Read An American Submissive in Britain Online

Authors: Laney Rogers

Tags: #BDSM Erotic Romance

An American Submissive in Britain (24 page)

BOOK: An American Submissive in Britain
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Her pussy contracted around his cock, over and over, and the action must have sped up his own need, because he gave a mighty roar, thrusting her back against him while he came inside her, filling her with his hot semen.

His body fell forward and covered hers, both of them gasping for breath. When their breathing had steadied, he pulled out and helped her up carefully, then turned her around, placing her body against his. She was exhausted.

Guy kissed her then lifted her carefully, placing her back into the bathtub. This time he lathered his hands and washed her pussy gently, making her feel so cared for and cherished that the next thought appeared in her head with no warning.

She loved him. Yes, it had not even been a week. Yes, up until that moment, she had never really believed that someone could feel that way so quickly, and yes, she would be devastated if it turned out he didn’t share any of her feelings.

It was something she was going to have to risk, though, because she knew that what she was feeling right now for this man who wanted to own her, body and soul, was not likely to happen twice in her lifetime.

Their eyes locked as he lifted her out of the bath and wrapped her in a huge black towel.

Carrying her to the bed, Guy wondered if she was thinking any of the things that had been filling his head since she had called him, scared and lost, over an hour ago.

He would have been worried about any woman stuck out in the middle of nowhere in the dark, but the need to find and protect this particular little submissive had shaken him. He had been a Dominant for a long time, but in all those years, there had been no other woman that had got under his skin like Gina, especially in such a short space of time.

He tucked her up in bed and then got in beside her, arranging her body just as he liked, with her lush round ass against his cock and his hands cupping her breasts.



They’d both spoken at the same time, and then laughed.

“You go first, Sir,” she said.

He noticed that her voice had an almost relieved tone to it and wondered what could be on her mind.

“Gina, I think that what has happened between us needs to be explored a lot more. Another week is not enough to see where this is going. I wasn’t looking for a long-term relationship. In fact, for the last year of so, I’ve made sure that nothing I got involved in could ever go down the long-term route. I’m pushy and controlling, and I thought I liked my life just the way it is—well, most of it anyway. But in just a few days, you have caused me to feel differently about long-term.

“I don’t like it when we’re apart. My trip to London proved that. I haven’t counted down the hours that way since I was a kid going on vacation. What I want to know is, would you be prepared to stay on in England for a while longer? Because the way I see it, we both need more time to figure out exactly how we feel. Two weeks just isn’t enough.”

Gina lay snuggled up against her Dom—for that was how she thought of him now. He’d said the words that she had wanted to hear. He wanted to take their relationship further, and he had missed her a lot while he’d been in London. Could she stay and put her heart on the line again? She knew that the more time she spent with him, the more hurt she would be if he decided he couldn’t commit to her permanently.

Could she do that? What on earth would her family say when she told them she was staying on because of a man she’d known for less than a week?

Wait a minute; she’d thought when, not if, she was staying.
She was an adult, not a love-sick teenager. Ultimately it had to be her decision, and she knew without a doubt that she would regret it forever if she flew back and didn’t give this a chance. Maggie’s words came back to her as she lay there. Her friend was right. If it didn’t work, she would return to the States and get on with her life.

But it had to work,
a small voice countered in her head.

“I don’t understand how this all happened so quickly,” she explained. “I only know how I feel right now, and when we both started to talk at the same time, I was just about to tell you that I missed you like crazy when you were in London.” Gina paused and scooted around so she was facing him, her breasts pressed up against him and her legs automatically entwining with his. “I want to see where this goes too, Sir.”

He pulled her on top of him and kissed her long and hard, pushing his tongue into her mouth as forcefully as his cock had entered her earlier.

When he finally released her, she grinned impishly at him. “Yep, you’re right. You are pushy and controlling, but I think I can handle you.”

Guy’s laugh was deep and he grabbed her still tender bottom and squeezed it until she squeaked. “Turn back over and go to sleep, sub. It’s been a long day and an even longer evening, and I expect breakfast in bed at seven thirty sharp.”

“Yes, Sir!” she said as if addressing a sergeant major.

He yanked her body back to the position it had just been in, and then stretched an arm over her to turn out the light.

“Goodnight, Sir,” she whispered in the darkness.

Guy kissed her hair and arranged her breasts so that he could cup them both in his large hands. “Goodnight, sub,” he said in his deep voice.

Guy lay there until he heard his sub’s breathing evened out and her body relaxed, and then he closed his eyes and let the sleep come.


Chapter Thirteen




Gina crept out of bed the next morning and padded downstairs to the kitchen, wearing the black towel Guy had wrapped her in the night before. She busied herself getting juice, and making coffee and toast, and then filled a tray that she’d found and carried the whole lot back upstairs to the bedroom.

Guy was walking out of the bathroom when she entered the room, and he grinned at her, taking the tray from her hands and putting it on the bed. “Good girl,” he said, “but there’s just one problem.”

Gina frowned wondering what she’d done wrong.

Guy took the edge of her towel and pulled until it dropped to the floor by her feet. “I don’t like it when my submissive is wearing more than I am.”

He took the drinks from the tray and put them on the nightstand then sat on the bed. He took Gina’s hands and guided her between his legs. “Kneel down, so I can feed you, sweetheart,” he instructed.

He fed her first, putting small pieces of toast into her mouth and playing with her rapidly tightening nipples as she ate what he’d given her.

When they had both eaten enough, Guy tipped her head up and licked a small smudge of margarine from her upper lip. He lifted her from the floor and was just about to grab the cuffs that he kept in his nightstand drawer when his cell began to ring.

“Whoever this is, it’d better be fucking important,” he muttered, grabbing the cell and checking the number.

He sighed and answered the call, and when Gina realized that he was speaking to his father, she tried to edge away from Guy so she could retrieve her clothes.

Guy pulled her back in front of him and glared at her, the look telling her she had better stay right there.

However, by the end of the call, it was apparent that any ideas he might have had about cuffing his sub and having his way with her would have to be put on hold.

“Change of plans,” he said with a sigh. “I have to go in to the office way earlier than I’d intended. Will you be okay if I drop you at the inn on the way?”

Gina nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

She was disappointed, but this was his job and it had been his father, not just a client.

* * *

Within half an hour, they were at the inn. “Do you still have my key?” Guy asked as they pulled up.

“Yes, Sir,” she answered and retrieved it from her bag.

“Okay, then I’ll see you here at about five. We can grab a meal and then we’ll head back to the house and continue what we started this morning. I think a soak in the hot tub might relieve the stress of the working day, perhaps with my sub’s lips around my cock. Mmm, that might be just what I need.”

Guy chuckled at his sub’s blushes, and then walked her to the door. “I’ll see you around five,” he said with a grin.

The grin turned to a frown, and he regarded Gina’s face closely. “You’re very quiet, Gina. Tell me what’s wrong.”

Yeah, like she was going to stand here and tell him that she was in love with him, and would he mind saying it back so she could feel better.

“I was just thinking about what happened last night with Laura and everything… I’ll be fine. She managed a smile and he hugged her close to him.

“You’ll feel better when you’ve talked with David. Families can be a lot of hard work, but there’s no point beating your head against a wall. Leave Ronnie and Laura to their own devices for now and concentrate on getting to know David. He’s a good guy. The other two will just have to see for themselves that you’re not some crazy threat to them. Now, behave yourself. No bar fights, okay?”

Gina laughed, and Guy rubbed her cheek. “I think I’m going to check up on you at some point during the day, because you, young lady, are trouble.”

With that, Guy gave her ass a swat, and then walked back to the car. She watched him pull away and then let herself in, making sure she locked the door behind her.

Andy and Becky were already up and about, doing the daily chores around the inn. Becky came over at once to find out how the previous evening had gone, and when Andy appeared, he beckoned the two of them over, and they all sat at a table in the dining room so Gina could relay her story.

When she’d finished, Andy leaned back in his chair. “Stupid little bitch,” he stated. “Still, her mother always has and always will excuse any bad behavior from that little madam.” He squeezed Gina’s hand. “Not to worry love, you’ve still got all of us.” He put his arm around Becky’s waist and pulled her over to him while she fussed and flapped at him to let her go.

Gina couldn’t help but smile at their obvious enjoyment of each other.

Andy left Gina and Becky to talk, making a comment about women needing to discuss everything in minute detail, and went through the doors into the back of the inn.

“I’m so sorry it didn’t go the way you’d hoped,” Becky said once they were alone. “Are you going to be okay?”

“I’ll be fine. At least David turned out to be great. Oh shit, I need to call him this morning and let him know I’m here. Guy arranged for us to meet today. And speaking of Guy, he’s asked me if I’d be prepared to stay for a while to see where this new relationship takes us.”

Becky’s eyes lit up. “Oh, I’m so pleased for you. I had a feeling you know, after seeing the two of you together.”

When she saw the serious look on Gina’s face, she frowned. “What is it?”

“Well, it’s always good to take your time and not fall too quickly for someone, right? I mean if you don’t know whether they feel as strongly as you do, then you’re setting yourself up for the possibility of getting hurt.” Gina stared at her friend, feeling miserable.

“Oh shit, you’ve gone and fallen in love with him, haven’t you?” Becky sat back in her chair and thought for a moment. “Okay, so you love him. Well, I’ve known Guy for a while now, and asking you to stay on is huge for him. I’ve never seen him with any sub for more than a few days.

“He was hurt really badly, not that long ago, by a sub who said she wanted a full time 24/7 Dom/sub relationship. When a friend of his tipped him off, he went to London and found her in a club with someone else’s collar on, getting her ass whipped in front of the whole place.

“It took him months to get over that level of betrayal, so just give him some time, and I think everything will be fine.”

* * *

At ten thirty that night, Gina stretched and then curled up on one of the big couches in Guy’s sitting room and thought back over the events of the day, the most recent making her feel warm and sated and barely able to stop smiling. Her lips had, indeed, been around his cock until he’d stopped her with a growl and stripped her naked, picking her up and stepping into the hot tub.

He’d made her stand with her legs spread wide, and her hands cuffed behind her back, while powerful jets of water had come up at an angle on to her pussy. When he’d adjusted the angle just slightly, the jet had narrowed and hit her right on her swollen clit, and she’d cried out as she came with Guy standing behind her, bracing her body while she shuddered against him, gasping and moaning at the intense sensation.

He’d made her come twice more with the jets, and then he’d taken her, there in the hot tub, until she’d collapsed in his arms, sated and exhausted. He’d lifted her out of the water and returned her to the house, still naked, and dried her in front of the fire before wrapping her in warm, fluffy blankets, settling her in one of the big sofas while he got dressed.

They’d watched a movie with her curled up on his lap, and then he’d announced he was hungry again even though they’d eaten at the inn with Andy and Becky earlier. He’d ordered an Indian meal and had left Gina with instructions to put two plates in the oven to warm, in twenty minutes.

Their relationship had shifted slightly since their conversation the night before. This had become apparent when Guy had arrived at the inn with his father, Christopher, who had arrived from London that day, and had wanted Gina to join them for lunch.

She had liked his father immediately. He was softly spoken and very distinguished, making her feel comfortable in no time at all by regaling her with stories of Guy’s childhood and the antics that he’d got up to, especially at school, where he’d seemed to have spent a great deal of his time in the headmaster’s office.

Gina had been sorry when they’d had to leave, but Christopher had made Guy promise to bring her to the stables soon so they could visit the new foal and perhaps go to lunch with Frank and Cathy, whom he was obviously very fond of.

Wanting her to meet his father had made Gina love him even more, especially now she knew how cautious he tended to be as far as women were concerned. But she had decided to be cautious herself, and keep her feelings tucked away for now. She’d know when the time was right to tell him how she felt, and that time would definitely be in the near future.

BOOK: An American Submissive in Britain
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