderment and entered Grace’s


through the video link a knock came at the office door and Leah peered her head
round, “I’m really sorry but I need Olivia” she apologised, concern on her

I apologised to the lovely Chinese gentleman who had been making me laugh with
his humour and light-heartedness, in an attempt to alleviate the seriousness of
the boring conference.

my apology, I exited the room and closed the door quietly behind me and Leah
put her hand on my arm, her face full of sympathy and my nerves exploded.


what is it?” I asked on a swallow.

your car, Hun” she sucked in her lips.

and...” I urged.

it’s… it’s just blown up.”

grabbed her hand to save me falling over. “
I puffed, my eyes wide
and my mouth open.

just kinda… kinda blew up.”


sank into a chair and shook my head, stunned “
My beautiful shoes”
all I could say “Oh God, Betty” I wailed.

dropped down on her haunches panicked “Oh God, Olivia, who’s Betty?”

BOOK: Angel (NSC Industries)
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