Top of the Class

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Authors: Kelly Green

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Abby Grace


Episode 3: Top of the Class



Kelly Green




BACKLIT: Fiction Forward


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Borrowing Abby Grace

Episode 3: Top of the Class


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Cover Designed by: Arsonal Design, LLC


Published by: Backlit Fiction, LLC


ISBN: 978-1-937704-04-9






The Borrowing Abby Grace Series


Episode 1: The Shadow

Episode 2: Girl Steals Guy

Episode 3: Top of the Class


Critical Acclaim for
Borrowing Abby Grace



“As you fall deeply into
Borrowing Abby Grace
you’ll find yourself hooked and yearning for more
. Suspenseful, thrilling, and exciting! You’ll find yourself sitting on the edge of your seat.” –Jodie Baker, Uniquely Moi Books


Borrowing Abby Grace
is a fast-moving book with realistic and attractive characters.
What a fast and fun read!
” –Anne McKenzie Hunter


Borrowing Abby Grace
is what you get when you take
a dash of paranormal fiction, a handful of detective fiction, and a healthy dose of intrigue… one of my favorite reads of the year
.” -Jill Przytarski


“Kelly creates a wonderfully fun, short story for ages 12+. This is
a modern day
Nancy Drew
with a paranormal twist. Very funny!
…The story is fresh and different ... Now, I can’t wait to find out more about Abby. Looking forward to book 2.” –Maria Gagliano


“The tale is
clever, humorous, suspenseful, supernatural, and fun
reading for adults and youngsters.” –Israel Drazin0


Borrowing Abby Grace
a clever, intelligent page-turner with a strong, likeable, witty female character
that’s sure to turn young adults into life-long mystery lovers. Highly recommended.” -Claudine Wolk, author,
It Gets Easier and Other Lies We Tell New Mothers


I have fallen in love with Abby Grace.
She is sarcastically humorous, intelligent, witty, and an extremely likeable character…Kelly Green’s writing is exceptional in the sense that she does not add in any unnecessary fluff or embellishments; she gets right down to the point. She has a tremendous sense of humor and seems to have the beginnings of a great series.” – Kayla Elizabeth, Kayla The Bookworm


Borrowing Abby Grace
is a most unusual story that provides
thought-provoking reading for young adults
; the author demonstrates an agile mind and shows much promise.” –John H. Man
hold, award-winning novelist


Borrowing Abby Grace
, Kelly Green proves herself to be a Young Adult author to watch. 
Green’s writing combines humor with an effortless style that is eminently readable. 
She holds your attention from the first word to the last.  There are some laugh out loud moments mixed with a wonderful mystery.” –Dena Martin


Borrowing Abby Grace
stands out because of its fresh, fun and unique concept. …
I would love to know what’s in store for Abby next
and that’s saying a lot considering the huge number of series books I’ve simply dropped after reading the first book!” –Violet Crush


Borrowing Abby Grace
a modern day
Quantum Leap
for teens and tweens that boasts a fresh new voice
, and which grabs you from the very first word. I dare you to stop reading once you’ve started.” –Angela Felsted



“There is a fun
Nancy Drew
aspect to this story! There is enough action to keep the reader hooked and they won’t be intimidated; this story is perfect for the younger YA crowd too.
Kelly Green is an author to look out for!
I eagerly await the next adventure that Abby is sent on.” –Brittany Moore


Borrowing Abby Grace…
a good snack mystery--a.k.a. a full mystery in a little package with a YA twist.
” – Kelley, Writtled: Reading, Writing, but no Arithmetic


The book is full of mystery that makes you read and read and read until you finish it and
go running to buy the next one
, because you need to know what is going to happen next! What is going to happen to Abby? Will she go home? Will she remember? Is she d...? There are so many questions that need to be solved!” –Idris, Throwing Books


“In just two words: fun and refreshing. Borrowing Abby Grace is the first episode of what will be a fast-paced and exciting series…
Mystery lovers will really sink their teeth into this series
- just like a true crime show, we have a sticky situation that we’re able to solve in less than an hour ;) A great, fun debut series by Green!” –Lisa, Read Me, Bookmark Me, Love Me


“Finally, a new female heroine to match the likes of sleuths like Nancy Drew…This YA series is destined to draw the attention of many young readers who like action, detective, paranormal joints. At roughly 20,000 words, it is
a quick, easy read that will keep young minds enthralled.
Thumbs up for Abby Grace. Now, I must run and start reading the next one.” – Jamie Vendera


Borrowing Abby Grace
holds lots of promise and
I can’t wait to see where the next book goes
…The idea is very unique in a market that tries to hard to be like every other supernatural best-seller. The real treasure here is not the measure of ‘sameness’ it has, but the measure of uniqueness.” -- Carla C. Thomas


Quantum Leap
for a new generation! This fresh, relatable teen heroine may not know what calls her to each shadowing assignment, but her quick wit and determination enable her to set things right...and get a little closer to finding herself. With
fun, fast episodes that will appeal to even reluctant readers
, Abby Grace can borrow a time slot in my schedule any night.” – Shelley Workinger, Author of the


“Borrowing Abby Grace 
a humorous and refreshing read
that handles paranormal with grace (pun intended).” – Julianna Helms, The Reviews News


Girl Steals Guy
rocked my world
. Oh, I loved it so much I want to squeeze-hug it. Kelly Green knows how to handle the fast-paced stories and keep people engaged.” – Ashelynn, Gypsy Book Reveiws


“Girl Steals Guy
is a story
unlike anything else I have ever read
.” –Moirae, The Fates Book Reviews


What a joy this was to read
Green never fails to put a smile on my face with her clever adventures
! In the future, I’d like to see more explanations about Shadows and Will but until then, the first two episodes have shot the series to a great start.” – Lisa, Read Me, Bookmark Me, Love Me


“Girl Steals Guy
is just as enjoyable as 
The Shadow…
There’s just enough information to help Abby (and the reader) solve the mystery without a bunch of boring backstory. The stories truly are episodes--
quick reads that we hungrily devour and eagerly look for the next one.
” – Jen McIntosh, Goddess Librarian


“Kelly Green brings us again another great story. The plot is not only full of mystery, funny situations and unforgettable characters, but also touches realistic topics…I must say that I really enjoyed this book. The author’s writing style is awesome, the descriptions are really good, and
the tension and the suspense in the chapters were amazing
.” – Idris, Throwing Books


“Once again, Green cooks up
a story full of fun deception and mystery
. We begin from where we left off in the first episode and dive headfirst into the melodramatic disasters of two teenage girls.
It’s much more involved than the first, and we get to see Abby’s detective skills, first hand. Breaking into lockers, rummaging through staff desks, decoding messages...Abby’s certainly having a grand time!



Chapter 1
: Wednesday, 9:15 PM

Chapter 2
: Thursday, 7:10 AM

Chapter 3
: Thursday, 8:22 AM

Chapter 4
: Thursday, 12:48 PM

Chapter 5
: Thursday, 2:31 PM

Chapter 6
: Thursday, 2:58 PM

Chapter 7
: Friday, 7:45 AM

Chapter 8
: Friday, 9:34 AM

Chapter 9
: Friday, 12:04 PM

Chapter 10
: Friday, 12:37 PM

Chapter 11
: Friday, 1:12 PM

Chapter 12
: Friday, 2:59 PM

Author’s Biography


Wednesday, 9:15 PM


he fog swirled all around me. I looked for a trampoline or a sunset and saw nothing but infinite gray. I smelled it, though: the cut grass, the summer wind. They were the smells of my childhood, calling me, leading me onward.

I took a breath. I could hear every nuance of it, could hear nothing but my own inhalation, as if I were underwater with my ears plugged. But I felt no sensation of water, nothing. I knew only the sound of my breath, and the memory of my childhood.

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