Angel (NSC Industries) (18 page)

Read Angel (NSC Industries) Online

Authors: D H Sidebottom

BOOK: Angel (NSC Industries)
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the elevator to the 50
floor for the second time my nerves started
jangling. Maybe it had not been a good idea to masturbate in front of him while
he was in a telephone conference and it was a pretty mean thing to do to him
after he bought me the flowers.

started to get anxious as I approached Rachel again. “He wants to see me again”
I told her, trying to force a smile. “Mr Carter, Miss Adams is here for you”
she told him through the intercom.

her in please Rachel and make sure we are not disturbed. Miss Adams and I need
to discuss some serious aspects of her work ethics.”

cringed as I took in his tone and Rachel smiled smugly. “Go in” she sang.


hard I opened his door and timidly stepped in. He was stood in front of his
desk and he looked up at me with a stern look on his face, his eyes narrowed
and I felt my stomach lurch.  

was seriously wrong when I thought he would appreciate my attempt to entertain
him through his American call.

stalked past me, locked the door and walked back to his desk, perching himself
on the edge, his long legs straight in front of him with his ankles crossed.


here please, Miss Adams” he barked but I saw a slight twitch of his lips,
alerting me to the fact that he was playing a game.

on quickly, I placed a sullen expression on my face and walked up to his desk as
I held my hands behind my back. “Yes, Mr Carter” I simpered.

tilted his head to one side to scrutinize me. “Do you know why I’ve called you
into my office, Miss Adams?” he asked, pursing his lips.

Mr Carter” I shook my head slightly.

I think you do Miss Adams” he informed me sombrely, “I don’t think you take your
very seriously, Miss Adams. In fact I think sometimes you
are a very


took a step towards me “I don’t think that you take your boss’s
very seriously, do you Miss Adams?”  

can assure you Mr Carter, that I will do
my boss asks of me” I
was getting very turned on by his game; it excited me the way he was showing supremacy.
James’s dominance had been an evil act but this power Nate was displaying was a
different matter entirely.

Miss Adams?” he asked, his slow sexy smile playing on his lips. I dropped my
chin a little and raised my eyes to his. “Anything you desire, sir

smiled back saucily.


hissed through his teeth and took another step closer. “Get on your knees, Miss
Adams” he instructed strictly. I dropped down before him, my head still dipped
slightly but my eyes tracked on his movements.

unzipped his trousers and took out his solid cock, its rigidness at breaking
point. “Suck my cock, Miss Adams” he demanded.

lips twitched in an attempt to stifle my smile. “Of Course, Sir” I purred and
reached up to take hold of his penis.

Ah, Ah” he chastised, slightly moving back, “Hands behind your back, Miss
Adams” he directed.


placed my hands back behind me and opened my mouth wide for him to slip himself
into, which he did promptly. I twirled my tongue around him, flicking his bar
as I sucked. I took him to full capacity as I loosened the back of my throat to
accommodate him and he placed his hands on my head.

Right Miss Adams, taste me” he growled as I persisted to blow him, my mouth
driving him. I felt him swell a bit more in my mouth as I grazed my teeth along
him and spun his jewellery.


loudly he stepped back and removed himself from my mouth. “Stand!” he commanded
and I got to my feet.

took himself in his hand and began to gently stroke himself. “Take off your
shirt” he requested harshly; I did as he asked and stood before him again.

paused while his eyes raked over me, his tongue sweeping his bottom lip. “Bend
over my desk, Miss Adams and lift your skirt for me to take a good look at you”
he ordered, breathing heavy.


were both highly aroused and my legs shook in anticipation as I leant over his
desk and braced it. “
Very nice”
he admired, “I’m going to fuck you hard
now, Miss Adams” he divulged.

please, Sir” I panted as he drew my thong to one side and positioned himself
behind me.

you ready, Miss Adams?” he asked “Hold on tightly to the desk.”


impaled me in one hard thrust, knocking me forward on the desk as I yelped. “I
said hold on tight” he grated through gritted teeth.

Mr Carter” I wheezed.

drew back out and thrust in hard again. “You feel… Fucking excellent… Miss
Adams” he praised on each sharp drive.

do you, sir” I groaned as he gave a swift hard thrust again. Groaning loudly he
picked up speed, slamming into me ferociously as he grabbed my hips.


urgency surged and I crashed back on to him as he pounded into me. “

I snarled furiously as Nate reached round and pinched my clit. “COME. NOW” He

I had a bloody choice.


erupted powerfully into me as soon as my own orgasm hit, his hand covered my
mouth to stifle my scream as he continued to pump his cum into me; it seemed to
go on forever and when I thought he’d finally emptied he gave another push,
squeezing out every little drop.


sank my chest and head onto his desk as he rested his body against my back. “
he groaned and we lay there for minutes, completely spent and

okay, Liv?” he asked softly into my back.

nodded my head lazily. “I’m well and truly fucked!” I chuckled and groaned when
he laughed, his movement pushing me into the desk and the edge cut into my
stomach. “You’re gonna have to get off me, Nate. This desk is cutting me in two.”


lifted his body away swiftly “Sorry baby” he said, concerned.

Okay” I laughed at the alarm on his face when he kissed the groove the desk had
made on my belly.

I put my shirt back on Nate looked at me with a sly smile “You really will do
anything for your boss, won’t you Liv?”

my shirt into the waistband of my skirt, I walked over to him and placed a
sweet kiss on his cheek “Only You Nate, only you.”

gave me a huge beam and flung his arm around my waist, pulling me towards him.
“Damn Right Woman” he grumbled as he leant down to kiss my mouth.


I approached the door I turned to him, “Me and the kids are going bowling
tonight. You wanna come with us?” I asked shyly, not sure if bowling was
something a hugely successful businessman did.

gave me a tender smile, his eyes lighting up “Yeah, I’d like that, Liv.” He
looked really pleased to be invited into our family outing, just something so
minor and I secretly wondered if he was lonely.

I smiled back widely, “7ish?” I probed and he nodded.

pick you up” he stated and I halted my step, halfway out of his door.

will we all fit into Virgil?” I asked as I turned back to him.

there’s no way you’ll get me into Betty” he grimaced at the thought of my
little mini.


mouth dropped open, affronted. “Don’t you diss Betty” I warned him “She been
good to me” I narrowed my eyes on him as he laughed hard.

mean she saw you coming, with your tenner” he mocked, biting his lip to stop
himself laughing some more.

widened my eyes at him. “Are you saying me and Betty are cheap?” I huffed, glaring
at him.


came over to me and placed his palm on the side of my head “Oh baby, you are
cheap. You’re classy, lavish and very, very elite, Angel”
he brushed his lips across mine tenderly and I caught a glimpse of Rachel in
the corner of my eye as she furtively watched us.

back, I signalled to Nate with my eyes that we were being watched, and gave him
a sly smile. “Well thank you, Mr Carter, I shall make sure I pay more attention
to my work ethic in the future” I winked, “And particularly
your work ethic

I added saucily as I strolled passed Rachel and gave her a sickly grin.

sure you do, Miss Adams. No more impertinence” he shouted after me as I
disappeared into the elevator laughing.



and Matt squealed loudly when they saw Nate pull up in ‘Virgil’.

my God. I wish everyone at school could see this” Matt declared, his eyes wide
and his jaw dropped in a drool. “You want me to ask Nate to drive you past all
your friends’ houses and pip?” I joked.

spun to stare at me, “Would he?” he asked, obviously not getting I was teasing

shook her head in frustration. “Do you know Matt, sometimes you really act your
age” she huffed at him.

Matt exclaimed to her as we all piled out of the house and clambered into
Virgil as they all said their hello’s.


I settled in the seat next to Nate he gave me a shy smile. “Hi” he smiled
timidly, clearly not sure how to act with me around the kids.

at him I reached up and gave him a gentle kiss on his lips, showing him it was
fine to be ourselves…. within a limit of course. He grinned widely; visibly
happy now that he knew I had spoken with the kids about him.

had taken the news in his stride and when I told him about my relationship with
Nate he just grinned and said “Cool” and that was it.


Nate asked everyone “You locked your door properly, Liv?” he mocked and I
narrowed my eyes at him, “Yes!
locked the door this time so I know
it will be secure.”

stuck my tongue out at him and he held his chest in feign offense “I DID lock
it Liv, I’m sure I did” he defended.

up?” Erin asked, listening to our conversation.

Sweetheart. It’s just that Nate locked up behind us yesterday and when I got
back the door was unlocked. So obviously somebody had struggled to turn a key”
I ridiculed Nate.


pulled a face. “Strange though because when I got back from college one day
last week the door was unlocked then. I didn’t think anything of it at the
time, I just thought Matt was in but when I think about it now it was the day
he went to his friends” Erin said as she frowned and Nate gave me a troubled

probably just a dodgy lock” I assured everyone, a little tremor passing through

Nate addressed me and I looked at him “Get your locks changed tomorrow, please”
he stated, no room for argument.


my head at him I turned to Erin. “Did you notice anything strange after?” I
asked her, desperately needing to find a conclusion, it probably
dodgy lock but there was a little anxiety coursing through me.

really” she said slowly, and I saw Nate’s eyes shift to the rear-view mirror to
study her.

he asked, quite harshly and I gave him a stern look.

last thing I needed was for him to freak out the bloody kids.

she swallowed “it looked like someone had rolled about on your bed” she said
giving me a apprehensive look, “You know you always make your bed to
perfection, well it was kind of untidy… like… like someone had slept in it.”

was biting her lip now, a worried look on her face “I just thought you had been
late for work because your underwear was scattered on the floor.”


heard Nate hiss in a breath and I slyly nudged him and gave him a little shake
of my head.

okay, sweetheart. I think I remember the day and I
running late, I
didn’t have much time so I just pulled the duvet up” I reassured her, my heart
pounding and my hands sweating; hoping she didn’t catch on that I was lying
through my teeth.

thank god!” she exhaled, relaxing her shoulders, happy now that the matter was


we pulled into the bowling alley and we were walking across the car park, Nate
took my hand and pulled me back so the kids couldn’t hear. “I don’t like this,
Liv. First the phone calls and now
” he said, his face etched with
worry and anger.

the thought of somebody in your bed!!” he scowled, “And what’s with the underwear?
All over the fucking floor!”


was seething now and I took his hand. “Nate. Calm down” I encouraged with a
squeeze of my hand “I
to get my locks changed tomorrow and if
there’s any more funny stuff I’ll get on to the police” I swore, lifting my
lips to him and giving him a reassuring kiss.

Promise?” he asked, regarding me with a serious look on his face.

I promise” I smiled to hide my own apprehension. 

come on, let me thrash your magnificent arse at bowling” I giggled as he gave
me a ‘are you serious woman’ look.

have no bloody chance, baby, I’m sorry!” he bragged, laughing at my scandalized


hours later we were all sat in a burger bar laughing at Nate’s competitiveness.
He had teamed up with Matt while Erin and I had partied up, and his eagerness
to win had him cheating throughout the game.

it was my turn he had slipped his palm across my bottom as I bent to take a
shot, bent over at the side of me to give me a fantastic view of his tight arse
as I bowled and whispered lewd things in my ear about my own backside as I
aimed the ball towards the remaining pins.

when it was Erin’s turn he told hysterical jokes while she was trying to
concentrate, coughed loudly and made her jump as she hurled the ball down the
alley and even tried to offer her £50 to throw the game.

had taken it in good humour and Matt and Nate had bonded well, both high-fiving
and hugging when they won.


had arranged to meet Erin in the restaurant and he had joined us at our table,
squeezing in beside Erin and kissing her lovingly when he arrived.

gave Nate a querying look as he sat scrutinizing Brad, checking him out and
when he seemed to conclude that Brad was absolutely smitten with Erin, he
relaxed and joined in the banter with us.

was a very parental thing to do and it had astounded me, especially when I
noticed that Nate hadn’t realised he was doing it, like it was in his natural
instincts. It made my heart swell, knowing that Nate cared for my children
already and that they were comfortable with him being around.


looking forward to your holiday?” Nate asked Erin as we all slumped back in our
seats, full and bursting after the burgers.

frantically Erin beamed, “God Yes! I’m gonna miss you though, Mum” she said,
turning to me.

I’ll be fine” I said nonchalantly, giving Nate a nudge under the table as his
hand came to rest on my thigh and it crept inwards.  

nodded at me “What day are you meeting J... Beth?” she managed to hide before
slipping up fully.

hand paused on its route and I felt him tense, as he caught Erin’s salvaged
slip-up. He narrowed his eyes at no one in particular as I stammered through
Erin’s question “Thursday” I told her.

nodded “Okay, give her my love, won’t you?” she asked.


Matt turned to Nate, changing the subject. “You play Xbox, Nate?” he asked.
“Sure” Nate smiled at him and they discussed different games and achievements
between themselves and I sat back, looking over my family with a fierce love
and devotion.

‘unlocked door’ situation came into my mind and I sat contemplating what to do,
silently arguing with myself about it.

had unnerved me when Erin had told me of what had happened to my bed and
underwear; it was possible that I
just swept my duvet up but there
was no way I had left my underwear scattered on the floor, it just wasn’t me to
be so untidy.

had a niggling uneasiness about it all and Nate was right; after the phone
calls and now this I was also getting the impression something or
was not right and I was eager to get the house locks changed just for peace of

would make sure that I put the door chains on as well from now on whenever we
were in the house.


dropped us at home a little later and was adamant that he came in and checked
the house before we entered, and I was secretly thankful to him.

were sat at the kitchen table, coffee in hand and the kids had gone upstairs to
blatantly give us some alone time.

sure you don’t want me to stay the night, Liv? I would feel more relaxed
knowing that you were all safe” he tried, obviously still worried about the

Nate, it’s fine, I’ll put the chains on and make sure everything is secured
when you leave” I told him.

can sleep on the couch” he persevered. “I won’t make a sound” he was openly
pouting now.

I laughed at him, “Honestly, trust me.”


took his hand and kissed his knuckles. “I’m worried, Liv” he disclosed “Something
is seriously wrong here.” His brow was wrinkled and his eyes were full of

I implored “Please don’t worry. I’ll take my phone to bed with me and I’ll ring
you as soon I as I hear or sense
suspicious and I’ll text you
as soon as I wake in the morning. Okay?” I guaranteed him, needing to reassure


nodded solemnly, submitting and took my hand “I just love you, Angel and I
don’t want anything to happen to you or the kids.”

nodded my understanding and changed the subject. “You want me to come to yours
Wednesday night or straight from work?” I asked him.

from work” he said quickly “And don’t forget to pack an evening dress cause
it’s the NSC Employee Awards Saturday night” he reminded me and I groaned, the
whole do was something I was NOT looking forward to, I abhorred formal events
like these.

I miss it?” I pleaded sulking.

Liv you can’t. You’re nominated for 3 awards” he informed me proudly.

I asked unbelievably, “I don’t think I’ve contributed much to the business
since I’ve been there” I stated.

be silly Liv, you are good at your job and you deserve to be recognised for it”
he informed me, “I’ve also booked us Thursday and Friday off so we can make the
most of our precious alone time together.”




was I going to explain this “Well… I’d already booked Thursday off Nate, I have
things to do then” I cringed inwardly.

What things?” he asked, frowning.

got to buy a dress for Saturday” I smiled, pleased at my quick retort. “Well
that’s fine, I can come with you and help you choose one” he grinned, happy at
rectifying the situation.



I… I’ve already asked Beth to go with me and we were making it a girlie day,
you know; hair, nails and make-over kind of thing!” I salvaged.

done Liv!


promise to come straight back to yours when we’re done” I smiled hopefully.

was giving me a curious look, scrutinizing my features as if he knew I was
lying. “Okay,” he said, dully “I’ll cook for you, if it’s gonna be a busy day
for you” he brooded.

be good,” I grinned at him, feeling shamefaced about deceiving him. “I might
even invest in some nice new, sexy lingerie while I’m out” I added, trying to
lift the mood and giving him my sexiest smile.

regarded me, a twitch at the corner of his lips. “Toys?” he coaxed, his eyes
glinting as he pictured some of the naughty things he wanted to do to me.

vagina clenched and my breath quickened, excited now as I contemplated which
toys to invest in. “Anything in particular?” I asked suggestively.

pulled me onto his lap and nibbled my neck, his palms brushing over my breasts
“Whatever takes your fancy, baby” he breathed, his arousal evident in his lap,
making me shift a little to accommodate it.

It!” I scolded him, giggling.


Nate left he ordered me to double check that everything was secure as I shut
the door behind him, and to text him before I went to sleep.

inspected everything thoroughly as I walked round the house, making sure all
the doors and windows were locked and I closed all the curtains tightly. I was
nervous and worked myself into a state by the time I went upstairs to bed.


goodnight to Nate, I laid in bed staring at the dark ceiling listening intently
and freezing at every slight noise.

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