Amerithrax (70 page)

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Authors: Robert Graysmith

Tags: #True Crime, #General, #Fiction

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Strain 11966, 88

super anthrax (Russian), 340 survival rates, 18

survivors, problems of, 234–35, 310

U.S. cases of anthrax, 25–26 vegetative cells, 64

Vollum strain, 88–89, 147, 286

weaponizing process, 56, 76–90,

115, 267–68, 269

Anthrax Island, 331

Anthrax Task Force, 34, 169, 170,


Anthrax testing

American Media Incorporated (AMI), 31, 34

antigen test as unreliable, 65 chemical detector (APD 2000),


chest X rays, 33, 179

computer tomography (CT), 13, 33, 179

delivery vehicle of anthrax, identifying, 34–38

field tests as unreliable, 291, 342 immunohistochemical staining,

33, 62, 169

mail biohazard detection system, 293

media targets, 66, 67, 68

microbiological culture, 343 nostril swabbing as unreliable,


political targets, 118, 122 polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

test, 61, 68, 216

“quick test” for, 31 “Smart Tickets,” 113

U.S. Postal Service, 126, 138, 141, 169, 207, 312

Antibiotic-resistant anthrax, 163,

336, 341

Antibiotic-resistant infections, 207–


Antibiotic therapy, 15, 17, 18, 20,

61, 62, 286–87.
See also

Ciprofloxacin therapy Antidote to anthrax, 433 Aquino, Marcos, 350 Armed Forces Institute of

Pathology, 117, 156, 161

Armstrong, Christine, 346

Asahara, Shoko, 265–72

Aum Shinrikyo “Shining Truth” doomsday cult, 265

dispersal difficulties of bioterrorism, 268, 269–70

Japanese Diet and Imperial Palace anthrax attack, 269

Kasumigaseki Station sarin gas attack, 270

lab of, 266, 267

Matsumoto sarin gas attack, 270 Mount Fuji hideout, 271

Narita botulinum attack, 266 Russians joining Aum Shinrikyo,


scientists recruited by, 265 Tokyo botulinum attack, 266–67

U.S. supplier of bacteria, 267 weaponizing anthrax difficulties,

267–68, 269

Ashcroft, John, 33, 79, 112, 159,

204–5, 383, 412, 413, 418

Ashland Inc., 287, 345

Assaad, Ayaad, 95–97, 163, 296

Atlas, Ron, 294–95

Atta, Mohammad, 39–40, 44–49,


Aum Shinrikyo “Shining Truth” cult, 265

Autopsy of Bob Stevens, 21–23, 26

Baby powder, anthrax cut with, 64

Bacillus anthracis,
See also


Bacillus cereus,

Bacillus globigii,

Bacillus subtilis variant,
Bacillus thuringiensis
(BT), 154 Bacteria germination and

spreading, 9–10, 13, 17 Bacteriological DNA analysis of

anthrax, 297–313

Bahrle, Steve, 207

Balfour, Grant, 36 Banihammad, Fayez Rashid

Ahmed Hassan al Qadi, 48 Barfield, Fred and Nellie, 256–57 Basson, Wouter “Dr. Death,” 360–

61, 363

Battelle Memorial Institute, 117, 156, 158, 160, 278, 293

Bayer AG, 207

Beads (airborne spores of a microbe), 8, 9, 22

Bedlington, Stan, 38

Bellmawr Distribution Plant, 106, 204

Bentonite used as additive by Iraq, 87, 161, 162, 292

Berkowitz, David (Son of Sam), 221

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh commune, 264, 371

bin Laden, Osama, 41, 49–50, 69.
See also
Hijackers of 9-11 as suspects

Biological Activities CHaracterized by Unconventional Signatures (BACHUS), 295

Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention, 1972 (BTWC),

91, 197, 326

Biological attack dangers, focus by Hatfill, 325–26, 365–66, 394–


Biological Integrated Detection System (BIDS), 214

Biological Warfare: A Major Threat to North America
(Harris), 76

BioPort Corp., 309, 322, 323, 375

Biopreparat “The Concern,” 337, 338

Bioterrorism authorization bill, 316 Bioweapons.
See also

alert nation of dangers, by Amerithrax, 326

dispersal difficulties of, 268–69 manufactured with material

available commercially, 295

Black Death, 339

“Black Maria,” 84

“Blair Witch Project,” 439 Blanco, Ernesto “Ernie,” 6, 7, 11,

13, 20–21, 27, 28, 32, 37,

235, 302

Blaser, Martin, 245 Bleakley, G. T., 224–25

Bloodhounds, 383–84, 385–87,


Boca Raton post office, 5–6, 35 Bohan, J. Gerard, 160

Bohm, Lothar, 360 Bombs in mail, 178 Borpagel, Russ, 220

Borsari, George, 374, 375

Botulinum, 147–48, 201

Boyles, William A., 87, 88, 89

Braunstein, Roy, 347 Brentwood Postal Facility

closing, 130, 205, 318, 433, 434

contamination spreading, 134 Curseen and Morris, honored,


decontamination of, 287, 288,

309, 312, 344–52

doxycycline vs. cipro, 168 evacuation (non) of, 127, 128 political targets’ mail routed

through, 106–7, 205–6

Breslin, Jimmie, 221 Britain

bioweapons and, 85, 88, 278–79

Porton Down Centre, 84, 278–

80, 293, 299, 313, 314

Britt, James, 409

Brogan, Frank, 19

Brokaw, Tom, 55, 57, 59, 63, 67,


Brookings Institute, 29, 310 Brussel, James A., 219 Bryant, Johnelle, 44–47 Bryen, Stephen D., 155

Bubonic plague, 76

Buchwald, Donald, 262

Burans, James, 233

Burch, Linda, 125, 141

Burrows, C. H., 223, 224

Burton, Dan, 323

Bush, George H. W., 153 Bush, George W.

biodefense readiness, 319, 343 Hollywood for ideas, 202

Iraq as suspect, 143 reassurance to country, 33, 69,


scientists disagreements, to work it out, 158

vaccinated for anthrax (possibility of), 206

Bush, Jeb, 425

Bush, Larry M., 15, 16

Byrd, Robert, 144

Cabrera, Jano, 423

Callahan, J. A., 172–74, 256–57

Cameron, Robert, 170 Camp Dietrick.

Canada and anthrax research, 300 Capital letters used in letters, 57– 58, 73–74, 81, 112–13, 256,


Caplan, Charles, 178

Cardinal’s Cap, 23, 193

Carter, Jimmy, 196

Case Book of a Crime Psychiatrist

(Brussel), 219

“Case of the Patriotic Murders” (Amerithrax), 442

CBS letters, 55, 60, 69, 71, 72

Centennial Olympic Park bombing (Richard Jewell), 376–78,

403, 411, 422

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

American Media Incorporated

(AMI), 26–27, 29, 32–33, 38

assays evaluation, 214 backlog, environmental swabs,


bacteria shipped to Iraq, 148 Brentwood Postal Facility, 130–

31, 350, 351

communication lessons, 159, 435 doxycycline instead of cipro,


exhaust hoods for mail-sorting machines, 213

findings contradicted, 139 HEPA filters recommended by,


initial testing, 18, 19, 21 mail as delivery vehicle for

anthrax, 35

“Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report,” 242

nerve tissues and anthrax, 236 post offices closing decision, 38,


prescriptions, tracking of, 209 tension between CDC and FBI,

30, 32–33

Chadick, Carla, 37

Chamberlain, Casey, 60 Chase, Richard Trenton

(Sacramento Vampire Killer), 219–21, 431

Chatterton, Gregg, 40

Chemical detector (APD 2000), 35

Cheney, Richard, 69, 318

Chest X rays for testing, 33, 179 China and bioweapons, 142 Chofamba-Sithole, Innocent, 358

CIA, 110, 165, 196, 206, 271, 295

Ciprofloxacin therapy

American Media Incorporated (AMI), 32, 36, 424

antibiotic-resistant infections, 207–8

black market cipro, 207

growth in use of, 208 Institute’s research on, 286 media targets and, 61, 67, 68

overprescribing dangers, 207–8 panic buying of, 207

political targets and, 110, 117,

118, 119, 121, 123–24, 178,


prescriptions, tracking of, 209 self-prescribing of, 207

side effects of, 209

U.S. Postal Service (USPS), 131, 135, 140, 168

White House taking of prior to attack, 318

Clawson, Pat, 371, 374, 392, 410,

430, 437

ClearView Mailbox, 436

Cleere, Ray, 378

Clinton, Bill, 75, 92, 271, 404

Clumping prevention, 87

Cobra Event, The
(Preston), 176, 369

Cochran, Johnnie, 139

Cohen, Mitch, 33

Co-Jet System, 230

Cold War and bioweapons, 90, 144 Cole, Leonard A., 271 Collingwood, John E., 43

Collins, Gail, 422

Compensation for injuries of USPS employees, 235–36, 260

Computer tomography (CT), 13, 179

Congress, closing of, 124 Connolly, Thomas, 438 Conservative political targets, 163,


Contagious anthrax, 19, 24, 30

Cook, Robin, 112, 369

Cooper, Rebecca, 406 Coordination (lack of) among

federal agencies, 321

Copycats threat, 79–80

Corallo, Mark, 422 Cost of cleanup, 352

Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO), 355

Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord, The, 75

Covert tests on Americans, 280–87 Cow, origin of Ames strain, 273–

75, 296

Coxiella burnetii,

Coyle, Nancy, 173–74

Coz, Steve, 39, 40 Crawford, Lester M., 317 Creme, Neil, 222

Crop dusting interests of terrorists, 44–45, 47–49, 145

Crosland, Richard, 294 Cross-contamination

evidence (concrete) of, 127, 204,

243, 245

impossibility of, 36, 53–54, 56,

106, 121

Kathy T. Nguyen, 177 possibility of, 110, 125

Cruz, David, 166

Culturing anthrax, 86, 185

Cunningham, Mark, 81

Curseen, Joseph, 128, 132, 134,

137, 140, 167

Cutaneous anthrax, 21, 26, 41–43,

62, 80, 81

Cypress, Raymond H., 162

Dailey, Stephanie, 7, 35, 37

Danitz, Tiffany, 366

Dark Winter exercise (CIA), 206 Daschle, Thomas S. letter, 103,

106–7, 110, 111–17, 205

Dasey, Chuck, 391

Davidson, Dan, 246

Davis, Gray, 203

Dawood, Kamal, 78

Dawson, Shane, 166

Day, Thomas G., 309, 347, 433


government buildings, 287–88

postal offices, 287, 288, 309,

312, 344–53

Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinburg), 195–


Defensive biological weapons, 91– 92, 93, 286

Dekkers, Rudi, 39 DeLong, Candice

Amerithrax profile, reactions to, 226–27, 228–29, 231, 232,


bloodhounds, 385–86

copycat crime, anthrax killings as, 79

domestic suspect, convinced of, 254, 415–16

profiling of FBI, 219–20, 221 sanity of Amerithrax, 431 Steven Hatfill apartment search,


Steven Hatfill’s girlfriend’s apartment search, 385

Steven Hatfill’s novel, leaking of, 368–69

Steven Hatfill’s press conferences, 406, 415–16

Department of Homeland Security, 134, 157, 319, 341

DePoe, Jerry, 239

Deseret Testing Center in Utah, 285

Deutch, John, 29

Direct-mail business, 204, 218, 244

Dirzius, John, 246 Dispersal difficulties of

bioterrorism, 268, 269

Dlott, Susan, 79

DNA synthesis industry, controlling, 343

Dobuler, Kenneth, 241

Domestic extremist terrorist group theory, 142

Domestic suspect.
See also

Amerithrax; Hatfill, Steven J. Ames stain access, 163

Ayaad Assaad, 95–97, 163, 296

biochemistry equipment, 202 Hollywood help with, 202 political conservative targets,

163, 254

refinement of anthrax in Daschle letter, 292

scientists as suspects, 202, 263,

272, 301

“un-terrorist-like” actions of Amerithrax, 163

U.S. origin of anthrax, 280 “white powder” used by U.S.

scientists, 309

Donahoe, Patrick, 121, 160, 164,


Donohue, Joe, 119

“Double-Edged Sword of the Cousin of the Project,” 147

Douglas, John, 227

Doxycycline, 15, 117, 168, 286

Dratch, Rachel, 66

Dugway Proving Grounds, 282, 285, 293, 315, 331

Durability of anthrax spores, 274, 275, 278–79, 284–85, 334–35

Dust (toxic) at Ground Zero, 2–3, 52, 57, 72, 111, 125, 353, 424

Easy Decon Spray, 430–31 Eberhart, Arthur, 233

Echinococcocis, 144

Egypt and bioweapons, 143 Egyptian Islamic Jihad, 49 “Eight Ball,” 85, 283

Eisenhower, Dwight, 171, 277

Eisold, John, 118, 123, 125

Electron-beam radiation, 161, 215,

216, 293

el-Hibri, Fuad, 209

(Hatfill), 366–67, 368–

69, 371–73, 406

Emergency Response to Mail Allegedly Containing Anthrax
(USPS), 164

Emerging Infectious Diseases,
434 Emmert, Mark, 430

Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscope, 117, 156, 161

Eng, Robert, 152

Engelberg, Stephen, 64

Envelopes, porous, 52, 59, 101,


Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 34, 36, 37, 248–49,


Ezzell, John, 115, 253

Fallon, Jimmy, 66

“False recovery” period, 12 Farchaus, Joseph, 262

Farkas, John, 243

Fauci, Anthony, 433

FDA rules for bioterror medicines, 317

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
See also
Amerithrax; Hatfill, Steven J.

aging of Leahy spores, 262 American Media Incorporated

(AMI), 30, 32, 36, 424–30,


anonymous letter to, 95, 96 bacteriological DNA analysis of

anthrax, 297–313

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